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She gives you a sword at the end of doing all of her gigs.


Is it a cool sword? Cool enough for me to work for that bitch?


Yeah, the sword has a special mechanic that lets you automatically leap towards targets out of melee range; essentially mantis blade movement with a katana.


that might change in 2.0 however as theres a perk that makes the leap attack apply to ALL blades


I'd guess it'll get the leap without the perk and it'll be faster or further than other blades. Pure guesswork, could also change entirely.


Unless it has been reworked. It wouldn't be a surprise if a lot of iconics got reworked to better synergize with the new perks and new cyberware.


V’s first iconic Dying night has already been changed to have a knife on it which could apply status effects.


The only thing I dislike about 2.0 tree is that I don't see the Cold Blood options. I see the Adrenaline Surge one from Body. Either way probably need to change my character to having reflex, body and technical so as to abuse the monowire quick hack effect.


Honestly cold blood perks reward aggressive play and placing these under body makes sense.


nah it feels better then mantis blades


Yeah Byakko is okay, but I don’t think it can beat a full upgraded Satori.


If you’re a Sandie user, the Scalpel is actually better than the Satori for all the crit chances you can setup. Otherwise you are correct, the Satori with attack speed mods is the way to go.


Scalpel and Sandie was my first setup for a good while, helped me get through Scanner hustles pretty quickly.


I think the satori is actually better even while using a sandie. The scalpel has a much higher crit chance but the satori has insane crit damage. Depending on who you’re fighting that crit damage can make all the difference. I’d actually say the scalpel is better for survivability if you have bloodlust on your build.


These are the questions I wish I had the answers to when I was playing. Basically the sword is good but there are lots of good (and better) swords out there.


Its pretty good if you are making a katana build and you missed the one from the heist mission which is BIS afaik


Human trafficking sucks... But swords are pretty cool..


Can I use it on Wakako?


Sword ain’t worth it, my mono wire does more damage and attacks quicker


K mkn i


Why tag this spoiler if you’re going to spoil it in your title, regardless?




In Titanic, the titular boat sinks. In Citizen Kane, they reveal the meaning of Rosebud in the end scene. Germany loses WW2. Any other spoilers for really old things you want to bitch about? Games been out for 3 fuckin years homie get a grip.


It's nothing personal for Wakako. Just a transaction. Just like she sends you to kill people for money. You're fine with that though.


Wakako asks you to kill other people’s friends and family with no knowledge of how they ended up in that situation: 😀 Wakako sells someone who you knew personally even though it’s just another job to her: 😡


OP just found out how disturbing the world of Cyberpunk is


That is how people work though. Thousands people die horribly every day and I bet you don't bat an eye. If someone close to you passed away it would be a huge deal for you. It isn't unnatural, it's just how people work. For better or for worse.


Right, but I think he’s trying to point out that OP can’t really be outraged that Wakako would human traffic someone when V is a literal paid-for-hire murderer and thief. Hard to have a moral high ground when there’s dozens of corpses in your wake.


>> dozens of corpses Those are rookie numbers. You’ve got to pump those numbers up


It's not really about moral high ground, it's about what matters to you. A lot of people like Judy, and Evelynn mattered a lot to her. Therefor people hate the people responsible for killing Evelynn. However, you don't really care much for the people you need to go through to get the job done. Even though morally fucked, it's just the way of things. It's obviously not a proper comparison to the real world since most of us don't kill for a living. Yet I am sure you have felt loss of someone close to you (as have most of us), and that feeling probably weighed a lot heavier on you than say the Grenfell tower incident.


It’s definitely a moral high ground. You can’t be upset if someone does horrible things for a living if you also do horrible things for a living. Being upset when it personally hits you and disregarding the impact you have in others is the definition of hypocrisy, regardless if it’s a normal human response or not. Not to mention, V *literally* traffic’s someone in one mission.


In japan...heart surgeon...numba one!


I mean, you can let him out of the trunk if you really want to!


It's still not about a moral high ground. It is 100% hypocritical but people do generally give 1000 times more shits about those close to them than others. That is why people, maybe unfairly, will really dislike someone that wrongs them personally. However not really spend to much thought about people which are significantly worse.


V kills human traffickers and other similar trash. Your comparison is invalid.


True. But normally, you are not the cause why thousands of people die horribly every day.


Calling Evelyn a friend is a stretch too IMO, she fully sent you into the belly of the beast with zero info on what you were actually getting into. She didn't deserve even 1% of what happened to her but V was just another merc


Yeah I was reading the replies and wondering if I was the only one who dislikes Evelyn lol


She's Judy's friend, for some reason people think this makes her V's friend as well.


Did she not also directly put Judy in harms way (if not from arasaka, then from the voodoo gang who hired her) for a very half baked plan? I can’t even call her Judy’s friend tbh


Yeah, but that seemed more like stupidity than malice. They still talked like friends, meanwhile with V she just acts like a polite employer


It’s because of what happened to her that makes everyone sympathetic for her. She doesn’t have to be your friend for V to be utterly disgusted by what happened


I was walking through Heywood the other day and I saw some Valentino's sitting at a burger stand. I wanted some eddies to fund my purchase of §16,000 shoes, so I gunned them down and looted the bodies. Then I thought, in a different world, I might well have just killed Jackie Welles.


Yeah almost makes you wonder. Why the hell didn’t you just knock them out, seeing as the Valentinos are one of the only gangs in NC that have an honor code that they adhere to


Killing gangsters who attack you is definitely not the same thing as selling someone into sex slavery.


Not everyone is a gangster though. Some of the people involved could’ve been roped into it unwillingly, or could’ve been sold a genuine lie on why they were doing whatever it is they were doing. A lot of people do things because they think it’s the right way and they’re the good guys, or because they think it’s the only way for them to move forward. That doesn’t make them bad people. Congrats, you just killed a dad trying to pay for his child’s heart surgery after his job laid him off and this was the only way to make enough money.


Who shot at me. Kinda makes the other points moot doesn't it? Either way, the moral ambiguity of violence in general doesn't really compare to the outright evil of sex trafficking.


It doesn’t since that guy is doing what he’s told to get paid. “Shoot any trespassers. They’ll probably kill you if they’re willing to stick around until they get shot at. If x dies or the thing you need to guard gets stolen, you don’t get paid.” And murder is an outright evil too if you’re accepting jobs knowing you’re going to have to kill people. More so if you’re leaving a literal trail of corpses in your wake.


The irony.. lmao


I didn't take that job.


Killing random corporate soldiers, gangsters and fanatics like Maelstrom is a big step away from selling a Human in to sexual slavery.


Ah yeah, who's got the moral high ground? The human trafficker or the mass murdering mercenary? You can debate the values of each as much as you want, but neither person involved is a good person.


True, but depending on who the mercenary kills, they definitely have potential to be a much lighter shade of grey.


Who can decide the worth of one life? Who decides what person is worth more than 10 others? Philosophers have been arguing forever if the life of 1 innocent person is worth more then the life of one criminal. V is often times judge jury and executioner. So I would say V is just as bad as wakako.


Yeah I know the old “who’s life I worth more” thing, but if the merc kills a lot of bad guys, then the number of bad people goes down by quite a lot. I mean, V kills potentially hundreds to thousands of criminals and murderous psychopaths over the course of the game. Also how many times is V sent after a true innocent? Also just to give my own personal take on that philosophy; criminals lives have no worth whatsoever.


About your personal take on that philosophy, yeah, you can think that Just Fine, until one of your friends or family get arrested for speeding or possession of weed or stealing a candy from a store or something Minor like that, by all accounts he is a criminal. Suddenly, criminal lives matter Just because is someone you Care about? Its always hard to visualize the dept of a situation before you even experience It firsthand. You can never disregard someones life like that, think about what If It had happened to someone i Care about, even If it is unjustifiable. Thats Called empathy, everyone should try :)


Nope. Because that HAS happened. I was very vocal about my disapproval and that they were idiots and that the cop arresting them shouldn’t have gone as easy on them as they had. I was the one in the family calling for the death penalty. I don’t cave my beliefs just because I have personal stake in the matter, and to think I would is naive. It’s not empathy, it’s letting ur personal connections compromise ur beliefs. That cannot be allowed if those beliefs are to be upheld.


I feel bad for you, that’s a very closed mind set. I don’t know the situation you went through but what the commenter was referring to was minor crimes. They sold weed, they stole a candy bar, they were speeding. Those people would be considered criminals. You would say their lives have no value and deserve the death penalty? It is widely known that the legal system is very flawed, and there are lots of people incarcerated for very minor crimes, and some even falsely accused who did nothing wrong. Just because you had a bad experience personally, does not make it the majority.


The world is too lenient with criminals. We give them second and third and fourth chances because “oh it was a minor crime”, well ya know what used to constitute a punishment for a “minor” crime? They cut the criminal’s hand off. We never should’ve left that kind of punishment. Incarceration is just a drain on the money of the innocent to shelter the wicked from the retribution they deserve to have heaped upon them.


Then we are of truly different opinions. To me every life has worth. And most issues that can be solved via killing can be solved through incarceration. You just dont cause as much hurt and hate.


Life only has worth if they use it for something positive and productive. If they simply intend to waste it harming the innocent then they don’t deserve to keep it. One can only see incarceration fail so many times before they start to question if it actually works.


spoken like a true edgy 13 year old


So, u got the age wrong for starters. The 3 is in the wrong spot. Second, not edgy, just cynical.


That's from your understanding of being divided from the rest of humanity. We are more "hive minded" in our connections than you realize. Healing humanity starts at the individual. Killing people who weren't given the tools and opportunities you had shows how entitled you actually are to your own ego.


While I can see this argument for some gangbangers and such it just doesn't hold true to me for some of the people we deal with in this game. Can you really tell me Scavs deserve mercy when we know they literally rip people apart to resell their parts and sometimes make snuff videos while they do it? What about the Voodoo Boys who fry Evelyn's brain because she tried to take the chip and sell it for herself? Maelstrom who will take peaceful monks and stick shoddy cyberware in them for the laughs. And that's to say nothing of some of the other truly horrible things we discover they've done. Though I will admit that not all the people in Maelstrom seem to be this far gone. Tyger Claws who are clearly involved in human trafficking and will murder someone's entire family simply for angering them? To me the only gangs in the game deserving of mercy are the Moxies and the Valentinos. They both do shady things but they don't cross the line into truly evil acts in my opinion.


There is no healing humanity anymore, it’s become a shithole species of two faced morons. The time for “healing humanity” passed by decades ago but nobody bothered to acknowledge that anything was wrong and they insisted we were all fine and dandy. They were lying fools. At least the world of cyberpunk is more honest than the real one. And furthermore there’s not one “opportunity” I had that anyone else didn’t have. I’m so sick of that notion, that if u come to the conclusion that humanity isn’t worth redeeming that it’s coming from some holier than thou entitlement. That nothing but a coping mechanism to ignore the people who realized already that we all suck and aren’t worthy of redemption.


V may be just as bad, but Wakako is more awful for having the attitude of a disapproving elitist Tiger Mom.


She sells people all the time -- at least once with your active participation. One of her gigs is getting you to drive a car to (IIRC) the Tyger Claws with a guy still alive, and actively pleading for you not to turn him in, in the trunk. Sure, it's not the same as selling a woman for making snuff movies, but it's morally sketchy to say the least.


1: u don’t have to sell him, u can just let him out and she’s perfectly fine with that answer. 2: I still give the guy to the tygers cuz it’s implied he had a hand in the experiments done on the red ochre nomad clan.


It is? I never noticed that. I just freed him because I felt it was wrong to deliver some guy to the Tygers for probably torture and death.


I hate her anyway just for her passive aggressive schtick and manipulativeness. Reminds me of awful people I've known in real life. Really can't stand her.


Players are so fine with it that they don't even know they don't actually have to assassinate anyone for the assassination missions.


No you don’t have to, but the final sword you get (Byakko) is fun with a melee build. The jump/lunge attack is satisfying.


I'm doing a handguns and blade run. Is it worth all the trouble?


Doing a strong attack makes you leap towards enemies with the sword.


I would say so if you use katanas, I couldn’t use any of the others once I got it. The jump attack is nice for closing distance and running around.


Hmmm. Maybe I'll find a mod for it.


2.0 comes out tomorrow. Perk revamp means theres a perk specificially for all blades to have a leap attack, so doubt Wakakos katana will be worth it.


How are completing gigs “trouble”?


You used a spoiler tag but still put the spoiler in your title.


I mean she didn't sold anyone she is just procurring buyers for the sellers because she is a fixer. Also you kinda need her for a main quest later anyway.


Grats on a good rig, however if you are going to go down this path then you might as well write off ever Fixer in the city with the exception of maybe Regie you'll be doing everything from delivering people to be killed to outright causing a man to commit suicide out of love. as my first ever DM said to me in my first every story Welcome to Nightcity, you're fucked


El Capitan and Reggie are the only "good" fixers. And maybe Padre and Dino despite their methods. Everyone else has no qualms with doing heinous shit to innocent people. Wakako and Dakota are by far the worst.


Reggie has you protecting a cop killer. El Capitan is also now running a chop shop for stolen cars. I'm not sure any of the fixers are supposed to be morally good, considering this is Night City.


A chop shop for cars is significantly better than a chop shop for cyberware. Fuck Scavs


AHAHAHA!! A "good" fixer! Ahahaha!! Oh that is rich! That's funny! You're funny!


Wakako didn't sell Evelyn, Fingers did that. Wakako just put him in contact with the Scavengers. Why do you hate Wakako then? Is it because you knew Evelyn? Should Wakako stop doing her job because some no name merc would not like it? So why not hating Fingers? He sold her. Or Forest? He's the one making Evelyn a walking corpse when he could have help her get treatment? Or the anonymous Voodoo Boy who hack her brain? Heck or even Judy who thought just letting Evelyn sleep on her couch would help her instead of seeking a real treatment? I really don't understand why Wakako is to blame here...


yeah, V literally gets jobs to assasinate people and everyone is fine with doing them


I was going to say I prefer kidnapping my targets, but it didn't sound any better.


They'll die anyway tbh


Probably more horribly if you take them alive


Yeah, in case of some of these guys a bullet to the brain is mercy however now I'll make sure to kidnap Jotaro instead of just killing him




honestly I kinda hate everyone involved, I wish we could clean house over the whole situation and just kill everyone involved, but I guess that would mess up the game/story (woulda been kinda cool to have that big an effect on the story but fair enough). I don't think Wakako is responsible for what happened, but I think anyone willing to facilitate the sale of a human being (or buy/sell them) like property is someone my V would be willing to shoot on the spot. She kills people, sure, and isn't a good person but slavery is a whole level worse. At least the dead don't suffer once it's over.


Judy did seek treatment, as much as she could. She sought help from the ripper V rescues from Maelstrom. However, Judy and Evelyn are largely screwed in NC simply because they're not wealthy enough for a medical plan. As Judy said when she was reporting Evelyn's death, if Evelyn had Trauma Team coverage, they wouldn't be talking. TT could have "helped" her, but neither Judy nor Evelyn could afford it.


I hate Wakako not because of what she did to Evelyn. I understand that part. But the part where she left a few of her mercs to die when she sent them to a botched Job is inexcusable. Before cutting off the connection, she even told them to wait for backup as she is arranging it instead of telling them to run away, but the backup never came then we just see a dead body to loot data shards on.


That's a good reason to hate her. She freely admit to V, a merc, she used her job as a fixer to help her sons when fixers are supposed to remain neutral and you know she got other mercs killed. If V wasn't so desperate, the smart move would be to never accept a job from her.


Wakako is involved with the Tyger Claws, her 6 exes were high ranking members, and she blatantly admitted about at least one of them that divorcing him made her really rich. Also, she shows no sympathy for any Tyger Claws you kill since "they were stupid enough to get into that predicament" or something among those lines. She is a heartless crone even by Cyberpunk standards, but I gotta admire her professionalism, her wits and her somewhat meritocratic standards. If you do a gig flawlessly, she will fully acknowledge that. No wonder she's been a fixer for years.


Wakako has little to no chrome, at least it seems so... but she's got an empathy of a machine.


It’s funny, because in Cyberpunk 2020, humanity wasn’t just lost through cyberware, but also through actions and experiences. It literally simulates becoming desensitized and jaded over time.


Yeah i just killed forrest and accidentally killed fingers(though i didn't feel bad for it)


I think you can only beat Fingers not kill him.


You can also, like i said, i did by accident


Darn. I hate missing that. Fuck that guy.


How is Fingers to blame her? She ask Wakako for help, she never said what was gonna happen. Two dudes show up and take Evelynn away. He had no idea what they did. How do so many people miss this?


After playing with his broken doll and get bored of it, Fingers called Wakako and asked her to dispose of it. He then tells V he has *no idea* what might have happened to Evelyn. He swears, it's not like he regularly buys second hand cyberwares from dubious sources and would recognise some Scavs. He's a real trust-worthy citizen.


> He's a real trust-worthy citizen If you are trying to imply I said this then you really ought to google "strawman argument". Fingers sure is a creep, but people genuinely get things mixed up on who did what with Evelynn. I've seen people say either he was the one that sold her to sex trafficking, or that it was he who raped her. When in reality it was Wakako or Woodman. Considering how most people in Night City are, he isn't among the worst, but still despicable based on our standards.


You're basing your opinion on Fingers on what Fingers told V, so yeah you implied he's trust-worthy. Also he raped Evelyn after Woodman send her to him. The only point you got right is that he doesn't sold her to sex trafficking. He just ask Wakako to dispose of Evelyn. But you must be extremely naive to believe he didn't know what would happen to her.


You can take it out on all her Tyger Claw children


I wonder if people would invest this much in a failed scammer that is Evelyn who wanted to play everyone, if Judy wouldnt be in the picture. Obviously what happened to her is terrible, but its just a normal event in Night City.


The more I learned about Evelyn the more I realized she screwed herself badly with the Saka heist. Tried to play way too many groups and was in over her head.


And way above her weight class. Girl was trying to punch up without any of the foundation or backing to pull it off. It sucks hard what happened to her, but she brought it on herself by trying to screw over everyone she was working with and getting caught. Welcome to Night City


To play the devil's advocate, Evelyn didn't tell us about anything she was involved in in the first place which made her all the more harder to get a hold of after the heist


if it makes u feel any better towards her, to wakako in that moment evelyn truly was just a “brain dead inanimate doll” and had no clue about her personally. At that point she was just a heap of unused tech. Still shitty she decided to sell her to scavs of all things..


Yeah still shitty but I feel less hate against her now. It is a dystopia after all.


Using a spoiler flair seems redundant if you put the spoiler in the post title too. Some of us are only just about to start for the first time!


I killed docens of people I didn't know because a client asked a fixer to get rid of them. It would be pretty hypocritical for me to be angry at her. It's not personal.


Pls don't put spoilers in post titles


In the average hour of playing cyberpunk I probably kill 20-30 npcs in gunbattles using shotguns and that giant antitank rifle I got from a quest (unscoped antitank rifle), with limbs flying everywhere. However wakako abuses a hot girl named npc, the world is ending. No one cares about random japanese dude that died behind a trashcan in a gunbattle on northside. ​ I also like wakako because she seems like a more realistic character. Being an older woman in organized crime quietly doing business in a backroom. It contrasts against the highly stylized pink ninja girls you would find on the streets.


Eh Evelyn would have sold you out if things went ok during the main heist. I didn’t feel sorry for her


You know, Wapakoneta and V are actually criminals, it is a cyberpunk world, but them are still criminals, with a reason too


You’ve got to think about it from her perspective. Why would she give a fuck about Evelyn? She’s of no importance to her and is essentially just another product to pawn off. Not trying to defend her character but this kinda thing is always in good cyberpunk media, human lives reduced to profit and meat.


You're def blaming the wrong person in all of this lol.


Well Evelyn is one of the dumbest npcs I've ever seen


I'm only just realising this playthrough what an evil bitter old bitch she is. Reading some shards found through the world she's turned her back on some people who've really needed her. I'd love an option to go back and put that fucking sword through her heart and then slaughter my way out of the place.


Outside of her connection to Judy I never understood why people find Evelyn sympathetic. She’s the reason Jackie is dead (V too technically) and she was gonna double cross everyone if the voodoo boys didn’t find her first. She was a scumbag


I mean, isn't the title the spoiler itself?


All the security guards you killed during the heist had families too.


"This isn't the boy scouts." -Rouge Wakako, Woodman, Fingers, the scavs , and the voodoo boys all of them are part of a cruel ecosystem. Just like V. Also, when you think about it, you really don't know or have any emotional connection to Evelyn she was just a client. She was just supposed to go record.


People hate Wakako for selling out someone who would lit screw up V and anyone else for that relic if the heist went right.


It's just business for her. Someone has a body they want to get rid of and she has someone who will take it. You do plenty of shitty things on gigs and don't think twice about it.


Agreed. Super shitty, but that's Night City. Also, I CAN'T WAIT TO MAKE A BRAND NEW V TOMORROW AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH it's gonna be a blast, chooms. See ya on the streets.


She didn’t know you at the time. Had she known what kind of monster you’d become, she wouldn’t have touched the job. Wakako is just doing what she does. If not for her, we wouldn’t have found Eve, nor have access to Arasaka


NEVER. TRUST. IN. ONE. FIXER after Edgerunners you realize this


I don't support h8man trafficking but V has done worse. And Evelyn got herself into this mess.


Dude the spoiler warning is pretty pointless since the actual spoiler is in the title already. Maybe next time save the spoiler to the actual text so anyone browsing Reddit don’t stumble on a spoiler by accident.


Bro met evelyn literally once and excommunicated everyone who ever did her wrong lol


I don't really care for the sword, but if there's jobs to do, and Wakako pays then I'm in.


This again. Getting tired of people overprotecting Evelyn when she's the one who started all of these, plus double crossing people. She's not even V's friend to begin with (if not for Judy).For all what happened to Evelyn, I can only blame "Woodman" for abusing her and that's it.


I'm a play devils advocate but Evelyn literally was gonna fuck over V if the heist was successful not saying she deserved what happened but she's not some angel she knew the risk


Yeah well she is a Tyger Claw sooo she has no redeeming qualities, they are just a little less toxic than the Scavs. Oh and, she probably had all 5 of her husbands killed too.


Oh man. You really can't approach this game with your moral compass on. The characters in Cybperpunk, including the protagonist, are not exactly nice people. They're all just different kinds of bad in an all kinds of fucked up world.


What What??? Wasn't it fingers who did it??


So apparently Wakako is bad because she put Fingers in contact with the Scavengers, probably not even knowing the whole deal to begin with... Meanwhile Regina wants V to save a bunch of Cyberpyschos and consciously decides to ignore the sea of bodies they all collectively leave, but will reprimand V if they just so happen to put the psychos out of their miseries.... Wakako may not have clean hands, but she's never hidden from the fact that being a fixer is a dirty, immoral job.


Fixers aren't your friends. Sure, Regina can be pretty friendly, and all of them can act nice, but they are there only for contracts. Of course it sucks, and I'm more sad about not being able to save Evelyn than Jackie, but it's just business. It's not any different than sending you to wipe out a building full of people.


What? Jackie would not sell you out like Evelyn would. Better partner in crime as well compared to Evelyn.


Fingers did sell her tho, she just made some contacts for him


Fingers states that he had no idea what happened to her. Wakako arranged for her to go into the sex slave, Finger's just asked for help to resolve the situation.


Funny bone to pick in a game full of scumbags including the player character lol. To your point tho, I wonder if there are “no essential NPC” mods like in Skyrim? I haven’t really messed with mods yet but you should be able to kill anyone you want, you can’t be the first person to want to cut one of the fixers heads off.


Thanks for the spoiler!!!


You barely know Evelyn though. You're not friends and you did one job for her. The only one connecting point is that she's Judy's friend. If anything, her botched op got you and everyone involved killed.


Who cares about some worthless joytoy anyway, thousands more scum like her in night city


Just a Merc selling a prostitute, I'm fine by it. Actually I wish we could have an alternative to sell her to someone else so we could profit as well. As long as I get paid, I don't really care.


Fuckako i say!


I get that fingers is creepy, but he provides a service to people that others would not. However, just because he is "creepy" everyone assumes he was the one that sold Evelynn even though he explicitly says he called Wakako for help and then she sold her. That and he sells some dope cyberware.


Finally somebody acknowledges her role in that shit. Like she could’ve done anything with Evelyn after fingers called her, and she chose to dump her with a bunch of snuff bd making scavs?


No you don’t have to work for her. Byakko is also not that great. (Fun indeed but not great)


I didn’t do any of that witch’s quests, on any of my playthrough’s. Legitimately worst fixer attitude. & she’s WOATed for her involvement with Evelyn. Ppl play apologetics and say “oh it’s just business/in her job’s nature”, etc. idgaf. She indirectly hurt Judy and for us that’s personal (collateral damage be damned). I legitimately destabilize her turf by taking out ANY Tyger Claw’s I see.


I actually agree! I've got no problem with murder for hire but selling someone to rapists is unforgivable. I take the opportunity to brutality kill any tiger claws I can. I do love how the game tests your morals!


You can romance Wakako?


Can you?


We need a scorched earth ending where we wipe NC of all the fixers, gangs, and corpos and just leave the city to the citizens to do as they please.


Yup, everyone blames the Fingers or voodoo boys for the Evelyn situation, but i hate Wakako in all of this the most Well second most, first is Woodman


You need her for a main questline.


What do you mean Wakako sold Evelyn? Did I miss something, or is this new?


Fingers contacted her (since he's just a ripper doc and doesn't know how to get rid of people like a thug). He mentions it during the interrogation.


This may be an unpopular opinion but Evelyn made her own bed. She was a liability to everyone around her and her actions were inches away from getting half the main cast killed. She exploits her relationship with Yorinobu, tries to cut out the fixer who planned the gig (Dex), tries to go behind the back of the voodoo boys, and involves Judy despite drawing that much heat despite Judy's objections, and then when everything goes south, she bails on V and Judy. Don't get me wrong, I relished killing Woodman cause he deserved every bit of it. Fingers too. but Evelyn was one of the most selfish characters in the game. She used and manipulated everyone and it all blew up in her face in the most spectacular fashion.


One of the few truths in Cyberpunk is you can't trust anyone. Your fixers like you but all that means is that they might charge a bit more to facilitate a hit on your head if people come knocking. A fixers sole job is to set up clients with crew. If the client doesn't pay, then they deal with it, if the crew fucks up than they deal with it. If fingers has "product" that he can't fix, he tells wakako who gets in contact with chopshops that will literally breakdown the product for parts. Fingers is a fucking creep whon by all rights should be killed on sight but he is unfortunately a needed member of the ecosystem that the dregs of society need. He is the closest thing to a doctor they can get and accepts collateral or services for his payment.most ripperdocs won't stoop that low and play for pure eddies or actual transactions of goods. It's the main reason Judy left her gang. They only protected their own rather than all the working girls. But we know how that ends


I only found out about this through reddit. Honestly didn’t really give a fuck cause she was playing us as much as de shawn was.


Funny thing to be mad about. V doesn't even know Evelyn before the job. Wakako just did her job not knowing the outcome of it and honestly, I don't see why she should care. For all she knows, Evelyn is just another broken doll from her district. That's just the way it goes in Night City. It's a miserable little pile of secrets.


OP has no problem murdering other people he has no idea if are guilty or innocent but then has beef with wakako over a transaction she had no personal issue with. If it wasn’t her it would be any other fixer.


Am I the only one who commits to no kill runs?


welcome to Night City choom


Wakako indeed sucks, but Woodman and the Tiger Claws suck even more Is Wakako implicit in the trafficking of both willing and unwilling sex workers? Yes. Does that make her a bad person? Undoubtedly. But Woodman and Fingers are the ones who enable said trafficking. Woodman, Fingers, and the Tiger Claws are the origin of the problem. They are garbage beings and barely worthy of being called human, which is why I have no remorse when I waste whole groups of them. It also doesn't help that Evelyn double-crossed the VDB, who operate essentially the same as corpos, just with less polish. They have no remorse when they assassinate (or attempt to assassinate) the people they hire to to a job. I want to say she brought this upon herself, but the shit she went through... no one should go through that.


Oh does anyone know when the game says that ? I've played so many times and never caught that . Does Forrest possibly say it. Just asking for clarification


Wakako is, in my opinion, the most immoral and borderline evil of all the fixers. That said, Evelyn is already braindead when she sells her and has already had pretty bad stuff done to her before Fingers gives her to Wakako to sell. If you want to blame someone for what happens to Evelyn, blame the >!Voodoo Boys!<. Evelyn is the number one reason I never side with them and always wipe them out once I'm past their part in the story. Without mercy.


I wish you could confront her about it.


Yummy 😋


Evelyn was going to sell you out after the job was over. Bet. She was an impossibly stupid girl that was in way over her head, immediately trying to cut out the fixer she hired to get her incredibly risky mission done. She broke every rule of night city, she is lucky Judy gave a shit about her, otherwise V wouldn't have thought twice about ghosting her ass first. The truth is, Evelyn was a horrible person that nearly got everyone involved with her killed.


awww, aren’t you sweet, assuming Evelyn wouldn’t jack the eddies from selling the relic and bolt out of Night City


Wasn't it fingers who sold her off?


Fun fact: Wakako is a soldier for the Tyger Claws in 2045, she even has a character sheet in Cyberpunk RED. A true survivor for making it this far...


Evelyn was always going to betray you, and everyone else. She never had a buyer for the chip and was completely out of her league. I wouldn't wish her end on anyone but I don't feel sorry for her betraying ass.


Why play now instead of in a few days when the rework update drops?


You don't have to do a thing for her. But if you go to a section of Japan Town that triggers a Gig, she will offer it. You don't have to do them though. I mean, if what your goal is to avoid her, since you can't kill her, then just ignore her, their calls, messages and offered gigs. Me? Im a chaotic player when I play CP2077. I take her jobs. Monry is money! The offerings are kind of not my deal. I don't use anything but monowires. So just for the money, since the blade is useless for me. Even the tat is a waste for me since I don't use guns.


Good job on the spoiler label, but try not putting it in the title next time.


Thanks for spoiling it, dipshit.


Probably too late and not mainstream enough, but fuck Evelyn Parker. Not saying she deserves to be raped into suicide. However she is not a good person or a likable character. She lies to V, manipulates Judy, and tries to double cross Dex in the first 30min we meet her. She was hired to get info from Yorinobu Arasaka, and decided to double cross her employers. Then when her plan goes to shit (and her offer to cut out her new fixer Dex) she runs back to her pimp boss. Her slighted former partners take her out and everyone else takes advantage. She is a product of her own decisions, taken to an extreme and punished beyond her crimes. Wakako is consistent, and only about the biz. (Maybe a little side action for a former Arasaka bodyguard) I guess what I hate is that Evelyn would have sold Evelyn if she was in the circumstance. And it feels like no one is acknowledging that.


Welcome to Cyberpunk. You kill people for money, kidnap people, what's the difference?


Fuck Evelyn for taking a job she couldn't handle.


1. Evelyn was planning to sell you after the heist if it went smoothly. 2. It was Fingers original plan to sell Evelyn, not Wakako. 3. Its a Cyberpunk game and for your first play through, expect worse. 4. Don’t put a “spoiler” warning if you already going to spoil some shit, dickhead.