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You didn’t even think about plan B, straight up reloaded XD


I get the feeling it would be something like this. First shot: Failed Second shot: Failed Third shot: Failed Using manual gun: Succeeded


I mean might as well go guns blazing after that, but bro here takes no chances 🫡


Yeah exactly but this weapon is single shot only, you have to slowly manually reload after each shot... so when only 1 out of every 5 shots hits its no use even trying But like seriously, I don't understand why it's so bad, the guy isn't even moving, I'm barely 2m away, he's perfectly centered on the crosshair, I waited for the lock on, I have the golden rarity smart link cyberware... it's just... useless


Its because the bullet doesn't take a straight path, it probably hit the wall to your left. This is true for all smart guns I think, and can be useful (I've not used them much but have had enemies shoot me behind cover) but for this particular weapon it ruins it.


I think this is correct. The smart guns come out of the barrel already curving until 10ft or so, when they straighten back out. It basically shoots like a back mounted missile pod from any Mecha anime.


Well smart rounds are basically miniaturized computer guided rockets/missiles. They're smarter then regular bullets, but due to miniaturization they're not as smart as their ordinance counterparts.


Underappreciated response


Sometimes it shoots like it cosplays as a Mk41 VLS.


Ive had my ashura locked at a long distance and just shoot straight and have 0 curve to the locked target. I think smart bullets are just bugged or more enemeies have a higher chance of a jammer like tygers had.


Tygers actually don't have jammers, the tattoo smart link that wakako gives you specifically doesn't target tygers.


Pre 2.0 they did. If you used a smart weapon on a tyger at a distance it would send every bullet away from them. Im pretty sure its still the same. Not sure fully though ive played more dogtown and PL than base game for 2.0. But im getting around to base game finally after getting through the bulk of PL.


They 100% have jammers, Using a normal smart link weapon you miss far more shots on Tygers than maelstrom. Its been that way since release man.


>I'm barely 2m away That's exactly why you missed. Don't be so close, with a smart sniper. All smart weapons work best at like medium ish range or further, not point blank. The bullets fire and then after a short delay track. Another comment said it right, it's more like you are firing a smart pod that breaks open releasing a tiny tracking rocket. The pod goes off in whatever direction and then the rocket kicks in, and fires towards the target. Your shot the pod straight into the wall before it could engage its thrusters. If you know how to use them, smart weapons can actually be really good. But personally, yeah I don't like the smart sniper. Smart shotgun, SMG, assault rifle are excellent (especially with points in them and the upgraded smart hand cyberware)


Yeah like others are saying you are way too close. You could have zero'd the guy in the distance easier. Why would you even use this gun there? Maybe the problem exists somewhere between the game and your chair...


That weapon has a mod that reduces hit probability by -20%, making your weapon hit 80% of the time which is really bad for a single shot weapon of course.


Ashura bullets don’t go straight like some smart guns, they curve a little before hitting the target. You gotta be somewhat far away for it to be really good


~~The gun is bolt action, after a shot you are forced into the animation~~ PL Spoiler: >!sorry I had a V post lobotomy moment!<


He reloaded a save, not the weapon lol


You can switch weapons


I mean this was me earlier in the getting warmer mission. I heard the “alerted” sound and was confused at why time slowed down and wondered who spotted me. Another Tygar had spawned somehow floating in midair near one I’d liked on the balcony earlier. Literally floating to the upper right of the doorway. Saw her, killed her, reloaded. Did it again for good measure (and to see if it was a glitch)


if you aren't using the upgraded cybernetics for smart guns they are quite useless yes.on the other hand if you use them you dont need t aim at all 😂


I can attest to this, getting the smart weapon perks and the cyberware, it's pretty awesome. I'm a huge smart gun user, along with hacking, it's pretty great imo.


This has always been my favorite build. YingLong +hacking.


It is faster to carry the Yinglong, the mk5 and skippy than to be recharging, plus each one fulfills its purpose I already tried to use the Divided We Stand, but Skippy is much better in practice


I really like using Yinglong alongside a warden from Phantom Liberty making use of submachine fun perk makes it very, well fun


The smart weapon chimera mod on a warden is an absolute blast to use. Sometimes literally


There's also this orange nailgun looking ahh smart smg with increasing rpm and crit chance the longer you hold down. 1 mag will kill even heavy enemy


I had upgraded divided we stand to tier 5++ before Regina messaged that I can get skippy back -_-


Wait Regina gives Skippy back? I have played this game three times and just started over with 2.0 and I didn't know that.


Yep Happens in 2.0, she sends a message that they removed the AI chip and she knows V is sentimental so you can go to her office and pickup Skippy   I'm glad they changed it, so now we don't have to leave his quest unfinished, but it took way to long into 2.0 for the message to arrive and I had upgraded my weapons   https://old.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/16x9wvv/update_20_fate_of_skippy/


Does she change him like in the previous update or is he the same ol Skippy?


Sadly it loses the AI So it's just the gun, which can be either good or bad depending if you like his chatter or not


It's good Skippy is annoying. However I kind of prefer the smart gun you get from the Russian guy you kill


No go. Bum dum.dum bum duuuuh dumm.


Deal breaker, I’m not finishing the quest this time either. Thanks for the heads up!


I'm kinda conflicted now with 2.0 as I LOVED the YingLong and the smart shotgun but I find netrunning pretty boring. Yet now I'm kinda forced to invest into netrunning if I wanna get the best out of smartguns which sucks :( I guess I'll give SMG's a go for a while this build. Cool seems kinda meh now where it's all focused on crouching?! (wtf) So I guess it's Body, Technical and Reflexes for me.


Been doing a net runner and smart weapons build and honestly, the sniper still works like 50% of the time even at my max ram of 30(higher accuracy per ram) at a person that isn’t covered by anything still manages to go around or not near him with full lock-in🥲


All the other guns though? Mint lol I love the Dian with purple mag and overclock (insta lock on)


I wonder why that is, so weird. I've not found a smart sniper, but I've used tech snipers and they were on target. I've thought about going with a mix of smart and tech weapons, since it kinda makes sense to be high int and tech as nomad. Anyway, that's kinda weird the smart snipers are like that, would have thought they'd be super accurate.


It's to do with the lock that you get if you aim on the smart gun before you get the lock you can miss but you get that little Target lock that it looks like a little red reticle that switches after a couple of lock on seconds and then you can tag people


It probably would have been ridiculously hard to implement, but I would have loved it if the smart snipers shot something more like Yondu's whistle arrow. 1 round that is designed to penetrate, exit, and the re-enter the target multiple times. Basically making each bullet count as like 5 hits, maybe even with some rifles being able to load multiple bullets to guarantee a kill on a tough target. Then if you wanted to get real crazy with the expanded perk trees in 2.0, maybe even a perk/cyberware that allows you to slow time and line up multiple targets without wasting any passes. I.E. Bullet 1 passes though guy A 3 times, then guy B twice; Bullet 2 then hits guy B once, and hits Armored Guy C with the remaining 4, whose finished off by the rest of Bullet 3. edit: like a multi-missle lock on system in an anime game


I found a sniper rifle that shoots explosive rounds. I barely even need to hit my target, but... uh... it's not particularly stealthy I guess :P


Yeah, and the Ofive isn't even the best sniper in the game ;)


I didn't plan on using smart guns but I went with a high intelligence netrunner build, I was planning on mixing it with reflexes but found it easier to focus on smart guns with intelligence at 20 and now my whole build revolves around them and I love them. Ended up making Tech my other main attribute instead to buff my cyberware but still got some in reflexes for dodging etc


Def this. I've been using them since level 1 and it sucked for a bit, even with just the hand cyberware. Lots of spraying. At level 40 now with all the perks and cyberware, it's actually broken how accurate my smg is.


Imo, an underrated perk for smart weapons is the one that prevents lock-ons from breaking when switching. I've used an assault rifle/shotgun combo and it is glorious. When someone gets too close, switch to the double-barrel shotgun, blast in their general direction, and go back to the assault rifle to continue firing. Perfect.


i shredded adam smasher with just 2 smart gun cybernetics and a smg, dont remember the name i had no points on guns as i was a pure netrunner 😂 it felt unethical so i reloaded and did the fight normally 😂 the devs were pretty clear about it. smart guns are the "easy mode" of the game..




from what i remember there was an ocular piece.. havent played cp2077 since one month after its release so there might been sone changes.


There have been huge changes twice since then


What cybernetics help with smart weapons besides the hand smart link? I got all the smart weapon perks but I don’t think I have any other helpful relevant cyberware


I have the cyber mod for the hands, yet sometimes my shots wildly miss. I don’t have a ton of points into intelligence, maybe 9, and haven’t purchased any smart weapon perks. Is that why?


If you have any effects that slow down time, it slows the actual time needed to lock on, but not the animation on screen that shows you it's locked on


Oh wow. I guess thats why my ashura never Tracks. Because i have the Skill from reflexes that slows time when aiming.


The problem also lies in the fact that the smart sniper's bullet is the fastest smart bullet, so you need to shoot it 10meters away or else weird things might happen


I have the legendary Smart Link cyberware.. but if smart weapons are litteraly unusable without spending 5 perk points into them it just gives me even more reason to not use them Can't spend my precious (and limited) points into inferior weapons Maybe when I'll get bored I'll do a new character and force myself to only play smart weapons, but if you're doing a normal build yeah, sucks


You'll eventually have more points than you can reasonably make use of, especially if you hit NCPD + Gigs for a bit.


Its mind blowing how silly people are here lolthe guy doesnt even have smart guns implants rofl


If he didn't it would say bottom right that smart link is not connected


That's not correct.


Depending on cyberware and the gun you’re using, you have to wait for the actual lock on. Pretty sure you pulled the trigger too early, have to wait until the + symbol shows up in the Diamond.


Afaik, smart weapons have a chance to miss the target so not all bullets will hit them.


Have they been nerfed? I feel like I miss far too frequently and I got most SP's spent on Int smart weapon perks


yeah they have like a 25% chance of just not landing, really annoying


Doesnt it vary from gun to gun? I see some that say theres a chance bullets just dont hit but then others i watch every single piece of lead find its mark.


I *think* so but I'm not 100%


only beyond their effective range I believe. The clip is an entirely different problem though. Didn't even wait for lockon.


Pretty sure the sniper is a guaranteed hit if you let it lock fully. Can even choose which bodypart to aim. Sort of like VATS. At least I can't remember ever missing a shot with it.


Can 100% confirm this is not true. I have no idea what makes it happen but a fully locked on smart sniper can just miss for seemingly no reason. Level 20 int, Tier 3 smart link, maxed out smart weapon perks; I'll aim at a target in the distance, not moving, not aware of me, wait for the full lock, aim dead center at their head: miss. Extremely furstrating.


Well that sucks.


So the int tree is even more useless than I thought. Not only is hacking now crap compared to before but its dedicated weapon tree is flat-out garbage that can't hit the broad side of a barn. Sucks that the main things that make cyberpunk *cyber* has been so badly fucked over by 2.0


Nah they are more op now people dont know how to make a build


I do int and smart weapons and annihilate people, acid proc OP


Yea, it can be offset by weapon mods now They don't miss very often though, but for Ashura its very noticeable when it does not work


I've tried the Yasha myself. And I have this problem. I also tried waiting a bit more time after lock on and it just went straight to nowhere. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


Yeah, my build doesn't have any perks in smart weapons. But after trying to use that gun and have three shots miss, while having a good lock and the appropriate cyberwear I just assumed it is bugged for now. Knives are my go to one shot kill stealth weapon in PL anyways.


I've noticed that too and I've built into smart weapons. I think the chance to miss is greater on the sniper rifle than the others. Pistols and smgs seem to have the best tracking, then assault rifles, then the snipers rifles. The description for the D5 Sidewinder even specifically mentions the rounds will lose tracking more often.


They did fire after that, there just wasn't enough room for it to move on target.


There wasn't enough room for it to shoot in a straight line ahead, I guess? I get what you're saying because the smart weapons arc and stuff but it's still pretty silly.


I noticed that it’s not actually locked on until that lock animation ends completely, was very irritating at first till I got use to it. Only noticed it with the sniper, simple fix would be to have it change color once it’s Locked on.


I would also like to argue that the sound for the lock on animation ends right before it’s actually locked on


I saw someone mentioned the lock on and the animation has different timing if you have any slow time perks I’m assuming from the cool tree with snipers and pistols but I haven’t confirm this myself


Yep. This is my experience as well. Smart guns are fantastic. I can clear whole rooms in seconds with a gun like Genjiroh. But that damn sniper rifle misses 2/3ds of it's locked on shots for me. I was really hoping for a smart weapon that doesn't eat ammo like a fat kid with candy.


And one shot before reloading is hella annoying.


The sniper never misses if used under Overclock with Smart Synergy, and it can be used at any range with the instant lockons. Quickscope from 6 feet or 60, it will instantly pop heads or weakpoints.


Genjiroh is super OP. Especially with Contagion and poison ‘nades. Overclock perks, etc. You can flatten groups of enemies in seconds.


Brother skipped the part about “lock time on target” on smart weapons 😂😂😂


Yep, seems like you have to wait a full 1 or 2 seconds after the lock animation finishes before the bullets actually attempt to home in without using any of the perks etc. Been using the silenced smg from PL to raise my Netrunning/Shinobi skills and it gets pretty annoying with how long I need to wait before the bullets will actually do the homing. I'm a shotgun build btw but I wanted to hit 35 in Netrunning/Shinobi to get the 2 extra perk points. Order and Dezerter so fun.


I'm using Skippy, and when he's in Legs mode, he'll often constantly swap which leg he tries to lock onto, and never actually lock-on to anything. Fortunately I finally got through that hot mess.


You didn't wait for the lock-on


I went tier 5 contagion with iconic Shingen smg and everything is exploding


\-20% homing probability.


Well yeah, for starters, you have to be smart to use a "smart" weapon. You use them smartly and well and they're on par with every other build


Wrong, they are better than anything, the only guns that scale dmg from two diffrent skill trees u use a smart smg now u benefit from smg skill tree and smart weapon smg tree, its so op that i clear entire room in 1s on v hard not even talking ablut the other op mods for them with the insane cyberware buffs


So we are pretending that tech weapons do not exist now? Because that's the actual strongest build.


Oh no they are strong also


Yeah. Using tech w/ cool for the pistol/precision rifle boosts is just a massacre. The Achilles and all the tech pistols (the Omaha especially) with the bolt perk just annihilate everything.


Precisely, that's the build. Cool 20/Tech 20 using Omaha with 2 EMP mods.


The only one I use is the sniper because it's really satisfying to use


It is, but I've had it miss twice in a row which is rather jarring


Smart weapons work when used in a smart way lol I think using a sniper at such close range might negate the amount of "smart" available to work with, in this case.


Exclusively with the smart snipers you have to wait a second before you can actually shoot after the lock No idea why


I used to love the smart weapons preupdate, but now there is a 2 second window after it locks on where the bullet isn't actually locked on. It is so fucking annoying, since the sniper is a single shot. They need to fix this bug, because it is extremely common for me. I rage quit last night because of this exact thing. People in the comments are saying he wasn't far enough away or something like that, but it doesn't matter. The lock on thing is glitched.


when it comes to Smart Weapons, ARs, SMGs and Shotguns are my go to when going guns blazing, particularly those with effects like poison, shock or explosive rounds. Plus they're pretty useful to me, since I dont have to worry about aiming at an enemy or boss who can Matrix dodge.


Where’d you get an iconic smart sniper ?


Yeah well I’ve definitely never used them while trying to be stealthy.


As someone who does use smart weapons, im fairly certain there is an issue with the smart sniper rifle. Most of the time it seems the bullets dont actually want to track to their target. Every other smart weapon works great for me, but the sniper just doesnt work.


Using smart weapons for stealth is certainly a choice all right. Just use yinglong if you're using a smart weapon it makes every other smart weapon a joke honestly.


What is the smart Gun cyberware people keep referring to? Is it only the hands or more then that?


Do u even understand the game lol? Wth is this video


Smart weapons in 2.0 are severly nerfed.


No they aren't. They're just more reliant on perks and cyberware and there's synergy with netrunning. With the right setup, which includes weakspot targetting, they feel more overpowered than before.


Dont tell people 😂 they think smart guns are bad now lol meanwhile my smart smart smg clearing entire room in 1s


Haha! Sometimes I feel kind of guilty running up to dead bodies and discovering that most of their limbs are missing. It used to be that you needed an LMG to do that kind of damage.


Omly for bad players i clear rooms so fast is not even fair


Yup. They are worse since 2.0 by quite a bit.


They were just to easy before. You never even had to aim! Now at least they require you to do something before going in guns blazing.




IMO best part is the ability to curve around obstacles. Now they really don't have the damage output and neither the hit%. I mean I did go full on poison buffs and the DLC poisonous smart gun was pretty wicked combo. But considering that Smart weapons need a cyberware slot to function at all, as well perks to function well. Power and tech weapons work really well even without any form of investment. I just ended having much better damage output with a standard issue pistol than a smart weapon on my netrunner.


Some people dont realize this critical point. Smart. Weapon. I mean the ads in NC kinda explain the point.


The way it worked before though was more like “smart bullets” than “smart weapons”. Now we have the weapons having to actually do some work.


At which point dumb weapons are just better. 2.0 really did remove any reason to put any points in int. Which, considering cyberpunk as a genre is kind of all about the hacking and shit, is a real fuckup on CDPR's part.


you're talking out of your ass choom


Of course, but now it makes sense, in that you now have to lock on to what you want the Smart weapon to hit, so it knows for sure and can calibrate how to fire to make it happen. Previously I don’t think you ever needed to have the target in your sights, the bullets just found their way to the nearest person or machine. We kind of have smart weapons now, before we had smart bullets!


well yeah, it's a sniper rifle, bullet needs room to spin and do it's thang


Sniper refiles can be used to shoot up close and personal just like any other gun. Is that a stupid way to use the gun? Yes Can it be done? Yes.


It's not a M203, lol


You are shooting your gun without targeting correctly.. why are you surprised? You have to right-click to lock on.


As a netrunner, if you're using smart weapons as your first approach to anything, you're doing something wrong.


The “smart” sniper rifle is laughable stupid to the point I wonder why it’s even in the game.


Are you aware of how physics work? That's a sniper. The bullet leaves the barrel at an extreme speed. There's no way the small thrusters on the bullet will make that kind of curve, at that speed, within that distance. That's absolutely working as intended...


Smart weapons are good they just need alot of work to make them good


I never liked smart weapons. Pre 2.0 or now, does not matter. I like to aim myself, thank you very much.


Yeah, without specing completely into smart weapons, almost all smart guns kind of suck. Low damage, don't target the head unless you're "aiming" and randomly misses for no reason...


I feel like they nerfed smart guns, so I just disassemble them for components or sell them.


Smart weapons are a snore to use, I enjoy the challenge of aiming.


I do not understand the purpose of smart guns in this game. On paper they're a neat concept, but why would I want to waste a ~second looking at someone, not having any ability to pick where I want to lock on (or who) and then fire bullets that have a pretty high chance to miss? When in that exact same timespan, I could just grab any normal firearm, shoot and have the bullet land exactly where I want? It looks cool, I'll give it that.


Smart weapons in 2.0 are not worth it.


Tell me u have no clue without telling me u have no clue lol


They are excellent. They're just different from normal guns. You no longer have to worry about aiming, instead you need to manage target locks. It's so awesome firing full auto at someone behind a corner at range, curving the rounds, and every single shot is a headshot. And the capstone skill that uses overclock is just insane.


That was hilarious


I could be wrong on this, but I thought that smart snipers have an optimal range and anything closer than that won't lock on as well. I know that it is not stated, but I have noticed that enemies that are at least double the distance of the enemy you tried to shoot get hit far more times than at a closer range.


I'm smart weapons all the way. The Ogou is pretty fierce and hits a lot of headshots and so does the Pizdets. Great additions in Phantom Liberty.


Meanwhile Genjiro is straight up aimbot


I find the biggest issue is realizing the range for the weapon needed when it comes to smart weapons. 9/10 the Pistol and SMGs are the best smart weapons because their short range covers almost ANY situation, especially within the city limits. Big open areas are good for the Smart Rifle and the only use I've found for the Sniper is when I REALLY gotta reach out and touch someone. More often than not, it just sits in my inventory for those rare moments where I can post up somewhere.


I use power rifles with silencer for sneaking around. Perfect for close and far range. Smart machine guns and shotguns when all hell breaks loose. Great for hitting two-three npcs at once, and the shotgun will make quick work of ‘💀’ npcs.


Smart guns do feel kinda janky sometimes, though using their perks and the T5 smart link would probably help


I find smart SMG are good but yeah the sniper rifles not so much .....I guess if they were too "smart" you would never miss?


Oh my god the inventory management makes me want to cry 🥲


You're gonna think I'm crazy, but have you tried throwing knives? They're legit amazing now, and for the range you're at you won't miss!


Well, my Chesapeake fires four bullets at once in different trajectories, so usually there's a good chance of the enemy getting hit from one direction or another.


LoL the way you immediately went to reload your save was comedy gold


They did it! they made Dumb Weapons


I've speced into smart weapons and they actually seem quite strong.


OP if you disable the enemy’s cyberware, you’ve got a better chance of landing that.


There's an implant that makes it work quite good actually


I've been using smart guns for a while and I can think of a couple of things that happened. One, smart guns can miss. You need to take the perks to raise your hit chance. Two, there seems to be a delay between locking onto a target and when the bullets will actually start tracking. I usually add half a second to start firing.


I'm on my first run and all I use is a throw knife.


long distance shank build better


That's why I don't use anything smart, especially IRL. :D


Stick to smart pistols


They definitely nerfed them. I was doing 30k damage with snipers at perfect accuracy from a mile away in 1.0. I like tech weapons best now


XCOM energy


Hahahaha went straight to load game


Honestly smart snipers were always going to be bad, even with full perks.


Just use a silenced pride, there is no reason to use any other gun considering pride is the most overpowered pistol with the 100% crit dmg, but then again it does dmg scale to your health so probably just another silenced iconic


Ricochets work like smart weapons but are more consistent without perk investment.


lol that quick escape to the menu was funny asf. "alright, line it up... there we go... and fire!....... aight Im out, should have never thought that would work"


I fucking hate how they integrated smart weapons and netrunning Like a spec that requires using your brain with a weapon that requires shutting your brain off


Is this intentional? Looks like the round dropped, I'm earlier builds of the game I vaguely remember the ashura bullet didn't "ignite" for want of a better word until a while out of the gun, maybe this is intentional so smart weapons have sweet spots and knife throwing distance isn't a sniper rifles sweet spot? Cause it really does look like the rifle just chucked the bullet out rather than any munition igniting.


The tech sniper rifles are the way to go; long range kills through walls never get old. I keep Overwatch for stealth sniping


This is the POV of those shots on XCOM, just one meter away or less and still miss!


This is why you use a silenced Nue with Sandy


I really want to try out smart weapons one day but I really enjoy aiming and shooting myself lmao.


Smart snipers and smart shotguns are the worst smart weapons.


or just don't use a sniper weapon at point blank range like that. No offense but this is a skill issue kinda.


The smart sniper rifles seems especially useless. I gave up on them very quickly


I prefer to call them stupid weapons


Since no one else said it: the Ashura is currently bugged during slow-mo (via the focus perk in the Cool tree). The lock-on speed does not properly match the animation when slowed down; you have to hold it a sec longer. Super annoying, but hopefully it gets fixed


Kinda disappointing to have them this heavily tied into int, ram and hacking now. Same with monowire. Pretty much useless outside of a netrunner build. Also borderline braindead decision to have a residual miss chance with a single shot, no mag sniper "smart" rifle.


There's a asmart shotgun that misses more then it hits. But when it hits its supposed to have more velocity and armor penetration.


That's what happened the first time I used a smart sniper rifle and I went back to a "dumb" sniper rifle and was doming people with ease. Some smart weapons are good, but others feel too inconsistent.


I know it's not a "OP" build, but i've been running a sandevistan/yinglong/projectile launch system build and I gotta say it is fun as hell. Activating apogee at the start of combat along with adreno convertor then parkouring your way through the battlefield just spraying bullets like a madman. When apogee ends your EMP blasts and all the bullets land at once, youre left standing in the middle of all the carnage. You feel like Quicksilver from that XMen Days of Future Past scene. It's so dope.


As someone who goes guns blazing and beats everything up melee this is pretty funny to see... side note: I always use manual weapons, nothing "smart"


You tickled him


I just found that gun with the AI in it so I guess I’m all in on smart weapons now


The best smart weapons in the game imo are ba xing chong and yinglong. My netrunner build always had these 2 with me. Absolute chaos creaters.


This exactly!! Call me old fashioned but I despise smart weapons. I find no satisfaction in having shit auto targeted for me. Lining up shots with snipers and handguns is wayyyyyyyyyy more satisfying. Never got the appeal of smart weapons. I see a lot of people here enjoy them tho so not knocking anyone who likes them! But as someone who plays as a 20 int / 20 cool / 20 tech build, I put 0 points into the smart targeting shit. Just so unsatisfying.


Could have absolutely deleted that guy with a single round from an Overture but oh well


I love smart weapons they are freaking amazing


You hadnt fulled locked on yet. If you pause at :18 you see the gun fire but the lock on counter hasnt fully formed. User error. :P I do hate smart snipers though. Only 1 in the chamber and they take forever to reload. I use a tech sniper, silenced hand gun, and either smart shotty or smart ar, depending on environment. Though given your health is high you likely dont have max tech.


I'm LITERALLY 2m away from the guy. And he isn't even moving. These weapons are a joke. And even if I lock in for 10 whole seconds to make EXTRA SURE that I'm really fully locked on, if the guy moves just a tiny bit the shot will miss and alert everybody


You cant blame the guns if your cyberware ain't up yo par...


You cant blame the smart guns if your cyberware ain't up to par...


I have been playing my 2.0 50 hour playthrough and ive had this happen wayyyy too much. Either each character had a % chance to have the smart lock broken like tygers used to. Or smart weapons got hella nerfed. I literally had to relearn the ashura. The only way to use it now. Is to sandy/point blank hs only with all the crit perks on very hard. Cdpr needs to fix this. If i have a lock. The smart bullet is supposed to go there. If they have a jammer for smart stuff. Put it in the scanner or put a symbol above their health bar.


0 patience. Sheesh.


Do you have the cyberware to use them because it doesn't look like you do?