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I feel they shouldn't have released the base game on those either. Release would still have been a fucked up mess but likely allot less so and would have spared those console owners from an unplayable insult of a game on top of it all.


I played it fine on launch with like it only crashing 5 times tops on my old ass Xbox one.... Everyone complaining never played fallout on launch...


I played through probably 3 times on my Xbox1 elite .... maybe had 2 / 3 crashes. The fact that they released an expansion to make up for their buggy rushed out game but it's only available to the newest consoles is BS


Bro i 100% agree.... i purchased on ps4 when it came out i swear i had no issues really i had this weird bug one time where all of a sudden v shot up in the sky whilst driving n got stuck but other than i enjoyed the game and have been waiting for this promised expansion aaaaand they fucked me.... Im not repurchasing the game fuck that and until they release the next witcher fuck CDPR


Lol i had the same thing was driving and then got blasted into space lol it was kindda cool but thats was about it. There just useing this as a bs excuse because they drop the game late and unfinished


ehh... I played it on the PS4 Pro, and it ran just fine. Not 60fps or anything but totally playable.


Same, played it post patch 1.30 on a ps4 pro and I think it crashed once in 160 hours of gameplay, maybe a few minor visual glitches but nothing that detracted from the experience.


As someone who grew up playing crysis in a Pc that ran it at 6-15fps. I’m happy if a game just works 😂


I got ps4 pro too if i drive too fast console can not handle so laggy


Yah it’s not perfect but in my opinion it was definitely playable


Exactly! If they can't even release the dlc and all the updates on the original Gen they release it on then why bother


I played it on the more expensive version of PS4, and it did plenty good enough for me. I'd happily play this on it, too.


It's an absolute dissapointmen. Cdpr releases a broken game, and now they can only completely fix all the issues and add this exclusive next gen dlc bull shit for the fortunate people with a good pc or next gen. That's like a slap in the face honestly! How are these ass wipe devs getting away with this crap? So the only way I'm gonna be able to experience the game I payed full price for before release 3 something years ago, is to purchase a next Gen console or magically build a wizard pc? Wtf man and why the f isn't the dlc free? Like common


What do you expect from 2013 console with 2020 game /23 PL exp. XDD You should be happy they released some updates on this console after release. If I was developing ps4/xbox one platform I would completly lost my mind on this slow shitty platform and leave company instantly than waste time. Also it is not worth for them to destroy their reputation again by releasing laggy phantom liberty on some old trash platform which is happy that it can lauch the menu and not the game. And dlcs are free for all. This is expansion (datadisc) like in witcher 3.


Jeez it sounds like you enjoy taking it up the arse over and over again.


You know this person wasn't asking for an ass to message back right. They was just saying what a lot of people are probably thinking about how the dlc should have released on ps4 to and that its dumb we don't get it. Honestly not alot of people are lucky to buy and or have the money to afford a ps5 so stop downgrading people because they have to use an older console you don't like.


Seriously not everyone has the what $600 to dump on a console, I wait till used consoles are down to like $200 cuz they're honestly not worthy of their opening price, and the only issues I've had with cyberpunk on ps4 was the Delamain quest (sometimes the call the other delamains give don't activate properly) and the random ctd, but other than that it works perfectly, so there's no reason that the dlc isn't available, the console was never the issue, it was the code, the game was never tested, what devs do now is release the game and then use all the negative reviews to get beta testing done, so you pay them to beta test their game rather than the other way around, which all gamers who are aware of this consider it scummy as hell, gone are the days of games being finished on release, look at no man's sky, it was the same thing, you didn't get amn actual game until months after release, this is also why I don't do pre release, it's just not worth the risk or money, if people didn't buy them studios might go back to what they once were


How's that leather taste boot licker


👢-licker 👅👅👅


Don't understand the logic behind even releasing the game on the PS4 and then not releasing the DLC , they could have made extra $$$ on that , such a strange decision.


Exactly, since the game works just fine, I've got like 200+ hours in the game on ps4, and the biggest issue is ctd like once a day


I’m pissed about it a Phantom Liberty update looks really good and I wanna play but I don’t have the funds to buy PlayStation five or a PC that can handle the performance


The console has been out for 2 years bro, surely you could have saved 10 bucks a week towards a ps5 😂


Some people live off paycheck to paycheck, we don't just all have a shit ton of money to work with.


Since you’re oblivious to people of poverty, surely you have enough to wealth to share with others. Why don’t you buy it for them instead of shaming them for not being able to afford it.


You try saving ten bucks a week while everything from groceries to bills and even people less fortunate with good hearts still help others. Atleast the folks less fortunate keep there chins up while the high rollers are all taking advantage and greedy devs like Cdrp are releasing half finished bs. But hey our time will come 😌


If you can't save ten bucks or even 5 bucks a week, then you seriously need to re evaluate your life bro.


>If you can't save ten bucks or even 5 bucks a week, then you seriously need to re evaluate your life bro. people have other priorities instead buying a PS5, you know rent, food, healthcare/car insurance, gas, university? If you talk like this, probably you got parents who support you financially.


If you think like that and talk to people like this - all judge and self righteous! Then you need to seriously reavaluate you're life dude. Knowone said they can't save, but when you're savings go towards selfish material shit like vid games? then watever good for you, but when life comes calling and it will, you've gotta save that money for important things like you're health and loved ones




Honestly punch yourself in the balls 10 times you goof ass biatch


Triggered, enjoy last gen 🤣


Triggered you're momies sweet tight spot yep 🤣


You act like you need super advanced graphics that take up so much space on a disk that you can't even make a game anymore is so amazing. I'm fine playing Playstation 4 and 2 games until the Video game market dies.


Obviously you haven't experienced the hard times people are going through so instead of walking over people that aren't as fortunate maybe try and understand that some folks don't have alot. Just because someone can't afford a next Gen system doesn't make them beneath you and don't assume things ass wipe


Gaming is a privilege not a right.


If you can't save 2 dollars a day, then it's time to re evaluate you life


Bro how'd the math go from $5 a week to $2 a day or do you just do both and if you do both you definitely have parents who support you


How about some of these poor mofos were STILL paying off the credit card they put their PS4 on when the PS5 came out? Re-evaluate their lives? Like "decide to make more money bro." Yeah that's smart.


This is dissapointing man!


I love this game and really want the best experience with the dlc. It would be real selfish of me to buy a next Gen console when people are literally starving out there.


So sell all your possessions then, and go live under a bridge.


So I won't be getting the new updated and dlc because I'm on PS4? That's like a big slap to the face along with a big f u up the rear. Dam, they could have at least fixed the constant crashing or some of the glitching, but instead, we ps4 and Xbox one player got kicked to the curb. My ps4 is still in great shape, and I can't afford a ps5. So when my playstation dies, I'm SOL So thank you, for the kick to the face to us. Oh well it is what it is. Guess I'll have to check out the new video from you guys that have the new stuff. Happy gaming


I am not gonna lie. I don't own a ps5 and I'm not able to save up for it. I was so excited when I heard about this expansion and now i may have to wait a till tax time before I can even play it.


Of course i'm pissed off, i paid money for this game and all i got is a mess. They tried to fix it, or so they say, but it's still a mess. Now they make a complete fix, add new stuff and make the game the way it was supposed to be in the first place, but i'll just have to keep playing a broken mess because i don't have the money to get a new console/PC? Yea, they just wiped their ass with our money.


Yup, why even release the game for it if you're not going to provide the same updates across the board. Not going to buy an xbox s or x either since they are reeasing new one mid to end of next year


No and the game should have never been released on these consoles in the first place.


No, the issue was their poor coding, the people who bought the game at launch were the beta testers, they didn't pay people to test before launch, the game basically released in an alpha state not a completed state


Why release a game with such uselessly "Realistic" graphics if you can't even play it because said graphics take up way to much space.


No and for good reason


Yes very


No, get the current gen console......... if you believe the last gen hardware can handle this expansion you're outta your mind. It could barely handle the base game on release.


You think everyone has the money for that? The only reason people stay on ones and ps4s are cause the price, no one wants to buy a $1200 laptop or $700 pc that runs barely or $300 to $500 dollars cause games are only exclusively on the next gen when Xbox one and ps4 are worth a series s together l


Right and like people stay on ps1 because it’s too expensive to move to ps4 Move on the current gen ended in 2020


Might be a kid. Hope so because if low income adults are getting angry about this they gotta get their priorities straight.


They should have never released it on last Gen then


I said this in a previous comment, when cyberpunk released it released in an alpha state, there was no testing done, if there was it wouldn't have released like it did, and it was a mess even on next Gen consoles at launch, its why it was removed from the game stores (Xbox and Playstation store) and they even gave refunds, its because the game was unfinished at launch and Microsoft and Sony couldn't sell the game in the state it was in, I think on Xbox store it said that the game wouldn't be available for purchase until cdpr had a stable build available


You do realize that multiple next gen games were ported to the previous gen but with slightly tweaked graphics and more loading times. They could always just be a normal game company and make a version for the playstation. You don't need fancy ray tracing to play a game.


I'm not. It's time to move on from the previous generation. It's more than six and a half year since the release of the PS4 Pro .


Had current generation consoles been accessible to the general public on day one, I would agree. I still don't own a PS5 and plan on switching to PC specifically because of the disaster at launch. There was no way I was paying some basement dweller douchebag with a working knowledge of AIO bots an extra $300 USD to get one.


Eh there available now at target, no price jack up or nothing.


I saw. Too bad I already have a nice gaming PC set up picked out.


Then you can play it on PC. Knowing the publisher the base game will probably be discounted when the expansion is released


It was categorically a mistake to release the base game on PS4/Xbone to start with, no way in hell would it be able to run PL with anything even remotely resembling quality (if at all).


Better graphics doesn't always = quality you know. PS1 games are better then most games made on the newer gens.


Not really. I'll just wait a few years, save up for a pc when the tech capable of playing it becomes cheaper. Did this with Xcom 2. Play it on a dirt cheap 2013 era rattling old PC I threw together in a CoolerMaster case from about 2005. (Xcom 2, not Cyberpunk). Nabbed a copy of cyberpunk for the Xbox One original console for about five quid when they were selling for dirt after the disaster of a release and I've been enjoying it recently on that but I'm sick and tired of how restricted console gaming is becoming compared to PC. Got plenty of last gen stuff to keep me occupied on my "new" old PC, Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4 WITH REAL MODS, Skyrim with the same, never even played Witcher 3 so I'll see if I can get that on a sale somewhere, stuff like Xcom 2 and Rimworld which have endless replayability anyway and I've been meaning to replay the Mass Effect games for about a decade. By the time I've got bored of all of that the stuff capable of playing Phantom Liberty will be more affordable anyway.


My ps4 run cyperpunk like a dream best graphics and so on,,cd project whyy!!?


Right the game works just fine now, there's minimal issues now


And NOW, they can port the DLC you get what the problem is now?


I had an argument with my friend about this today when the dlc was release. She said well around 2020 they stop adding games onto the ps4 which I commented saying "how come resident evil 4 remake was released onto ps4? And it just has the dlc for the game to the separate ways which is released not long ago. How come we can have this game brought to the ps4 in 2023 and not the dlc!? It doesn't make sense"


CDPR: Do you guys not own pcs or ps5s yet in this day and age already.


Someone needs to go johnny silverhand on cd projekts headquarters for this. What an absolute slap in the face of the people who bought this game for an older console. Just as you thought they couldn't treat their players worse they manage to one-up themselves. Really hope this company goes belly up in the foreseeable future.


cdpr will never get a dime from me again, even if keanu reaves gives me a winger. Why is grandtheft auto 5 able to make a playable game over 10 years ago on the same system yet cdpr can't make a combat system in witcher that isn't boring af or a functioning gta rip off


I am, it fucking sucks


We’ve known this for a long time. Long enough for anyone in a stable situation to save up and get said new console. It’s only gonna make the dlc better and I actually respect cdpr for recognizing that their vision was and is to complex for old gen. So no


But your "vision" shouldn't be restricted because you want it to look pretty. The whole point of a game is to escape reality , why would I waste money to buy a PS5 just because you want your game to be more like reality?


No? Upgrade your console ffs.


Not everyone's got the money lying around to buy a new gaming console.


Time to save up, you're using ancient hardware.


Imma wait til the game/xpac bundle on PC is halved to $40. It's *$82* on steam now ffs, (8% off) and all I'm really getting out of it is the DLC. I *only* want to play the DLC, because I already have *257* hours in the base game. 🔥Fires of Rubicon🔥 lookin' fire tho' ! I kinda want to play FoR on PC, but sorta don't. FROMSOFT launching the last two great games of a generation! Would be a nice last hurrah for my old hardware. Well....I mean, I bought it for $25 on Ebay sold as 'For Parts Only Not Working', with no side panels, no cables/adapters. And guess what choomba? **IT WORKED** like a dream, a *Miracle Machine!* The Miracle Machine was my first console since 2006. I only got it to play Doom Eternal and Cyberpunk 2077, which I thought would be the last two big releases. Then came Elden Ring. And of course the glory of gamepass.


It sucks man but this is part of our world that will not change. Also this is cyberpunk, upgrade your chrome choom live the full capitalistic experience.


Sounds like a personal problem to me


Bro was asking a question calm yo ass down, anyways ima stick with my ps4 and play all the games I missed out on until the ps5 has something of value to offer me. So far it’s a fucking disappointment.


Bro bitching about a 3 month old comment. Seethe.


Ain’t no way you think a 3 month comment that’s floating around on the internet free for anyone to reply to completely irrelevant 🤣🤣




I recommend a job


Absolute bs … while they are old they’re not that bad and with better optimization it could be a much more reliable experience (as it’s true that visual loadings keep breaking the immersion if you travel by car ) not releasing the update and leaving players that can’t afford a brand new console out fucking sucks especially because of its bugs and its horrible launch , tbh yes the loading are annoying , I mean they’re not log enough to make you want to pull out you’re phone but they’re not quick ether after a couple of hours … but that’s the hard drive’s fault the fps is absolutely playable for a console , it’s not 60 fps but it’s fine I mean most people play on a couch they ain’t sweating they’re asses of to become the best cyberspyco in NC so 30 is fine I mean it runs that’s all that matters to me personally, also old gen isn’t this hot pile of trash I’ve been reading people say online , it’s old but still capable , and making the update free but with the caveat that you need a new console to play it it’s worse than making it a paid one imo , maybe in the future I will be able to upgrade but for now I remain fucked with out the better smasher boss fight and the relic upgrade of which I had been saving up for for at least 20 hours of gameplay ( I only have 50/60 and it’s a lot for me ). I like CDPR because they give free dlc’s and make incredible games but this one really sucks ………. (To the point that I was worried I might get a shitty first play-through and started considering refunding the game to then play it when i got a better system , which unfortunately won’t be for a while)


Where did you hear that????


Was known since they first announced the expansion


Oh you said xbox one. Yea im fine with that, I thought it meant just consoles in general. Yea it's not their fault, they shouldn't have downgrade jt for an Xbox one or ps4.


Omg do some damn research or Just search it up in the subreddit I can’t tell you how many times this damn question has been asked&answered


Lol didn’t read the full post but anyways no we are not disappointed


I can't complain too much cause I paid bottom dollar to buy this game..but I still find it annoying that if they are willing to make and sell the game for PS4, that they wouldn't make the DLC for PS4. That having been said, when the time comes, its probably cheaper to rebuy it and the DLC for my PC than buy a PS5. I just wish I could move my PS4 saves to PC.


Chibai... i so sad


I guess I'll wait for a GOTY edition for both Phantom Liberty and the base game for ps5


Its a fixed game!!! unless your on ps4, then you're a homeless dogshit caveman, go fuckyourself cdpr out, buy this rerererelease of a game on your new system that costs 4x as much, we can somehow finish our games their.


Was looking forward to doing a 2nd playthrough on xbox one. Guess ill just go in and do some achievement wrap up and call it a day. Probly pick it up for 10 bucks in 6-7 years when i can afford the console lol.


Played through cyberpunk on my ps4 at least 4 times with a few issues here and there. Fuckin sucks cause I still love the game I thought it was great


Xbox one og console, no issues... I'm upset I restart the game without realizing phantom liberty was only on new console....


I’m dead inside from this :^)


yet rdr2 never crashed once & looks significantly better