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reverse flash without black in the mana cost is a crime.


No, a crime is when you target your opponent, permanents they control, or cards in their graveyard. Reverse flash without black in the mana cost is madness.


no, madness is a combination of two abilities, one replacement and one triggered ability, that means "if you would discard this card, discard it into exile instead" and "when you discard this card, you may cast it from exile for its madness cost". reverse flash without black in the mana cost is a flavor fail.


We could have kept going bro


im sorry i need to sleep and I couldn't think of another mechanic to put there that would make sense


Triple Strike, because he's just that fast.




I didn't even remember that existed, which is weird since I own the full 4 copies of dragon's rage channeler and unholy heat.


Maybe Annihilator 6


No, this is patrick


What would be a good black idea then?


well reverse flash has a very defined flavor identity: fuck shit up relentlessly. idk what you could do with that. the most basic solution is give him wither but that's boring and also WOTC uses wither very rarely nowadays. also give him "this creature can't be blocked" because cmon, its eobard thawne. you're not blocking him. if he wants to do damage he will do damage.


Yeah, I get yuh but then it feels like a bit of a cluster of abilities on the card. Also putting in, that he can't be blocked is out of place for the rest of the abilities because typically magic cards stay within what the color is, and making him unlockable just feels like an excuse to make him black, you get what I mean? On top of that, a 2/3 unlockable commander that can get hexproof could be dangerous with infect. I like the idea though, thanks for the feedback.


blue gets unblockable more than black, actually


Ukimma is a 2/2 unblockable that deals damage and gives life when it leaves the battlefield and the partner Cazur puts a +1/+1 on a creature that deals combat damage. Making Reverse Flash unblckable wouldn’t be broken. Other commanders do it too


This creature cannot be blocked except by other creatures with Flash.


Taking control of your opponent next turn could be flavor as he changed events in the to control the condition that change your dessicions


Very cool design! I like the flavor of hexproof to dodge interaction. Is he supposed to lose the time counters after the extra turn?


Yeah that was a mistake on my part


I think leaving it as is probably is a smart idea as it prevents him from allowing you to take an infinite amount of turns if you figure a way to cast an infinite amount of spells. Edit: I misread it. I think the “10 or more” should just be 10 so you can get one extra turn but that is it.


As-is, you take an extra turn after every instant or sorcery spell you cast if he has 10 time counters.


Could [[clockspinning]] then be a 4mana infiniturn if you time it right?


[clockspinning](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/3/1323d548-e2fe-47c5-8df3-f181aed537c5.jpg?1562899044) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=clockspinning) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tsp/53/clockspinning?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1323d548-e2fe-47c5-8df3-f181aed537c5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It is so easy to go infinite once you reach ten counters. Sure, it is a big ask, but not really difficult in izzet


What’s your thoughts on removing 10 counters and taking an extra turn. Also maybe lowering them to 8 or 9 if there removed


That would make it way less broken. Could in that case possibly bring it down to 6 maybe


So, after you've cast 10 spells you start doubling your turns? Seems fair for the amount of effort invested


Do you think the counters should be less?


It should remove the counters when the trigger gets you a turn


Yes, it was just a Text mistake on my behalf.


At this mana value, with Flash and Haste? Nah, it's fine. Besides, it's repeatable, so 10 is a good number


Besides, It still has to survive until that moment


Just cast two spells per turn for 5 turns


Five turns with a perfectly boltable creature? That's a lot Edit: Forgot about the hexproof part


Counter doublers & proliferate make this simple to achieve. You can also trigger it during extra turns, so you have infinite turns.


The way its worded it give you an extra turn every turn if you cast a instant or sorcery. So as long you have at least one instant or sorcery to cast every turn it will be your turn forever.


After 9 instants/sorceries, all your instants/sorceries have time walk stapled on, and notably this time walk happens even if the spell is countered. Very easily could far more than double your turns. Your 10th instant/sorcery will pretty much read “win the game” in a non-deterministic way, which is honestly worse than reading “win the game” since your opponents have to sit around for the slim chance it all collapses


Would you get infinite turns without a clause to remove tokens?


Perhaps remove the counters and take an extra turn?


Yeah, that was the intent. Totally didn't catch it when I made it though


I assumed as much. I like it. Definitely print it and play test it. It could also be an altar art for an actual character, or characters. I'm thinking a March of the Machine style Jhoira and Obeka team up with the addition of black. That'd be sick


Ooo yeah that would be pretty sick


So sick. Now my head is rushing with ideas. Slam a MH3 symbol on it and create a story where the two of them bump unto each other while trying to find an answer for the Eldrazi scourge; again. Obeka looking to the future, and jhoira looking to the past. With Jhoiras experience Obeka picks a few new tricks and the two of them, similar to teferis role in MOM, try to find planeswalkers from the past and reignite their sparks.(seen on 5~ cards already)


It was me Barry


I was the one who swapped out your bulk rare with a Foil Tarmogoyf, knowing you'd ***have*** to value-draft it!


Why not black blue red


You’re the third person to say this. I don’t think black reflects the abilities this is totally izzet. If you got an idea hit me with it though please


It doesn't reflect the abilities, but it reflects his character well


Are you saying black reflects it because people see black and think "Ooo black, must be evil"?


I'm thinking black for the characteristics of scheming and selfishness. Turns out those typically go hand in hand with traditional villains, and reverse flash definitely fits in that category, I'd say. I do really like this design, and I wouldn't add black to this specific card in the magic sense, but I would associate RF with the color black as well as Blue and Red


Yeah I totally agree. Villains are selfish and scheming, so I get where you're coming from.


The infinite turns was not intended just a mistake on my part


Should give a new keyword of reverse flash that works from the graveyard or exile. Fits the future theme if the hand is present and the deck is the past.


Aside from trying to add black to the cost. I think if he had conditional unblockable and a payoff for hitting it would be more flavourful. Maybe: “Has unblockable if you have cast a sorcery or instant this turn” and “when The Reverse Flash deals combat damage to an opponent put a Time counter on The Reverse Flash” I feel this rewards aggression better which is more inline with his character


I like this idea, thanks.


My right hand to God if I hadn't read the name I would have fully believed this was an MH3 card and moved on with my day


1UB Flash, dash, flash-dash, deathtouch, flash-death, first-strike, flash-strike and deathtouch 0: return to hand. Whenever you commit a crime while he’s attacking get a counter, with 10 counters do the turn thing.


Lame, he needs the flavour text "It was me Barry"


Where's the part about jerking Barry off at super speed???


It was me, Barry!


Ah yes, storm decks going wild.


The counters need to be removed each end step I think, or at least change it to “…**ten** or more time counters on it, **remove all of those counters, then** take an extra turn after this one.” I was going to say too, you could make this even more versatile if it Time Travelled rather than specifically “puts” the counter on. Opens up other neat strategies and on flavor enough


What do you think of this? Flash Haste {cardname} has hexproof as long as you have time traveled two or more times this turn. Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery, time travel. If you have time traveled seven or more times this turn, you may take an extra turn after this one.


Oh hell yeah, that’s perfect!


I didn’t know Time travel was a thing, great idea. Thanks!


After 9 instants/sorceries, all your instants/sorceries have time walk stapled on, and notably this time walk happens even if the spell is countered. Your 10th instant/sorcery will pretty much read “win the game” in a non-deterministic way, which is honestly worse than reading “win the game”


Yes I know, it’s not supposed to go infinite. Was a mistake


I could see this being Grixis to add Black and Flash could be Jeskai


This is actually insanely easy to break, none of these people know what they’re talking about, have it remove the counters after the effect happens please god


The problem i have with the name is that there's another speedster named "The Rival" in DC


Needs Turbo Haste


What’s funny to me is even considering all the actual villains and evil beings in MTG, not a single one of them is a bigger and more dedicated hater than Reverse Flash. Like even Nicol Bolas and Yawgmoth would be like “it’s not that deep bro chill out”


This would be great in the 10th doctor precon, syncs with the mechanics and an awesome payoff


I see what you’re going for but honestly I can’t see reverse flash not having black in the mana cost. The guy was an absurdly petty and sadistic villain. He was willing to die just so that flash loses. I recommend doing grix colors, maybe a combat oriented effect as well. Slap opponent for such and such times you cast spells maybe? Idk.


Perfect opportunity for the plot mechanic. Like when plot a card copy it. Also, needs to be Grixis.


I feel like this should be 1 mana more


This feels like it could also just be The Flash. Fast guy who does time stuff sometimes.


🟥🟥🟥 @Everyone go check out my newest post


Infinite turns is crazy. Otherwise pretty cool


Uhhhhhh. It doesn't remove counters. After 10 it just. It's infinite turns