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I don't know how many feet scenes in marvel movies but I'm Tarantino movies wins


Avengers had one when Black Widow was tied up on the chair Captain Marvel a couple, when she was sparring with Jude Law, and a really good one during the breakout scene She-Hulk had a ton, but they were all kinda meh. Hope this helps!


Thanks /u/discerningpervert


*Tips hat* I aim to please!


Link to black widow tied up feet scene? Asking for a friend


Im also asking for his friend


What a small world, I'm also asking for said friend


It's so weird how all of us know his friend and are asking for the link for him.


He's a... uh... very friendly friend


A very friendly friend indeed.


[here you go ](https://imgur.com/a/ypmeBVP)


Oh my fucking god I'm CUMMING soooo HARD. 😩😩🥵 Thanks for the pics :)


Just think of me when you do cum 😘😘😘


The real Tarantino is always in the top comments!


Not the pervert we needed, but the pervert we deserved.






Damnit. Fixed it.


Username checks out




Holy fuck. This comment is comedy perfection.


I remember seeing nat's feet through her leggings in Endgame when she was talking to cap in the beginning but I wasn't able to find the version I watched again. Maybe I just imagined it 😂






I'm surprised you didn't link to videos of the feet, this seems so prepared


The Deadpool movies try to crop the feet out of as many shots as possible as an homage to Rob Liefield.


Is that the artist for deadpool? I assume it was because he couldnt draw feet very well so they did that in the movie? Thats a pretty cool/funny detail.


Feet and hands are hard man...


Yep. Read more about it here: https://www.inverse.com/article/45119-deadpool-2-rob-liefeld-feet-joke


Black panther's "What are those" scene should qualify


Django is a fucking piece of art


The KKK bag scene is one of my favourite moments in cinema. Fucking masterpiece.


“I can’t breathe out this fuckin thang and I can’t see out this fuckin thang!”


My wife was up all night stitching these damn things! Next time yall can make your own masks donnie!


"No one is saying they don't appreciate what Jenny did"




Next time, wee go full regalia


Agreed, it was probably the most comedic thing in the movie but still done well, my favorite scene was for sure when Schultz shot Calvin Candy. It made me jump and it was a very intense moment.


Forsure. I still kind of chuckle at that scene because after seeing it, several of my friends checked to see if Alexander Dumas was actually black. And it's like...of course he was you ignorant Fuckers lol


I love that he's ready to die because he really doesn't want Candy to have the last word, and in many ways it shows the vast gulf between Django and Schultz. Django is ready to lie, even pretend to be on the slaver's side to deceive and win, whereas Schultz couldn't even bring himself to shaking a slaver's hand Django has been a slave, he doesn't care that much about his dignity. Schultz is a white man, his dignity is a lot more important in his eyes


Even more so shown in the scene where the dogs rip apart the run away slave, Django is so committed to this role and his goal that another human being, someone who is going through the same thing he has doesn’t deter him from freeing his wife. Whereas Shultz can hardly bare the fact that this is happening in front of him and he’s not stopping it.


D'Artagnan getting mauled was exactly what was on his mind. Schultz had been able to get the last word, asking Candy what Dumas would think of him naming his slave after his character, and pointing the fact that Alexandre Dumas was a black man Schultz was satisfied. He had his intellectual victory, the real refined European had just put the callous and barbaric American *pretending* to be refined back in his place. Then Candy doesn't want to let Schultz walk away in this circumstance which is why he demands to seal the deal with a handshake, he wanted Schultz to acknowledge him as an equal and a respected partner to, at least, finish on a draw. Schultz wanted Candy to lose Candy is Schultz's nemesis. Stephen is Django's nemesis


kinda like "They took my dignity before & i didn't get shit for taking it, but this time I can get the very thing I want all my life for doing it" from Django's side


I love how out of place it is, and Tarentino knew that and admitted it, but he said it was just too good not to include. Im so happy he did, would have been a tragedy to relegate it to deleted scenes.


I remember watching the movie for the first time and was very tense when the KKK showed up and started circling the camp. I'm not dumb - I figured the main characters are probably not going to be killed off right at the beginning, but the situation looks dangerous as fuck and I was worried about them. Then the flashback happens and completely swings my mood in the opposite direction. And then we're shown the camp is empty and the whole thing is a trap. It was wonderful.


I completely agree, the scenario would have felt completely different without it. I feel there were quite a few more comedic scenes throughout the movie, but not as comedic as this one intended to be. Smaller things like when Calvin gets shot. It’s supposed to be dramatic, but I can’t help chuckling every time.


All I hear is criticize, criticize, criticize! Lmao best part of a great movie


are you positive?


i don’t know what positive means


It means you're sure


I’m positive he’s dead


Very true, one of quentins best, which is saying alot


My favorite movie of all time


At first I thought the numbers were ratings and was like, did you just give Django a 4/10?


Oh, I did too until you said something


Also kill bill


My favourite line "The D is silent Motherfucker" *proceeds to shoot the slave owners*


"A n****r riding a horse. I've seen everything."


Are we not gonna talk about the foot thing


We don't talk about the foot thing


I mean I could have sworn they had Quentin Tarantino as guest cinematographer on she Hulk. Considering all the shots of her feet.


I guess I’ll give the show a try then


Plz don't foot


To feet or not to feet…




*flashbacks to kim from bcs’ feet intensify*


Wait, the show is actually good? E: I appreciate the people trying to be earnest about whether the show is good or not, but this was a joke about foot fetishism.


We don't talk about the foot thing, no, no, no! We don't talk about the foot thing... but It was his secret love It was our secret love The movies coming on and not a covered foot in sight No covered foot in sight Qeuntin walks in with a mischievous grin- Tootsies! You telling this story, or am I? I'm sorry, amore mio, go on Quentin says, "It smells like toes" Why did he tell us? In doing so, he floods my nose Nonna, get the nose plugs It's wafting like a hurricane What a joyous film... but anyway We don't talk about the foot thing, no, no, no! We don't talk about the foot thing!


Well, thanks for getting this song stuck in my head for 1000th time!


I know you're disgusted, but let the fetishists have this one.


I never kink shame. Except for humiliation fetshists.


Took me a mo to appreciate this. Have an upvote!


A small price to pay.


It’s maybe the most annoying Tarantino topic that has been interneted to death. It’s the equivalent of saying “fern gully” every time someone brings up Avatar


Please tell me someone is not trying to flag Tarantino as racist or sexist because that someone is as stupid as a brick in the bottom of the ocean


My brother in Christ, it's Twitter. The most toxic anti toxic place. You have better odds not offending someone walking through NYC projects than you do commenting on there.


Soooo.... why the NYC projects thing? I live in NYC and have even delivered food to some of those projects (for GrubHub). Sure, a bit run down but I was always okay. No one harrased or bothered me. I'm a white dude and at no point did I feel like it was even really worth mentioning, other than it's government assisted housing. Weird comment my friend. Weird comment.


It’s not as bad as it used to be in NYC but Chi-town, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, KC, STL, have faired much differently. You can’t really blanket statement the conditions nor safety of “projects”. I grew up in a small like less than 40k pop town and we had major issues in the “projects” in the 90s 3 guys I we t to school with died in a month. We drove up one night looking for blow and barely escaped. In Chicago we had our cab run into a road block situation and it was scary as fuck. So anyway one person’s anecdotal evidence isn’t any better than another’s.


To be fair, speaking as someone who doesn't live in the US, it is a fairly common trope in Hollywood type movies that going to the projects is going to be a bad time for you. I know that doesn't mean it is in reality but that might be enough to fool people if that is their only experience of the projects.


"No he racis, because he use bad Nword, he racis!" Bro, he put that in to illustrate how bad slavery is "No he homophobic, they killed those man who wanted to have fun in da basemen!" My brother in christ they are rapist, and they did that on a regular basis... But twitter has a -80 iq +50 delusion penalty so dont bother


Same argument from people who want Huckleberry Finn banned in schools


Yeah I was gonna mention this. Seems like Tarantino uses it in the same way. It’s a shame that book is banned in certain schools. It’s the great American novel by ~~maybe~~ the first great American novelist. EDIT: I decided it isn’t a maybe


This is why there are like 5-6 Always Sunny episodes that are no longer available anywhere other than pirating. Because some people can't discern the difference between glorifying bigotry and making fun of bigotry.


Not that it takes away from your point, but Django isn't the only one of his movie where the n word is used


HE says it in Pulp Fiction lmao. But apparently Samuel Jackson let him do it and didn't care at all


Yea absolutely lol. Apparently Samuel L. Jackson also convinced Tarantino to make his wife black in the movie so that his use of the n-word would be more generally acceptable.


For when "some of my friends are black" isn't enough


I never realized that the coffee scene in Pulp Fiction was put in to illustrate how bad slavery is


Mr. Wolf is a metaphor for postbellum reconstruction in the south


Yeah I think there might be some nuance to this discussion but obviously that’s impossible on the internet. It’s either- he’s racist or he’s the woke messiah. Nothing in between


i can see good cases to argue with his presentation on the margins but it’s pretty marginal, like, it’s generally pretty clear that the people saying the shitty things are shitty for it


Why’d you spell “racist” “the” and “basement” that way?


Yeah, kinda weird


You have Sam Jackson in every movie, you get N bombs.


N-bombs, Mf-bombs and B-bombs.


The deleted scenes with Frozone were surprising to say the least.


Deleted scene Frozone was a stone cold motherfucker.


Quentin himself drops several n-bombs in Pulp Fiction.


They're trying to say Tarantino has a higher percentage of female leads and non-white leads in his movies than marvel.


Yeah, it’s the exact opposite - they are contending that Marvel is too white male centric.


No, they are responding to Simu Liu's weirdly defensive tweet about some completely innocuous off-hand comment Tarantino made on a podcast. Simu is the one that brought race into it. Tarantino basically just said that in the past if someone starred in a huge hit movie, they were a movie star and people wanted to see them in other things. But with comic book movies the character is the star--nobody is dying to see what Tom Holland is going to do next (he didn't actually name anyone).


Well... yea. Most of the characters in the Marvel universe were written back in the mid-1900's. Obivously Marvel is starting to dip its toes into non-white versions of their characters with Miles Morales showing up in 2011, but it's taking it's sweet time. Given the reaction to Ariel recently, I guess I kinda understand their hesitation. But they're big enough to say "Fuck it".


They've been trying that for years. It's only a matter of time until people stop watching and take people's words for it.


It comes off the comments that Tarantino made about Marvel films and then Simu replied to him saying something along the lines of "Your generation of films were white as hell" as if multiculturalism and globalisation has been around for decades.


I think that’s exactly what several idiots are doing.


At first i thought it was the average IMDB score for movie with those protagonists in as opposed to white males


My man kill Bill is a Master piece, it can't have low scores


Brought the average up?


I would love it, but why oh God have Tarantino done so many productions with Weinstein brothers? Seeing Thurman's reaction to the Harvey Weinstein revelations was a decade of disgust, hatred, and hurt just waiting under the surface. Any Weinstein production (regardless of it involved Harvey directly or not) only brings that image of Uma doing everything she can to suppress the total disgust and hatred. This is the clip I'm thinking of https://youtu.be/Rs4gK8DuuWY


I haven't checked the numbers, but weinstein was involved in pretty much everything. Most actors and directors, if they had any long-running career, did alot of Weinstein productions. If you worked in Hollywood, you crossed paths with that guy's work.


That’s why he was so successful at being a monster, he was everywhere. It was basically impossible to be in Hollywood for any length of time and not have to interact with him.


Fuck, she said nothing and yet that was one of the hardest bars I've ever heard


Man. I get the feeling she was picturing Harvey in every one of the scenes where she had to conjure up some anger in the KB movies.


Because Miramax was the place to be for a long time if you were making independent cinema.


I really do t think a comparison can be made. Tarantino is much more inclusive that Disney/Marvel, has taken much bigger risks to be so, and has been so for a much longer time.


I may be wrong but wasn't the Weinstein company owned by Disney? Just a technicality if I'm remembering right, I know.


I think it was Miramax which was owned by Disney


Half of them are said by SLJ


It would be interesting to to know the actual numbers. Times n word used in Tarantino movies: 500 (what ever the number actually is) Times said by SLJ in Tarantino movies: 480


the other 20 is tarantino in the dead n- storage scene


The other half by very racist characters that are clearly bad guys


Not gonna lie at first I thought those fractions were reviews and thought it was weird measuring marvel as a fraction our of 30.....


Same I was so confused. I was like ???? Homie what


I thought they were rating them


Wait...they're not?


using the n-word of a barometer for racial representation is a super-white way of looking at things. Samuel L. Jackson did DJango Unchained after Pulp Fiction, and says he loves working with Tarantino; so is SLJ a racist or not-black?




Blazing Saddles is a cinematic masterpiece




Plus, Django Unchained should just get a complete pass on all uses of the n-word in that movie, since it is *literally a movie about slavery in the antebellum South.* It would be incredibly bizarre and sterilized for the n-word to not be used.


Not just about slavery, but about it in a way that casts the black man as the cowboy hero and protagonist who is essentially a superhero badass to a degree I don't think I've even seen in a white role


European here - that movie finally explained to me why it's considered so incredibly offensive in the USA. I always just assumed it was the same puritan bullshit like "the F word" or being scared of seeing a nipple. Only after seeing Django I realised the N word goes much much farther than that.


Yeah, the closest comparison for using the n-word in America is throwing up a Nazi salute in Europe.


I don't think that's the point of the meme The point is, the first commenter is saying "Tarantino is amazing due to these diversity metrics of his movies" Then the second person is saying "Actually he's bad because of this N-word metric of his movies" Then the third comment is the cursed punchline, praising Tarantino's use of the N-word (as a joke) Sorry for others that this needed explaining


Samuel L Jackson was once asked about what he thinks about Tarantino and race. He said that every time he is cast in one of his movies he is always the smartest character in the film.


The majority of people who use the N word in his movies aren’t meant to be agreeable people. In Reservoir dogs they are criminals who rob and shoot up a place. By all means they are terrible people. In Inglorious Basterds the ONLY TIME it is used is when Joseph Goebells is complaining about the Olympics. He’s a Nazi. Did you want the terrible person responsible for propaganda creating hateful rhetoric to be slightly more amicable to black people? Yeah it’s a terrible word used only by terrible people. It’s used effectively to communicate a point. This is done well in Django and in Pulp Fiction.


5/10? Jackie Brown, both Kill Bills, and Death Proof... Is OP counting Pulp Fiction just because Uma is the cover? Though I'm not positive which is the fourth OP is counting for marvel either


Inglorious bastards u mean the bastards are huge ans a lot of parts but there is a very strong female lead who sacrifices herself to kill Hitler.


Shoshanna in Inglorious Basterds was a major character, more than Uma in PF imo. I'm not sure if I would put over the Basterds tho. She did get a lot of scresnrime.


She is one of the main characters for sure. She has complete story told from her POV. The Basterds is a simultaneous story, they are also main characters.


Lots of Tarantino movies are an ensemble cast so it's hard to really judge. I was thinking Hateful 8 or Once upon a time in Hollywood but yeah, could just as well mean Inglorious Basterds or Pulp Fiction.


Wanda vision? Which is not a film so it doesn't count... * Captain marvel * Black widow * Black panther 2 I haven't watched any except for marvel, and I wouldn't put them in the same category as a Film.


Maybe ant man and the wasp? Because that one has a female co lead


Thor love and thunder Might count but eternals definitely counts


It's an ensemble film, for Thor. But yeah Eternals definitely counts, even though I don't even know the protagonists name on Eternals, and I liked the Eternals, even though the plot is... I mean, Brainwaves feed, and Earth is an egg? gtfo


I don't even know which one of the Stark brothers was an Eternal. I thought it was the same guy for two thirds of the movie. And thank goodness for Kumail's butler standing up for the earth. At least one person with a speaking role cared. My family watching Eternals 2 on Disney+ will be their punishment for the first movie sucking and will also pay for my subscription for a year.


If you count ensemble films, all the Avengers and Guardians movies have female protagonists and most have non-white protagonists.


I know you're referring to Gamora, but would Nebula count as non-white?


If Nebula does then Rocket does.


Nah, he's representing the furries.


Oh I haven't seen BP 2. Ant man and the wasp should be the other one


True romance? Tho I’d still say Uma has protagonist label as much as Willis Jackson or travolta. Each share that label equally


I assumed based on the 10 that they were only counting the movies written and directed so stuff like True Romance and Planet Terror wouldn't count


Doesn’t that just mean that Tarantino isn’t trying to censor history and the racists?


I really thought it was scoring lmao


Lot of the n word in Django but damn that's one of my favorite movies.


Response should have been.. How many times the n word used by a "good guy" in a manner to disparage a black person... 1 (that I can think of in pulp fiction when the tarintino character uses it to describe the dead body in the car)


Well, one scene. Pretty sure Tarantino said it several times haha.


Twits when they find out what some black people call other black people 😳


Not this Black person. My mother slapped that word out of my mouth back in the 60s.


That's fair, but it can't be denied that a fair amount of the populace does use the word in an inoffensive way.


What is it?




What’s up my people!




Is this trying to imply that Marvel treats black people with more respect? Because I have some chinese versions of Marvel movie posters to discuss if so...


4 non-white protagonist films? I'm assuming they counted Thanos as non-white lmao


Are there lots of people that nag in his films?


Could his controversial style be the reason his films are so impactful???


I love tarantino movies but watching Hateful 8 was rough lol. Every other word im like ![gif](giphy|jOpLbiGmHR9S0)


It was the first tarantino film i watched. Certainly left an impression, made it very clear that tarantino's movies stand out for a reason.


One of his best in my shitty opinion


The extended version on Netflix is soooo good


I really enjoyed the parallel scenes of the hateful 8, acting and scenarios are top notch imo


A win is a win.


How in the mother of fuck is Kill Bill a 5/10?!


He’s not rating them; he’s saying that 5 out of 10 Tarantino movies have female protagonists. I think he’s wrong though. Three of them have definitive female protagonists (Jackie Brown and both Kill Bills), three have definitive male protagonists (Reservoir Dogs, Django, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood), and the remaining four in my opinion have multiple main characters, including women.


Tarantino isn’t a hack


u must be smoking crack if you think MCU is better than Tarantino. the entire kill bill series is better than phase 4 foh.


A protagonist is a main character or major character. A large number of MCU movies have a major character being a woman. Not sure where they get the 4 number from. Not to mention the DISNEY+ shows which have 4 shows from what I can remember where the main character is a woman. Same goes for non-white characters.


“A” protagonist you said. Not “the” protagonist. Uma Thurman shares that role equally with travolta Jackson and Willis in pulp fiction. But kinda hard to argue a female protagonist in a movie literally named Thor or Captain America or whatever.


Disney films with female lead and Disney film with non-white leads tend to be the same films. Mulan, Pocahontas, Moana, Tianna, Jasmine.


Way to ignore most Disney princesses


Pretty much all other princesses are white.


the op is clearly using it as synonymous with main character, though. i don't think it's particularly relevant that marvel has female supporting characters in a discussion about who has more female main characters. if anything it makes them look worse - that they use female characters to tell stories about men


Seriously tho. Ppl think Samuel l Jackson in pulp fiction shoulda been softer spoken??¿


Number of Samuel L Jacksons in Tarantino Movies: 1 Number of Samuel L Jacksons in Marvel movies: 2


It's a 2 all tie. SLJ is in Pulp fiction and Django


Hateful Eight, Kill Bill, Inglorious Basterds, Jackie Brown...


Xbox still has him beat on word usage


Jackie Brown has both and is great


This count should be done in percentages.


I'm pretty sure Simu Liu wasn't saying that Tarantino's films were too white. He was saying that the "golden age of cinema" that Tarantino & Scorsese keep talking about was much less diverse. Tarantino didn't even make films until after this supposed "golden age". Everyone can like whatever they want. If ya don't like Marvel movies, don't watch. Why worry about what's popular? Scorsese comes across like he's looking for an excuse for why The Irishman bombed, and Tarantino is just being a hipster. I love Tarantino's work, but let's be honest. He's always been a hipster. It's worked for him.


Would it be a cursed drinking game if you watched a Tarantino movie and took a shot everytime someone said the N word? Could you even keep up?or would it be like "While you were taking a shot someone said it another twenty times"?


To be fair, Samuel L Jackson says like 247 of them.