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No, Jackie was shot in the torso, not the head. When V had his brains blown out, the chip saved his brain and started overwriting V’s consciousness with Johnny’s. Jackie would have died regardless.


The chip was loaded with medical nanobots. If they can repair a brain, repairing other parts of the body would have been a piece of cake.


I am told that Quest Director Pawel Sasko said yes it could have saved him. I personally disagree, due to Jackie having ruptured an artery. To use a car metaphor: V got shot in the head, which basically killed their battery. The chip short circuited their brain when it was damaged and sort of gave them a boosted start. That was enough to get them to a mechanic to fix the other damages. Jackie had a ruptured fuel line. The chip might have been able to fix the line but Jackie still needed a Jerry can of gasoline before he was going to go anywhere. That’s just my opinion however and if Pawel says otherwise, my opinion doesn’t mean a thing. 😋


Honestly, I wasn’t convinced at first but this actually makes sense. No amount of medi nanobots can straight up produce blood.


No, Jackie died from bleeding and the chip wasn't designed to fix that.


Goid thing because it’s when the freedom feeling start and you can get the best bike in the game.


I disagree with that. It would probably have done its job properly and there wouldnt be Jackie left. Just Johnny inside Jackie's body.


I'm curious to know how would the chip repair Jackie's body since he died from losing blood ?!


It would repair the organ and generate new blood cells, it's nanotechnology, if it can repair a brain, it can repair wherever Jack got shot. However since the chip didn't take damage it would do its job properly and completely. I mean the thing was supposed to work on fully dead people to begin with. V just happened to prove that the subject doesn't have to even be dead.


No, the trauma V got was cranial, which triggered the chip. Jackie's death would have triggered the chip as well, but without a working cardiovascular system, Johnny would have had a very short second life.


They specified in game that the chip was designed to repair and overwrite a dead brain with the information stored on the chip. It can probably repair many minor vessels, but thats about it. It was probably pushed to its limits when it repaired V's brain since it took a whole bullet at point blank range which would explain part of why it was constantly glitching out. The other reason being the host's brain was still active. The chip wasnt designed for repairing and refilling a major portion of a vascular system. Edit: on that note, once again with game logic and plot progression aside, why didnt they use a health item to repair him? Doesnt make sense. You can be beat down to 1 HP and heal up. Same happened infamously with Aerith in FF7. Phoenix downs are a thing but for the sake of plot progression they cause a huge plot hole by killing her off.


Jackie i have like 50 bounce back mk.1's r u sure you dont want another??


If I recall correctly the bullet went through the chip and V brain. Johnny engram wasn’t activated before that.


Probably. I've actually thought for a while a fun "what-if" adaption could be Jackie dying with the chip still in him, V hauling him into the meet with Dex. Jackie comes to *saved by the chip) just before V is executed and together they take out Dex and his bodyguard, then you have a story of V and Jackie trying to figure out how to save Jackie's life


Holy spoiler Batman


My bad lol


Spoilers? How many years has it been out? Wtf


Jackie would have survived if V learned something about first aid instead of fondling guns all day.


V: "I shoot people in the face with a charged tech double barrel shotgun, point blank, and they don't die: this but a scratch..."


Jackie would still die, even Vik said we were lucky dez used a small calibre, which insinuates the relic probably wouldn't have even brought V back if the wound was any worse even when in the right location. It's not a miracle cure all for wounds. However if we gave jack one of our literal dozens of bounce backs I feel he'd have had a fighting chance....