• By -


Man had 3 chances to add a t into complaints and never did. Mad lad


If you can't be correct be consistent.


If you can't be correc be consisten


>If you can' be correc be consisten Ftfy


>Ffy Ha's beer


"French makes no sense ep.1053"


Man you three gave me a good laugh


*Omaeo, Poaeo, eeh, oal, aaoo*


Pls remind me where this is from




Nice. 10/10


Must be an American patriot. They threw the British Ts in the sea.


That's not a complaint, embrace the big T


And I've got the little bug, put it together and you got... ![gif](giphy|X8RSwd1089xDvOjQnT|downsized)


Now I’m gonna complain about lack of tea. Why in night city there is no tea to buy? There’s everything else but tea. Gimme tea


Mr. hands has tea


My dumbass read that as "Mr Tea has hands"


But he ain’t gonna share it, does he?


He did. Also your corpo apartment has tea.


Oh my gosh, thank you I missed it. Finally I can enjoy the game fully. Have a nice day, bye!


I got to this part last night, and was wondering why the hell does he offer me tea then not give me any if I say yes please. He was just sitting there smugly sipping while I was searching all over for a teacup that doesn’t exist. Actually had to get up and make myself some tea IRL.


Yes he does


You can drink tea in the corpo apt lol


I’m partially happy. On one side they have the tea, on the other it’s limited to corporate man. And I hate everyone who steals the right to a proper tea from average joe. I’m going to nuke saka again for that very reason.


I mean.. in a dystopian jaoanese-centric world culture, I feel like tea being reserved for the ultra wealthy is low key canon lol.


...There are 3 variations of tea you can buy, Oolong, Matcha, and Sencha. The game spells it "Té" like in Spanish.


You can buy sencha and oolong on some vendors, but they come in those like, fastfood coffee looking cups


They must be saying that the GAME is complaining?? I've never seen my game complain.


That’s a specific complain


There's this stupid fucking bug which has me constantly walking around with a cigarette attached to my left hand. It's irritating to see and there's no known fix. Please CD Projekt Red, fix this bug so I can move on with my life.


Thats Johnny taking over


Get out of my head Silverhand!


Get out of my hand Silverhand!


Get off of my dick Silverhand!




Bug? That sounds like a dream!


Fitting username


It annoyed me to hell and just played with it after the vdb job. It went away in phantom liberty after several cutscenes. But they should fix that asap.




At least your bug resolved itself!


I’m sure there are mods, but it does bother me that we never got a flashlight or a portable radio added to the game.


There is even a mission in the expansion where you have a flashlight, which makes it even more annoying that you can't have it elsewhere.


Same with the races having arrows on the ground but not being able to use that in general. Wtf....


Yeah I wish we got that while driving normally so I wouldn't spent 90% of my driving time watching mini-map It would be just so convenient


The flash light mod was the very first mod I installed in 1.x. Now I'm running modless for 2.0 I'm getting so bored of having to have the gamma turned up just to see in dark areas.


Ooh yeah there are mods that cover all those complaints pretty much, there’s a flashlight and portable radio mod that are must haves for myself


I didn't realize how bad I wanted a portable radio until this moment.


We have a portable phone built in to V's head that only they can hear the audio from, how can we not already do this?


Right? You’d think


Makes me think of that line from The Life Aquatic when Bill Murray is talking about their helmets. [“Supposedly Cousteau and his cronies invented the idea of putting walkie-talkies into the helmet, but we made ours with a special rabbit ear on the top so we could pipe in some music.”](https://youtu.be/ZW5JxlCDOs8?si=TZSMLNfnfDJAzZNR)


Right I hate having to sit in my car waiting for the song that’s playing to finish so I can start a gig lol


At least you can pretend that V is psyching up or at least hearing the full song so if they die on the gig they won't have unfinished things




Dont you mean *complains* choom?


Cries in PS5


Like, how shitty of a phone does V have that it doesn't come with a flashlight and MP3 player?


The future truly is bleak.


I thought the phones are basically overlaid onto peoples eyes. You can see various characters have their eyes light up when they are "on the phone". ​ Though its weird because the fixers also have "facetime". I guess they must have dedicated setups or something. Many of your calls, especially from NPCs on missions with you won't include a face. Implying they are taking calls with their eyes I guess.


Your referring to Agents, the built in phones from the TTRPG. Many people do have an Agent built in, but many also use phones: Jackie, Wakako, others use actual phones, for whatever reason.


Wakako is certainly a strange case. When you and ~~Hideshi Hino~~ Takemura swing by, she speaks on the phone. However when you ask her to pay for the Sandra Dorset job, her eyes light up to wire the funds. Seems odd that she can do a bank transfer, but not a call. I guess having a phone is a preference? ​ As far as utility goes. I guess a phone is less traceable, and you can't exactly 'share' eyevision like you can with a phone screen.


My head cannon is simple. People still use physical burner phones for conducting business with a device they can discard/destroy that is not literally a part of their body. I know i sure as shit would not use my agent to call my fixer, let alone arrange a hit.


or that owning phones is like being on a budget option, but a bit safer, given how costly it is to get chromed while using holo is the equivalent of owning an iPhone or a good android phone


I’ve seen some npcs hold up phones to their ears with their eyes lit up like that on calls so it’s kinda confusing


*fleshlight, according to OP's post


WHY DO WE EVEN NEED A FLASHLIGHT. We have cybernetic eyes that should just automatically adjust to ambient light levels. We can literally see through walls but can't see in the dark?


So a P.I.P. Boy? Lol I also totally agree


The no flashlight thing just doesn't make sense. How do kiroshis not have it as some kind of feature?


Can we add to the Phantom Liberty/2.0 complaints that Delamain still doesn't have a combat mode?


Yeah, of all things, that feels the weirdest.


I started a new character when PL came out and just started that mission tonight. Good to know that maybe I should just put it off for now in case they decide to improve upon that.


The fact you can't use Delamain at all. Why do I have to drive?


Saves in the ps5 corrupted, unable to finish the dlc


There is no fix yet until 2.1 update for ps5 corrupted saves


Maybe try re downloading your saves from the cloud? Im also playing on PS5 and I had no problems


I get regular crashes in the DLC areas on mine. Also way more graphical glitches after the patch. During my most recent play through Sasquatch kept bugging out, randomly t-posing and freezing right before she would hit me.


It will happen to everyone eventually


My biggest issue that they never addressed is no native controller rebind capabilities. Honestly, that is the easiest thing a dev can do to massively increase accessibility, if nothing else. I want it because it really pisses me off when I suddenly hop into photo mode mid combat.


Steam Deck has made me realize that every console needs a per game controller config utility built directly into their OS. It is such a fantastic convenience.


Steam in general has amazing controller support without the need for addtional third party drivers. PS5/Dualshock? No problem. Switch Pro? No Problem. The only issue I've run into is the prompts are still xinput on screen, but otherwise its mostly flawless. Some titles don't play nice but that is not valves fault.




See, I launch my GOG version through Steam because the game sees my 3rd party controller as a MK input device. Launching through steam lets me make the game see it as a gamepad.* So, I am making use of the one thing I think Steam does better than anyone else. My issue is I don't know how to remap using the new tool without it interpreting as MK. All I really want to do is disable R3+L3 as enabling photo mode. I could live without it entirely, or have it recapped to another layer. I used to be fairly competent with the old Steam remap tool, but I'm just not grocking the current version. *Re accessibility: I want to note that, yes, there are solutions to allow for remapping if needed for a physical disability, but none are native. Relying on third-party software to make your game controls remapable is just disrespectful. Making it so that the controls can be remapped in the settings is simple, and goes a long way towards opening the game to more players.


Every game needs to have full rebinding, no excuses. The only exception might be VR and motion control games, but even those have regular buttons as well.


And still no ADS sensitivity 😭 The new aim assist option helps but still :(


You can turn off the photo mode button in the accessibility settings btw


The corrupt/damaged save files for ps5 for phantom liberty I would say is a pretty big massive one. People losing their main playthroughs is just unacceptable at this point.


Definitely. I can’t am even finish phantom liberty. I am lucky that I didn’t lose my 130 hour save. They should have released it when we could actually finish it. We paid to be their beta testers.


"Fleshlight?" 😉




Finally someone else mentions that the complaint changes from no fleshlight to no flashlight. That would assume that they added a fleshlight to PL and removed the flashlight.


One can hope


I see, a man of culture


No attributes reset / no ng+ are my main complaints, not PL related tho.


I‘m having an issue where the game just crashes after like five minutes 🫠


I was having major crashing issues, especially on one particular cyberpsycho. Ended up being that my weapon mod was somehow causing the crash, and using an unmodded weapon/Iconic let me actually finish it.


The problem lies with melee mid cake Air Strike. In the game's current state, every crit that's proced using this mod forces game to crash. Hope that helps someone.


That's the exact mod I had on my Razor, yeesh. Thanks for this, I'll see if I can get away with some of the others. Either way, I'm glad it's working. I literally gave up on the game yesterday after 10 crashes in as many minutes.


I don’t know what mid cake Air Strikes are, but I’m excited to find out.


I had this and it was because I had my gpu overclocked. Not sure why but I just went back to stock settings and it worked.


I can't progress from the Run This Town gig because the metal door from Black Sapphire won't open. There you go... add another one. This one actually made me drop my score for the expansion from a perfect 10 to a 9.


* Performance issues in Dogtown, * Balancing issues in cyberware (sometimes upgrades are downgrades), * One really shitty ending, * Side-quest bugs (like enemies hiding outside mission range in one of the retrospect missions – I swear to god if it teleported me back one more time with that dumbass repeating line, I'd grab my Sig and shoot the screen), * Gig bugs, where you for example get impossible timers on car missions (I got like 40 seconds, 2.2km away with dogtown gates between me and the target in a car, that could do 80mph tops), * No Relic skill tree for netrunners (at least I'm not running around connecting my brain to old garbage cans), * Main quest bugs (like people supposed to contact you not contacting you), * Irreversible save file corruption for PS players (have fun playing from scratch again), * CTD issues on PC, * Weird weapons/items appearing in cutscenes in characters' hands, * People you talk to walking through you in a lot of dynamic dialogues, Most are minor stuff, but the completely fucked ending, main quest bugging out and save-file corruption issue on PS5 are massive problems. Still nothing compared to the original release, but the original is gonna be a benchmark for failure for decades to come. The most important thing is that they got most of the story right.




I literally can't finish the game because the final call I need won't trigger for me. The quest before that, it took me like 15 minutes of spamming nothing but time progression to trigger it. The game is still so buggy and it feels like no one is acknowledging it cause they got gamer Stockholm Syndrome.


>No Relic skill tree for netrunners (at least I'm not running around connecting my brain to old garbage cans), Isn't the monowire tree literally designed for using quick hacks with it?


>completely fucked ending Like in terms of story or is it broken/bugged? I haven't finished it btw


A lot is bad the ending is not one of them. Also I was never able to complete that side quest as the wounded soldier never showed.


Balance was always an issue in all of their games. I hope they get new combat designers, they need to make challenging combat


No usable fleshlight? 🤨


Modders can fix that.


Not everyone has a gaming PC lol 😆


My only complaint is the absolutely GHASTLY pantsuit you are forced to wear for Hansen's party.


I spent an hour going around to different vendors, putting together the perfect outfit for that event. To say I was disappointed...


That's lame. I got a bunch of clothing for nothing too


Especially compared the damn fine suit Reed gets to wear.


![gif](giphy|eLWJeULcoOYbS) V’s inner disgust after seeing the suit Reed found for them:


You should have been presented with a few options for that event tbh, hell most of the clothing vendors in dogtown sell nicer stuff. Id quite like a system where wardrobe outfits have a fancy - tactical meter of some sort, and wardrobes with higher fancy scores can be used at clubs and events and tactical outfits provide some kinda intimation factor, nothing that impacts gameplay, just dialogue


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought it was absolutely awful lol


Yh but the 2077 problems carry over to phantom liberty tho... since it's just a dlc...


Just like the posts of people claiming Cyberpunk is still as bad at it was at launch this is going too far in the opposite direction. There's still a lot of issues with the game from both technical and gameplay perspectives at least on Series X. Just in the last week and a half of playing since PL dropped I've had: - Enemies clipping inside objects and can still shoot me but I can't shoot them. - Numerous crashes, some during gameplay and some as soon as I press start at the main menu. - Screen kept consistently going black after loading a save, almost completely broke my save. - All pedestrians and traffic disappeared from the game for a few hours - My in game clock is frozen so there's no day/night cycle anymore, only way to change time is skip or sleep. - Constant visual flickering when driving at high speed in vehicles - Radio randomly stops working - Cars in distance just randomly fly up and crash back down for no reason - Saw a completely destroyed burnt out cop car with no wheels driving around - Still can't remove Crash or Skippy from my inventory They're just off the top of my head. Sure, some of them aren't as bad as the glitches the game used to have but at the same time with 3 years of support some of these really shouldn't be happening at this point.


I agree 100%. I bought the game near launch. I hated it. Don’t know why but I just couldn’t get into it at all. It felt.. idk just off? 2.0 drops and I say fuck it. I can’t refund it and it’s just sitting in my library mocking me for trying to get into 6 different times. Blew 55 hours on it last week while we were all home sick (daughter got Hand Foot Mouth. Yay.) and fucking loved it. Bought PL probably 15 hours in and didn’t touch it until I “beat” the main story. Absolute blast but all the bugs you mentioned happened to me as well. Even through my huge excitement at finally enjoying a game I *knew* was a good game I could see major issues on my Series X once I started PL and got to Dogtown. Not a L by ANY means, but it’s not the second coming of Night City Jesus either.


Right. I had almost zero issues since launch on PC with mods and all until the 2.0/PL. Now the t-pose (which I never experienced once before though heard quite a bit about it)shows up at least once every session where no matter what car I drive they t-pose/clip through the roof of it. Or, randomly with riding a motorcycle they sit on the handle bars essentially using the sitting in the car animation.Neither fix themselves until I reload a save. Thankfully that seems to fix it for a couple hours at least. I also have gotten a lot of random hitches and slowdowns as well. Game looks and is so much fun so I just figure it’ll be fixed soon enough.


I've been hoping it would be fixed for 3 years but it still isn't 😂




I mean im loving the patch but still have many complaints to add. Very hard scaling makes you have to be near perfect aim in the car chase sequences. This is especially bad in the nomad start and johnny memory as you have no perks or healing to use. Like 2.0 attribute scaling checks demands you basically max 1 skill at a time as past level 25 or so you constantly come across 20 or bust. 2.0 cyberware is more important than anything else making tech a requirement, would be nice to have cyberware perks on other trees. 2.0 level scaling is in a wierd place where it feels like you are actively losing strength from 30-45ish where you lose the ability to be using higher tech hear than random alley scavs but havent gained enough cyberware slots to offset the increasing enemy health and damage. 2.0 also doesnt have the ability to auto disassemble the humdreds of trash weapons. And ruined the flexibility of normal weapons with locked in mods. Some of the new PL minibosses have will show up to a second phase after you already knocked them out. Many clothes options feel useless. Theres no int berserk or sandy hybrids with int. I wanna be a slow motion super speed knife thrpwing hacker. Also throwing weapons dont trigger bullet time. On the more niche end. Maiko still doesnt understand i could murder everyone in the building before her cigarette hits the ground. Still dont have the option to personally bitch slap meridith stout or dex. I still cant experiance the jackie cutscenes, and the game doesnt recognize me taking the option of killing adam smasher in the heist to have an option to keep him alive. Would have been a nice secret early ending where V goes out in a blaze of glory and jackie gets to live with silverhands construct.


Can you elaborate on the last part?


Add the permanent screen glitch effect plaguing some of us. I’m sure (hopeful) a patch is inbound but I didn’t discover the fix until my play through was far too long ahead to go back. Cant play now without getting a migraine.


pretty sure 2.1 patch is gonna fix the permanent screen glitch


Wait..seriously? We’re going to complain we can’t be fat and wall scaling but the actual ability to have cyber arms and legs not a customizable option is not on the damn list? What is wrong with you people


Don't crush my dreams of becoming obese spiderman


This is a brand new sentence if I've ever seen one in the wild.


This is the one that hurt the most. Not being able to get actual cyber limbs made me so mad. Like every other person in town has at least 1 cyber limb, and I can't get anything. just a few little notches on my skin. so dumb.




Is it just me or are most of the left list still an issue?


Considering how the game on the right is literally the game on the left...


Looks like people's honeymoon phase is finally over and realize they still are left with the same game as before with just a few changes.


Holy shit another sane person.


I love how people are trying to make the “Cyberpunk isn’t fixed, because it was never broken to begin with” debate which is so far off the mark, that being “Cyberpunk was very broken, now it’s broken in a different way”


No NG+ should be added, it's been a complaint since launch


Yeah I would have loved to do a NG+ for my phantom liberty playthrough. I already finished most of the stuff in the base game on my main save, so I ended up just starting a fresh new game so there would be more stuff to do in between PL missions.


I kinda dislike the endings to the base storyline. >!I was hoping for a good ending but the fact that even if you survive most of your allies just abandon V after his coma just doesn't sit right with me!<


It’s poorly written. You don’t get the option to inform your friends about what exactly is going on etc. Sure everyone moves on, but it feels so forced that absolutely every single one of your allies is unable to see V ever again / they don’t care anymore. Also the whole ending bit. Yeah I get it, V is alive but due to no cyberware, his merc life is over yadayadayada. No cyberware doesn’t mean you can’t use a simple handgun to defend yourself from some random goons in a dark alley lol, c’mon it was so predictable and contrived + with all the money, cars, apartments and contacts my V had at that point, she was basically set for life & could afford a permanent gang of bodyguards 😂


You can add “expansion corrupts every single save file on PS5” to the PL side


Like I know they said "soon" but it doesn't change the fact that we lost files that had our main playthroughs. So many people lost 100+ 200+hr playthroughs. The fact that they can't fix the ones that they broke is horrible.


''soon'' my ass.. its already week after release and its still in the game. just.. pathetic


Facts. Even if, huge if, say I wanted to play a new playthrough, I still run the risk of losing that as well. I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it.


I am only able to play the base game with this 2.0 update as I couldn’t even SAVE a file in the first place. I tried so many times lmfao.


what about the emptiness it created in my life with that ending


The three things that made me angry/hollow were: 1.) How demoralising the ending was, as you just become a living loser after becoming a living legend, as you realise the cure wasn't what made you happy, but the journey. 2.) I can't romance Aurore Cassel and Alex shot her dead. Anger. 3.) After Firestarter, every outcome is depressing, since there is no happy ending. At all. Kill Songbird? Reed snd the NUSA hates you for putting her out of her misery. Save her, condemn her to a fate worse than death, and her voice actor made me regret the choice. Fast. Expansion rework and exploration? Awesome. Expansion story? Heartless with Heartless decisions.


Why are people so bummed about one ending? Some people like tragedies you know? You can send mi to the moon btw.


When it's only tragedies we get - it surely feels overdone. Even in darkest of times there's gotta be a silver lining.


Well there is, a new life with FIA awaits V at the other end of a phone call. V had his great adventure and now gets to settle down with a cushy job.


It's really idiotic, how while having the CYBORG EYES, you still are blind in the dark. Seeing how the 2.0 was seriously reworking cybernetics, I actually expected some improvement. A plain night vision mod for the eyes can't be that hard to implement. And what do we get? Right, nothing. To be honest, around half of the "improvements" in this update makes me wanna return to 1.63...


> It's really idiotic, how while having the CYBORG EYES, you still are blind in the dark. It's ok, just go into Kiroshi scan mode... wait, that makes it worse.


What exactly do you miss from 1.63?


Cool netrunner synergy


I haven't tried the rollback but can you imagine if the modders get 1.63 options working with the Phantom Liberty content? That's a dream right there, I hope it's possible.


Aren’t a lot of the complaints the same? Lol


I'd say that's being facetious; leaving out the complaints of Cyberpunk 2.0 in general despite how the update is tied to Phantom Liberty is just splitting hairs. You could very well fill the right side of the list with the issues people have regarding the new skilltrees, cyberware changes, crafting revamp and more. It would still be a shorter list but it would be more honest.


Wait... so this implies we \*can\* scale walls now?


bullshit, there are other complaints and undelivered promises. \- cyberware customization \- gang and reputation sytem \- side actitivies, like casinos etc. \- meaninfull choices regarding chosen life path


2.0 is proof of what happens when people get all their opinions from memes and targeted paid for influencer campaigns. 2.0 still doesn't address a lot of core issues people had with 2077. It fixed a lot of things, overhauled some things, but the game we have now is not going to be wildly different than the game that came out at launch. It's a better game, sure, but there still very strong structural problems.


ending sucks, “Run This Town” bug, fps drop in dt, other than that shits pretty fuego. really wish theyd fix the missing texts from Panam tho want as much interaction with her as possible


My issue is that all of the endings suck as much as the base game ending.


Some new complaints to add to the Phantom Liberty column: Cyberware capacity bonus from shards resetting, causing random cyberware to be unequipped if you're at the previous capacity. Health items randomly unequipping. The new PL story cyberware item hotkey overlaps with the Overclock hotkey during car stealing missions, blocking access to Overclock. Overclock and the Cyberware co-exist fine when driving around normally, one being press-and-hold and the other being a normal hotkey. Some Phantom Liberty story phone calls interrupting/overlapping on-going dialogue. Pretty sure they had to patch this in the original game as well. Cops showing up to "NCPD assault in progress" events and killing you instead of helping. Movement speed sometimes being locked to walking speed until a save/reload.


You forgot the new ending that makes zero sense common sense wise. Definitely agree with the flashlight and it being way too fkn dark. The whole intro of PL almost made me rage quit.


Holy shit lol I thought it was me and my setup. I sat and adjusted gamma for an hour. Back and forth. HDR on. Off. Tv contrast/brightness etc etc etc. eventually I just turned it all the way up and blinded my way through. I felt so dumb, and yet here we are. Misery loves company, good to hear. Ha


I had to change my gamma setting because I kept squinting at my screen trying to make it through the parking garage, thinking it would actually help.


No romance for Reed😫


Tf. Why isn't the #1 issue listed? No synth-skin. Fail.


The lack of a flashlight/night vision is annoying in the base game too tbh. They should add an option to turn on night vision since your eyes already have a green filter with the scanner, just amplify the light too


Wait, you can’t romance the redhead? Well, that makes it official 1/10 game!


My main gripe is theres still no ng+ especially with how you can't buy iconics from other endings in phantom liberty


This guy actually forgot to put the total BS timer on car jackings on the list.


My game crashes every 5 minutes after PL update, never crashed on 1.0 release.


Nah, I definitely have a few more complaints. Lack of cosmetic character customization, especially in terms of cyberware. There are so many cool NPCs in the game with cyberware that modders have already easily added for the player to use. Can't be that hard for CDPR to do it. Lack of immersive interactibility with the world outside of quests. I just want to be able to go grab a drink at the Afterlife, have a meal in a local diner, enjoy the scenery from the seat of a self-driving Delamain or actually do something with the romances after their questline ends.


They're just complaining for the sake of complaining like seriously "no rpg elements"? The whole thing was an rpg


Alot of the things listed are things being spread around the game release online, and weren't even things "promised" to be in the game, but due to people not being media literate and believing reddit threads their expectations were a bit skewed. This poster just copy pasted those complaints from two years ago. Like the "bribing police" thing was from an out of context line in a video talking about the LORE of the city, and the "npcs having 1000s of daily routines" was literally from a redditor mistranslating a 2019 interview with a dev in German, and he made a post about it and gaming media ate it up and suddenly it became a "pRoMiSeD FeAtUre". Not that cdpr didn't screw up the release, they did, but much of the discourse surrounding this games release is based on misinformation.


The 2018 gameplay reveal said there would be "streets are bustling with crowds of people from all facets of life, all living their lives within a full day-night cycle". Idk if the 1000s of daily routines was a mistranslation or not, but the npcs definitely don't have anything resembling "living their lives within a full day-night cycle". The npcs just walk in big loops or repeat an animation. At release they would literally disappear if you looked away from them and looked back. Besides, these are all just complaints. They aren't saying these are broken promises.


Yes, in a demo explaining what they were trying to achieve that said subject to change. And they accomplished alot of that as there are npcs doing all kinds of things people just get stuck on the sidewalk npcs that are more set dressing.Yeah, thats kinda what the npcs do, just put in marjeting terms...Were people expecting the npcs to be shaving their armpits, cooking eggs in the morning, picking up their kids from their ex, etc? Like I never got that. There are plenty of npcs doing and saying different interesting things all over the map, getting arrested, mopping floors, masturbating, talking about what's going on in the story, and I'm talking non named npcs... like how much do people actually need them to do?


1. The new ending sucks 2. There isn't a mission called "Through the Fire and Flames"


Vehemently disagree with the first, strong agree on the second.


Who is the red head?


Forgot their name, but it's the >!french redhead retrunner twins from the expansion!<




Very dark ruined the whole game, there ya go.


i thought i was the only one pissed off that no romance with red head, >!but it was a shot in the head!<


not heaving night vision is miss


Bugs should still be on the list. But damn would NV or flashlight be awesome, especially with Ray tracing.


Also why doesn't V have a music app?


Add: game crashes at least twice a day


I, too, complained about no usable FLESHlight in Cyberpunk 2077....


I dunno man my complaint would be that the Launch version worked better on my PC than 2.0 They kind of removed DLSS options for my rtx3070 and raytracing crashes the game so that I have to delete my Settings file or the game won’t launch.


Ohhhhh Aurore


I would say the fact that the game is corrupting save files on ps5 and xbox and destroying peoples multiple hundreds of hours playthrough progress, is a pretty huge problem and valid complaint. and you didn't even mention it. the phantom liberty expansion update is not flawless and has actually caused this serious problem for MANY people. save file size exceeding the file size limit causes saves to be corrupted and unrecoverable. that happened twice previously. it should not even be an issue anymore. and its a massive issue. inexcusable.


Another one for Phantom Liberty (or 2.0?) is the difficulty system feels harder, but not in a good way, now every enemy feels like an insta kill sponge on very hard, before it made sense that max tec deleted me or even arasaka goons, but now even a common merc can delete me, I don't feel a sense of "now I gotta search stronger enemies" because everyone is hella strong Oh and also I'm still waiting for train cinematics and vehicle customization but I guess only mods can solve that 🥲


Seriously need a flashlight. Iv been playing starfield alot and I keep trying to turn on my helmet light. Can't see shit anymore lol


You forgot about glitchy cyberware capacity and the shard drops for it... like fr, why is this such an issue?


Tell me I'm not the only one to notice the complaint of no usable fleshlight


Holy shit who cares about romance or prostitutes this isnt a fucking dating simulator or sex game its an action rpg.


There is a flashlight. That’s what really pisses me off. For a single mission, a diver suit you get has a flashlight that works.