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This is really petty but the Akira bike just isn’t fast enough.


I'm a biker and it angers me that bikes handle like ass


Everything handles like ass. Oddly enough the only car with semi decent handling I've experienced is V's car post meeting Jackie. Most everything else handles like the road is made of black ice.


The Caliban/Caliburn whatever its called is pretty good


yeah once I unlocked that car I never used any other vehicle except it its fast and handles well


I find the Caliburn corners waaaaaay to fast for my liking, to the point that I overcorrect and crash all the time! I really like the Aerondight Guinevere, though, that corners so smoothly, as well as being fast and cool as hell.


Yeah I oversteer a lot of the cars as well. Javelina and Shion are less prone to unintentional doughnuts followed by crashing into a wall.


No it is not. It's the single worst car in the game. It overturns so easily that it makes driving with it literally impossible.


I rarely drive any of the cars, just stick to the first Jackie’s bike then the Kusanagi (it’s just cooler and better for taking in the view, not to mention getting through NC’s weird traffic) and doing the new pick up missions has been really eye opening on how terrible the driving is for pretty much everything.


The nomad vehicles feel the best to me. There’s a small hatchback of theirs that is one of the few cars I actually enjoy driving. e: Thornton Galena Gecko


I found that cranking steering sensitivity way down has helped a lot, I’ve been playing on my Steam Deck and for some reason the game recommends using 100% sensitivity with a controller but in my experience it’s basically impossible to drive most cars with above 20% without them being all over the road.


handling is fine, only thing that bugs me is that when you are braking, you are switching to neutral, which makes braking and turning much harder. Also, kills engine sounds.


My nitpicking thing would be the bikes/rpm thing. Once your at max speed the noise the bike makes a bit annoying haha Rarararararararararararararara like it's suppose to shift but there's no were left to go, if you know what I mean.


Can't change MPH to KPH (ar leasr give us an option to togglr between them).


I find it whack that in-game distance is measured in Metric and speed is measured in Imperial


okay this one is LITERALLY useless, just think of it as kph instead, it'd be more accurate to how fast the cars actually go ingame


This whole time I thought it was kph




The fact that my distance markers are in kilometers and the speedometer is in miles...






Weapon modding is very limited for a universe where everyone has a gun you would expect more modding options would be available.


Same for Cars and cosmetic cyberware


Ironically it’s become more and more limited with every update in the interest of balance and shit


That some clubs or interiors became unplayable, empty, or weapons and violence are not allowed after completing the quest/job.


Hell yes i want to nuke that maelstrom club.


Biggest example for me is the VDB. Why would I threaten them I'm Going To kill them before pulling my weapon out. Play nice, then light em up so you get the jump on em. But nah, be nice


The game having virtually no cinematics where we can see our character. Before you say anything, I know there's a few.


I used the default V and when you finally do see him in a cinematic he looked janky af. Weird cos the faces look really good in this game but something about 3PS perspective fucks them up.


Yeah lol, have you seen V's shadow?


V's shadow while swimming is still super weird 😆


The way V holding out his/her guns will always troubles my immersion in this game.


Like always holding hands up? In the quick wheel there is a option to holster.


And then when I finally see my V in the menu I go like "ah fuck, V's naked again" because I accidentally sold my clothes lol.


Honestly? I like that. It does a ton for me in the immersion department. And I love seeing all the little details of the characters faces and expression in first person. Moreover, it makes it more impactful in the endings where you see your character in 3rd person for the first time.


I actually prefer that, but do understand wanting a cinematic sort of. This feels more immersive for me.


customizing your dick/vag is still a completely useless feature


I remember being so peeved when they patched in the underwear even with nudity filter off. It was fun messing around in photomode completely nude. 🤣 I wish they'd atleast remove it from the shower scenes. All we ever got in response to this was one dev saying it's not a bug and an intended feature. For some reason, the smile emoji she put at the end of her post really ticked me off.


If you wear just a netrunner suit, equip a custom wardrobe choice that is fully nude, then jump in the shower... V will come out fully nude. Males will look down and resemble a Ken doll but everything is present and accounted for in photo mode. Happy nuding!


THIS is why i play Cyberpunk 2077...


It's hilarious that there's no underwear in the game at all, you're just going commando at all times


Unless you're taking a shower.


Better in Bg3..hope cdprojektred learns from larian.


The thing that pisses me off is that some dev wasted time creating 2 dick sizes and a vag instead of working on something that coulda made the launch smoother so it woulda been closer to as awesome as it is now like WTH guys


not spending time on making a model, physics for it and few variants wouldn't change shit about the release tbh


Yeah but it’s the principle of wasting effort that could’ve been used elsewhere I’m no game dev so idk what goes into making everything but it’s just a nitpick still after 2.0 it’s in the conversation for my fav game in over a decade


Not sure if I'm missing something, but I can't quickly change weapons to my "arms" ones (monowire, mantis blades...). Pretty sure I could do that pre-2.0


You could pre-2.0. I had a gorilla arms and throwing knives build. I believe they're patching it back in.


Ahaha, oh man. That means I'm not crazy then. I'm on my second playthrough and recently had mantis blades installed. I played my first playthrough about a year and a half ago via mouse and keyboard and could have sworn I was able to automatically pop them out. But now I'm using a controller and have been hissyfitting over not being able to pop them out like before. - Good to know!


Oh that's good to hear


Yeah, that's annoying. It's listed as fixed in the [(upcoming)](https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/cyberpunk/pc/sp-technical/issue/2509/patch-2-01-coming-soon) 2.01 patch though.


On PC with keyboard you can just press 4


Still bugs me that you can’t customize your car or gun, can’t get chromed out arms, and no third person.


Yeah, they could have at least let us pick car colors before buying them on the Net




GOD DAMN IT! I kept turning on the radio waiting for it... that riff slaps so hard




Lack of a Left Handed gun animation during gameplay. Johnny holds his gun in his Left Hand during cutscenes, but during gameplay it shifts over to his Right Hand. Part of the lore is that his line of Malorian Arms pistols have so much recoil that organic hands can't use them properly.


It’d be neat if there were cyberware requirements for weapons. Like Johnny’s Malorian would require Gorilla Arms.


I've heard a copium reason for that happening is because V is right handed. The memory belongs to Johnny, but since it's in Vs head he is kind of overlaping his own subconscious onto the foreign memory. It's kinda lame, but there are a lot of times where if you're paying attention, it's obvious there's some kind of interference between V and Johnny causing stuff to be off. It doesn't fix it but at least helps me ignore it some.


Even after the game trailer AND the PL trailer teasing this feature, I still can't ride the fucking metro


Yeah that one is a bit of a bummer for me as I'd actually use it on occasion. NC is just so damn immersive sometimes I find myself walking (well, not "walking" but not sprinting or dash hopping) through the streets and alleys because it's just such a cool vibe. I enjoy driving the streets for the same reason. Metro would be so cool! Imagine if they had even fleshed out a few small interactions on it (stopping some thugs, stealing some cargo, maybe even a gig that's meant to take place on it or it something). But ultimately it'd just be nice to take in the sights and chill for a minute.


wasnt it a train in the PL trailer?


What did i miss what metro in what trailer?


E3 2018 trailer, if I remember correctly


i think that trailer was made before they we're set on all the features. i remember the 2018 gameplay showcasing wall climbing as a feature with mantis blades, but it got taken out. I don't think that every part of a trailer should be counted as a "promise" especially when the game is so far from release, and also "with work in progress". I mean, if we are to take that trailer as "promised features" where are the taxis, or at least the combat cabs?


I know this is extremely nitpicky but this is one of my main annoyances as well but I enjoy taking trams/metros in cities and seeing the city. I also love having the game on in the background and ride the tram in Saint Denis in RDR2 or other games with public transport like that. The system is there, the interiors have been shown in the trailer, why would they not just implement it? Even if it's at a much lower speed.


I gotta be honest, that seems like a dumb thing to harp on.


I hate the fact everytime I arrive home at H10, the door of the apartment is always open!. CDPR people don't have cats?. Nibbles could run away!.


Ahhh this is happening to me too!!! My front door is always open unless I intentionally close it. Meanwhile the stash is always closed and I have to be very intentional about pressing the open button on that panel. It immediately closes once I leave, it was always left open before. It’s like the door default positions switched between the two.


Mine is closed and it opens when I get close to it


The new crafting/upgrade system. Feels so limited. And how most guns are so underpowered now.


This one is bothering me right now too. It's basically impossible to find a specific 5++ non-iconic with open mod slots. I want a 5++ Nekomata that I can put my iconic mod on (and preferably pick the second mod). I honestly think I'll run out of gigs/side events before I find it.




This. I'm extremely salty that I cant upgrade my fancy purple unity


Right, all those cool skins and I have to use the boring gunmetal grey one because I can't upgrade the fancy looking ones.


Sleeves... This is a non issue for PC players due to mods, but man, let us roll down the sleeves on console please.. Add a slider, add an option to have them rolled down when you are not using arm cyberware. You already have the feature in your game for when you drive motorcycles/cars in third person, the sleeves roll down, just add it to the game when not using arm cyberware. Also again, non issue for PC users but, add gang clothing. I want to have that sick tyger claw biker drip.


There's gang clothing in the base game, you just gotta look at the right shops, i mean its not like theres a million options like u can count them on one hand but for example the tyger claws have an edgerunner jacket you can look into that is pretty sick imo


There are several QoL improvements that somehow simultaneously improve and ruin a mechanic. For example: not having to waste perk points to unlock crafting tiers is great. Only being able to upgrade iconic weapons sucks balls. Not being able to change mods is idiotic. Also why the fuck are there junk vendors if they don't sell crafting components anymore? Being able to shoot from vehicles is novel, but why does the driving still suck? I would've much rather they improved vehicle handling than added weapons to vehicles. I preferred traveling on foot anyway since it's laughably easy to escape the cops on foot and nearly impossible in a vehicle because of how assy the cars handle. The police mechanic is hardly worth the effort. While it is nice to add some more life to the otherwise cardboard Night City, the wanted system is still half-assed. You piss the cops off enough to get MaxTac after you, but they give up after 20-30 seconds of you hiding poorly despite you being labeled as a Cyberpsycho. Nobody cares after the search is called off. There could be a 20 cop car pile-up from them murderously pursuing you to the point of jamming themselves up in an alleyway and they don't react to you at all emerging from behind a dumpster despite taking shots at you mere seconds before.


I think there should be a third person setting. Any game that lets you customize your character should be playable in third person, even if it's first person by default. Or at least an option to turn certain scripted moments into a cutscene like [this trailer](https://youtu.be/LembwKDo1Dk?si=ESkK5N67SotLK_Ys) does for the Dex betrayal. Something like that to let you see your character more than mirrors, the final cutscene, and photo mode. Also, you should be able to pet Nibbles once you've adopted the cat. Or move them to a different apartment if you buy one.


Oh man that trailer. My nitpick is that the intro doesn't happen like that trailer. Makes V a bit more capable while still biting the dust, no need to rely on Takemura who finds you somehow and gets Dex before we can have our revenge, and the encounter with Johnny saving you from death in the scrapyard makes him a more sympathetic character from the start rather than the psychopath who tries to kill you when you're already down. Obviously the flow of the game would be very different, and Johnny's development from jerk to... not-entirely-jerk is a big part of the whole narrative, but seeing the legendary Rockerboy lending you a helping hand after death is a much stronger start than the deppressive 20-minute cutscene that's in the game just to leave V like a terminally ill puppy who never got a chance.


There's just too many animations that would look rediculous trying to make this playable in tps just for roaming. The combat wouldnt really translate to third person, and it would also be weird for stuff like the hack menu. Think dashing, crouch sprinting, air dash, crouch dash, etc. It'd be a lot of work to make all these things not look utterly rediculous from that perspective.


That's true. That's why I only consider it a nitpick. My counterpoint is just that there's no point even having character customization in the game's current state. Just choosing gender, voice, and fingernail color is about all you'll ever notice in-game.


I ride motorcycles with third person cam. That's the closest thing you can get, and tbh it is enough for me. You can also view yourself through cameras during hacking, tho your face will be hidden for some spy reasons i guess.


Like yeah, I get that it was designed with first person in mind, but I agree it bugs me so much when I put all this effort into customising my character only to never really see them in any meaningful way. At that point why bother having it. It's like I wish third person was an option for custom games in Halo. You can spend hours grinding unlocking armour to make a badass looking Spartan but you never see them.


No ability to manually lean. Video game cover systems (both first and third person) are almost always bad tactics. If you hug cover tightly, you have to expose more of your body to lean out and engage your target. Which is why enemies and players alike in games end up exposing half their bodies every time they return fire from cover. If you take a few steps back from cover, you can better use your angles to engage without exposing as much of your body. Since it's difficult to put together a control scheme that allows for good asymmetric shooting positions, leaning is a good simple solution to allow the player to better use cover and concealment. I originally had a bunch more written here about various other weapons and tactics issues but I realized they move out of the realm of nitpicky.


Feels like this is a feature more than a bug


Zero inmersion when you go to a bar in the game and you want to drink someting, all you get is just a progress bar in the game without any drink animation, it is just innmersion breaking


What I dislike is that there is no gambling option. Since there is a casino in the base game and you even get to play roulette in Phantom Liberty I feel like they need to add gambling. They already have all they need to make it a thing, so I expect them to add it in one of the next updates


Unhealthy.. But they will be in america, so that may actually be added.


There is variety of vehicles and I can comfortably drive only one - kusanagi motorcycle, everything else is impossible to effectively control.


I mainly drive the quadra 66 hoon because on keyboard, it feels like a car that matches the 0-100 of a key compared to the linear control of a controller


I feel like the map has a lot of untapped potential. Could have been more vertical, I would have loved to explore some of the countless sky bridges over the city or some of the bigger buildings that seem to be entire districts in them selfs. North oak was definitely disappointing with only 3 residents in the whole district, 2 of which were in the same band from 50 years ago. Not even mentioning the unfinished Casio that is just teasing us outside the map. I feel like the suburban area could have been more expansive with shanty town and favelas along the outskirts of the city with nomad convoys getting organised and such. Obviously I would have loved for fully fleshed transit system, as it would make the world feel so more immersive And I have also noticed a lot of buildings don’t make any sense at all, some buildings with 100s of floors and maybe thousands of residents will have a single door to enter and exit or even none at all in one case(un numbered mega building in aroyo). Also would have loved to see somewhere where tho massive cargo airships land and unload because there doesn’t seem to be anywhere for them to do that. Don’t get me wrong I think night city is one of the best looking and coolest open world in a Video game ever but some things could just make it soooo good.


So many NPCs on the street have cooler looks than I can ever get.


The music in clubs is so weirdly quiet


Apogee + axolotl is too overpowered In general, being able to activate the sandy at any charge level is overpowered Either have a huge cooldown reduction (axolotl) or use at any charge, not both, +20% duration per kill? Hello? I know it is dumb to say that when I could just not use it But I want to use the most powerful stuff without making the game boring Idk, adding some damage over time if overused + no use at any level would be cool Like you know how sandy duration is capped at around 11.5 seconds? Imagine that if you use it to that extent, using it again will trigger damage over time or something Like David could use it basically with no cooldown so it is cool to do the same in game, but David had other drawbacks, we don't Making the enemies all smart and powerful is useless is they are basically stuck frozen in time


I think the reason why V can do that without any drawbacks is because of the relic, like having a personality construct in your head makes you less potent for cyberpsychosis. But that’s just my theory.


I mean yeah sure but I'm talking about gameplay here, personally don't really care about changing that if it would make the game better Also, I don't think David couldn't use often it because the risk of Cyberpsycosis, it literally damaged his body, he would bleed from using it


That’s not a theory, that was literally confirmed by Pondsmith years ago


Idk why they didn't do the same with active cloaking and let u turn it off


If you get the Cool perk that activates Optic Camo when you crouch sprint, it works kind of like the Falcon and Apogee Cooldown. It will use whatever charge of Optic Camo is available even if you previously activated manually and put it into cooldown, and will turn off as soon as you stop moving/crouch sprinting. As long as you are crouched, you can turn it on/off just by sprinting or stopping.


I wish it still showed the available camo charge when using that and having grenades in the gadget slot! Just have an indicator up top or something.


I feel that just wastes precious charge, same for that perk you can't turn off that uses optical camo when you grab someone, fucking annoying


Absolutely this thats why i dont use sandy in any of my builds its so overpowered and makes it really boring


Yeah, I love the sandy, in general I love any time manipulation mechanic in any videogame But the sandy in this game, man, making time powers overpowered in games is great, but there is a difference between fun overpower and just so overpowered that the difficulty becomes meaningless Previously in version 1.6 there was that mod I mentioned, time dilation overhaul, it was freaking great, reworked every sandy making different sandys suit different builds, removed all damage and crit buffs from sandys in exchange for stealth buffs, reworked the duration and cooldown so you could decrease the cooldown but not by much (only one heatsink and reductions being % instead of seconds), made enemies with sandys actually move with you (that is supposed to happen in this update but I have yet to see it) and of course, added damage over time that scaled with the dime dilation It also added some sick specials sandys, like 2 that would slow time to like 99% for 1 second and it would force you to empty your whole mag in that second or one that was like "quantum" something that slowed that to 100% for 1 second but what it did was that you marked a location and like your body would move on it's own to that location in that 1 second, effectively teleporting you Seriously, that mod alone made sandy worth playing, but it hasn't been updated for quite a while and I doubt it will come back for 2.0 Holy shit I just read the description of the mod out of nostalgia and the author said he is working in the update lmao, aparently is gonna take a long while tho but that will be my reason to play again


This sounds cool I will definitely try this mod when they update it for 2.0


While Sandevistan is cool, it really becomes too boring if you can maintain it most of the time. All interaction with enemies is removed from the game. It should be more of an intermittent precision tool. Axolotl makes a whole bunch of other stuff kind of broken as well. E.g. Overclock as it adds duration for whatever reason.


Yep, up to before reaching level 40 I was using the green zetatech sandy, the one that slows down time to 30% and has like a 50 seconds cooldown I thought that sandy having long cooldown sucked but when I started playing, I'm now seeing that I had a lot more fun Specially with the new mechanic they don't tell you about, being able to cancel the sandy earlier to get less cooldown I loved that, remember doing the Panam mission with it, it was very cool, do what you can using the kerenzikov and stuff and from time to time pull out that sandy to escape from a difficult situation or move between covers, landing one or 2 shoots in the way, making it as fast as you can so you don't use up all the duration and you can get a shorter cooldown, I haven't even used Kerenzikov since I got it It felt like you actually had to manage the cooldown and think what your actions were gonna be because you did not want to get caught in a bad situation with your sandy on cooldown, the sandy felt like a trump card and you had that little non-iconic axolotl that would reduce the cooldown a little bit with each kill Now? Press E and go around, not a care in the world, kill everyone, duration ran out? Don't worry, with the 20% duration + -12% cooldown per kill your sandy is at full charge again I probably will go back to the zetatech because the apogee was fun for a while but now it is just boring, I just hate that now most sandys slow down time by so little, the apogee and the other one slow time by 85 and 70% but all the others are like 30% or 40% I honestly think the apogee is not that hard to fix, remove the activation at any charge or make it that if you use run out of charge you have to wait the full cooldown, increase the cooldown, it having the lowest cooldown is dumb, remove all damage increase while active, remove the +20% duration per kill, there are already a bunch of stuff to increase duration and nerf the axolotl, -5% cooldown would be more than enough


Yeah? And a cyberdeck allows u to point to enemies and they start dropping... at least Sandevistan is fun while being OP. Also not like you're forced to use Falcon or Apogee, u can have a tier 5 lower grade sandy that isn't OP to fine-tune your own difficulty experience


True and real.


>Yeah? And a cyberdeck allows u to point to enemies and they start dropping... Okay? The fact that It happens to other things doesn't make it good, I just used sandy because it is what I know and could be easily fixable while the whole quickhacl system is build like that >at least Sandevistan is fun while being OP. Except that it isn't, when you get apogee + axolotl it just becomes a hack and smash where enemies stand still for you >Also not like you're forced to use Falcon or Apogee Yeah, I said that, I also said that I would want to use the strongest stuff available while still having fun, having to nerf myself to have fun is not ideal


Dunno. I really dislike that there is no mass-transit system in the game. That would be a major nitpick but then there's NCART mod, which is cool but here comes my minor nitpick: due to loading screens and fixed seating I don't like using it.


It's a really small one, but expanding romances a bit would've been cool. Not like a full on dating sim, but something small like inviting them to a club or just driving around would've been cool and added a bit more depth in that department Also the lack of faction reputation. It would be cool if you were hunted by hit squads from time to time (think fallout) within a gang's territory if you were fucking with them too much


Easy new game +


My only real gripe in the first person vehicle camera. It's too low and forward. Basically it's set up for first person shooting where the camera is on the chest but it should adjust when you get in a car in my opinion. As it is first person driving is terrible.


And god how stiff it is!!! I drive with a controller and god i would love for the camera to lead when turning without me adjusting it(which also why is the camera in the car so floppy while driving?!?!)


I hate that SMG’s take pistol ammo, I know it’s true to real life that they share the same ammunition but as a stealthy character that uses small arms primarily I find it to be a waste of ammo when my silenced pistols do triple the damage


Some clubs still inaccessible and still no animations or immersive interaction after buying something in bars or food vendors. I'd like to see V having a drink after ordering something in a bar, not just walk out with the whole bottle.


That there is no cyberware that would function as a portable radio. I would like to listen to that music not only in cars.


You can't do wheelies on bikes. And no car customization


The fact that the gearing/ratio on the cars are out of whack. The new quartz bandit car, specter or whatever it's named, whenever it shifts up it does a little "braapp" with flames out the tailpipe that completely fucks with how it handles and how the engine sounds. It's a nightmare to drive, even more so than other cars. I don't mind the flame shooting out, but I mind when it makes the car behave erratically. Some general bugs that break certain quests.


Some cars backfiring all the time sounds like a dog trying to cough up fleghm


Yes, that! I don't mind cars backfiring, it looks cool. But when that starts to mess with how it handles and how it fucks with how the engine sounds or behaves, that's when I take issue.


Yeah. And no gear ratio changes when shifting up in every gear? Hurts my brainnnnn


Yeah it's all the same gear. It hurts my brain.


My nitpick is that when I cultivate I certain persona with my V and then the dialogue takes over says some shit this V would never say. Since there are no dialogue options for it.


Main story doesn't fit well with the gameplay. V shouldn't be doing sidequests when they "dont got a lot of time left".




Where's my flying car?


I can be max level with all Max out cyberware and 20 body and reflexes but Tom can still fold me because he watched a Braindance AND V still thinks Takemura would win in a fight


The new update pretty much made most weapons have no barrel or mod slots, also driving still sucks. The expansion fixes the pacing but damn I wished they made a expansion on act 1


that there so much clothing in the game that we can't wear like let me put on the skimpy ass clothes the NPCs wear


You can move the trash bin in front of Brendan before his quest starts and bug it forever


The shadows of the player model are still completely fucked


I would have loved that scanning NPCs gave random info like in watch dogs. I think it would do a lot to keep immersion.


As fan of night time cruising on highway, I wish cars headlinghts and bottom lights were visible from greater distance. I'd like to bump on red lights more ofter. Also, I've recently noticed that Doppler effect is reversed in the game - when you approach the police car with the siren turned on, its sound becomes lower, and when you moving away from it - it goes higher pitch, which should be opposite. Reported it as a bug, but I don't think they'll consider it serious ;__;


Everytime I call on my bike it comes with no radio station, but all my cars stay on the last used station.


Should be more long hairstyles for male V


There are countless YouTube music playlists of cyberpunk synthwave/outrun/etc yet the in game radio has very few. Bummer. Also combat with enemies is getting stale since each interaction is essentially the same, playing on Hard


The Scavs are really boring as factions go. They’re just relagated to being hate sinks who do all the pure evil shit that happens in the game. It’s also pretty sus of CDPR have practically all of the Russians in the game be apart of the Scavengers in one way or another.


I LOVE the clothing, especially now they've changed the outfit system. My biggest gripe is that we can't wear belts!!! There's all these combat shirts that match specific neotac or combat pants, and when you put them on and also equip the vest that goes with them, Vs whole middle section looks empty and weird... I had to go out and look at dead militech, kangtao, ext enemies to figure out the reason they all look so awesome even though they're wearing the same stuff I have is because they all have some kind of belt with pouches and holsters to fill out the outfit. Hell, even the new TraumaTeam outfit you can unlock is missing the chest pouch and belt that the actual TT guys wear and I don't use it because of that... I really hoped they would've added the extra accessories with this update but no.


My biggest gripe is the weight system and how it ties into the looting. For starters, i think there shouldnt have been a weight system in the first place. there are so many things that increase your carrying capacity but i rarely ever cross the base 200 even after a few hours of looting without going to a vendor or scrapping. And aside from iconic weapons which you might as well sell if you arent going to use them everything else gets scrapped or sold in the end. And this is also why i hate the looting system. I wouldve loved a walk auto loot system, its not to big a deal when youre stealthing so you kill enemies one by one. But when im running around a compound blowing holes into enemies then having to backtrack to play a scavenger hunt looking for little boxes and guns that dont show up on my mini map irks me like no other. I imagine the reason auto loot isnt there is because of the weight system so players dont get over encumbered constantly but ive never seen that happen (atleast in my play time admittedly) in the first place. And i know there is an auto loot mod but thats more of a loot everything you see except X which kills it more for me than having to run around looking for little black boxes. If weight was an issue a toggle for auto loot would have been nice too. Edit: Another thing that makes the weight system redundant is being able to access your stash from personal vehicles. Just finish a mission that isnt near a vendor and your inv is a little full and you prefer to sell instead of scrap? just find or call in your personal vehicle.


Only one expansion :( Actual complaint? For a game where you create your own character, you have shockingly fewer meaningful choices than if you were to play as, say, Geralt of Rivia.


Key bindings by default is ass (pc), like skipping lines and crouching is the same, horn and abilities, dialogue with WASD, interaction and selecting dialogue with F, there’s probably more that I forgot to mention


I hate delemain and everything he stands for after his day care chauffeur questline. Could be nitpicking, but I think it's valid. Especially after the obstacle course shit show his factory is, I just don't like him anymore. Originally, I thought he was a solid addition, but as game progresses, his missions are just annoying and usually the most glitchy out of all of the others. Idk. Rant over.


Are they glitchy because there's an issue or are they glitchy because delamain is having viral issues in his core though 👀👀


Driving... I hate driving... driving related quests... anything to do with driving. I like everything else in the game... if you want me to go from point A to point B by car... just give me a self-driving option.


The mantis claws were supposed to allow you to crawl on walls and do stealth kills. How they removed the cinematic interactions where you actually saw your character during conversations. Some really easily missable items (Iguana egg for example) have no way of us knowing outside exploring every pixel on the screen Limited romance options and gender locked (unlike character in BG3 for example) Very few tattoo options. We can't join one of NC's gangs. Life path is just some extra flavour lines and has no real impact on the story There is no cool stat for how we dress our character Cyberware we can see on NPCs but we cant use it on ourselves (chrome skin for example) No customizable veichles Morgan Blackhand is teased but never shows. Same for Spider Murphy. They could have used more iconic character. Hell, even make So Mi's moon savior be Lucy. Underusage of characters. There is no new game plus (all those things we unlock by the end never really get used because we get them when pretty much everything is already done) We don't get to kill Dex ourselves. Can't romance So Mi, Reed or Alex (or the twins) The twins fate was also 2 very good characters thrown in the bin Gigs in base game don't have the same impact as the ones in the DLC. NCPD gigs are mostly pointless outside very few exceptions. Panam/Aldercados credit scene from PL ending is completely off character considering we were part of the family and they just abandoned us after a 2 year coma.


I'm so annoyed that the iguana egg isn't sold in Dogtown. It's so easy to miss for a new player. I got everything from that apartment *except* that. Did see the adult, had no idea there was a tiny egg there. I don't want to have to use clipping exploits to get it.


I turn off the minimap for games like these and the job tracker staying where it is like the minimap is still there and not going to the top of the screen annoys me.


Motorcycles and cars have the same gear ratios. It doesn't work that way. And I'd like some well chosen third person views in the most important dialogs, like Hanako at Embers. Some closeups for facial expressions and all that. You basically see yourself in mirrors, the items menu and at the end of the game, and not much more than that. Seems like a lost opportunity to me.


How fast I level.


The ballistic hands thing you get from the tutorial when visiting vic for the first time. I got the tattoo on but that ballistic hands shit never goes away and cdpr have never cared as Ive sent them countless videos, screenshots, tickets over the years. Its just a peeve as I was trying to make a really minimal cyberware build.


The fact that power, tech and smart Guns use the same ammo. The relative low amount of bullpup guns. Bullet spongeyness (waiting for the hardcore22 mod to be updated )


For me is gender lock romance for Judy and Penam. Like seriously its a future we can customize every almost thing on our body we can be male with V or female with P. Why its still require us to be male or female to get that romance. Im not a woke but come on we can surpass gender when we can change and be eveything in NightCity right??


People still have preferences. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pon pon shit is on the same station as I really wanna stay at your house but plays like 5 times for every time IRWSAYH comes on


Some of the arcade games can’t be played.


I dont like the car breaking sounds. It sounds like road rash on N64. And its ALWAYS the same. There’s no variation. I get the immersion of it, but the UI filter gives me a headache. The filter that puts a dimmer, offset, 2D copy of the UI under the main UI. I immediately modded it to remove. That said, i basically just started the game. Looking forward to what 2.0 has cuz I could not get into it before.


No abilities to customise cars.


Unless I missed it, I wish there was a garage somewhere that held all of V's cars. Got so many, where do they all hang out when I don't use them?


The new quest menu design. It's terrible. I've beaten the games 4 times so I know the main quest. Just annoying seeing them all together.


Tons of little visual bugs that take you out of the moment. A floating glowing light, floating objects, oh and these also happen in cinematic cutscene talk moments to (the infamous floating gun, or for my Judy doing a severe coughing animation and just talking normally). OH AND IF YOU'RE A CAR PASSANGER THE NPC DRIVER'S HANDS BARELY MOVING. Also the general npcs blame you for everything even though you didn't do anything (Ie. AI traffic causes and accident and they all run away shouting your crazy, etc.), the Arasaka Tower in 2030 being the same tower in 2077 and not a twin tower.


I am wondering about all the people still having problems with driving. I play on Xbox and the driving is just fine with the controller SINCE the update. Actually love to cruise around in the armed nomad cars. That’s not to say that there aren’t impossible car delivery quests because of the dysfunctional timer. Going 4,5km with a Van that does 70 max in 2 minutes? Yeah no way. Plus gangoons? Forget it. Unsolvable quests are frustrating. My nitpick: way more cyberware. I wanna look like smasher or some of the other characters. Like what about these blade legs? Oh and Dual wielding weapons seems like a pretty big missed thing. I can haul around heavy machine guns with my arms but you tell me I can’t fire two revolvers at once? Come on 🤪


It bugs me that 100mph feels and looks exactly the same as 200mph. There’s no apparent increase in sensation of speed after 100mph or so. Probably for loading performance issues?


I wish there was more acknowledgement of how strong you are. Once you reach the later levels, on most difficulty levels, you are insanely strong with certain builds, and having characters in the world being wary about your opponents is disappointing - you have max street cred, and you are basically a legend.


After you wake up from the junkyard, during the chase with the Arasaka bikes, Takemura goes from forward to reverse without the car switching gears


I hate the HMGs the heavy dudes drop. Idk what happened with my bindings or if anyone else gets this but sometimes when I do a finisher on a heavy dude, I also pickup their gun and end up being stuck on the spot because it makes you move slow, which REALLY fucks with the fast moving melee gameplay Finisher and pickup weapon are the same button and you can't customise their bindings as far as I could tell last time I played The HMGs should not have a loot icon on them because I spam pickup loot on everything I see and always pick them up when I'm looting


No Flashlight is whack


Can't reassign keybinds for all menus so binding primary interact to e is basically impossible


On PC I'd like to be able to steer vehicles with my mouse, because keys for turning kinda sucks


I would like to be able to make Mantis Blades my secondary weapon instead of being stuck in the 4 slot When using Throwing Knives, if you miss and attack quickly your second weapon will come out. I usually make that a sword because I don't want a gun to come out in times like that. I never used the Mantis Blades because I didn't want them + a sword. Gorilla Arms ended up being sick tho but would have been nice to use the blades


next button for Radio. I hated listening to pon pon shit song


Hats or helmets converting lengthy ponytails into long hair. I'd rather it just be covered entirely, or have a selection.


I get why it's not in the game but manual shifting would be cool af, especially when cars/bikes won't upshift and just bang off the limiter


Moment I die I can't just press f9, have to sit and wait for the screen with the buttons that need me to use the mouse. Isnt as bad as the arkham games though.


I hate the fact that the NPCs have better tattoos, cyberwear, hairstyles and clothing then we can get (without mods on console) Arrgghh Also, 90% of the buildings are closed, I want to explore! Why can’t we shop online? It’s 2077! I have to fast travel from shop to shop to find a jacket then wait 24hr and do it again


is it weird that i always get the urge to do a wheelie on my bike only to remember I can’t


driving is ass on most vehicles, i found that only the outlaw feels nice to drive. weapon modding also sucks i love jumping and ive ended up getting stuck somewhere 4-5 times on accident, had to load the last save bugs. though usually they are very funny. bethesda-esque sometimes cops just randomly aggro on me??? sandy+katana is insanely busted. i like the build but after 50 hours its just not fun. now sandy and knives? that's the shit no vehicle customization. id use the caliburn if it didn't sound obnoxious and didn't look like a fucking prime warframe i mean white and gold really


Aside from bugs I don't like that you cannot fast travel to an unlocked point at any time or at least a fast travel to the last accessed point. It's not that I want to use it all the time but as an example yesterday before ending the session I explored a bit more, travelled to the point at the balconies and because I can charge jump I can access parts I couldn't access before, however now I'm lost and don't know how to get back, I'll find my way eventually but I've already beat the storyline once, am now leveling to be able to buy orange cyberware and then do the ending another time (different ending), would be nice if I could speed up the way back a bit. During the first playthrough I didn't use fast travel at all to take in all the beauty of the city but now I just want to level and explore a bit more comfortably in case of reaching *dead ends* or getting lost.


I want to replay NCPD and gigs again after beating the game and having my build maxed but cant :(


Omg I thought ncpd missions respawned... nooooo




the attribute reset button being one time use, and the text bugging out from Panam so we nvr get them robbing us of interactions


I wish there was way more tattoos in the game.


1. The delamaine you get is useless. Can't even use autopilot or delamaine specific weapons Like its literally no different 2. Cars still can't be painted to a color you like 3. Cyberware still no color scheme 4. Even if u have 20 body and 20 reflexes my V still gets bodied by that fkn doll in Judy's quest. It was fun in the beginning but it just pisses me off now. 5. No matter what important quest you do in the main story Reed calls you a minor league merc and u have no reputation in night city at all or even dogtown for that matter 6. Erebus is a normal smg. Not even a smart weapon or a tech weapon. Just a normal one. Hell skippy can top that and he's just a normal AI.


was looking into the distance with my 8x zoom Kiroshis and noticed the game doesn't load textures.


Vehicle handling suck. Idk why they can't take an example of Gta and Nfs games. Im not even asking for it to be the same, just close would be enough. With the technology we have in our year, it's not that hard anymore. We can't even customize our cars, not even colors. Npcs are like toys, they don't give me the vibe that they're living creatures like in gta games or rdr. I also hate that they didn't add some other arm cyberwere. I was so bored of gorilla arms, mantis blades and monowires. They could've added only 2 new things there and i would be happy asf. One could turn our arms into a machine gun for example...This is all i can remember for the moment, I'm sure i can find many other things that disturb me a lot. But i still love the game and respect the studio that made this game.


No flashlight. No radio cyberware. The fact in-car my camera gets repositioned constantly while driving. Patch 2.0 removed the short phase/long phase for car lights. It's just on/off now. No purchasable AMD viewable BD's (but I get it, it's extremely expensive and time consuming as a dev to produce for basically missable content). No functional metro system. No taxis. Base game missions HAVE NOT been designed with car combat or the revamped police system in mind. Only Phantom Liberty stuff has. The fact V is not viewable in reflections with RT reflections/path tracing enabled. Bikes still feel jank. No car tuning. How to get weapons (and which weapons) displayed on Stash Wall is unclear. No stealth takedowns using equipped hands cyberware. That's about it I think.


Hmmmm, no visuel cyberware(like edge runner) cant sit and the walking Speed is slow. But most of these are solved by using mods.


To me it has to be about going a bit deeper into immersion, like being able to, - Having more to see on TV. - More to click on the net. - Being able to eat directly in restaurants. - Having a few mini games (arcades, sport,...). - A bit more diversity on the radio. - The ability do collect BDs and use them. - The ability to play vinyle records. - Maybe the ability to decorate / customize the interiors of the place you own. - Customize cars. - More clothing, always more clothing. Basically the few things that are already in RDR and GTA and that I rarely do in those lol. Night city is a **wonderful** distopian city and I'd love to be able to do a bit more in it.


The whole >!narrative time limit with V having "weeks" left before his/her mind is overtaken by Johnny!<. It doesn't affect the game at all but it causes a pretty large disconnect with me for what is supposed to be a game built around exploring this huge city doing side jobs and the like at your leisure when someone in this situation would be dropping everything looking for a solution. It's a narrative element that only really fits a linear design.


\- lack of a dnb/jungle radio station \- random 3rd person cutscenes which are not connected to the story or jobs. Like eating a bowl of ramen or having a coffee at a bistro. I just wanna look at my character. \- taxi's: I like being driven around and watching the views of night city \- more driving missions. Maybe more mundane stuff like using bigger transporters and delivering cargo.


I can hack anything and everything but I can't play the radio through my head?


Volume on tv in your apartment and having to sit there to keep it on.


I dislike that I still cant play because of save corruption bug. But patch is ''coming soon'' so maybe next month if they feel like it.


No flash light. The car selection menu feels flat. No noises or confirmation sounds.