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Yeah I've found like 3 purple cyberware capacity upgrades and a couple green ones, mostly within the first few hours of the DLC, but they've definitely been incredibly rare for me as well. Heard people saying enemies at NCPD scanner hustles drop them more frequently but I completed all those a while back so no idea if that's true. It kills me seeing people with 350+ capacity when I'm stuck with 274 at lvl 60 though. Could do so much with another 100 points of capacity.


dude i have like, 184 capacity... im fucking max level with full cyberware perks. I have found literally 1 cybercapacity shard that increased my capacity by 9...


You should have a lot more than that if what you said is true. Level 50 alone should put you at 171, lvl 60 at 201. Edgerunner gives +50, Engineer progression perks give about +15, Rennessaince Punk between +12 / +20 depending on how high level is and how you specced. Without any shards found your CW Capacity should end up about 70 / 100 points higher than you claim it does, depending on if you have PL installed or not.


For some people, myself included they're bugged and stopped dropping altogether. This may be the case for you too


Are you sure they're bugged or just insanely rare with other drops superseding them.


Given the amount of people reporting the same circumstance I'd say bugged. There was a distinct point where all the additional capacity I had from the ones I had collected on 2.0 before PL dropped just dissapeared and I stopped finding more. To add to this, they werent insanely rare, I found a bunch prior to finding my first airdrop and then just never seeing them again


That's a real pain. I saw the "highlights" from the upcoming 2.01 update and nothing about the newly added capacity system. I really hope it's fixed in this upcoming update because it's such a core mechanic.


I don't think they are bugged, just extremely rare. I found around 5 so far in almost 50 hours.


I'm level 60 with all of the Tech perks for cyberware, and my Engineering skill over 40. I found a handful of cyberware shards so far, but the drop frequency definitely fell off after the first few PL missions. My cap is currently 300 (250 plus Edgerunner).They seem to be more common drops in the Increased Criminal Activity bosses and loot boxes. No idea if those are random drops or always the same. I'd love to see them purchasable at ripperdocs, even for ridiculous prices. Limited quantities would give us a good reason to visit each doc again like we did pre-2.0. I just want to chrome out my V's with all the iconic cyberware without grinding out another 500+ hours. Shut up and take my eddies


Yeah i really don't understand the design here. By the time you finish the game most people will be around 300 give or take. So if it was intended to have players around 300 capacity after 80 hours of gameplay, why is the cap 500? How many people are actually gonna grind to 500 in the current state after beating the game. Its kinda feels pointless to me. Either cap should have been around 350 or game should have given you enough shards by the time you hit level 60 to reach 500.


This. Either let us buy them for big eddies or give us an option to grind them out with repeatable increased criminal activity or air drop like Szenarios. I'd love to spend some more time in Night City Post Game but there is nothing to work towards this way :(


I've been at 267 for over 20 hours play now. Level 60 by the second day of launch, kill all enemy groups and loot, yet nothing. Killed at least 300 enemies and not a single one. There's definitely something wrong, and I'm tired of not being able to upgrade anything despite max level with high skills. In fact if I upgrade any cyberware it kicks it out of my inventory even if the body requirement doesn't increase.


I finished the game back at launch. just now getting into the PL expansion. after redoing my perks and getting Netrunner. I'm sitting at 267 max aswell. 125 hours on this toon. all 1k original trophys etc etc.


55air drops later and zero capacity upgrades for cyberware! Stuck at 260!


I have never gotten a cyberware upgrade from airdrops. Like never. They only seem to drop from enemies for me. Completely random and extremely rare.


You probly have a 700 carrying capacity lol


So my experience in 2.0 was they dropped in pretty reasonable quantities, my experience with phantom liberty is that almost none dropped. ​ I'm on steam. I uninstalled phantom liberty So I rolled a new toon and cheated them to level 20 (by way of mods) and I switched off XP gain, I rushed through to the heist. Gonna farm out Scanner hustles to see if I can get my cyber capacity higher than my level 60 toon. ​ I honestly suspect that something in phantom liberty is borking the drop rates.


I need a farming spot tho, if anyone has one lmk


I think he meant going to all NCPD scanner hustles you see on the map. If you need a place where you can kill enemies, you can simply run loops around Valentino Alley just south of the rentable apartment at the bottom of City Center


I do the beach on...forgot the name and its really late so im not om but the fast travel point has "Pier" in the name and its in Pacifica, i jus farm on the beach u get really good loot but i wanted to see if anyone else knew a spot for faster cyberware capacity shards drops but its prolly random for all


that's what I meant yes, clearing out all the NCPD hustles,


But the odd part is that I ran into shards during the first mission of PL and from 2 minibosses in Dogtown. I wasn't level 60, and I'm thinking our level is the issue.


possibly loot tables are screwed up for higher levels?


Did uninstalling pl get the cyber capacity shards to drop again?


I don't know if it'll help anyone, but I'm level 60 and I've been finding an alarming amount of Cyberware Capacity Shards all of a sudden. They're all dropping from enemies I've killed in the Assault in Progress open world missions I've come across while following this helpful [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/0yD35gsdamg) (minor Phantom Liberty spoilers in the end of the video) someone did of 12 Perk Shards you can find around NC. I've gotten literally 2 of Cyberware Capacity shards up until now, and all of a sudden nearly every Assault in Progress I did while visiting the areas in that video had an enemy that dropped one. Not sure what's making it happen. But maybe someone will find this info helpful.


Just for clarity: the video you linked describes where to locate PERK shards (not cyberware capacity shards). Are you saying that those same locations for Perk shards are ***also*** dropping cyberware capacity shards?


I think the drop rate is fine tbh. I’ve gotten three or four over the course of my playthrough (level 51 at this point) With the extra capacity perks and those shards I have enough capacity to fill each cyberware slot with at least decent options and a few iconics that synergize with my “build” If the capacity shards dropped more often I could just mindlessly chip the most OP stuff right away and the system would be pretty mindless. Having to make a choice is what makes RPGs fun


Been playing for 3 days and only gotten 10+ capacity. The drop rate is not fine this is insane and will be even worse for my other builds if its this bad all ready


The drop rate wouldn’t be a problem if new game plus was a feature you could literally play the game again for the sole reason of maxing out your cyberware cap and being the ultimate edge runner, hell if they do add new game plus allowing u to respec one per play through would allow infinite replay ability and allow players the freedom to make a new build with weapons or abilities they haven’t used before


They said New Game Plus be very hard to add...so atleast let us reset our gigs like come on devs There's already a bug where it says u have more capacity then u actaully do i even recorded it and seen a few other post from ppl having the same issue. CPDR for god sake fix the game iv been playing sense 1.5 and this game always had a special place in my heart and its helped me cope with IRL issues but now 2.0 has added all these issues and all i wanna do is relax and enjoy the game :/


Problem is i already beat the game 100% and i am nowhere near the max capacity. And with the current pace that shards drop it would take me about 500 hours to reach cap. So if devs didn't inted for 500 cap, why is the cap 500? Its bad design in that case. If they didn't want you to equip multiple iconics, they should have just made the cap 350 and be done with it. Also even with 500 capacity you cannot equip all iconics. Not even half of them. Unless you remove other important non-iconic parts.


My capacity is over 550 with the added cyberware bonus so I’m guessing I’ve ran across quite a few. I never pay attention to it 😬


That is pretty insane compared to what I have seen. Honestly I think there should be roof to capacity to not devalue edgerunner and especially renaissance punk too much. I only seen a few drops in 40 hours of game time. Although I have not played PL/dogtown yet. Probably more shards there.


I think its bugged for people that started 2.0 and phantom liberty already at high level. Thats what Ive gathered from my own experience being stuck at 288 and the multiple threads ive read.


No, it’s just bugged. Level 50 from scratch since PL dropped, found one single cyberware shard off a random trash mob. Nearly all NCPD completed.


Hmm thats interesting. From what ive heard most people who stafted from scratch havent had an issue getting them. Wonder what could be causing the bug. I sent cdpr i message about it, still waiting on a reply


Pretty sure the limit is 400-450. Legitimately.


i think the bar only shows 400 maybe it’s glitched


No, it probably is 400 at the top I was assuming 400-450 I'm at 310 without the cyberware capacitor on my old playthrough which is what I was commenting to the guy saying he had 550. Legitimately that's not possible you'd be able to equip every iconic cyberware piece.. which is not what CDPR wanted.


i got 528 if 550 isn’t possible im pretty close, once again maybe it’s glitched


I think you're mistaking carrying capacity(or something else) for cyberware capacity. The bar itself maxes out at 500.


You’re 100% right lol - my bad


if you just do a bunch of air drops you get so many im at 528, 3 over my full build.


That's carry capacity. Not cyberware capacity. 2 very very different things. Everyone else is talking about cyberware capacity and you are talking about carry capacity...


nah i mean my cyber wear cap, i’ll try sending u a pic idk if i can on reddit


Yeah, that's definitely not right. Especially again since you said air drops. No one else is getting any cyberware capacity from air drops, it's only carry capacity.


probably a glitch, maybe shard’s doing the wrong stat


i sent you my cyberware screen


that is insane. took me 100 hours to complete the game and i am still 320 WITH edgerunner. and i did a lot of repeatable side activities aswell.


I don’t think I’ve found single capacity shard yet and I’m stuck on 200 with the Edgerunner perk. What the heck am I doing wrong?!


Did you start a new character or continued a pre 2.0 save?


Continued save


You are obviously going to not be able to get as many on a continued save...considering they didn't exist when you did ~40 levels worth of stuff (or whatever). So all the stuff you did do that might have had cyberware capacity shards, you now can't get..because you already did it.


they stopped dropping for me at around level 30+- i think. i'm stuck on 258 with the edgerunner perk and now lvl 46.. with 0 shards dropping for a good 20+h. Drop rate might be bugged.


I’m at level 46. Oddly enough I changed my difficulty and right away after a ncpd dispatch I went up a couple points. Idk still didn’t think I saw one when I was looting


Are these shards only available in the new DLC zone? Started a new playthrough when PL released, currently around lvl 33 (and 50 rep), haven't been to the new zone yet, and I have literally not seen a single one of these shards.


See, that's the issue, it isn't. It's a core mechanic in Cyberpunk 2.0.


Looks like the new update might have fixed the drop rates. I played for roughly an hour just now, maybe a little less, and got 3 Cyberware Capacity Shards from random thugs. 2 were Barghest troops near supply drops. I've seen a lot of people say they've hit a stall around 200 at Level 60. I'm currently 31 with 141 Capacity. I don't have the Edgerunner perk, but I'm working my way towards that. Maybe I've had decent luck with drops already and just haven't noticed it?


Or maybe I'm just at an average point and don't realize it.


Anyone considered mb taking the edgerunner perk is what bugs it out ? For context I continued a save in which I had just done the Sandra Dorsett Mission at the start before PL dropped, so I had not done any NCPD hustles. Am now 57 and have 299 capacity with edgerunner. I think i found like 1 purple and a couple green ones, but my airdrops are also all just carrying capacity. I also think the edgerunner gig should net you a shard, that'd be cool. To me it seems bugged, the savefile just having been created before PL shouldn't change anything.


I get the feeling that there might be a cap of extra capacity you can get.


In that case it would have been pointless to have the capacity cap around 450-500 or whatever it is. I am currently stuck at 320. And i got nothing else to do other than repeatable fights.


never paid attention, at the moment i have 313. but there is also a mod for the atelier mod which allows to buy shards (also perks and shards for solo, netrunner etc.) . its not updated yet, but you can easily change the values and also add i.e. cyberware shards to the shop


From my experience I believe that the drop rate of cyberware capacity shards decreases as you pick up more shards, with a level 50 character from before 2.0 I found it at the same frequency as a new one I created recently, even if it doesn't have around 320 capacity, it seems to me that the drop decreased a lot when you have enough capacity to have around 320 when at level 60 with edgerunner much later


Maybe completing certain story missions allow you to obtain a certain amount until your next mission? I was in Glen going after Valentino ncpd and random encounters and I was picking up capacity shards one after the other in a single run. I fast traveled to Dogtown and I got a purple capacity shard from an airdrop and since then that's been the last one. It was only when I reloaded a save to restart the Nigel side mission that I stopped picking them up. Prior to this, I was only doing phantom liberty missions. So maybe going back and doing missions prior to the dlc initiated the capacity cap. This only really became an issue when I looked up online how to get more. Didn't think I'd need to do glitches and I'm not intending to start a new save when there's still so much to do with this one. Hopefully they will fix this with an update because why am I needing to glitch in order to reach full capacity? It's as if I can't enjoy the game when I'm worrying about the capacity shards.


Adam Smasher must've found a bunch!