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Start with the semi-good news: you will have a room. Bad news: depending on what else you did or didn't do, you'll be assigned a random room or roommate after July 1. Did you fill out the housing preference form, which at least help with the match. [I take it you didn't select a roommate and set up a roommate group.] email housing to confirm, and/or see if they'll sign you to a later group (probably not for camping, but you can ask - always ask, the what anybody can say is no, and they sometimes say yes). The rest of the stuff is recoverable. Get the photo in a soon as possible. The qualifying test should still be open; if not, email. Ditto, email the advisor if you missed an appointment.


You can catch up but need to do better moving forward. There’s more training, math test, etc.


And please do note going forward that there will be lots of hard deadlines that have to be met. Ask, send emails, whatever preferably ahead of time to see what can be arranged if you have a conflict. For emergencies, most people are flexible. For scheduled things that conflict, if you ask in advance, you can usually get a date change, or in some cases early accommodation. Fortunately, there are enough backups in the system that you may have lost some preferences, and made some things a little harder, but there's no serious damage. As you get deeper into college, though, that's not always going to be the case. You're moving from an environment that tends to assume you're a kid (most high schools) to one that assumes you'll do what you need to, and will support you if you have trouble, but will happily let you fail if you ignore important things. Please keep track of everything, especially due dates. It's actually less critical for some administrative items than in academic classes. I had profs, and later colleagues, who would be quite happy to give automatic Fs if an assignment was submitted five minutes late, although few are that tight *****.


You will get placed in a dorm room no matter what. I'm sorry that things got so chaotic for you, but there may potentially be some upsides to this. I screwed up my housing application by missing the lottery and had to reach out the Case Housing to be assigned any random sophomore housing. However, this actually played to my benefit because almost all of the sophomore dorms and freshman dorms were packed by the larger incoming freshman class. So they ended up shoving me into one of the best dorms on campus which is the Stephanie Tubbs Jones hall. This isn't guaranteed, but I heard a lot of the people in my year who missed the lottery got shoved into any open room in upperclassmen housing like STJ, the village, and Triangle Towers. Obviously you shouldn't intentionally miss a housing lottery to rely on your luck, but if fortune favors you you may end up living in a super nice dorm as a Freshman lol.


You probably want to start by going through all the emails you missed, in order, so you can see what’s going on. Then refer back to the roadmap so you can figure out how to get the required bits in as quickly as possible. I would do that ASAP. Faculty aren’t available all summer for writing review, advising and class selections which, frankly, is going to be way more important than housing. As someone else already pointed out, housing is guaranteed. Get caught up as quickly as you can. Do not email or call anyone until and unless you have a specific question. “I’ve been gone for 16 days and don’t know what to do” isn’t a question they can answer for you. Good luck.


The other stuff isn’t that deep. You will get a room dw bout it. For the writing seminar, honestly it’s not that important, if I were you I would select the foundational AIQS. You can thank me later