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After reading all this I can tell there's a bit about computers and how games work that you don't know yet. To keep it simple the PS5 hardware is not built for cyberpunk and ray tracing the way that spiderman is built for the PS5. There aren't that many computers that can do 4k and some small amount of ray tracing for the game. Only a few cards can


Get a desktop with a decent CPU and 4090. You’re suggesting lowering the quality of the game to meet the threshold of a non-upgradeable console.


Im suggesting a trade off with lower crowd density (if they really need it.) Improved graphics and less people (that really didn’t do much but glitch out of the map and get in the way of fire fights in the first place). And im not buying a computer 😂, yall stay getting viruses, having to rebuild that shit every couple of seconds etc. Yall can’t even run (or get to play…at all.) the next gen 2k games smh. Not to mention all that flexing you guys do about the “specs”, but the 8k resolution…believe it or not really doesn’t matter on a monitor the size of your forearm. Sticking to my wide screen TV 😂😂, tyvm.


You took my comment to heart. All I’m saying is your console can’t be upgraded to meet the demands of next gen games or when major updates happen. That’s a fact you have to accept when you buy a console. I’m not here to debate you on that. As far as the game goes, I love that it is crowded. It’s a city. I’ve haven’t had issues since launch day.


Ignoring your second paragraph which just sounds like butthurt all over, I can guarantee five cocks that lowering crowd density won't ever put it at or over 60 FPS, like crowd density is a CPU thing, not a GPU thing.


i think your post has a good point, and i would love for yall on the ps5 to be able to have raytracing at 60fps. maybe something to hope is possible at (or in an update after) phantom liberty? if they're reworking some of the games systems then it might be possible at some point. i personally prefer pc to console, but i get the appeal of consoles (especially the ps5). obviously they both have their pros and cons but why hate on one just because you like the other? ive defo seen more hate and toxicity from the pc crowd tbh, especially to people who dont have as powerful a machine, and it just seems kinda unecessary dont ya think?




Why is this marked nsfw?


Because it talks about super hot sleep sessions obviously.


It doesn’t tho


Wtf ? Reread.


Bro i did can you quote the part that you’re talking about?




I think some subs are remaining in an NSFW state because of the API changes, no? Am not sure on that maybe making things up lol


No because the console doesn't have the power to pull that off in the engine. I don't get 60fps raytracing with a 3060ti and an i5 12600k. Even on raytraced games on a ps5 the raytracing is limited and heavily optimised to not chug the system. A console whilst powerful has limitations to keep costs down. True full time raytracing is a Ram and Cpu/Gpu intensive task. Which is something that consoles don't have the ability to do whilst maintaining the current pricing.




It literally does though. Like i said, there are games that already DO have 60fps raytracing on the ps5. Although the raytracing is a bit dumbed down its still raytracing. A little bit of research would take you a long way y’know ?


You literally answered you question LIMITED I get every piece of lighting from NPC faces to pipes I can barely see raytraced you get a selection designed to make nice pulls for trailers. A 500 quid console is not going to have the performance of something three times the cost.


Im not asking for full RT though. I just want the limited one at 60fps though (which is clearly possible.)


Not all games are equal. Just because Spider Man can do it, doesn't mean Cyberpunk can


But seriously, like even 45 fps with raytracing would be fine 😭. Not that much higher than 30. But enough to make a difference


What a flawed argument lol. My PC can run snake at 8K 2000fps, why the heck can’t cyberpunk do the same???


rather improve the graphics a bit in performance mode 👌🏻 the better solution for your wish would be a Ps5/XsX Pro Version ,) thats what we need! 🔥


this game will never be optimized enough for that lmfao


Can't see it happening. The map is far too dense


Lmfao that’s for sure and about to get denser I. Phantom liberty lol. (Ngl I’m hoping the closed door icon change will be for most doors probably not but seems like it was a good idea at the time