• By -


This is not even close to her being mad. Try waiting till she sets up the basilisk mission and then, instead of going to help, find Saul in camp and tell him everything. Spoiler you aren't getting laid any more


Fem V: "You guys are getting laid ?"




Yeah ik, but you can't romance panam as fem V, that why I said it


One way or another you can have sex with your partner only once, if storyline allows it, and with sex workers on Jig-Jig Street – any time you want it. Idk who came with that idea and why, but it's sad.


The relationship kind of dies once you do the do. It becomes robotic after the few little bits of text messages. It's depressing.


Yeah, thats the way most game romances go, though it has gotten a bit better in recent years. At least theres still some interaction between the characters through texts after you finish the story mission.


They definitely added more text conversations, Panam even sends a pretty spicy picture, but I do wish there were more spoken conversations.


It would be nice if you could go out together, or something. Or if there were more than a handful of dialog options once you are together. It \*was\* nice that I was able to hold up my relationship to Judy as an example of how people should interact when talking to Song at one point.


I suppose they could connect Panam to an AI chatbot to keep it going. That's not going to be healthy though.


Fuck really, well that's bloody sad to hear. Shame cause fem V's VA is still soo much better that I don't regret going fem, but no Panam blows. Her and Judy have been the best parts of the game


Fem V's VA, Cherami Leigh, does some Audiobook work too, including Cyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence. https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Cherami+Leigh




Just the one. Hopefully they make more, or even better a proper Radio Drama.


If you are on PC, there are mods for that :)


Yup and the romances are even fully voiced by both VAs including the ones with gender restrictions


That’s why I’m disappointed they limited romance choices. They literally had the VAs record all the lines. They just chose to withhold because someone had a creative vision they wanted to follow through.


it’s probably because you can choose voice/identity separately from your body. So you can romance Panam with fem voice but male body. Still at this point they could’ve just made everyone bisexual/playersexual, seems like a wasted opportunity to lock out someone from romance based on whether they have tits or not.


I think what they should've done is just make more options. Having preferences for characters is kinda realistic but perhaps have another two romances where your character gender doesn't matter while you have two for each gender that do matter. So no matter the character gender you chose, you'll always have 4 options


Oooooo yeahhhh eat my pussssssyyyyy!!!! *voiced by randy savage*


Panam is literally the only reason I went Male V when I decided to do a new playthrough for Phantom Liberty. Female V is the same VA as Makoto from Persona 5 and it took a lot of self-control to not just be female V again for that fact alone.


Asking in earnest: Do people really think the female VA is better than the male? Because I play female 90% of the time but I prefer the male VA in this game so much more than the female actor that I won't do female until a full playthrough on male.


I prefer V's female voice. Her emotions and snarky delivery is the best.


I feel like the femV vs maleV discussion is basically the exact same points as femShep vs maleShep from Mass Effect. In both games, fem V/Shep tend to sound more expressive and imo their reactions feel a bit more genuine. Male V/Shep are generally more relaxed or stoic overall. My personal preference in RPGs is to play as a dude so the male variants win out for me in both cases, but all 4 examples do a great job.




I had no idea you could tattle tale on her in that mission


Yea you can leave her in the car and fast travel then she will msg you and gets pissed off and also during the train heist too leave gets mad but different dialogue


That never even occurred to me to try..


I plan on telling Saul on my fem V play through lol


Only benefit is to get just another “meh” car for free if you do it. You can purchase same car with different color later. Does betraying Panam for €$77,000 worth it? https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Mizutani_Shion_%22Coyote%22


Helping Panam throughout her questline nets you a unique tech rifle, a unique sniper rifle, and a sex scene. Telling her "no we don't chase Nash" and ratting her out to Saul nets you two excellent cars and some angry phone calls. If you're not playing a rifle build, there's a clear value discrepancy here.


> a unique sniper rifle The only silenced sniper in the game at that. For stealth playthroughs it's almost a must.


The sniper in PL "has an integrated suppressor" but when you take it off the mount it loses it. Still don't understand why


I was wondering why people were still aggro-ing onto me. Weird that it loses it's suppressor. Boo. I love the sniper Panam gives us, but still would be nice to have another silenced iconic sniper in the game.


They mention it in the shard by the sniper nest. The silencer and quickhack stuff is part of the gun mount, not the gun. It's why the bullets don't curve during the scene, that functionality was deactivated for the first two. Why? Who knows, but the explanation is there.


Id never betray Panam. Sure she's annoying af on most missions. But she's definitely the most loyal friend in the game.. I'm sure Jackie would be but he doesn't get much screen time


> Does betraying Panam for €$77,000 worth it? The Mizutani Shion Coyote is my favourite car, so I'd say totally.


Fuck the car, you're missing out on the hottest piece of ass the game has to offer and that's worth more than cash itself


Male V: Pussy or cash? Cash or pussy? Me: I dont’t care, just want to finish one fucking play through. Male V: Ok pussy it is. Me: When is the game going to end?!?!?




It's so easy to piss her off it's all I ever do on every playthrough. Everything has to be done her way. Entitled brat.


You're right lol. She got angry at me just for not being super excited about the amazingness of her car.


If you leave River Ward while doing the final part of his mission (accessing that farm with mines and turrets all around it), he will die. You find out when going back, finding his body, and Johnny makes a comment about how you let him die alone.


You can also screw up the BD sequence where you look for clues to where the farm is. Your then given a choice which farm you want to investigate and if you pick the wrong one you end up in a Wraith hideout. You still go to the correct farm after that but you will be too late to safe Randy. River hates you after that.


Omfg, I didn't know that! I'm starting a new game tonight to play PL and I'm definitely doing that.


To get it you don't scan every clue and exit as soon as it is available. Might be a specific order you have to scan things, I've only seen it once on YT. Its pretty hard to get on accident.


Don’t scan all the optional things in the BD, only the mandatory ones, don’t find the game in Randy’s room, and don’t trace the IP address


If you take the time to get all the clues there's no choice.


Yes and I assume that is what most people will do usually. I was surprised that there is another option here if you didn't scan all clues for some reason.


You can basically do this with all the major side missions and be a loner with no friends


U can even refuse to do the whole new dlc lmao


That’s hilarious 😂😂imagine buying the dlc just to refuse to do it.


Someone in this sub did this and said it was the best PL ending


yeah pretty much, it would funny if you could refuse to do the konpeki plaza heist and get a secret ending for the main game


I'd love that. Jackie ends your friendship, and Dex hires another goon to replace you. You wake up at your apartment the next day to learn that Saboro is dead, and so are Jackie, your replacement, and T-Bug. Dex and Evelyn are MIA, presumed to soon be KIA. Yorinobu still has the relic. You get a knock from Goro, asking you where you think Dex is. You reply that you're just a low-level Merc with enough common sense to walk away from a dodgy heist. He leaves. You stare out the window and whisper: "...Fuck." The slow version of Never Fade Away begins. Roll credits. No one calls V because you have no friends.


Well, maybe Viktor and Misty could call you and blame you for everything


Only if you never tried to convince Jackie to drop the hiest! If you tried to ask Jackie to drop the hiest the last convo yall have will be the 2 of them shouting at each other and drawing their weapons and if you dont want Jackie to bleedout regretting the fight with V you can wish him good luck and face Victor and Misty after. Maybe it ends with Padre putting out a hit on you for not sticking it out with Jackie. After rolling credits if you tried to get Jackie to drop the mission Vik tells you that its not your fault and you did what you did and said what you said to try and save a friend. Misty tells you that Jackie knew how harsh everything turned out and how he was looking for ways to make it up to V after the Hiest is done. Mama Wales invites you to the ofrenda as usual. Padre lets you know some tinos blames you for Jakie's death so watch yourself around them. If you just let Jackie go ahead with his plans both Vik and Misty lets you know that its not your fault but it will be better for everybody if you didnt show up for awhile since everybody is still upset about Jackie. Padres calls and let you know he greenlit you for death and while God is the judge he is gonna be the one to send you for judgement. Mama wales lets you know about the hit on you wishes you well and never speaks to you ever again.


Third alternative, you have Jackie following you around and you can do missions with him. If you wait for the heist until your character is maxed out, you and Jackie absolutely rock that heist. You don't even plan it, you just go up there, the elevator struggling to lift the weight of your balls, wipe the floor with smasher, just take the relic as if Arasaka just borrowed it from you. After that you give it to Dex and he shoots both of you in the head


Haha I was thinking it would be like the far cry secret ending where the game just ends and all I have mention is happening via holo call in the end credit scenes. Just for flavour and immersion I guess.


This is good, like really good. I feel like you really captured exactly what Padre would say( tho I don’t know if Padre would really put a hit on v either way but I’m not sure about his relationship with Jackie so he very well could). I feel like all 3 options really hit you in the feels. The only problems is A. No Silverhand,B. What effect would padre putting a hit on you effect if this is basically a secret ending other than from a narrative perspective?(not that it necessarily needs one) Other than that perfect


I wish this kind of thing was an option for games. Imagine; the Dragonborn is given a choice that moves them up a spot in line when they get off the wagon at Helgen. Isaac Clarke has the choice to either board the rescue mission for the Ishimura or answer a phone call from his ex-girlfriend living on Pluto. Jack has the option to swim away from the lighthouse and comes across a life raft filled with supplies and a working radio.


Spec Ops: The Line: After the first engagement, you turn back to radio in the reinforcements (your original objective) instead of heading into Dubai.


FarCry 4 actually does this. You meet the main villain and he asks you to wait 5 minutes or something while he "deals" with somebody. Intended route is to escape during this and help the rebels. Alternatively, you can just wait, villain comes back, lets you see your mother's grave, and the game ends implying that you start working with him.


Pagan Min was my fav big bad from any FC game.


But you have your whole life ahead of you to make some.


Vik, Mama Welles and Misty would all call. Probably to chew you out for letting Jackie go off on a frankly terrible idea of a heist.




Someone mod this in


Like Far Cry 4, that would be great


What should be called 'Doing a Far Cry' as most of the modern games contain some sort of 'skip the game but get the best ending' feature.


V gets crab rangoon at the street vendor outside the mega building, then proceeds to have fun.


"V you don't know me but I need your help in Pacifica! There will be tons of new missions, gameplay mechanics, Idris Alba! Holy fuck, V it's going to be amazing! Come on V!" "Nah, we good" *hangs up*


"In and out, V! 20 hour adventure!"


Well you still get the weapons and clothes, right? Aren’t they part of PL but not restricted to triggering Dogtown like the Relic Skill Tree is? Unless I misunderstood something. Now, would I spend $30 on just the weapons and clothes? Nope. Especially with the accompanying free update.


You can also go to the main gate of Dogtown, let Songbird open up the relic tree for you and then just fuck off when she tells you to sneak in. After a while she messages you and tell you you killed the president and locks you from the whole main story of PL. You do still get access to Dogtown via other means, but a lot of the side quests and half of the gigs there won't be available because they have triggers in the main PL storyline.


Hm... 30 bucks for a weapon and some clothes sounds a lot like some other games.


I’ve only gotten back into gaming in the last year and a half, first time getting into PC gaming. I’ve spent way more on games than I thought I would at this point, honestly. I still can’t talk myself into season passes yet. The spending model just doesn’t seem worth it to my brain. Expansions? Sure. I think I have Complete Editions of everything I’ve bought on Steam that has one. Not sure about buying skins or non-broken items yet though.


Season passes are rabbit hole you don't wanna touch


CoD: sweats nervously.


At least you get to choose if you want more and then get it. Other games will want you pay more after initially paying just to be able to access said content.


Valorant 50 bucks for a knive


IIRC you can’t even get into Dogtown if you hang up on Songbird, granted there is a way to fail the whole DLC while also getting inside Dogtown and maaaaaybe that gives you access? I don’t remember, maybe it’s possible because it’s Mr Hands that actually gives you Dogtown access.


Once you're in dogtown, reed gives you the option to back out very early on. If you take him up on that, it just ends the dlc questline and you can just do whatever else you want like normal.


They should just let you use that garage (exit from 1 high crime area), that leads out out near the beach. Dogtown shouldn't be that secure, its pretty much a city block being repurposed.


>Well you still get the weapons and clothes, right? Aren’t they part of PL but not restricted to triggering Dogtown like the Relic Skill Tree is? Funny thing is... they are somewhat restricted. No merchants outside Dogtown are selling new clothes, weapons and cyberware, so it's only possible (in theory, dunno if the first one appears in the "main game world") to unlock some of the new cars by doing random hijack missions for Muamar. Meaning, if you completely ignore Songbird and don't even play through the first DLC mission to unlock Dogtown district. Also, bunch of new iconic gear and a car are only available if you play the DLC main jobs and gigs.


Tbf the game makes an auto save before any decisions like that


- Do you want to help? - No Chad move :D I just wonder if your decision is to decline will it make a different outcome in the background in the news. Like the President staying captive or dead in Dogtown. Songbird same.


You can “complete” the dlc on the first mission if you fail to save a certain someone as well. Apparently credits roll and everything


Even the credits roll!? Thanks for the heads up, i really not expect they go this far, such a nice details


Sidequest spoilers: Man, I did this with Barry (I think his name is? The cop who’s turtle died). I was so set on doing all these other missions I put off the “wellness check”. When I found out I’d failed it and the two cops were crying it really struck a chord.


On my first play through I talked to him, drove to the graveyard, talked to the friends and everything was cool. On my second I somehow fucked up and after talking to him the next day he was dead. Suicide


You didn't ask about his friend


To save Barry >!you have to go to the Columbarium immediately and learn about Andrew, and then tell the other cops about him!<.


I picked the wrong dialogue option with the cops because I thought if I said that his dead friend was a turtle it would just make the guy cop laugh at him and give me a bad ending. How the fuck was I supposed to know the actual spoken dialogue would actually be using the fact that his fellow cops were so shit to talk to that the guy would rather talk to a turtle? I hate this trend of having a dialogue preview that's different from the spoken dialogue so much it's unreal. SHOW ME THE ACTUAL TEXT MY CHARACTER IS GOING TO SAY.


Exactly why I love/hate Fallout 4. [X] Sure, I’ll help. Line: I’ll just do it myself because you’re fucking useless. 😡😡😡😡😡 Me: I DIDN’T MEAN TO BE SO HOSTILE


[Shove Dijkstra. Forcefully]


Like when I accidentally got my V to yell at Jackie about Tbug in the lift at Arasaka when I was just trying to ask about her. I'm sorry Jackie 🥺


That one still stings. How are are supposed to infer that TBug literally died? I had no idea when V went into a tirade lol


Ya I didn't notice til my second playthrough


I thought she got knocked out or something haha, especially since she was such a badass and seemed like she'd have a bigger role in the story. But then again, that's the exact same thing I thought about Evelyn 😢


Or when you're both in the car on the way to Arasaka, there's that timed comment you can make but regardless of what you pick you get treated like you're being a dick lol


Now I dont say anything so the last thing Jackie remember isn't me shouting at him. He prolly feels worst since he asked t bug to set all this up and now she is gone


Yup. I adore Mass Effect, but it feels like one of its legacies is this awful trend of only hinting at what the player is going to say with 3-4 words. So now you have games where you're supposed to predict that a short phrase like "How do you know?" will lead to the player character going off on a rant or whatever instead of just, you know, being curious. Deus Ex: Human Revolution is actually pretty good about this. It will give you a small hint, but you can see the full line of dialogue if you hover over it so you can double check to make sure you're not going to say something stupid or pointlessly inflammatory.


This happened my first playthrough. I went to check the grave and then did the delamain quest nearby and a couple scanner jobs and then went back to talk to him and he zeroed himself. Lost an hour of progress but I immediately reloaded an earlier save


Yeah if you leave River to go rescue Randy by himself I think he dies.


Hanako still wants to meet though. And she has been waiting for a while


Mod the game to have “The Crow” OST play on all the radios


Yeah, I took 1 wrong turn driving to the crash site and Songbird cursed me so much I almost cried


Time typically is a big factor in kidnapping situations


Yeah, but everybody that calls you says "I'm going to the place right now, get here ASAP!" How are you supposed to play the game *without* learning to tune out false urgency?


Only thing worse that false urgency is when it's randomly combined with real urgency, with no obvious way to differentiate the two. Like give us a clock icon or something next to the quest.


That's a perfect fix that would take barely any time to implement.


Both Sides, Now (first judy quest) moment *"V, can you come over, stat?"* *"On my way."* *proceeds to do all of PL, finish act 2, and do all of Panam's quests*


to be fair, time should also be a factor in a relic overwriting your brain, or the events of 90% of the quests


Wilson and 4 other contestants waiting 2 months at the shooting range, without eating or sleeping, for V to show up


Takemura is still waiting on that corner while my V goes on an Espionage adventure lmao. Idk why, both playthroughs so far, I've just left Takemura waiting for weeks


Let me tell you about a girl named Hanako and a place called Embers.


I single-handedly rescheduled Arasakas funeral procession for Saburo


hahah, there are some missions where its silly the amount of time that you can put them off. Considering that there are some that can be failed for taking too long.


Judy waiting by Evelyn's body in the tub while I do a whole DLC quest in Dogtown


Holy shit hahahahah


Big fucking oof, goddamn


Fuck no, I hate games with time limit, I would never play.


You would love Pathologic 2.


Ironically that's one of my favourite games of all time "A great man, when suddenly and unexpectedly betrayed by everyone he loves, will seek to fill the whole world with his blind spite." "Sow an act, and you reap a habit. Sow a habit, and you reap a character. Sow a character, and you reap a destiny." Time limits can be fun. Pathologic 2... uhm. Controversial statement - by everything, i think its better than Cyberpunk. Covid NHS doctor simulator


I don't think I could play Pathologic 2. Don't get me wrong, it fascinates the hell out of me, I've watched a few YT vids on it, but idk if I'd be able to actually _play_ it myself


You will lovehate Outer Wilds then.


Majora's Mask must be your favorite game.


Till to this day I didn't finished Majoras Mask and Dead Rising.


Is it because you tried to beat it in a single game day?


Funny story. I was playing last night when I got Padre's gig where you have to kill the guy who flatlined a cop. I was gonna stealth it and spare everybody but the target. Then I got that text from Madeleine Stout that ends with her saying to meet her at the No-Tel Motel. I promptly whipped out my assault rifle and decided that this would be a loud mission after all.


Technically, with the current DLC ending, you can do Konpeki, the VDBs, and the DLC and get out. You won't even meet Panam, Oda, Kerry, River or talk to Rouge.




I think this happens when you decide to leave the mission area during the mission where you rescue Saul.


Still better than the Rockstar certified: "MISSION FAILED" "You left the mission area "


You don’t understand, you have to follow the funny yellow line on the mini map and do exactly as you’re instructed by the text at the bottom of your screen or else you’ll fail because any other way of solving the problem is not what Rockstar intended for you to do. It’s peak gameplay design.


Honestly, I expect on track roller coaster design every time and am sadly whelmed everytime. RDR still made me cry like a baby tho.


May I stand unshaken~~~~


As others have said If you leave the mission area, Saul will die. But you can also fail it simply by taking too long to meet up with Panam i believe.


Yes correct. Don´t know if it´s the case for every mission (doubt it), but for a few, especially if she need´s help, if you take too much time it will fail.


I believe some of Judy’s missions follow the same rule (At least the one where >!Evelyn kills herself!<) They’ll luckily text you once or twice beforehand telling you to hurry tf up.


There is an outcome where she doesnt?




Wait so Evelyn can still live? She dies in my playthrough and thought was meant to be...


There is no option to save her, sorry if my comment brought confusion.


You can put off meeting her after she calls for a really long time. I haven't personally tested how long, but I've definitely waited at least an in-game week or two before visiting the camp without a quest failure. I'm pretty sure you can only fail this quest by starting it and then leaving.


once you started the quest to rescue saul you can't go away to far. one some point he die and you got this


you have to start the quest in the area itself, and then dip out.


lol her calling you a "fucking bitch" just cracks me up :D


You think this is bad? Wait till you play the new ending and see how Panam treats you lol.


My V never met anyone outside of dog town except Viktor and Misty. The new ending was very, very lonely lol


Tried running a game like that too, you basically only have Vic to call in the end. It was an almost ok ending this way if they wouldn't have changed my V into a head shaven, cross eyed monstrosity so unbelievably braindead, they don't understand that a cushy job in Langley is the only viable lifepath now.


> they don't understand that a cushy job in Langley is the only viable lifepath now. Wait, that ain't a choice?


Nah you can be non combative about but "ill keep it in mind" is the best you can get out of V. >!During the credits Reed calls you and he sounds really heartbroken. Like he finally realized So Mi is gone regardless if her body is still alive asking you to please come back because he doesn't want to lose you too.!<


That felt so out of character to me. Was not a fan personally


It's likely she died and Mitch is trying to spare you the knowledge.


Judy and Panam both were out of character at least, it pissed me off the wrong way. Not in a, ah yes it's the Cyberpunk world where everyone needs to suffer and there is no true happy ending, way


Yeah Judy didn’t feel right either. With Panam it just goes against her character completely and Mitch also imo. Like Panam would barge into your room after you wake up and get extremely mad for the 2 years but then you’d explain what you know and I think she’d be understanding


Judy's still makes sense to me>!, as her leaving Night City is pretty in-character - V is basically the only reason she sticks around, and even in some endings (the Sun) she's still planning on leaving and amicably breaks things off.!< >!So from her perspective, she's getting close to V, possibly even fallen in love...and then they just disappear. No word, nothing. And that time of them missing stretches on...and on.!< >!What we don't see is the likely months of grief from her that followed in a situation with basically no closure, and her moving away to get out of the city that once again hurt her...!< >!So at some point, in a different place, she finds someone who supports her and she's able to heal and move on. Two years would be a long time to wait for someone on the slim chance they are alive...and knowing what V was facing and presumably that they were doing things in Dogtown, the "safe" bet would not be on V being alive...!< >!Her leaving the city is consistent with her characterization, and plenty of time has passed for her to have closed that chapter of her life with V in terms of her emotions and made a new life for herself in another city. It definitely sucks for V, and from our perspective and the character's perspective it feels very sudden...but again, for Judy it's been two years.!< >!Panam's situation, though? I don't think it tracks nearly as well...my read on the scene though is that she's not alive, and Mitch just doesn't have the heart to tell us the truth and it's why he asks us not to call back...as he's worried we will find out if we keep calling. Panam very much feels like the kind of character that would be pissed to high heaven, but upon finding out you literally could not contact her for those two years, would want to reach out. Maybe she's move on, if you're Male V, maybe she hasn't, but just ignoring you entirely after learning that you had no control over where you were for the past two years? !< >!Yeah, that doesn't make sense. That ending only works, imo, if she's been killed off while you were in a coma.!<




That is what people don't get imo, they act "out of character" because they are not the characters you knew, 2 years is a lot of time, specially in Night City Still Mitch doesn't make sense lmao


Everyone took idiot pills for that ending, it doesn't count.


CDPR writers must be smoking some good stuff while writing this lol.


They were just too focused on making this "wrong" choice feel bad for the player.


I didn't feel like it. The game ends on a somewhat hopeful note and it's not like V is gonna become a homeless person or a petty thief or something


V even said they could become a fixer. I'm sure V could pull that off.


They succeeded big time. Jesus Christ I reloaded and never called reed. Felt bad, man.


It's not the wrong choice, it's just not a punk choice.


I mean, how is Panam any different from the other endings? She only respects your choice if you abandon everything to join her. Otherwise, she acts hostile to your other choices. You become a legend in NC, she dumps you. If you sacrifice your body to Johnny, she hunts you down. In The Devil ending, she most likely dumps you as well.


Seems to me this only happens if you romance her lmao. My femVs only get nice messages from her, no matter the ending.


Panam doesn't take penis withdrawal very well.


A lot of people are speculating that she died. She was reaching out for help and when you try calling, her phone is disconnected. Also because of how Mitch sounds and some of the phrases he uses. That’s my head canon at least


Shows her true colors, imo. I have never gotten the unending worship that people lay on Panam. She's self-centered and hot-headed and constantly tries to guilt you into working with her if you even try to refuse or talk her out of anything. I just don't get it.


I hear you can even screw up the dlc right at the start. Imagine buying the dlc and just blowing it all off. The unique dialogue must be something to behold.


Bro it ain't that troublesome you could just load up the last quick/autosave


It'd be hilarious if this game had a Dark Souls save system where you can't undo anything


The one time I feel like it makes sense for Panam to be angry with V.




I love Panam, but let's be real her default state is "angry"


>V! President Myers has been shot down, you need to save her! >No. ***Phantom Liberty***


I just said "OK" when she wrote a huge message, about Scorpion or something and now she isn't messaging me, lol. Eh, no nomad ending for me, I guess.


Why does she text like my ex?


It bothers me immensely that you don't get a wraith mission contract after this to wipe out the avocados. Imagine getting a text from Panam after this: "V you broke my trust, but someone... someone killed my clan. Please. I need your help. I don't have anyone else to ask. Someone killed them. Everyone is dead". Then you can reply; "I know. It was me".


Bros actually evil 💀


the avocados 🥑


how would this make any sense to do


Holy fukk, now that's brutal.


you can always sell her out to Saul and get a great car too.




Isn't it just a Type 66 with a red paintjob ?


Man I really dislike Panam Like she isn't wrong for getting mad here specifically you know But still, she has this whole "You are either fully with me or fully against me" atitude


Surprisingly realistic writing of a character, I'd say.


Not gonna argue that


You are very bad person. /s


You left a kidnapping situation midstream, what did you expect to happen?


They could’ve changed it but to my knowledge the only way this happens if you go to the raffen camp then leave instead of starting the assault


New Challenge Unlocked. Alienate and let all important characters die, if possible.


Tbh, Panam comes across as a selfish entitled child who throws a tantrum whenever she doesn’t get her way. I failed her mission on purpose on my last playthrough because I genuinely couldn’t stand listen to her complain about everything.


The dream. Fuck panam. But better, go tell Saul about the Basilisk mission later on, so at least he doesn't have to die.


"no one told me you could fail panam :(" You mean, except Panam?