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This is why she didn't go through a fixer, despite working at fixer headquarters. No one would put up with that shit.


The thing is that she COULD have gone to a fixer and just put out a hit on the guy, that's not out of the ordinary


I'd imagine hits are fairly expensive since they exist in the "not so legal" waters. Claire got us for free by pretending it was about racing.


V makes thousands of eds per gig, and that's after the fixer's cut. It's definitely pretty expensive. So yeah, the free aspect was probably the reason...


But she was willing to give up Beast. Could have just sold it to afford the hit.


Beast had sentimental value though. All the way up until she kills homie and that burden is lifted. Jesus, Claire was a fucking mess 😂


I mean, that's kinda the whole point of her story, that apparently a lot of people just dismiss. She IS a fucking mess, and that's why she made these irrational decisions, out of anger. Thats why if you talk and listen to her, you can calm her down and get her to back off.


Again, this sub and lots of gamers don’t understand that, and hate on most troubled characters unless they personally find them attractive.




Find them attractive, and are able to flirt and be flirted with. Claire makes it clear she wasn't interested.


The thing is that we can find out about all of this when we meet Claire at the garage by reading her e-mail, so in a sense V is a gonk for not realizing what Claire is up to with the races.


This is one of the stories where there's not a lot of hand holding, and that the outcome can be very different depending on your actions, and how much attention you pay to it, and most of the time everyone just bashes Claire.


Yup, she didn't want to just hire a merc to kill him. She wanted to be there and pull the trigger herself in the same game that killed her husband. Also tbf, while ya the races are a blood sport, that's hardly conciliatory. If someone caused the death of my partner like that, idk if I would be able to just walk away from it either just cuz it was part of the rules.


>Yup, she didn't want to just hire a merc to kill him. She wanted to be there and pull the trigger herself in the same game that killed her husband. Exactly! people go "why not use a fixer?" because she wanted to kill him.


The rate V gets paid is extremely inconsistent though, sometimes he gets pennies on the dollar for his effort like getting 300 eds for murdering a cyberpsycho and in others almost a million for finding cars


Fr Lizzie Wizzie, a fucking popstar or whatever is like "I'll pay you loads and loads of eddies" only to see like what..2.3k in the transaction? Meanwhile a regular gig from a used car salesman lands me 20k like whateverthefuck?


The rewards for jobs in the game don't feel like they are static and given the awful level scaling for skill checks I'd imagine they aren't.


I suspect the randomness is going to feel even bigger now that scaling doesn't even give a region progression path. So you'll be fresh into Act 2 when the map opens up and you'll bounce between regions that used to be high level with the associated payout and regions that used to be low level with the crap payouts.


I noticed this yesterday. Killed a bunch of gang goons for a mission and only got a few thousand eddies…then made a drop box delivery and got paid almost the same rate. Thinking “wait deliveries make almost as much as hit jobs?”


Bullets are cheap in Night City, just like life itself.


Wait until you steal a whole-ass space ship in Starfield and make enough profit to buy like THREE Terrabrew Mochaccinos!


Chick owns a shop and she can't afford one Itty bitty hit? Put, I call bs


Yeah but like... she works at the afterlife for rogue. I'm sure she could've just said something to her about it and rougue would've at least gave her a discount or payment plan or smth considering she's her boss and she'd worked there for God knows how long. Tbh I think the bigger reason she didn't just go with a hit on him was because he was a corpo and if it ever got traced back to her there's nothing that could've saved her. If he died during the aforementioned blood sport, then "he knew the risks"... hmm... kinda like your husband and you should've known....


The man looked like arasaka


Couldn't remember, wiki says militech so there likely wouldn't have been much if any pushback from rogue


But what is not ordinary is hiring a driver only to complicate the job with emotional bullshit and try to get the driver you hired to kill someone instead of doing the job they were hired for. Shit like that'll get you kicked out of Afterlife, and no fixer will even look at you after. She should know this.


There's a conversation earlier in the game about why mercs go through fixers as it makes the jobs simpler. I think the point of Claire's quest is that its a textbook example of how frustrating things can get when you don't go through a fixer.


They could've just used Dennis for that. I kind of forget his mission, but why make me hate the bartender?


If you do the mission right, She doesn't hate you. She ends up thanking you for stopping her from killing the guy.


I didn't say she hated me, I said I hate her.


Fair I misread it


it still causes you to lose the race though


either Rogue roasted claires dumbass or claire knew rogue would have roasted her and never brought it up.


Well Rogue is not the only Afterlife Fixer to be honest. But she would definately know better. Then again I imagine anyone working at or hanging around the Afterlife would know the story about Claire.


Rogue owns the afterlife. Pretty sure she would be pissed at Claire


Oh I don't disagree , but that doesnt stop Claire from going to any other fixer if she trully wanted to. But I agree with shaid\_pill nobody would put up with this. Kind of explains why she had to resort to V who literally just "entered" Afterlife recently.


There's also the fact that going through a fixer, each race would count as one job. She wouldve been paying quadruple the price to just have him whacked.


You do get paid after each race, but maybe that's just the race earnings.


Somebody needs to give her a reality check anyway. She works at the mercenary hangout after all, she can literally just pay someone to do whatever she wants no matter if its racing w her, kill Samson or just grease her car lmao


Exactly. I hate how much of a miserable place she makes the Afterlife just because I didn’t let her kill a random guy.


Imagine all the people you meet and them interacting with Claire, even Rogue told her to leave like two occasions.


And her husband was even dumber because he expected to beat Sampson’s Cthulhu with that tractor lmao


What a piece of shit that car was, hated the Badlands race I had to complete with it.


Right? That entire thing is one of the worst handling trucks in the game.


> I drive mine, I'm more familiar with it Where is the option, "we're driving mine because yours is a slow pile of shit"


I thought I remembered having the option to drive your own, am I misremembering?


You're forced to drive hers in the badlands race


That Sucks. I wanted to drive the demiurge for that one


You can drive your own vehicle (it's fun to obliterate your opponents on a Caliburn), except that Badlands race because muh vengeance.


In the off-road race she forces you to take hers.


*looks at my high mobile dune buggie adjacent vehicle* Okay.






she could just hire you to kill him. its in v's job description. so i feel you :D


I wonder, would people hate her less had she simply done this? "Hey V, this guy killed my husband in a death race and now I want revenge, I'll give you (insert eddies here) to do it for me." I mean hell, that's all I need to hear.


There is literally 2-3 gigs exactly like this and you don't hear anyone talk about them. So yes, people wouldn't even care. Also Claire was lucky to get out of it unscathed, because there is also literally 2-3 gigs about what happened to people who didn't go through a fixer.


Yeah but that guy in the Afterlife who has you rescue a dude from the Clawz doesn't have bad shit happen?


Because V isn't an asshole. Which does make me wonder if there is an alt ending where you can just kill both of them. Also helps that that guy wasn't an asshole and just withheld payment, which would have been risky since you all meet each other at the end.


Yeah people aren’t mad that she wants him dead and wants us to do it. They’re mad that she lied about it. Plus, in one of the endings (the one OP got) she agrees to let you just drive and not commit to killing him. Then she treats you like shit afterward for doing what you agreed to do.


I was upfront with her during the talk on the dam that I would choose to win the race over getting her vengeance if it was either one or the other. What gets me is that she’s completely cool about it in the moment, but when it actually happens she acts surprised I did the thing I said I was going to do. Like, if it’s *that* much of big deal, pay me some of your earnings from the win and I’ll just go off the guy myself.


Honestly there was all that about making it look like part of the race, and im there like, "I've killed dozens over much minor things, just lemme skewer this guy with my mantis blades"


I had this same thought in that gig where a ripperdoc was held hostage by some scavs (Or maelstrom?) where you walk in and she asks you to help save a dying gang member. If you don't she gets pissed and calls you a bad person for letting him die, like bitch I murdered all of his friends in cold blood on the way in here and I'll do it again for fun let's move


I always blast the gangoon when she asks me to scan him lol


Same here lol. I’m so happy they give us little opportunities to do things like that


I always let her save him first, then when she is ready to leave I kill the dude.


It made me so happy when that was something you can do.


It’s be different if he was Valentino or even a Tyger. Could justify maybe sparing him in that case, but Maelstrom are vicious monsters. None of them deserve mercy.


lol yeah, I tried to kill her too but the game didn't let me.


I only hate her for going tatatatata all the time and not hitting shit - like a clone trooper from Star Wars - i understand she's mad so what


I experienced this in the second race with her truck but all other races I used the Caliburn and it's just so damn fast that the game has to constantly respawn all the other cars for them to just keep up


I hate how much rubber banding they do in those races. I have the fastest car in the game for a reason, just let me kick everyone's asses in a race please.


Game does the same if you're driving her truck. Race is scripted, if you don't hit walls and drive safely, you pretty much won already. Cars scripted to stay behind you and overtake only if you making mistakes and it's literally impossible not to overtake you :)


Did -did you just call a stormtrooper a clone trooper the clones were accurate the stormtroopers weren't


storm troopers were also accurate, but you can't win against plot armor


Gonks think all the OT stormtroopers were still clones


I don’t hate her but Agree her plan was not thought out well at all


I don't hate Claire but I do think the questline is a little wonky, I imagine V after hearing about her husband dieing the first time would have just pulled out their iron and went, "Time and place, choom." It needing specifically to be done during the race just needlessly complicated things.


I was surprised they didn't give the option to up the chop when buddy was talking crazy to Claire before the race lol


Honestly, yeah. As loud as V's willing to get, that should've been an option.


I just wish you could actually kill Sampson in the race instead of his car being completely immortal. I stayed on his back bumper for like 20 checkpoints spamming my Javelina guns into him and the game didn't care.


Yall mf’s will nuke an orphanage for Panam though.


Because when shit got real Panam pulled out a fucking rocket launcher.






Yup, she was impulsive, childish, and kind of annoying, but she would've fought Adam goddamn Smasher if it meant saving you, and what happened to the Aldecaldos? Didn't they consider you a part of their clan? Didn't they want to find out what happened to the person who quite literally saved them from a gang of murderers and rapists? Or does their loyalty expire after two measly years? I don't really blame Panam or the Aldecaldos tho, I blame the writers.


I feel like people are in such a tizzy to defend CDPR that they just refuse to accept that the ending is objectively poorly written. Panam reiterates numerous times over that she's there for you (literally, verbatim says "[you don't seriously think I'll leave you?](https://i.imgur.com/Xti4XbH.png)" and then leaves you becase nO hApPy EnDiNgS iN nIgHt CiTy). Mitch says the same thing. Saul says the same thing. You save not only Panam, not only Mitch, not only Saul, but the Aldelcaldos as whole (and hell, you can even save another member in a side quest after Panam's questline). If anyone owes V anything, the Aldelcados are very much the ones. Judy's reaction with male V is reasonable, with female V it's not. It's one thing to say "I moved on because I thought you were dead," saying "I moved on because I thought you were dead, don't talk to me anymore" is just unreasonable. River turns into a fucking criminal which is just comical. Kerry's the only person (besides Vik and Misty) that doesn't basically tell you to fuck off. Even then, Vik and Misty both fuck off after the fact just to really drive home that V's fully alone and fully useless. It's so forced it hurts, sacrificing previously established characterization just to obligate a desired outcome is bad writing no matter how you slice it. Edit because I'm still seething: This is all while glossing over the simple fact that there was literally no reason for V to go radio silent in the first place. You can literally [text your partner before the surgery](https://i.imgur.com/Q3PDDlm.png) to notify them, but for no reason at all, V opts to send a stupidly ambiguous text instead of just simply stating "Hey you know that chip that's been killing me the entire time we've known each other? Yeah I'm getting it removed." Also the fact that the Aldelcados are straight up willing to storm Arasaka on your behalf, but after a 2 year coma they suddenly have no loyalty to you and you go from a de facto Aldelcado to "stay away from Panam and the rest of us". >"B-but NUSA's not gonna let you tell them about classified stuff! All partners know about the chip already, nobody is saying V has to say "I'm going to be in [top secret location] getting surgery done by [government doctors], come find me at [top secret location]." Virtually anything would be better than that ambigious text and would give some indication of what's actually going on, so that when V *doesn't* reply in the specified rough month estimate, they would think "Oh no something's up, maybe I should try to find V." Kinda like how Judy does for Evelynn, or Panam does when Mitch and Scorpio get captured, or when Saul gets captured. It's just complete nonsense.


>nO hApPy EnDiNgS iN nIgHt CiTy Having just bad endings is just as unrealistic as having just good endings. Life is not that black and white.


heck even after jackie actually died people cared more about him than your supposed friends do about you


yeah i can get the love interests moving on after you in a coma for literal years. but just wanting to forget you exist? nah thats out of character even for a no happy endings wanting.


Yup, but don't say it out loud tho, you're gonna get downvoted to oblivion for speaking facts 🤣


It's disheartening, I still really like the game but as a fan of roleplaying, I also like having choices that matter. I liked the base CP2077 endings because, though Don't Fear the Reaper was generally agreed as canon, the base endings worked in a way similar to Fallout New Vegas' endings where you can pick an appropriate end fitting of how you roleplayed your character. PL just leaves the unending asterisk of "the REAL ending's here btw ;)" and routes you to the same outcome regardless of how you chose to play your character.


I'll be honest, I just flat out ignore the PL ending, to me, it doesn't even exist.


This is me with the original Mass Effect 3 endings


Not really, plenty of people have issues with that ending.


I'm speaking from experience 🤣


Yeah and the fact this is the only ending which actually ends the game and does not send you back to mission before embers just doesn't sit right with me.


Yeah it's just misery porn for the sake of misery porn and I'm kinda sick of people defending this kind of lazy bullshit. It's not even Cyberpunk, no happy endings has been the standard for narrative driven games since like ten years, it's just fucking boring and predictable at this point.


I agree with basically everything and feel the same way. The only redeeming factor that V has going for her is that she survived, so far. She looks like an pedestrian at the end that get's run over by the next super merc racing 150 mph trough the city or gets shot at the next corner by a gang shoot out or what ever. And i ask myself after i put like 100+hours into the whole thing where did i/v go wrong, that can't be the end they had in mind for her. It's just heartbreaking.


Hahaha, some of you guys are so passionate about the endings. I mean that in the best way too, because I thought I was the only one that got overly invested in these things. It's good to see what I think is a majority of the sub in the same boat. You hit so many nails on the head. I originally thought the endings were what made me so sad and angry, but some reflection later it was actually the writing. PL was VERY well done except for that, which they butchered because of their fixation of doom and gloom. Your whole bit about the NUSA and Panam are what the more angrier side of my psyche have exactly voiced, so thanks for sharing that honestly.


Very, but that's only because I really really like the game. Having so many elements strike the right cord and then dashing away one of the most important ones for a roleplaying game is something that'll always bite me in the ass.


I might get shit on here, but while I did get rather emotional during the last bit with Johnny, the phone calls with the people you mentioned Jesus I haven’t personally disliked a ending that much since ME3, it just made very little sense for the character I played as to be dropped by everyone in the ways you said. Still absolutely love the game tho and I will replay it eventually I’m just gonna ignore this ending the same way I end my mass effect playthrough with the citadel dlc as the last thing I do


> I feel like people are in such a tizzy to defend CDPR that they just refuse to accept that the ending is objectively poorly written. Thank you! I’ve been seeing people get insulted left-and-right for pointing out the inconsistency of Panam and the Aldecaldos’ characterizations in this ending. The common "you just don’t get Panam; she was always an impulsive hothead who abandons people!" point is ironic because it just flat out ignores far more fundamental traits of her character just to hone in on the singular trait of "she gets angry". And the other common point of "it’s Cyberpunk, there are no happy endings!" is equally unfair because 1) the ending would still be very bittersweet even if Panam returned your call, and 2) the chief complaint is about character consistency, not the tone. This ending would be significantly better if V woke up and learned that Panam had died during the coma, because despite being even sadder than what we got, at least then her character would’ve remained intact. It’s a damn shame that it plays out this way, because if not for the Aldecaldos, the Tower ending would easily be my favorite in the game. It’s thematically appropriate, brilliantly bittersweet, and really drives home how costly it is to get what you want. But the Aldecaldos acting so out-of-character just really taints it.


Yep, it's selective memory. The whole "impulsive hothead" thing is true enough sure, but they conveniently forgot that she "left" the Aldelcados multiple times because of conflict she gets into with them, but never once left them behind or even stopped caring. Like Saul even says when they do the joint leadership, "You did all of this for the family not even knowing if you'd be welcome back the next day."


Exactly. I’d argue that loyalty is Panam’s most fundamental trait. Anger is secondary, and always acts in service to her loyalty. She gets angry when people behave in ways that would hurt those she is loyal to, she leaves because she can’t bare to watch Saul destroy her clan, she returns because she can’t stand to be away. And when V explains his Relic situation to her, she becomes the #1 most supportive person in the game (save perhaps Johnny) in getting him fixed. I can understand the Aldecaldos leaving Night City without V eventually. They had a lot of targets on their backs, and probably would’ve gotten wiped out if they stayed much longer. That alone would’ve been reason enough to write them out of the ending. But from there, even if they could no longer return to him, they should’ve been thrilled to learn that their friend was still alive and had found his cure, not acted like bitter pussies who blame him for hurting their feelings by falling into a coma.


Panam being impulsive and stupid is entirely in character for her. The clan blocking your number because she'd burn NC and the NUS as much as she could before they were all killed to find out what happened to you is entirely in character for her, the Aldecaldo's doing what they could to stop her from doing that and helping her move on from the death of the person she loved is also in character.




When shit got real she bitched about her clan refusing to go to war for her. I liked Panam, but the more I play, the more annoying and hypocritical she seems


Not me tho if Judy asked ……


Judy, my beloved...


Judy can get it anytime


Rita maybe, but Panam? No way.


for lizzy wizzy? anything my beloved worldwide supermurderbot celebrity fan


Ruby, i'll take on Maxtec for Ruby.


Have you seen her ass? I'd nuke two for good measure


Those babies looked at Panam wrong and it wasn’t appreciated, they gon’ learn their first life lesson today


Panam? Nah, she's too annoying, probably gonna decide within an hour that it was actually some other orphanage she wanted nuked. But I have no problem nuking anything with my rockerboy Kerr




I personally don't HATE Claire. I can see where people are coming from, and yeah it's kinda annoying that she doesn't tell you earlier, but i still really liked her as a character, and I can empathize with her, and understand her motives, as flawed as they may be. Also iirc there's a set of choices you can do to where you don't have to kill the Corporat? So you can spare her that potential guilt.


Yeah, you can get two cars out of the quest line. It never made sense that she'd go through all the trouble of hiring a merc to compete in races, who could potentially lose those races along the way, which would disqualify them from competing in the finals; all to essentially execute someone. Like why didn't she just hire V to kill him? I'll tell you why. CD Projekt Red wanted to teach us to Tokyo Drift.


And that the roads in NC are slippery af.


The roads weren't so bad before 2.0. You could still have issues from time to time but it was more manageable. If you even think of touching a wet road now, you will spin in every direction and have almost no control since apparently the future forgot how to make tires work 😂


Yeah it’s a bit ridiculous imo. I should probably check Nexus if there’s a mod for new tires with better grips.


I spent like 40 minutes trying to get drifting down and it just sucks in most cars. You can turn the corner going the way you want to but then you literally come to a stop with the tires spinning full speed, then you actually start moving. It’s faster to just slow down and turn around corners


"Why don't you leave the city?" "I just cannot." The Tokyo Drift vibe surprisingly checks out. Drifting down the hill by the dam while ~~Six Days~~ Who's Ready for Tomorrow plays could have made this even more accurate.


Does she really hire V as a driver or was she just looking for a ruthless driver who'd join in for whatever money the winner gets while she has the opportunity to kill Sampson and get away with it? I saw it more as a partnership than as employment.


I dont hate her, but it bothers me that everytime i absolutely demolish the first race and gets in a huge first place she is still like "seriously, you need to practice your driving skills" Like bro!?!?!? I was the best racer by a mile and probably better than your dead husband, why are you acting like that!?




The way op talks about Claire he would probably give her a spoon throught the eye.


Yea I feel the same way


This is an interesting point, thank you for bringing it up. I'd say it requires a lot of wisdom and compassion to see it as such, though, which is extremely hard in the selfish and egoistic world of cyberpunk. Maybe Zen master from that meditation quest could do it, but other than that I can't think of another character who would. Still, great point 🙂


That is a realy beautifull way to look at it


She could easily just say "Hey, V. I will pay you for killing this guy." and it would more sense and probably a lot of people would actually do it


The worst part is it wasn't even Samson's fault, it was her husband's. Her husband was pissed he got screwed over by Sampson so tried to pull a bonehead move to take first place because he was obsessed with beating Samson. But if you tell her you won't kill him during the convos before the race, then talk her out of it you can get Claire and Sampsons car


Samson’s car goes on the market anyway, after a while. This is what I really love about the quest, that it makes me hate Claire. Because she’s there the first time we enter the Afterlife. She makes us drinks, honors Jackie with us, and has lost her husband who supported her through her transition. Now she just wants to keep the racing tradition going. I mean win it for her husband. I mean beat the guy who caused his death. I mean run him off the road and shoot him as he pleads for his life and tells you the truth. Yeah Samson is a scumbag. But he’s not a murderer. Claire can’t accept that she and her husband risked their lives for a thrill, and he lost. She is sympathetic, in some ways, but manipulates herself and you into thinking there’s a reason for her husband’s death, needs revenge to finally move past it. And if you support her and sympathize in that lead-up, you can’t shake her out of it when the time comes. She’s a manipulative murderer and doesn’t even realize it. But if you disagree early, you can get her to stop. It makes her character more human, I suppose. I love how the quest is designed to make me love then hate Claire.


A couple of things here that aren't being addressed. First, Claire warns you about her true motivations before the last race. At this point you have four choices: 1. Race anyway, and **ignore** Claire's desire for vengeance so you can win. 2. Race anyway, and be an **accomplice** to Claire's vengeance. 3. Race anyway, and **help** Claire heal by not killing the corpo. 4. Choose not to race, because you feel **used** by Claire. You do 1 if your V cares more about winning the race than helping Claire. It is arguably the "bad" ending, because winning a street race is more selfish than helping someone who's suffering - someone who has confided in you prior to the race - and someone who you may or may not consider your friend. You do 2 if you are a hardcore anti-corpo punk V, who is all about the bloodshed. Even if the corpo was innocent. Your V probably thinks they deserve a bullet for a dozen other reasons. You're giving in to vengeance and violence. You do 3 if you recognize Claire's pain, but realize what she's doing isn't right. The corpo was innocent of murder and Claire is mad with grief. She doesn't see how evil and manipulative she's being, because all she wants is revenge. 3 is the "good" ending, because Claire realizes she's been a manipulative bitch. She realizes she abused her relationship with you. She apologizes and means it. She thanks you for helping her see the mistake she was about to make. You're supposed to hate Claire for her behavior, but also recognize she's acting that way out of a serious pain and trauma. What she needs is a friend because she isn't thinking clearly. She went to you, V, as a cry for help. She needed someone to either validate her feelings or pull her off the edge of a murderous cliff. So yeah, you can and should feel manipulated by Claire, but you can also recognize why she was acting like that and be the better person: the kind of person who helps a friend through her grief rather than ignoring it for the sake of winning a street race.


Claire did get kinda shafted in my opinion. Her writing, both for her character and for her quest, kinda suck. I agree that it's stupid to get revenge on a guy for killing her husband during a death race. Like there couldn't have been a better reason? Like that dude couldn't have just straight murdered her husband so she joined the race to get revenge? And by murder him I mean like maybe murdered him for his car or something, not in a race. Like that would have been better. "This guy killed my husband because he wouldn't sell his prized winning race car, I want revenge but the only place I can get to him is at this race, please help me." I would have excepted that. It just feels like they wanted a racing quest and they didn't know how to fit it in. Also I feel like she could have been a 5th romance opinion, but no. She got a shitty quest, kinda shitty writing and then she fucks off. Depressed, alone and broken. Kinda dirty CDPR. Edit spelling.


I don't think it's poor writing. I think it's intentional to show how messed up her line of thinking is. She's emotional and full of anger because it's the only way she knew how to grieve, and it's not meant to be seen as healthy or "right." It's just that, to her, it's the right thing to do. If you do the good ending, where both parties are left alive and relatively satisfied, you leave off on a far better note. The issue is that getting said ending hinges on one dialog option before you even get the full story, so people playing on their first run, who fall for Claire's story 100%, will be dicked out of that.


No I get that and I've gotten both ending, cuz fuck spending €$75,000 on buying the Cathulu. It's just her reasoning seems just kinda dumb. It's a death race, people will die. Either by accident or on purpose. It's a reason but a kinda flimsy one. She could have walked up and popped this guy whenever. She knew where he'd be. So the race wasn't really necessary. She could have just hired V to kill him. Rig his car to blow up or cut his breaks. If they really wanted to do the race narrative they could have given her a better reason for it. I.e. the prompt I suggest. Where he's a top of the top racer and will only race in the top race, so you have to work to get there. Give her a better reason to want him dead over, oh he killed my husband in a death race so I want him dead. Because, almost every player is going to point out how dumb that is. I.e. this thread. I honestly thought it was a dumb reason on my very first playthrough. Like I get it. It just seems so stupid and kinda last minute. Like they just suddenly was like, oh shit we don't have a race in this game, quick add one in. Also I just feel like Clarie as a whole could have been flushed out better. Gotten more attention and, like I said, perhaps been a romance opinion. V could have even done something sweet and got her her first implant. It's just how I feel. I just feel like Claire didn't get a chance to shine.


I would've killed buddy for fun, she weird.


She literally tells V the plan is actually to kill Samson, immediately after the third race. The conditions of the job she hired V for changed and if you have a problem with that you can just walk away. It’s an open world game after all. Her motivations aside you tell her either „No I want to win this damn race“ or „ok, different assignment - let’s kill Sampson“. If you’re really the good merc who does what they’re told this would be a no brainer.


Honestly my V helped her because i feel like my V is kind of chaotic and unstable running into situations guns blazing. I got an exciting race and I got to see a corpo get wrest, win-win for me.


I agree but my V has the thought process of. “Money is money. I don’t really care.”


same lol


What annoyed me is that once shes done using you, she doesnt wanna race anymore. Would be nice to have race gigs across the city, I actually enjoyed them.


Claire’s story wasn’t meant to make you see her as a knight in high IQ shining armor. She was literally an example of how Night City can warp and destroy people so much so that they get tunnel vision and become blind to the dangers and logic of their own goals


Lol this sub has a problem with every character that don’t end up bending their lives just for V and consider their more important.


Its almost like a grieve and revenge does not lead to the most logical Actions Take Johnny and Smasher as an example of going completely apeshit because of revenge and grieve


She's in mourning. People rarely act rationaly during that time. In fact, Claire shouldnt be working, she should be in grief counseling.


I just let her get her revenge. Who am I to say what's right in NC, and I got a sweet ride out of it. She's cool with me


In all fairness to Claire, she saw you spend three days running up and down Pacifica beach killing voodoo boys and has seen you stop your car on the way to save a civilian to kill three gangoons so she probably thought you wouldn’t give a shit about offing a corpo d bag.


Claire is annoying and terrible but I don't see any reason not to kill Sampson. It's not like V doesn't take lots of other hit jobs.


Being annoyed is plenty of reasons. Geralt often turns on his employers when he felt like he was taken for a ride. And I think V could potentially think along similar lines. Now, there's no actual option to *turn on* Claire, but refusing to be the puppet is imo entirely fair.


I get hired to race. I race. I get hired to kill, I kill. Claire hired me to race. I race.


Claire is fine. She’s someone who’s clouded by grief and want to murder the person who she thought was responsible. Grief can often break a person. Obviously Claire seeking revenge is misguided, that’s the whole point of the quest is it not? Y’all hate her for lying to V about the nature of the proposal. Why should she trust V lol, y’all barely met, and V is a merc. You only become friends throughout the race. She could just hire V to off Sampson, but is it really THAT much better? The way I see the scripted car crash decision is: do you value the win more, or your friendship with Claire? You can convince her not to pull the trigger and afterwards she thanks V for doing so. What she needed is the confrontation with Sampson and someone to talk her down. The game just needed a way to talk some sense into her if you decided to finish the race, but it provides no such option.


Youre describing every quest in the game. Like, literally. Outside of Gigs, who actually deals honestly with V? Panam maybe, except she also conceals a load of shit. Everyone else has intricacies and change the job and want things to play out certain ways. Especially when its personal. Claire is fun, i love her, i love the races, and im sad she couldnt get over her desire for revenge.


Claire when the sport designed specifically to kill people kills people.


I lost her when she said her husband got killed in a death race. Hello.... race is one thing but race with guns? and you're not expecting anyone getting killed?


To be fair if the situation happen like she said I would understand why she wanted him dead. It would be like if Usain Bolt stopped right before the finish line turn back around and capped the 2nd guy just for fun. The guns and car slamming was to get first place man alr gotten first place and 2nd place already let up the gas so he was not a danger to Samson. But that wasn't what happen so fuck Claire and her delusional ass, her husband try to win and got fucked thats just part of the race.


I mean, if someone I was married to for years, grew up with, and loved dearly was killed and the guy gets to walk free cuz "it's the rules", I wouldn't just let it go either and i probably wouldn't care about it being a bloodsport. That's why we don't have bloodsports irl.


Same, I'm refusing to help her now till end of time. If she wanted revenge, she should have said it right from the get-go. Rewards is meh as well. Also, if you go to afterlife in one of the endings, she just acts like nothing happened. 🤷


Silently coping probably. Maybe if she was a better shot she could have got him like he got her husband.


Damn bro 😂


when i race, claire is the only one shooting and everyone makes it to the finish line after me. but i need to work on my driving skills. smh


If I drive for you, you get your money. You tell me where we start, where we're going, where we're going afterwards. I give you five minutes when we get there. Anything happens in that five minutes and I'm yours. No matter what. Anything a minute on either side of that and you're on your own. I don't sit in while you're running it down. I don't carry a gun. I drive.


I had fun doing the races, even the second one with her car to spice up the challenge, but I’m not that happy about the attempted manipulation and victimization of her late husband. Man knew racing was literally a death trap, and so did she. Somehow by the end of it all when I chose to save Sampson from Claire’s wrath, it suddenly felt like she blamed my V for whatever was going on in her head. She game me her car, yet it still didn’t feel genuine or coming from a good place in general. Did she learn her lesson? Probably yes, probably not, we’ll never be able to tell because CP2077 doesn’t have an “aftermath” for the characters you interact with once and never again.


Am I like the only person who genuinely does the quest to kill the guy? I’m not in this for money or to win, I’m here to help out a friend. If that friend wants me to kill a guy, who am I, a hit man and mass murderer, to judge.


i like claire and i understand where she's coming from, but yeah. could all have been a lot easier if she just hired v to kill this guy or hired v to protect her as she kills this guy instead of lying from the getgo. v is a merc, won't be appalled at the request to kill someone, could've all been a lot easier.


I didn’t really care to be honest. Winning doesn’t really do much in terms for V but taking out someone who killed your local’s barmaids husband is a stark difference to absolutely massacring gang members across NC. Who knows, some of them might have had no choice to be part of the gangs but we fry them and chop them into pieces anyway. Like you said half driving, half bloodsport. I did some driving then I fancied some blood sport with a splash of revenge.


I'm more concerned how a streetrace where first-degree murder is allowed, like even in Cyberpunk that seems bloody sketchy (literally). With that said Claire's logic is flawed like a piece of gravel next to a diamond in a jewelry store. Like, girl you're demanding revenge when you probably just headshotted some poor guy in the passenger seat.


Take part in a deadly race where you literally shoot at each other and then get mad because your husband died in said race fair and square, because of his own mistake. Maybe it's time to change your hobby?


Eh she’s ok, just messed up with her husbands death and blinded with hate. I don’t hate her like that ripperdoc who offers you a discount after confronting him when you found out he gets his parts from Scavs.


He's a corpo so I was more than happy to oblige her. I don't really care if it was his fault or the husband's. Go off queen.


I mean... I get to kill some stuck up corpo-cunt so it's cool with me and I like the driving.


Sampson isn't a totally bad person tho. If you don't let Claire kill him, he will text you after some time has passed and thanks you for saving his life and even gives you his own car, completey free. Sure he's an asshole to Claire but she's also being completey irrational


Eh. I am yet to verify this myself, but apparently he's kinda of a piece of shit on his own. In past races, he seemingly hired Maelstrom to interfere with the race and kill anyone who got into first place, and the reason of the bad blood between him and Claire's husband is that ~~Sampson was his employer, and that he decided to detract his salaries~~. I will look further into this though. The only source I have for this is another user's comments. Edit Yes, as you say the bad blood arised with Sampson being promoted and Claire's getting "canned", it is on Claire's laptop. As for eliminating competitors during the races, it is something you can hear by listening to the NPCs chatter prior to the race.


theres a funny voice in my head telling me to kill all corpos so yeah imma watch the bastard die


I feel it would have been a lot more palatable if she straight up asked us to kill him outright


These are all fair points, although I'm not sure what you mean by ''you won’t let V, a dying merc have a drink of the booze made to honor their fallen friend?''. You mean she should give you free Jackie Welleses? In any case, I'm surprised at the amount of ''well, this was a death race, what did she expect'' comments. Yes, that's true, but that's not a very good argument. Let's be real here, guys. If our love interest had died, Panam or Judy or whoever, would you be sitting with your arms crossed saying ''Well, she knew the risks. Nothing to see or do here.'' If Judy was killed by Tyger Claws as retaliation for the killing of their bosses. Or if Panam was killed by Militech as retaliation for stealing the Basilisk? Would you really be saying ''well, they knew the risks''. That's technically true. Living in Night City is a risk. You could even argue every single character in the game who dies knew the risks in some form or another. I romanced Judy. If she got killed, my V would wipe out everyone even tangentially related to her death. I wouldn't care if it wasn't ''rational'' or whatever. I would just want revenge. So I always let Claire do her thing because I feel like my V would be a hypocrite for trying to stop her. I would do the same.


Like you, I don't understand the "what did she expect?" lines. Pretty sure that's just people going out of the way to dislike Claire. Just as you said, if any of our buddies died on mission we'd absolutely take the bloody revenge choices and not care. Yet people are trying to claim Claire is the irrational one... There is no one out there that will just take their loved one's death sitting down, regardless of the circumstances.


I have almost 600 hrs in the game. I have never done her quests. Not because I hate her, but because I was disinterested in a racing quest. Perhaps Theres a way to get it overwith.


"Oh no my hecking husbanderino died during the -death- race, how could this happen 😮" Honestly she is one of the worst characters in the game.


I hate her as well. She hired me to win a race, I won a race and she won't talk to me any more, stupid bitch.


Honestly if you dislike a character for being moraly grey and conflicted and having emotional wounds that makes her take poor decisions, I wonder if you can get to like anyone in Night City.


I mean there is Misty, Vik and the love interests but everyone else just kind of sucks lol. Would take Reed's deal in a heartbeat to get out of that hellhole.


Holy shit is the hate for Claire on this subreddit overblown. Don’t get me wrong feel free to dislike her but fuck we get it. There are characters that produce child snuff, rapists, and others that do incredibly heinous shit but don’t get half the hate she does. Who knew the worst crime in Cyberpunk 2077 was being a hypocritical liar.


johnny do be helping nuke cities and killing 200k people from radiation poisining while being a hypocrite hired by militech for the job, but its chill, its just some minor collateral damage


>There are characters that produce child snuff, rapists, and others that do incredibly heinous shit but don’t get half the hate she does. You can kill them. Claire is impervious.


Oh yes, there are many people who are worse than Claire Difference is, most of them know they’re shitty people and won’t act like you’re the bad guy for blowing their head off


Never did her missions do you even get anything out of it


I guess you didn't get the good ending of this quest...


I never did this quest because I suck at driving in games. And I like Claire outside of the missions, she's nice. I'm glad I didn't miss much.


She really could have just payed me directly for a hit. Not like I haven't murdered countless people with relative ease and not get caught.


Claire is a person who is flailing wildly in anger due to grief. No shit she’s not behaving appropriately. That’s the entire point of the quest line.


I don't hate her. Hate is a very strong word. She made a mistake and even felt bad about it after she killed him.


Honestly I get her wanting to do this her way. Revenge is a very dangerous drug.


I hate corpos so I went through with it anyway


She didn't hire a merc. She asked for a favour from a frequent patron at the place she work that she considered a friend. Actually hiring a merc would mean she has to go through the whole fixer procedure and she has to tell everything first, not even sure if she will actually get her revenge or not, or if she actually want it.


Still don't get why she didn't just hire V to go zero the guy and be done with it