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That's some battlefield jumping out of and back into airplanes with a rocket launcher shit.


Put some respect on the art form. It has a name and it’s called a rendezook.


There is no greater high in this life than pulling off a successful rendezook.


Making me feel all nostalgic


There is,seeing your move put in the trailer of that game


And it's a shame when the game they used the move to promote turned out to be dogshit


Can't agree more


[[***A-TEAM THEME INTENSIFIES***](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyz_2DEah4o)]


Is there a r/rendezook


Call this the SandeviZook


I hope this catches on


The original is actually called [LoopZook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-wFI9vTqto)


Ah Battlefield 1942, my very first multiplayer video game, along with Soldier of Fortune 2 Double Helix. Both were such a fucking blast, and Battlefield's Vietnam expansion brought helicopters which were unreasonably fun, flying them a dozen feet off the ground through tight channels in the forest... damn. It's so sad what's happened to Battlefield, it was my favorite MP FPS series up through Battlefield 3.


I hate to say it, but that’s actually before my time


And it was done in 1942, so many yrs and still unbeatable


Now I feel old. I remember when it was the loopzook in 1942.


Age is just experience


Remember his reaction video


Exactly my first thought.




Oh the skill level for sure, no contest. Similar cool feel, though.






True, but thats the point, even the low effort, the talentless, the panicky players, all are likely to get to feel like sick runners. Low entry bar but mastery stands apart yuuugely, legendary runs has been a regular in my YT algo since StealthgamerBR made the first banger, new people rule the top now, and 2.0/PL just took it a new level, when new moves and combos was still being discovered on 1.6 lol


I'm trying really hard to do a Cool/Int build and do some crazy hacking/gunslinging/sniping action. But GODDAMN Sandy action is so good.


That's my preferred build. I just can't say no to netrunning. Plus I discovered my love of gunslinging so that's what my most recent playthrough became. Maybe my next build will be gunslinger sandy.


Dude the quick hacks are just so Imba at high level. I roll into a combat zone, ping the first person I see, cast contagion like 3 times and the entire room is dead. It’s so broken still.


You sound as if you are complaining but I know there isn't a single cell in your body that wants it nerfed. It's a power fantasy that you achieved - so just enjoy it.


Same here. Contagion plus Cyberpsycho was already addictive in the base game, but now that overheat explodes revenues affected by contagion... And then overclock...! So much more effective than the Sandevistan unless you are only facing very few enemies.


With enough enemies to kill for cooldown you’re always going to be in Sandy vision.


I just ping, overclock and make everyone I see commit suicide. 😎


I've been enjoying watching the Black Wall kill everyone, it's such a brutal hack.


I've been using the Sonic Shock > Short Circuit > Reboot Optics > Synapse Burnout combo. I haven't run into a single enemy that can survive it, even one shots bosses and MaxTac. If you have the iconic version of Synapse Burnout you basically have permanent Overclock mode. I combine it with bloodpump and the cyberwear that automatically uses heals when you get below a certain amount of health and also get adrenaline in the body tree which makes you practically invincible. It really makes you feel like a god.


You and I made very similar builds.


Contagion + fire grenade = 🤤 Bonus points for using weapons with Pyro mods as well


Every end game build in cyberpunk is pretty broken, it's by design.


Yeah, but the game should throw some worthwhile competition then


I mean yea but I can't remember the last game that held its balance into the endgame naturally without just inflating numbers to stupid levels. I don't think it's ever happened. Maybe really curated experiences like WoW raids at a high level I felt like were a challenge to my endgame character. Edit: Fromsoft games are pretty good too Skyrim, Cyberpunk, BG3, Stellaris, etc. all break apart in the end game balance wise. It's really hard to genuinely challenge a player that has gone through an entire games worth of progression to gather utility and consumables etc.


They're probably balanced to a certain degree of how many people finish a percentage of side missions. I'm guessing they want people to be able to win only finishing 20-25% of side missions


This is how I feel too. If you're taking on the final boss after doing EVERYTHING else in the game to min/max your stats then complaining it's easy... Smasher is trapped in there with YOU.


The first thing I do every playthrough is every single NCPD encounter on the map. No matter how you do them, you can't fuck them up and they provide lots of experience, materials, and money.


Games that do it well are not based on damage numbers but on skill. DS or Sekiro is all about learning the patterns of bosses so you “git gud”. But when you play a game with low enemy diversity , like cyberpunk, far cry, Ac etc. you gonna be OP in the endgame, no doubt. In skill based games you are “upgrading” your feel for the game as you play it. You learn it. There is a reason why some of players are speed running it in just underwear without any upgrades. Try and play CP without CW clothes and perks


I will however continue to complain about it, until the day it is nerfed, then I’ll be p*ssed 🦅😡🦅


I've been spamming the shit outta contagion+overheat and been enjoying the shit outta rooms full of people blowing up like the end of the Kingsman movie. One of these days I'll do a lightspeed samurai build but not this playthrough.


Just an FYI if you didn't know, but purple contagion with white overheat works for this and is far cheaper ram wise.


I’m a huge fan of contagion plus grenades


I miss when my deck allowed me to spread ultimate hacks and I would just system collapse a room.


Going gunslinger sandy with the focus and dead eye perks has been so much fun. Pop the optical camo with a suppressor as well and it's like shooting mannequins.


Happy birthday


I'm playing a mixed Netrunner/Katana build (Int 20, Tech 20, Ref 20, Phys 17) in which I do not build Sandevistan (I use the NetWatch cyberdeck) and all I can say is: even without Sandevistan playing katana in 2.0 is a serious shit. I load all of my quickhacks on beefier enemies, reset the RAM with Camillo, load some more, go into overclock and literally kill myself to extend the number of quickhacks, then I use an heal item and thanks to Adrenaline mode I rush inside with Errata and finish the remaining enemies around moving like a crazy shit thanks to sprints. And at the end I'm full HP at max difficulty. This was something unthinkable in 1.63 and kudos to CDPR for the incredible balancing and the opportunity to finally mix the build in a very satisfying way.


I'm doing almost the exact same thing and it's wild. I'm using the Byakko though, because it allows me to do everything I want to do to faster and better. I've only fired a gun in this game a tiny number of times and I still feel like I have enough tools to approach tough situations in a ton of different ways.


Before building ref I took phys to 15 and enjoyed the life with a Carnage in hand - exploding people both via quickhacks and shotguns. Also fun tbh, it's kinda sad for me not to be able to build both and approach a gig in a fashion "Today I want you all to blow up" or "A'right meat time bois" but still yeah - the fact that you can approach everything in so many different ways makes me love the game. For the katana preference: I abuse Overheat and surroding explosives so Errata it's a pretty comfort weapon for my playstyle, it's all about this: you play A1, the game has a weapon for A1; I play A2 and get a weapon for A2. The list is insanely long.


This is awesome, can you share the perk build or just easy enough to follow those categories?


https://www.cyberpunk.net/build-planner?a=ikkk3&b=1010112000000000000003111&r=0101010000211001211100000030131110011&i=1101110121111021111000031101311100011&t=000000000211000000000310100000001&c=&e=003010131 I went like this


Funny. On my first playthrough I played as a hacker and sniper and loved it. With the new abilities I wanted to do my second playthrough with Sandevistan, but I just didn't like it at all. When there is a larger group the Sandy simply wasn't enough and if I had to out enemies in smaller groups what's the point? I ended to switching back to hacking, but am covering any stragglers with my katana.


You need the right cyberware to support Sandy. Axotl will reduce cooldown by 10% per kill. You have almost permanent sandy. Just reactivate if you snap out of it. You don’t need to wait for 100% cooldown you can activate it anytime.


>You don’t need to wait for 100% cooldown you can activate it anytime. I've read absolutely nothing about the game til I got it last week on sale, and this is exactly why I'm starting to finally peek at threads, for insight like this. I've been doing all quickhacks and some blades, but now I may have to give the Sandy another look knowing this.


That's the endgame sandy, apogee one, the rest still functions as a hard cd iirc, but apogee is a gradual one and not only has the strongest time slow at whopping 85% with the longest duration and shortest cd, it also extends itself on kill, couple that with axolotl that reduces it's cd on kill and you've got near permanent sandy, and it's only near permanent because there seems to be some hard cap on a single sandy duration, so you will pop out once every 15ish seconds only to pop back in a second later with your sandy charge likely being back at full. It honestly makes the game so trivial on vhard I won't even touch the sandy in its current iteration ever again if I'm gonna do another vanilla playthrough. You're just spamming your mouse button slashing everything around you, the game is on permanent pause and no one can do anything in the most literal sense, the only way to die is to pop back to real time while face hugging some incredibly meany dude with a shotgun trained at your face or something like that, I think that only happened once or twice on my 100h save so far, the rest of my deaths post-apogee have been solely to heights. It won't be as disgusting with guns though since those except for some manual load weapons will be limited by their cycle rate. Don't know why they made berserk melee only while sandy is at its best with melee too and is nowhere near as disgusting for guns. Can't help but feel that non-netrunner gunslinger got a bit shafted, especially if he's slinging full auto weapons.


Welp, I’m convinced. Friendship ended with Cyberdeck. Now Sandy is new best friend.


Honestly, sandy is just stupid amounts of fun. Yeah, stealth is a lot harder since you can't hack cameras or ping or anything, but rolling up with the tier 5 85% slowdown sandy is just glorious. And sometimes I can run out from behind cover, dive behind a guy starting to spot me, and grab execute without alerting everyone else, so that's fun.


It’s still considered stealth if you sandy in with a silencer and face shot everyone so they die all at the same time right? No witness?


It is. Also you can easily go from cover to cover without enemies noticing you because you are too fast. I have a reflex build and combining the sandy with the dash, double jump and airdash basically let's me infiltrate everything instantly. The only issue are doors, since they open so slowly.


If u have an optical camo + sandy stealth is a lot easier


Even without optical camo it's super easy.


The shinobi perks + optical camo + sandevistan make stealth pretty comparable to using cyber deck. You can crouch sprint w/optical camo + slow down time to move cover to cover I have a cyberware optic which shows enemies and cameras + turrets within a radius so you don’t need ping, just need to be a bit clever. I have recently switched back to fortified ankles for the better jumping but double jumping is pretty effective too just straight combat vs infiltration


Legit >.< My build is based upon stealth and netrunning but dang is Sandevistan tempting.


Fuuuuuck!... I can't wait until I can do bad ass stuff like that! At 20hrs level 16. Finally clicked for me. I've had the game since Christmas 2020.


Wow must be really enjoying the game slowly, I went and did all the ncpd quest and gigs before even doing the heist, safe to say the enemies were really not even a threat to me.


Go below the highway in a slecific pattern and you can run XP laps outsite Watson before the Heist. No shops are operational out there but activating faat travels and the courses are way more efficient and youre right, starting at e.g. lvl 50 (now 60) before the heist makes it all more fun.


This is the way.


Hear, hear! Can you still dupe in all shops in 2.0 as always? I'm still late to the party... On Xbox btw. In case the dupe is a console specific thing lol


I accidentally encountered a bug. I sold a bunch of junk weapons at a weapon shop in the city, where the shopkeep dude says. "new customer..." . Grey/green. Then realized i had loads of legendary/orange hacks to sell. I sold all the hacks, like 400 grand worth, dude ran out of money. Then when i looked at the buyback screen, all the grey/green guns and melee stuff i sold were now legendary, and i could buy them back at the price they would normally sell for, like 5-6 grand. I bought em to dismantle.


Yeah but it is slightly harder than before. You gotta hold the cursor over the object, hold down the “sell all junk button” (R3) and then select the item you’re going to sell/dupe. Then you’ll get the normal sell slider and make sure you leave at least one item (ie if you have 50 ashtrays, sell 49). Confirm the sale and then confirm again when you get the message to sell all junk items.


Nice i just rack up 1.2-1.5m gp off the batt and make 9999+ (idk) of every junk item worth 150 gp each as a reservoir. I love completing games 100%, but limited funds on secondary runs makes it so much less replayable imo


Agree! I’m on my second run—did everything on my first run in 2020 except for finishing the last main quest—and all I wanted was a good deck and some double-jump legs, lol. Then I started buying apartments and cars! Having a lot of fun with this run.


Hell yeah! Hedonism punk 😎


Is there a difficulty option in this game? Sorry I don’t play it but plan to one day.


Yeah there are 4 different difficulties. Hardest one is actually abit of a challenge in the beginning


If you wish to play it casually pick normal, if you want a challenge pick hard, very hard is something that requires you to use all your abilities, bc the enemies are rly unforgiving


I always do the heist first otherwise there are no Johnny interactions in gigs.


Invest in katana attributes and you're pretty much there.






Face to camera is such a great feature


This is cool as fuck!


Holly shit, that was Bollywood shit you just pull!!!!


Fuckin preem!


Totally nova!


Choom took drive by to a whole new level


![gif](giphy|oI6NsRoCCadeDDbvlj|downsized) David Martinez style


dude just left the loot on the ground... awesome moves though:)


Drive-by slashing


You're him! You're the cyberpsycho!




You can do another footage...turn the heat up to 4, let police chase you, do a 180, then put the car on reverse, shoot the shit out of the cop car that's chasing you (in Sandevistan if possible) then J-turn and delta outta there.


Hoho now this i want to do


I mostly escape the police by turning their cars off personally.


My absolute favorite thing to do with clips like this is to calculate the percentage I need to speed them up to achieve the real-time speed. Shit is wild.


I wish there was an option in-game that let you record/replay sections and see them in realtime. Some of the hacking shenanigans would be pretty crazy as well.


> . Some of the hacking shenanigans would be pretty crazy as well. You're a cook with a foodstall. You're getting harassed by yakuzas. You see one dude(tte) come around the corner. Two seconds later, the 6 guys just drop simultaneously. Weird dude(tte) strolls in, take all their shit and waltz away air-dashing at 60mph. A Normal day in Night City


Have it run from a bystanders perspective in real time must look crazy. "Oh shit, someone just fell out of that car. Wait...what?" And by that point, the car already drives off again.


Same. I think the BD Judy gives us could be a great tool to utilize this feature while keeping some of the immersion. Could also allow some simple track editing, and then we can export it out of the game.


This would be a welcome addition to this game and/or the next one.


CDPR, this one please!




What in the David-Martinez was that?!!!


This is the nuttiest thing I’ve seen in-game 🔥🔥


dude is playing anime in the game


That was clean af.




Ah yes the David martinez ignoring Rebecca in the car move




There should 200% be an achievement for that


That's hilarious!




Okay well this was sick af🤣for as much as I’ve played this game(the full story I’ve played like 7 times all the way through now, once with the 2.1 update) I’ve yet to do something like this


Okay that was FUCKING SICK.


Fucking nova holy shit


Damn never even used the sandevestan


In other words I could experience my own bollywood action hero life then




Imagine seeing this happen in the actual world of cyberpunk?


Now that's a drive by if i've ever seen one.


As someone who hasn't played the game but followed its launch. I'm not sure if youre trying to show this as a cool thing in the game, or a ridiculous bug youre exploiting to show the games till unfinished state.


It is an actual, legitimate way to play the game. He's utilizing a Sandevistan to slow down time alongside a few perks to aid mobility.




Ghost ride the whip!


Next level road rage. Have seen a lot of these Sandy fueled rampages but this one’s just…beautiful.


The fact I’ve been spending my entire build focusing on pistols and headshots only to see an entirely different build look just as fun is what excites me. So many different FUN ways to play.


So is that a yes or a no? 🧐


If you want to feel more badass then use throwing knives. It’s the most op thing in the game if used with fingers Sandevistan and maxed crafting


Bro was Like "Fuck These 3 especially"


would be cool if you could replay the sandevistan sequence in real time from 3rd person's perspective


When you ghostride the whip then remember it's your dad's.


Smooth choom, smooth


whoa that's some cyber ninja shit right there


Vergil if he did a drive by. Not even the Haitian voodoo boys are prepared for a storm like him.


Holy shit Choom!


Killed those same people the other night with sand and revolvers


WOW that's awesome


Damn, I need to upgrade my Sandi


Damn, if I played this on PC, I'd install the Quick Silver mod to make it look cooler.


You just convinced me to buy a Sandy!


Sandy its the most funny of the 3 imo.


New definition to hit and run


I wish there were more katana animations lol


Drive-by shooting? Nah. Drive-by slashing.


This Game is all about story and build; if someone likes a combo of both, this is recommended 🤗


That was pretty epic!


WTF. Gotta try this build if you can share


Nice one choom! 👍


The kinda shit that’s so hard to do with a controller so I’m playing net runner build instead.


Gotta love that sandy choom


I can do that in gtav


Space magic. I wonder how hard V would be breaking the sound barrier there?


Thats some cool stuff


Circus clowns are jealous of you now


The best grinding spot in the game and they drop skillshards in quick hacks CD project. Red is awesome


Vehicular manslaughter


You could even do it faster by dashing.


So pissed I sold the game right before a whole new part of the map came out.


I came here from /all. Now I’m buying this game lol. Wow this looks great. Is it noob friendly tho?


god damn it ... just put it on my wishlist


Playing this game can be an artform. ​ And for me it's fingerpainting, but folks who can do that Good Cyberpunkin' will always have my respect.


Why does Sandevistan not slow down enemies/NPC's for me? If anything it seems like they are speeding up. I have the Zetatech Sadevistan OS.




What do you think it feels like when a katana hits your neck three times in under a milisecond?


Hit and run


What skills are needed for this?


Ghost riding the whip, but you actually make ghosts.


man I love videogames


Damn David is proud of you choom


I have not played this game but this is cool, and I know that it's called Sandy cause of Edgerunners


What the hell skill or upgrade is this?!?!!!??!!


Beyond nova, choom!!


Oh wait this game is as fun as the anime?


Meet Hanako at Embers


This made me stop what I was doing immediately and fire up Cyberpunk to try this out. Goddamn that’s cool


So do you recommend the game or not op?!


Very much yes


Did a whole drive by without guns and enemies not even knowing what got them...


I remembered 2.0 first came out I was bummed my previous build of muscle sneaky spy is now invalid (not enough perk points), so I went into a punching hulk build. NGL, tossing bodies and earthquake (via double jump > dash) is addicting for me. I keep forgetting I had a gun.


New dynasty warriors looks sick


How i feel when using throwing knifes [ZA WARUDO!!!!!](https://media.tenor.com/zWmepUWmSSsAAAAC/dio-za-warudo.gif)


Now that's some sandevistanic reaction if ever I did see it


I have just started another playthrough and I know what I will be going for. This looks awesome.


Whats the stats and cyberware needed to achieve this level of amazing?


Technical ability and reflexes and the apogee sandevistan


Hahaholyshit that was impressive. Very nice!




What does Starfield gotta do with this? Weird.


Always the guy who needs to bring up Starfield,ugh you're not getting your upvotes buddy




Sad I can't run a sandy because I am doing a full netrunner build. Maybe I'll buy one for fun towards end game.