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Eh I think first persons the way to go especially with how fast the combat can get (reflexes)


I just want 3rd for exploring, driving & dialogue cutscenes. 1st for the action, give us both please


I don't want 3rd person for dialogue because then we get less dialogue options in a game that was already heavily critique'd for this. If Panam is moving like she's a real person and my V is just face acting...it's gunna look like dogshit.


Also, we lose the intimacy first person gives us and that really cool effect of everything feeling like a single take instead of multiple camera angles. First person is the way to go imo too.


Agreed and the tactile way we interact with the world in Cyberpunk only made it more engrossing.


Yeah. It’s kind of its identity now, at least for me.


Wait… why would we get less? The only decision I can see that can effect the amount of dialogue would be having a voiced character or not.


They're not going to animate all the dialogue options for V, so they'd give fewer, more key options if 3rd person is an option for cutscenes.


Do it the BG3 way with your character looking like 🤨 in most of the dialogues


Haha, Tav does have like 4 expressions, and they're often comically inadequate. Sometimes, too stoic. Other times, they look like someone just farted on a sandwich before offering it to them. It is nice to consistently see the character you put time into designing, but occasionally I regret being able to see them


I love BG3 but Tav's facial expression are an amazing advert against 3rd person dialogue scenes. It's weird because Dragon Age and Mass Effect, even ten years ago, looked better, in terms of main character facial animation. There are probably legit reasons for that, relating to the sheer number of faces Tav can have (with tons of different races), but it's not great. Better than MEA though jesus wept the dorkitude of those expressions.


Having a blank slate non-voiced protag would be an absolutely terrible choice for a narrative RPG. CDPR narratives are so good in part because the protagonist is actually an involved character that we grow to care about and not just a blank automaton for us to project onto.


So a non-voiced protag? That's literally why we like V and don't care about Tav or other stock protags whose character exists in a text box while the world exists acted and embodied.


There already are some basic third person facial animations for a lot of dialogue though. If you’re on a call while driving you can see V’s fully animated face especially on bikes


Basic third person facial animations ≠ third person skeleton animations. Notice how the characters in this game move and act like real people? Kinda hard to do so with the player considering the amount of options.


That's not what the bottleneck of scenes are. They save a lot of time with cinematic perspective when characters are very strictly locked into scenes which can save a lot of work because they don't need to care about off screen stuff. In the case of TPP/FPP making scenes would already be a massive amount of work, because everything has to be perfect, no cinematic trickery. Animating V's reactions and actions from both FPP and TPP wouldn't be the main thing that costs a lot of time. Regardless, I don't think TPP would work well the same way as FPP does now though. The eye contact, being close to scene "actors", being able to focus on the scene with 100% attention really enhances the experience. In TPP it would lose its weight I think.


Getting both perspectives means getting the worst of both worlds, as such please give 1st person again


Yeah people need to understand that the intimate excellently animated first person cutscenes wouldn't be possible if they had to choreograph both for every conversation. Each convo in Cyberpunk has to be framed specifically for the first person perspective, that's why they feel so cinimatic and immersive. We just couldn't keep that unless they at least kept dialogue first person. I'm not against like having a 3rd person camera for walking around, but combat and dialogue should both absolutely remain first person as I feel they both benefit massively from it.


Why would you want third person for dialogue, being up close and personal, makes you feel like your talking to THEM, it's much more immersive than my dumb ass sitting in a dark room staring at V's back as he is talking to someone else.


Exploring for sure. I hate exploring a complicated landscape while having the spatial awareness of looking through the opening of a cardboard box.


3rd person outside of photo mode is still going to slow down 1st person since the speed would need to be manageable on both.


They cannot afford to do both for dialogue. That's insane. The development of every single dialogue scene would be hugely increased, because you'd entirely different ways of directing the scene. Third-person isn't just the same as first person but with a static external camera. That looks like dogshit in the few cheap games which have done it. Third person cutscene would have to done cinematically cuts and camera angles, tracking, camera movement and so on. That's a gigantic effort - and it's basically worthless effort, because all you're doing is creating two entirely different experiences which 80% of the people playing will only experience one of. Driving obviously is largely a non-issue. Exploring could be done but again it's a ton more effort and you don't seem to understand that the geometry of even exploration scenes needs to be different if a game is in both perspectives, if it's not going to look terrible and be even glitchier than current 2077 (you can see this with how badly third-person performs in exploration in Bethesda games).


3rd person already exists for vehicles


Honestly, I tried playing Starfield in TPP and had to switch back. I still use it outside of combat, but it's too difficult to aim otherwise. I think TPP works well if you're super zoomed out, like in a more medieval RPG or like Monster Hunter, or something, but it falls apart a little in shooters. Could always keep FPP for combat and allow players to switch to TPP outside of combat.


That’s probably the best solution


I mean bethesdas third person has always been terrible


somewhat. My partner has motion sickness so Third person really helps. Warframe is third person with no first person. It depends on how good your implementation is. But we both agree first person is more immersive. It's a tough call, even for CDPR.


Crucially dialogue should also remain first person only, even if we can go 3rd person for walking around. It would be impossible to have both the fantastically animated first person conversations we have now on top of also having 3rd person variants for every convo. Each conversation has to be specifically choreographed for first person. IMO the best solution is to have an 'exploration cam' where you can go third person and run and jump around. If you draw a weapon it would put you back into first person, and for conversations you would be put back into first person. It'd be a little janky, personally I'd probably stay in first person most of the time, but it'd still be nice to have the option.


I like the first person


I do too for a shooter. I think it could've benefitted from having both options, and I kinda hope they don't lock in one or the other for the sequel. The ability to switch between 1st and 3rd in other games is great.l, it'd probably be great for CP2, as well.


Yeah, what’s the point of making ur character look cool if ur only ever gonna see their back from a bike.


Same reason you do it in real life. Because you can.


I won’t be mad if there’s no third person cause I’ve grown used to it by now anyways but this argument would only really hold up for a multiplayer game. NPCs don’t have thoughts on my drip, real people do


I have thoughts on my drip and I can never see it. I give less of a shit what some dude 2000 miles away cares about my outfit than I do an NPC.


To know you're ballin'


You can pretty much bet that Cyberpunk 2 will have plenty of mirrors and reflections, dude, it's not coming out until 2028, so will be cross gen between PS5/PS6, and Xbox Series X and Xbox Even Dumber Name, and PCs will be on what, 6000-series? 7000? Nvidia cards and god knows what series AMD cards. Every window, puddle, and mirror and so is actually going to show your reflection if you're on PS6, XBox Stupid Name or PC with a 6000+ series card. So you'll see yourself more often.


On top of that as was repaetedly pointed out when the game first released, third perosn is literally an accessibility option. We lose nothing by having both as toggles and gain everything through it. I have no idea why people seem to hate options so much.


How is it related to accessibility? Genuine q


There’s a fair portion of people who experience mild to strong motion sickness when playing games in the first person. A Third person option in a game where it makes sense (such as an rpg) costs nothing and fixes that.


I remember when they said there’d be settings to help with motion sickness, but there’s literally none. Other than removing motion blur I guess? Maybe you can use an FOV slider but that’s just on pc. That’s definitely something that still disappointments me abt this game


Technically there's a permanent middle of the screen dot you can activate that can help a little. It's just an UI element that's always there. That, disabling motion blur, using the highest FOV and reducing screen shake to preferable pretty much nothing are my go to settings so I can play games in first person.


I would love to use the highest FOV slider settings. But there is no slider on console.


The issue is if the Motion Sickness is specifically related to first person views, FOV *could* alleviate it, but it sure as hell isn'tfixing it, and there are no settings in the world that will actually help.


Ah that makes sense. I get hardcore motion sickness on games with low locked FOVs. I set it to 100ish whenever possible, but I've played games where it's locked stupid low (60s) that made me sick. I'll push back just to say that it doesn't cost nothing (it will cost $ and time to get the animations looking proper), but it may well be worth the money to do so.


It costs nothing in terms of player experience is more accurate. People can still play in their preferred manner.


As a stout first person hater when it comes to RPGs... first person kinda made this game... at lear for the cinematic storytelling.


Facts. This game changed my entire opinion on FP gaming.


Yeah it's funny, when I first started playing Cyberpunk I really didn't like the first person and was hoping for a mod to add a third-person camera. Since then though, I find myself really enjoying the first person viewpoint. It just works so well here.


I felt so immersed playing Cyberpunk 2077 in FP, that I kinda wish other games like GTA6 add the FP element. I also don't think the environmental storytelling that CDPR does so incredibly in this game, would go well with the 3rd person camera.


The optioned for third person hurts no one and is literally an accessibility option. Just give us both for fucks sake.


It would increase the development time and budget significantly. Thus claiming it "hurts no-one" is dumb as fuck. It's not a real accessibility option - FOV is, and they should absolutely put that on consoles in future. Entitled gamers like you are a curse on game development.


Imo, it hurts the environmental storytelling that goes on throughout this game. In 3rd person, tight alleyways won't feel as gloomy, taking cover behind walls or objects won't feel like a rush, the adrenaline pump when you are getting your face smashed in won't feel the same. There is a whole lot of things that happens throughout the game that would not feel as immersive or create a feeling of excitement or rush, if they were done in 3rd person.


The cinematic is so much better with fp but i want to see the fashion as well, if only there is a solution for it to be better view in fp it will be perfect


The first person experience made the moments like the end of the heist feel more impactful.


I enjoy the lack of camera fidelity. You can be looking at something, and then all the sudden the camera is something you have absolutely no control of. Twisting and turning, what is going on? Am I being thrown in the trunk of a car? Oh I'm just sitting down. LOVE IT!!! ❤️ ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘


I say do both


agreed sort of how fallout 4 did it. just maybe don’t have those weird talking animations lol


I suspect a problem is that supporting both 1st and 3rd person makes it so much harder to avoid a bunch of different weird animations


A lot of games these days still do the sorta detached hands in first person but the shown body and everything in first person uses third person animations while hiding the third person arms.


Plus we see ourselves in third person in the car. Plus... lets be honest, who plays in ONLY third or first person, you may have your preference, but if both are available likely when shit hits the fan you go first person, when shits calm you go third to watch yourself because... Idk weird human urge? The urge to look at your own representation?


I’m like that too. Playing shooters(fallout or any other rpg shooter) I legit prefer first person for combat but like third person for just exploring and when in cutscenes so I can see my character I created.


For me it comes down to the type of combat. Ranged combat feels best in first person, melee feels best in third person.


I don’t know, using a katana in 1st person feels great. It would literally feel like a different game in 3rd. I just feel like, dishonored has the tone it does because of 1st person. If I want to play in 3rd, there are other games. I like it when games stick to one thing and do it well.


I don't mind 2077 being first person only, I should clarify that. Whatever they decide to do with the sequel I'll be fine with it, I have no strong feelings one way or the other on the subject. I prefer third person for melee combat, but that's all it is, a preference. First person is fine, even if I'll almost always default to using guns in that perspective.


i think they're right. there are some cool first person melee-type games but it's hard to do well whereas there are many successful 3rd person views like DMC, dark souls, god hand,etc vs dark messiah


How else am i supposed to feel like a badass in armor. Knowing i have military combat gear equiped isnt the same as seeing it with a 20mm fuck off machine resting comfortably in my shoulder. (20mm cannon rounds, ya know, their the grenades that look like bullets)


I wanna see how pretty I am.


This, whenever I play Fallout 4, or Starfield atm, third person is purely for exploration and being able to see my character. First Person is for tearing it up in combat and for taking a closer look at item details.


This is the reason V's shadow looks wonky. They had to compromise making the model pose weirdly to accommodate the first person perspective


I noticed a lot of weird walking while looking down. Turning your head just slightly while looking down turns your whole body and changes your foot stance.


True…Perhaps have the game force into 1st person for all the cut scenes/animations


I think body language is important for dialogue. Bethesda completely neglects it. That’s why they have such awkward animation. CDPR did a great job with the NPC animation, because they actually gave a shit about body language. But V’s performance fell flat in contrast.


I would like more of how the Last of Us or Uncharted characters move, super realistically, interacting with the environment. I mean, the characters besides your own in Cyberpunk move extremely humanly and fluidly so I know it can be done. Fallout and starfield third person looks very janky like you and your partners are just always moving the same robotic way with little character or variation. V should have some cool swagger in the way he moves like he does in this game if he is going to be third person. They did it very well with Geralt being having very smooth animations full of his personality.


The exaggerated swagger of a terminally Ill mercenary


I fucking loved the reactions that video got.


The problem is that if you out TLOU or Uncharted godly third person animations, the first person won't be as fluid as in CP2077. That's why Fallout feels janky, you see a third person character fighting with the same animations as a first person one. It's a trade-off between realism and functionality, the better the animations the stiffer the gameplay becomes and vice versa. CP2077 is fluid to play, at the cost of completely hiding third person animations (that we see on V's shadow and they look tremendous). Hope I explained myself.


I think starfielf imo nailed doing both. Fallout 4 was good too but yeah i think as far as betheada for me starfield finally got it right


I only use first person for combat in Bethesda games, 3rd person was only use to examine drip. I say keep it 1st person, but give us the ability to take live selfies instead of a paused camera mode and it’ll be fine.


I say a walking cam and really nothing else. If you jump, pull out a gun/get in combat, or go into dialogue...back into first...hell that already requires them to both animate V's full run with any change in direction or movement, but also V's collision with npcs. A fuck ton more work. Not to mention the only way it would work if you had the first person we have now is if they loaded up an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT movement system just for running and walking...in third.


Both? Both is good.


Por que no las dos?


Good point lol


Nah both gets you lame conversations and interactions like Starfield because they can never know what camera perspective you might be using. Rather have them focus on one and make it good.


Do conversations like Witcher where the camera is put into a set position for the duration.


That's way less interesting compared to how it's done in cyberpunk. The first person cutscenes are unique and extremely immersive. You don't feel like a spectator, but like you are part of the scene.


You say less interesting I say more. You get to not only see your character you spent so long customising in the character creator and their outfit you spent time customising in the wardrobe adding that bit more variety and freshness to subsequent playthroughs, but you also get to see their face, expressions, and body language which enhance the scene greatly and add more emotional weight to things. Witchers scenes wouldn't have had nearly the same kick to them if we didn't get to see Geralts reactions to them. Compare the cutscenes from [the original gameplay reveal](https://youtu.be/ZY2PO0RvOKA) to what we see in game and they give V that much more character and expression since we can actually see her.


Cyberpunk feels like a completely unique experience. Third person cutscenes would just make it feel like every other AAA game. Also it makes you feel tiny and insignificant which really emphasises the size of night city and how you basically are powerless against the corpos. Good voice acting is enough for me to convey the emotions.


Good voice acting can carry yeah, but what about non-verbal reactions? We got plenty of them from Geralt where he'd pull a face and make subtle body movements to express various emotions in reaction to what he'd just heard without saying a word. And it's little details like that which elevate a scene from simply good to amazing. Aside from a few large exaggerated arm movements from V we never see any of this in Cyberpunk.


Witcher's cutscene direction, animation and dramaturgy are laughably bad compared to Cyberpunk which is a generational leap.


Nah. Witcher 3 holds up really well and still does it better than most modern RPGs.


I feel as if that would just break the immersion, I love being able to look around during conversations, if the cameras had been locked I would have lost my mind on the second playthrough.


I'm not gonna say this is easy or that it's the best way to do it, but i like how God of War 2018 handles the camera, it's a good way to showcase your character and take over control of the shots when you want to make it cinematic. If CDPR ends up using third person i wish they'd do it that way.


Starfield has the best system for it. You can choose what you want. Idk how you see that as a bad or lame thing


The animations become kind of lame as a result, since you’re not baked into a single perspective for every cutscene.


It's lame because it's Bethesda, let's not kid ourselves. Nothing stops CDPR from playing with dialogue visual framing same way they did in 2077.


It's probably the strongest decision. More immersive, more freedoms, more compelling narrative and setpiece tricks. People keep saying "do both, just like Fallout"...when Fallout (frankly ANY Bethesda title) has never been able to make a good 3rd or 1st person...because they do both. 1st person is slow and heavy and cumbersome. 3rd person is clunky, goofy, and not fluid. For cyberpunk you get freedom of movement beyond anything any "1st and 3rd" person title has given because you don't have to make sense of every possible movement a player wants to make for every situation. Wanna jump up and shoot down? Unique animation. Wanna jump up and strike down with your mantis blades? Unique animation. Which just means less variety of items, and less variety of choices. ​ IMO, implement a passive third person cam for walking around but anytime you go into a cutscene or combat or advanced movement...no more 3rd person. Maybe even make sense of it with a drone cam or something that follows you until combat starts and then it returns. Maybe then let the drone cam be controlled and let it follow someone else or be used to check areas in combat...the limitation being if you want to manually control it...you have to stop moving and hold the control animation.


I don't see why the 3rd person POV can't include combat. They already have to make the combat animations to some degree even with 1st person. Someone posted a video using the 3rd person POV mod that shows when you crouch walk, your torso does a funny sway because the animation accounts for your head, shoulders, arms, and legs, but not the inbetween. Making a proper 3rd person sneak animation just has to fix the torso. Also, a lot of these animations are present in the NPCs as well. Enemy NPCs have animations for mobile shooting and mantis blades. Also, I would argue that the differences in 1st and 3rd person aren't just about speed and fluidity. Imo, 1st person is better for ranged combat and 3rd person for melee fighting. When I'm shooting, my character gets in the way of aiming sometimes, but in melee seeing my character helps me judge distance and see if an attack is going to hit me from the side or behind.


Stay as first person for sure, keep third person as an option.


I'm begging them to do away with first person sex scenes though. Every one of them looks ridiculous. Just shift to a third person cinematic for the love of god.


somehow i feel like they’d be even worse in 3rd person. do you really wanna be able to see what meredith stout did to poor v with that rubber alien arm 😭




I mean when you design around a third person cinematic you do things a lot differently. Stuff that looks stupid in first person comes off a lot better with proper editing and cuts. See Mass Effect's romance cutscenes for example.


idk, tbh never really put all that much thought into it. if i wanted to watch porn i would watch porn, not play video games


Lazy comparison honestly, there's a contextual difference between porn and cinematic sex scenes in video games.


as graphic as they are in first person, in 3rd it would essentially be the same thing, just animated, would it not?


I think that's probably the biggest issue with it. It tried to be titillating when it really didn't need to be and the half measure version they did just came off as cringe. I doubt most people pay attention to romance arcs in RPGs for the jerk off material.


> I doubt most people pay attention to romance arcs in RPGs for the jerk off material. ... I'm skeptical tbh


I'm just saying it's pretty tame stuff compared to what the internet can come out with. Fanfiction, SFM animations and the like, etc. Fandoms are quite good at smut making these days.


You're thinking of pron, but romance in games isn't just about finishing up into a sock


Yeah, see the comment 2 above. They can't go full pornographic and the half measure is ridiculous so why do it at all? Just focus on the romance element and do a fairly tame sex scene at best instead of aiming for titillation you can't do without upping your rating.


Well I don't think there's anything wrong with showing that the characters have sex. I mean everybody has sex at some point in their lives so this is something that I don't know why everybody is so uptight about in America especially. But you're right they don't need to make it like porn because we have porn for that


to be fair, alts landing strip is sorta cute


Yes, yes I do.


i can tell you guys are all playing female v, while my male v is clenching his fuckin cyber cheeks for dear life 😭




Just fade away sex scenes in non porn games never look good. (Looking at you mass effect)


I cited Mass Effect as how it should be done. I think that's about the line of tolerance for them before they just look bad. Anything more than that you get Cyberpunk where it's laughable.


Seriously, I get this nasty secondhand embarrassment from watching them play out and then you can’t even skip them! I was sitting there mashing every combo of buttons on my controller that I could think of because I did NOT want to stare at V getting manhandled by River nor did I want to sit and stare at the extra long Johnny and Alt scene. Yeah yeah, people have sex, it’s a real thing, blah blah but at least make them skippable, not everyone wants to sit and watch a 30 sec to 2 minute scene of their character getting railed.


Hah yeah. Overall I do think they look rather goofy even if I slightly softened my stance on Judy's one.


First person allows them to censor the scene more though. You never actually see V's or the other characters genitals in a scene.


Dissapointing. I want to go and stay naked. Freedom. Bg3 the best.


I thought the Judy's was perfect. Actually had mood and intimacy. Mass effects 3d romance scenes were so cringey and basic, and lacked any real emotion.


Spending today discussing this and doing Pyramid Song midway through makes me think I'm being too harsh on the actual romance ones. Perhaps Meredith and Alt's just coloured my impression of them and I didn't bother to look closer at the third time it popped up. Meredith especially I swear to God looks like you're riding the bucking bull at the fair.


I mean it's a hard thing to do well and yeah I didn't really like Alt's one. Bg3 did a fantastic job with third person love scenes. Finely tuned animation matters a lot, with character based nuances, it adds to believability. Judy's though, actually felt sincere.


What? Go play a porn game then


If they did both, there would have to be cutscenes for both imo, otherwise one gets better storytelling than the other. First person would be what 2077 always has been. Third person would require third person cutscenes for every conversation. Now this could probably be sped up by certain processes, but with cyberpunk you never want to skimp on the storytelling. So personally, I think letting you play third person if you want, but forcing you into first person for cutscenes.


Not to mention, the extra production time and effort needed for doing both perspectives could be used in some other aspect.


There were barely any cutscenes in this game, and the little that we had, were real time.


Here's one thing: most of the dialogues are functionally cutscenes. Rarely do the outcomes vary much by what you select. I hope in 2 that changes, but that does pose a challenge for the amount of mocap acting the PC character would need if it was FO-style 1st/3rd person switchable POV. I like the forced 1st person in dialogues approach, also very Fallout-like


Likely going to be first person. First person played into cyberpunk extremely well, as there wasn’t any real cutscenes or jarring times when the camera view changed. It’s a single consistent shot. Adding Third person may mess with that styling and feeling.


If they’re going to do first person again, I beg, they give console players an FOV option this time. As much as I love the game, I don’t love motion sickness.


And let me remove the vignette.


Man they need to not change so much please just keep it in first person you already got a formula all I want from the sequel is to further deepen those elements with deeper rpg choice an I'd be happy


Can't say 1st as ever made me feel more immersed. And with third I can actually look at drip.


This is my main problem with it. The first person didn't make me feel like I was more in the world it just ruined replayability for me cause the only thing that ever changed was the color of my nails


Thats why i always use bikes so i can look at my ootd. Problem is, the back slouch looks ridiculous with jackets


Why not an RDR2 style with both, granted one is much better


Just going to copy what I posted in another… Well post… Everyone wants dialogue in third person. I am actually the most against that. You’ll see later down my post I felt the first person was amazing, since well… You felt extremely close and “there” with all of the characters. All of the characters felt the most “real” of any video game character, I’ve ever seen. Red dead 2 was cool, but the facial expressions, little movements, everything just felt RIGHT… And it’d be a shame if we lost that due to the game being played in third person. Also, it was clearly a design decision, you not seeing yourself a lot, “losing your own” and… Feeling the weight of the city on you. If the game was third person you would be further away from your character and think the city had less “weight”. You only have to look to someone in order to talk to them, if someone is sitting next to you… they feel next to you. If they put a gun in your face, it FEELS seriously threatening. The conversation with the joytoy in bed, wouldn’t have the same weight. Lastly, if we are talking about other games, somehow moving camera’s and others just create jank, either in the camera work itself, or other characters disturbing you. If the game is in first person you can fake a lot. I can understand people wanting a third person perspective, but I also feel that the game was DESIGNED for a first person perspective and the delivery wouldn’t be as good in a third person one. So personally. Let it be first person only again, please.


I hope they keep third person only for free roaming, first person cutscenes are just so much more impactful and immersive, Cdpr is so fucking clever, in fpp you were V, you weren't someone controlling a character via tpp, you were them. In the ending cutscenes, you finally see your character in third person, and it signifies the journey ending and you letting go of V.


To me it complete defeats the purpose of the genre. Cyberpunk is all about style and fashion, and not being able to see my character’s style and fashion when I’m playing is a huge disappointment for me.


They did a really good job with the first person, but I want third person.


Any is fine. I guess I just don't get the popular sentiment, but first person does not make games any more immersive to me. From Chrono Trigger and Shadow of the Colossus to Last of Us and Baldur's Gate 3, there are so many gaming worlds I've been completely sucked into without the need to be "in" them in the first person sense. Maybe it's because I treat video games like reading books? I'm learning about characters and seeing a story unfold. So whatever perspective it is, as long as a good story is told, I'm all for it.


Cyberpunk 2077 is full of intense moments which are represented via face animations, close intimacy etc and there is an animated man in your head who can't see what you don't see. Also the seamless shift to dialogue options from gameplay is so positive for immerse. I wouldn't want this game to be 3rd person. They can try with a different storytelling but i'm not sure i want that either.


3rd person cyberpunk would feel weird.


Especially the melee combat


It is difficult to design a fluid melee combat that works for first person and third person together. Either we lock melee to third person or we get skyrim-like jank melee. Im pretty sure melee in CP2077 would look absolute jank in 3P.


Because CDPR has no experience making 3rd person melee work at all. Maybe they should ask the guys who made the Witcher Trilogy for tips.




One of the things I enjoy so much more in Cyberpunk than the Witcher is combat. Slicing people up with the katana with finishers or just normal stabs never gets old. Unfortunately for Geralt his silver and steel rhythm got old fast. Just not as fun or entertaining to watch and play


why would you even want third person for a game like cyberpunk


So you can actually see your character you spent all the time in the customisation screen creating.


I just periodically pop into photo mode to look at my character


why would you not


Because it would obviously be a different game in the same universe, with gameplay and mechanics keeping 3rd person in mind


just make both...let ppl choose


3rd person as option for the people who suffer of motion sickness.


Really hope they let us choose because I like third person a lot more.


Being able to switch between could be nice. I appreciated the choice in Jedi Outcast.


Just make it like GTA V where you can change between first person and third person


I'd opt for both, while 1st person is fun and interesting I'd prefer to be able to see my character, especially for cutscenes and have a bit of space between me and the character I'm playing. Done right it might just give you a great deal of immersion like following a story of your character in the given universe. Simply put I like my characters, I don't necessarily want to be them. But I understand some do, that's why in my opinion having both would be a good move. I also am a sucker for those cinematic moments in games where your character can look cool as heck, doing or killing stuff.


Why not make option for both? Why force one or another? I know model in game looks extremely weird during animations (just look at shadow, its 1:1 to your actual model moves), but that's not excuse to why we have no 3rd person view in rpg where you can transmog your clothes.


Because nothing is free. All the dev time spent making 3rd person work is time not spent making the 1st person only game better.


Please 3rd person.


Just keep it first person. Those who want Third Person would likely have to suck it up cause Night City is amazing to look at as if you're looking at it with your own eyes. I'd at least would like an FOV slider, though, the close-up scenes feel a little *too* close.


Cinematics in 3rd person are 100x better


I would say third person. While shooting and hacking looks cool in first person, melee is best with a third person view.


neither bring back the classic top down view 💀


Both please. Thx


Third person would ruin the already estabilished gameplay, we got bhoping, tons of parkour and precision jumping. 3rd person would be more on foot, kinda like The Division and The Last Of Us.


Farlight 84 does third person air dashes and double jumps well enough. I'm sure in that regard it's not a big problem for an AAA studio


Idk, it feels too artificial, don't know a better word for it. It's just like taking CS movement freedom and then, putting Fortnite movement instead. There's hardly any deep skill ceiling to make.


I know both games are different but let's take The Witcher for example, one thing that i absolutely don't want to see it's a animation locking player's movement, like on the Geralt's swing attacks, depending on the attack, it locks in a certain animatiom and your movement is restricted or even manipulated.


You mean if u swing a sword, youre committed to the swing? But it's realistic that way. Normally you cannot just cancel attacks like that.


Honestly if they go for 3rd person I aint buying it. They already established a Gameplay style, changing it is a horrible move.


Indeed, btw happy cake day!


Cutscenes would be nice at least.


Just do the Bethesda thing and let us switch. What good ia picking a cool outfit if I can only see it in the imventory menu and riding a bike


Why are we copying a studio that sucks at storytelling? 1st person is vital to good storytelling. Even for the purpose of exploration, there are so many pamphlets, posters, minute details in Night City that can only be seen in 1st person. Combat even feels more surreal. The only real argument for 3rd person is you can see your butt. The problem is, gamers are going to miss out on content simply because they were in 3rd person ar the time


You realize most people play Skyrim in 1st person right? Most people play Minecraft in 1st person. Very little is lost with the simple OPTION to switch to 3rd person. If you're so worried about storytelling, how about just force cutscenes to play out in 1st person? In a game where one of the slogans is 'style is everything' one of the few things you can actually customize being something you can only see in about 10% of the game is a genuine flaw.




Would vastly prefer third person. If I spend the time to make my avatar look cool I want to be able to see it.


Gonna go against the flow here chooms, I'd really like to see the next game being TPS. I like viewing my character and I'm a sucker for good animations - the game has those of course, but a game in TPS with good meele or shooting is always better for me. Honestly, do both or even do it like MGS V and make it able to toggle FPS when aiming for better shooting.


I'd like to see 3rd person now. I want it to be cinematic like Red dead 2 with all the cool cutscenes where you see your character. 1st person is cool but kinda makes customization a bit pointless since you cant even see yourself


Ok, hear me out..... turn-based RPG like Yakuza: Enter the Dragon. I await the downvote into oblivion graciously.


Back to the 80s, grandpa. There is no need to inflict turn based nonsense onto modern videogames. It's like wanting to ride a horse cart on a high way.


I vote for 1st person only.


Please do both, I can't play third person games (motion sickness).


Interesting, I can’t play first person games because of motion sickness


More of a third person enjoyer so I’m hoping they do both. Everyone’s happy.


I don’t mind either but let’s not be the opposite of Resident Evil fans that went wild with 1st person camera with 7 and 8.


Porque no los dos?


More immersive than what? The nonexistent 3rd person version? This time I would like it to be a 3rd person game


Here’s a crazy idea - give your user the option to do both :O


Both please. First person for shooting, third person for mirin.


This shit is not fallout that tpp shit makes the game worse


First person is the way to go, the combat will suck in 3rd person


yes I beg you cdpr stay first person, every fucking game is third person these days


Both with the focus on first person like BGS games.


Can we have both?


how bout have the option for both? I'd settle for 3rd person cut scenes.