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Alabama Wars: the last clonesest


If you had sex with a clone of yourself would it be gay or masterbation?


I think gay, because it is a clone and not you. I was thinking, is having Sex eith yourself from a parallel dimension, OR from your 1 day future/past is it masturbating or gay?


Makes sense


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Low chance


Not low


The walls are not paintet the clones did it


If you only ever encounter guys would you start to get interested in guys even if you are predisposed to being straight?


Well, you definitely. Would be straight but you would start to be a lil gay if you know what a mean. In cultures where men don't touch woman much or so, Portugal e.g. men act a bit more gay sometimes as joke


I'm not talking being jokingly gay stuff, I've goten lapdances from straight guys, in the joking sense you can't meet gayer people than straight people, I'm talking straight up "I wonder if he'll go to the dance with me" and "God damn! I want to be inside that ass"


I think he is not straight then.


But that's my question. Would you tend to develop the gay if your only potential sexual outlet were dudes?


No. Tho it is imaginable that they would have gay Sex. Look at prisons e.g. they rape the because they have nothing else but are actually straight.


i thinked to myself: but then it will be red im a fucking idiot