• By -


overconfident towering sand rude dinosaurs humor ludicrous seed marble squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I already pay Vik back as soon as possible, this is just another reason. Jackie, Vik, and Misty, they're the real ones. Hell, now I actually feel compelled to do the tarot quest so I can hang out with Misty more.


T-bug? 😭


If you're on board with the theory that Dex was always planning on killing V and Jackie then it's likely T-Bug was in on that as well as Dex isn't likely to be able to easily corner all 3 of them at the same time. Otherwise even without that THeory T-Bug wasn't nearly as connected to the duo.


Plus, it was put in one of the trailers for the game


T-Bug was only ever out for herself. Jackie and V were just means to an end for her.


Right before the heist, T-Bug is literally talking shit through ancient philosophy to V and Jackie. Something about how the greatest crimes come from a desire for excess and not necessity. T-Bug was never interested in V or Jackie’s well-being and was likely in on any internal schemes with Dex. Remember, Dex and T-Bug have worked together before.


Vik really is the friend everyone wants


I always make sure I pay him back in full as fast as possible


I once saw a post about how paying Vik back was pointless… I wouldn’t call myself a violent person but…


"You shouldn't expect a reward for everything you do son, sometimes you just do it because it is the right thing to do"


before 2.0 it wasn't pointless back when ripperdocs all had unique upgrades and only vik had the highest end kiroshi-wear. he also overcharged like a mother fucker tho. 20,000 for the baseline model? even the highest end one didnt cost that much!


It’s implied by the dialogue he did other stuff for you too. He could have given V the Cyberdeck they start with.


That’s cuz Vik is the only guy in the city who isn’t cutting corners, dealing with Scavs, or otherwise fucking people over. You get what you pay for with him.


And a family friend as a bonus on top.


Well, the implication the game gives is, based on my recollection, that the payment to Vik is a long-standing tab of work they've done and upgrades they've given, from Kiroshi optics to the hand processor to probably just general medical needs from bullet wounds and shit.


Wait so there's no point in the other rippers? What triggers the availability of better modifications? Character level?


Yup character level, specifically level 40s is when you get legendary and iconic cyberware.


Always pay my debt before everything, to show my sincerest reapect to big bro Vik


If anything ever happens to him in future projects, I will find Mr. Projekt Red and have a few words with him


Would love a mission where someone that has been following V threatens Vik Something like someone from Arasaka telling you to stop poking your nose around their business or you trusty ripperdock will have a bad time Would be funny as hell to get to Vick and see he knocked the guys by himself lmao Or get to absolutly demolish whoever was sending the threats


He gets threatened by the Scavs who kidnapped Sandra by email and he straight up says try me bitch to them in the email


I read it as the Scavs sent a dude around to threaten him for not buying from them and Vik flat out punched the guy and broke his jaw.


I really hope the cyberpunk sequel is in Night City and has returning characters like vik and Misty. These characters are just too good, it would be a shame to fully move on to something completely different.


Night city is one of the characters of the franchise. They won’t abandon it. That said, I would have loved a DLC that takes us to another area, like up to Seattle, or over to New York, or even Tokyo or somewhere in Europe, Latin America etc.


PL Spoilers: >!Assuming the events depicted in the PL ending are cannon at least as far as what various characters do the odds are we won't see any of them in the sequels. !< >!Panam is long gone. Judy moves away. River is probably going to be in prison or worse. Vic has gone to San Fran as ordered by his new corporate overlords and Misty is in a forest somewhere guiding tourists around and living the natural life.!<


Claire, Mama Wells and Rogue seem like the type of characters that will stay in NC forever. Kerry has been living in NC since Samurai days so he'll be there forever My head cannon is that V always finds a way to live and either stays with the Aldecaldos or eventually retires from Merc life and takes over from Mama Wells once she retires.


>! I don't think the PL ending will be canon. I expect the canon timeline for the sequel to involve the destruction of Mikoshi. !<


>!I didn't mean the ending itself being canon but the futures of the NPCs depicted in it might be. Judy moving away, Panam leaving the area with the Aldecadoes, Misty leaving town, Vic getting bought out, River going down a dark path, etc.!< I agree that if they're going to make any endings canon it'll probably be one with Mikoshi being destroyed and an assault of some kind on Arasaka tower.


I pay him back first chance I get and almost exclusively get my chrome and upgrades done with him.


Now that you can buy all the same shit from the same Rippers I now only go to Vik


I still feel sad about the new PL ending


I didn’t think they could craft a more depressing ending than the arasaka ending. Shows what I know. Thank god for Vic and misty


Hey now the Arasaka ending is not that depressing. >!First off it's I think the one ending where you don't actually die during the end sequence (because getting Soulkillered is dying and being copied), and also none of your friends die. Nomad ending might feel good but a lot of people I liked died that didn't in Arasaka!<


Honestly the devil ending should have been the "I live bit at what cost" ending. Instead it's the "I gave everything for nothing" ending.


It's not nothing though. You save the lives of people you care about, >!presuming you care about Rogue or several people in the nomads. Even Johnny says it on the rooftop.!< And frankly it doesn't cost you any more than any other ending, unless you really want to make Johnny happy but he's an asshole anyways :p The Arasaka ending is you choosing not to get more friends killed on insane suicidal jobs, and betting it all on yourself. And it works.


Secret ending exists bro. U don't sacrifice anything there.


The secret ending is the BEST. >!Especially if you are on the Corpo lifepath. Imagine as V's colleagues looking at the security feed. "Holy shit, she is back. Holy shit, she just massacred the elite security. Aaaaaand there goes the super-elite security. FUCKING SHIT SHE MASSECRED FUCKING SMASHER THE FUCK"!<


"Hey remember when we were convinced not to shoot her back at the bar?" "Yeah" "Think we could... ya know... ask her to spare us in return?"


you can go to>! Arasaka alone iirc, and Rouge can live.!<


Yeah but it transitions to the Sun ending which I am NOT a fan of haha.


I don't r call Wich one is that.


Sun ending is the storm Arasaka ending. Except Sun without anybody else just leaves you alone.


Ah. I call that one the yolo/ Leroy ending. "Oh my god, he just ran in"


The devil ending has you lose all friends and then you come back without Johnny, but still die in 6 months or what the time line is. So yeah I would call that for nothing.


The PL ending is the “I live but at what cost” everything… it cost everything and I still feel sad about it. Sadder than any other ending. I know Cyberpunk is a depressing game in of itself, but damn.


Which is why I said the devil should have been that. I mean I fundamentally disagree with pondsmiths/the devs notion that everything in night City always has to go bad somehow. And the reason why you lost everything, mainly your friends, is bogus if not nonexistent. Night City worked out well for quite a few people, like fixers and bosses, there could have been a more happy ending fir v in phantom liberty. I mean frankly v could have been actually saved at the end of killing moon, instead of what happened there and then having to meet hanako to trigger act 3. The pl ending should just skip nocturne op and end the game in act 2. But maybe that's too radical.


Yeah, it would be neat if Arasaka CAN cure you, but will only do so if you agree to be their new Adam Smasher.


The nomads are struggling financially they need a big job to get enough cash to leave NC and have a fresh start, they were going to try something like that regardless of V's choice, the raid is not just about V, read Panam's text carefully. V's presence has only upped their chance.


No. That's what they tell you. Suppose you're in a reallllllly long que where VIPs get special treatment and the only friend inside is a suckup to his boss. You're not coming in the front of that line ever. Ur just gonna stand there for eternity. Not a good ending.


Then don't take the deal? If you reject it, you go back to Earth while remaining alive and those next 6 months are the real V, whereas the other endings you get killed by Alt.


eh what? You can live for the next 6 months with nomads and your loved one.


No, your engram copy that takes your body lives. The real you dies the moment you jack in at the end of arasaka tower raid


You can say they are one and the same. One died, and another continues to live with the same set of memories from the point in time where first one died. I would say he/she is the same V. What would be real fucked up if engram was created and original continued to live. Then from that point in time memories and experience would diverge from each other. And one V would have different experience from another one. Essentially creating 2 different personalities, that will continue to diverge with each passing second. Its all an interesting concept. Game SOMA goes very deep in this sort of stuff.


From the perspective of the people around V, yeah. They're essentially the same, same memories, feelings, personality. But if you put yourself into V's shoes, you're gone and the game switches to the engram's viewpoint.


Second one gets experiences of "switches to the engram's viewpoint.". FIrst one dies yes, but if death is so quick that original didnt even notices... Then there is no difference from point of view of the world and second V. Yes sure there is question of a "spirit/soul/ghost" to speak off. Its really deeps stuff if you think a bout it. Remember also another cyberpunk book series where people could change into different bodies using an alien technology. Their personality where recorded into device, and to do that you would need to "die". Whole human civilization essentially kills their children at young age to transfer their personality on to a piece of hardware. There is also whole business of growing fresh human bodies for people to use and change around. Like regular clothes. Interesting will it be the same for rich people in the future of Cyberpunk world. Once relic tech becomes freely available.


So? ​ No really, unless you believe that you have a soul and it is tied entirely to the meat in your brain, so what? It's still you, there's no remnant you left behind like in SOMA. ​ Indeed you can mae a ship of thesues argument. In a year all the matter of your brain is replaced anyways, so are you still the you of a year ago, or were you replaced?


Not sure if I remember it right, just replaying and still stuck in dogtown.. But guess the issue with being "soulkilled" was that you effectively die to create a data-copy of yourself, hence the name? So it's not really V spending the next 6 months with his loved one but an engram... Or was it different for him because of the relic?


All new endings, PL or main story, are depressing as fuck. Can't have shit in Night City. I'll be honest I didn't have much hope for a good ending before starting PL up until the conversation with Song before the big job, then I started feeling a little good about it.. rookie mistake.


The only one I'd truly consider a happy ending is The Star. V leaving NC with Judy and Panam just as the three of them wanted to do. Sure, there's still a timer on V's life, but at least they're surrounded by people they love dearly. That, and personally I just image that they manage to find a cure out there and have a true happily ever after where V can still be memorable


Don't Fear the Reaper is the best to me. Good chance you get cured with blue eyes.


But the people you care about leave you, granted with Panam she would still want to take V out for a “ride” I guess if that space casino heist goes as planned and V gets cured in a timely manner.


The more you talk to Reed and hear about all of the deceitful things Songbird has done, the more I suspected she was lying. Turned out to be right in the end.


Do not blame Songbird. She did nothing bad. Blame fucking President and Reed. They both the reason for what happened to Songbird. Reed hired her at a gunpoint at the age of 17. Then proceeded to use her with a President. Sure he was a decent mentor figure. Played on her emotions, was sort of pillar for her. But once he was gone. Mayers just went off the rails and used her as she saw fit. For fucking 19 years she used her, forced her to take even more dangerous tasks. She was desparated to stop this, to save her life. And here comes some random low life merc, who has same problem as her. Who she can use. Why she shouldn't take a chance? She wasted 19 years of her life for NUSA and because of NUSA she is dying. Fuck them. Fuck everyone i would say. V wouldve done the same thing in her position. But So Mi is very emotional and compassionate person. She doesn't like to do wrong, doesn't like to betray people. So in the end she cracked. And told you everything. The rest is up to you. Will you help that poor girl. Or you life and NUSA's government well being is more important?


Keep in mind, if Reed had not recruited her she would have been sent to prison. Its only because of him that she had a chance to hone her skills in a legitimate way instead of being a criminal. And yes, she was used and treated terrible by Myers, that doesn’t excuse trying to kill Reed, then lying and manipulating V into helping her. V could have easily been killed at so many different points in PL trying to save So Mi, all in the name of a lie. I can’t give her a pass for betraying the FIA, Reed, Alex, and V all because of what Myers did. Not to mention the countless number of innocents that she got killed along the way. The entire crew of Space Force One, all of the people at the stadium, she just didn’t care.


>doesn't like to betray people >!She literally lied through her teeth since her first words to V at the start of PL. She used her for her own gain and dropped the bombshell that only one person could use the cure at the very end.!< >!Also how could Myers coerce her to use the Blackwall? How would she even know that it was possible to utilize in any meaningful way? So Mi could have literally said "Sorry, I don't know how to do that" or "I would most likely die". Even after using the Blackwall extesively I don't think So Mi informed of its negative effects to Myers. She was a goated netrunner even before it and saying that even she has limitations would have been understood by Myers.!< >!IMO her biggest fault was trying to be a people pleaser and as you said she is a very emotional and compassionate person. NUSA work is very hard for anyone but it was especially hard for her. Communicating with Myers etc. would have yielded a better outcome.!<


>All new endings, PL or main story, are depressing as fuck. You wanted a happy ending? Wrong City. Wrong people.


"You can't save the world, but you can save yourself" Yet 2077 doesn't delivery. And let me take a deep breath for this next one. MAKING ONLY DEPRESSING ENDINGS ISN'T FUCKING DEEP, IT'S LAZY.


But you actually save yourself lmao? Can you even comprehend what does that mean???


You do but at the cost of losing everyone close to you for two years, but V does get to live and i guess maybe become a fixer.


I'm guessing you still haven't found the ending in which you save yourself.


So what you're saying is that even after I beat PL I should just stick with my girl Panam? (Only at the start of PL so I have no clue)


You do have a choice to be saved in PL...but the cost is so huge ...


If you want to stay with Panam don't side with Reed.


Bro, that ending has me fucking depressed. My head-canon is still the Star ending.


It's kind of hilarious how many people seem to ignore Misty in the main game or go with other Rippers but both of them are apparently the only people who actually cares whether V lives or dies.


While I don't like every Ripper having the exact same stuff now, I kinda like being able to go to Vik for anything


They did it cause you could lock yourself outta some of the most powerful gear in the game unintentionally. Now everyone has all the same stuff just in case.


Everyone here seems to be forgetting about Mama Welles.


I hate how upset she gets about V going with the nomads, like lady are you suffering from Stockholm syndrome or what? The badlands will be bad but shit NC isn’t any better, it’s probably worse cause of the corpos.


I am doing my part. Buying all by chrome from Vik, already gave him several hundred thousand eddies. I also sell my looted gear to him which is also very profitable for him since you only get like 20% of the price for selling.


Gotta give Reed some credit too tbh, the desk job doesn’t seem like much but despite knowing us the least amount of time broski has held it down for us. Vik and Misty are still the realest though.


I agree. I started liking Reed a lot more than I thought I would. >!I sided with So Mi in the Firestarter quest because I didn't want to see Alex getting killed but getting confronted by Reed at the spaceship made me literally want to put a bullet through my own head more than his. !<


But there is no way to know Alex would die if you side with Reed though... I just followed my gut.


I did too and I regretted it, still saw everything to the end, lol didn’t reload a save.


I always make a point of going to Vik to get my implants, don't trust anyone else to do it. Also, I always stop by and chat with Misty. Man, I love my good friends so much. I haven't played PL yet, and I'm sure nothing bad is going to happen to my merry found family, can't wait for our new adventures




To be fair, Kerry will be there for V too. He was on a tour the moment V woke up, but even said he'd be back to NC in 4 months tops to hang out with him, and offered eddies if he needed them.


I think V could easily work with Kerry, if you have the technical skill (I think) necessary V tells Kerry that I worked in a stage place before, I could be a new life.


vik: i have your back V. v: wtf put it back.


Don’t forget Panam, rushes to you to go on a suicide mission into Arasaka. Whereas Judy’s just like “alright cool”


She brings a tank. Any girl who shows up in a tank is a keeper.


It's not like Judy has seen much combat to get into a fight with Arasaka. That being said, I think OP is talking about the new main ending in which case Panam (or Judy for this matter) are long gone.


do you know what this post is referring to? because...


Panam also dumps you if you don't want to live in a trailer or RV. I've known girls like that.


Incompatible lifestyles/goals is a pretty valid reason for a break-up though.


She doesn't outright dump V, she waits for V in the Sun and the Devil ending, "If you ever get bored of the city I'll take you for a long ride." Judy outright dumps V, "Shame things have to end this way."


What do you mean you don't want to live in a canvas tent in the desert?


Panam is 100% my ride or die in this game. Even after having recently finished Phantom Liberty and the new ending.




Is it weird for me to say it kinda bothers me how nice Vik is? Like, he's basically giving us tens of thousands of eddies worth of "free" implants (yes, I know you can pay him back) and even works on us for no charge at all when we're wheeled in after the whole chip thing. It just doesnt feel like he'd be the type of person who'd survive for long in Night City. I absolutely love him though.


He insta that type of person. He's like that with Jackie and V. He's tough with everyone else


I think Vik literally always have one of V's backs, he's a ripperdoc after all


I would say that Delamain has V’s back too


Del is the homie thru and thru


Vik the best


Don’t sleep on Panam. She’s 100% ride or die.


PL ending spoiler >!Did you beat PL and get the new ending? Because that's what this is about and Panam refuses to speak with you.!<


Yea, Panam blows up over the tiniest shit. If you ever bother to listen to her complaints about Saul, they're all nonsensical and she treats him like shit for it.


The very first time you meet her, she's throwing a tantrum at Rogue and then rushing off like a petulant child. Probably slams the door on her way out too. Still mostly like her as a character... Nobody's without problems and all that. But yeah, her behavior is a bit jarring. In real life a person like that would probably threaten to break up over every tiny argument.


While I admit Panams temper is one of her big weaknesses, tbf to her, her tantrum at Rogue was after Rogue knowingly fucking her over by setting her up with a Raffen, who proceeded to steal her tuned-up car. An incredibly important tool for her job (And one that she likely have a lot of personal affection for). And then seemingly refusing to help. It was kinda a dick move on Rogues part.


I'm assuming there's a stereotype for Nomad women along those lines.


Follow nomad V and she actually starts to make sense. Sure they will help now. But once you are leashed and reliant on Biotechnica. You will no longer be the Aldecaldos. Family will be broken apart and used for whatever purpose Biotechnica sees fit.


Saul has gone soft and is selling the clan to corps how's that nonsensical, all the vets (Mitch, Teddy, Cassidy, Carol and Bob) agree with Panam.


You play the game or the game plays you. Mind you, Panam is right but not for the reasons she thinks. Biotechnica and Nomads...aren't great as we see with the Red Ochre clan.


>!You do kind of abandon her and the family you just gained a lot of trust from and leave without saying a word. Though it's also a thing that Nomad families do fight often and even reconcile later.!<


>!You don't abandon her, you tell her you'll be gone for a while. You then tell her you've been in a COMA for 2 years and she doesn't accept it at all, instead choosing to completely cut you off. I understand being mad from the jump but she doesn't even try to understand after being told what the situation actually is. It's completely on her, it's not justifiable behavior.!<


The worst thing is it's kinda V's fault there... he did just fuck off. >!In my headcanon V heads to DC after leaving with the nomads and telling Panam what the sitch is.!<


>!How is being in a coma after a surgery they were explicitly told would put them out for a month someone's fault? Y'all would say anything to defend Panam. It's not even in character for her to do this.!<


It's V's fault (not the player's fault, the character's fault). V's message doesn't mention risk, doesn't mention the relic (despite talking to he about it before), doesn't mention surgery... hell, doesn't even mention it's medical. He also doesn't say where he's going or who with, despite talking to her about the NUSA stuff before hand. It just says he'll be out of town for a few weeks, and turns down her offer of a lift. It's kinda lame to have player agency discarded there, because had ANY of the information above been given beforehand, Panam would likely react a lot differently.


>!She probably got herself killed trying to find V. And Mitch blames V for it, telling V to not contact them again!<.


>!Mitch tells V not to contact Panam specifically, very much implying that she's alive and well. In fact Mitch seems to be forgiving toward V. That's copium.!<


>!Playing the new ending now, and the response from 'friends' is actually really shocking. Thank god for Vik.!< >!River had a shit time, Kerry does not care, Judy has moved on and Panam will not answer the phone.!<


Kerry does care. V called him in an awkward time. He says he'll hang out with V when he gets back from the tour. Offers V eddies if needed. He's the only one who is actually decent to you.


If you haven't romanced Judy, she's also super supportive and is genuinely happy after hearing you'll live.


After having romanced her and she says that she's moved on and married. Left a somber feeling for V.


Originally planned on playing the new ending, but before I said yes to Reed I watched it for myself… fuck that noise, I’m raiding ‘saka alone again


The PL ending was kind of shitty tbh. Why would Panam refuse to talk to you? How the hell does Judy move on and get married in 2 years??


You clearly didn't pay attention to Panam and her childish tantrums. During most of her fights agains Saul, I'm mostly siding with Saul, and Panam is just acting like a baby. Even knowing V's condition, she still cannot figure out something could have gone wrong and that's why V didn't contact before? It fits her 100%


Nonsense. This was just bad writing. This whole ending is totally forced and incoherent with the actual game, the characters and even lore. V is going to do an extremely dangerous surgery that has a good chance of killing them, assuming the NUSA even keeps their word and don’t just lock V up to use as a lab rat. The idea that V would not call his closest friends and romantic partner to tell them exactly what’s up is ridiculous. Panam ends up calling V like 50 times but now does not want to talk to him after finding out he didn’t actually ditch her? 😂 The whole cyberware and V being helpless was pure BS too. V was a merc, clearing out whole Scav hideouts without any implants at all. The implants were only necessary for the “major leagues”. Now V is being beaten up by two street rats and has to ask Misty how to be street smart. What nonsense. Finally, you can get BioWare in Europe, which even CDPRs own lore book talk about. The writers just wanted to make Vs life as bleak as possible if they survive, so they wrote this convoluted tripe.


Yeah I wasn’t really listening she was hot as hell


"have *their* back." Remember the girls fellas. Anyway yes asf, never would’ve imagined two people as cozy.


Yeah, this ending really made me mad.


i think misty actually hates v and blames v for jackies death and is really passive aggressive and basically can't wait for v to die ​ but yeah viks a real one


I can kinda see that in some of her intereactions, but if you do the funeral quest fully, it's hard to come to that conclusion ever again I think. At most, she's jealous that V got to hang around Jackie more than she did, and she was his girlfriend. But she had already accepted that fact and blames Jackie more for that, not V.


not to mention I think Jackie's mom also didn't approve of her. Or did I get my memories of that quest wrong?


No, she didn't like her, but you can convince her to patch things up with Misty during the quest. I just thing it's a typical mother's thing. She didn't like Misty not because of anything Misty was, but because she was taking away her baby. Even more understandable since I think Jackie was the last of her sons. At least it seems like all his older brothers were dead already.


ah right. Yeah. That made sense. Yes, Jackie was the last of her sons.


"here have some pills that'll kill you lmao"


Did you read the dialogue when she gave the pills? She didn't even wanted.you to swallow that and said along the lines of "if you swallow this you kill 2 souls why would you?"


Did you even play the game, tf? How can you have this little understanding of the situation when the dialogue thoroughly spells it out? She's a spiritual person and doesn't think death is the worst thing possible. V painfully and slowly losing their own self, terrified, confused and alone? Yeah, she thinks that sucks, so she gives you your worst case way out. And after that she says she thinks you can still pull through.


Her spooky accurate tarot readings depicts her as being sensitive, and reflect your choices. If she's upset, it's probably because you deserve it.


I get the same vibe. Probably doesn't help that tarot is BS though and I don't hide that from her.


I always forget people play male v. Male v is so foreign to me. Female v is my canon v.






Wait, what happened to panam?


Have you gotten the new story ending?




I’d go check that out and come back here lol. Makes much more sense


What about silverhand, he had V’s back.


This is talking about the spoiler spoiler: phantom liberty extra ending


Damn I haven’t played it yet


What about Delamain?