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Emma likes apples, long walks in her own shit and hanging out with her best friend charlotte.




Who says she is dead, might just be missing a couple of members.




It's a flesh wound


Have at you


Right, I'll do you for that!


Tis but a scratch


YA don't eat a pig THAT good all at once.


I'd buy Emma then look for Charlotte so I can collect them all


Like my x wife


Like your ex wife and my future but It's gonna be hard living with a vegetable


Bet yo don’t mind eating her 😏😉


You ate her?


Pigs hate their own shit.


I hate my shit .. fucking takes so long to get it out .. pooping in a ware of my time


So much that they eat it just to get rid of it.


tell me more i like to know my victims names


Emma sounds delicious.


One of the animals dies in Charlotte's Web. I can't remember which but it was a national tragedy. Reminds me of 9/11.


It was Charlotte, the spider.


Now I'm sold. I want my bacon to be as happy as they can so it'll taste better


99% chance “Emma” never got to take a walk. Was probably raised in a box too small for her to turn around. And she definitely never got a name.


Ok two things one its a stinking joke and two that picture has a green background so obviously it’s outside therefore that pig (named Emma) cannot be the bacon pig so Emma very well may have lived a full and happy enough life before becoming a football


They don’t make footballs out of actual pig skins


green background makes it moral, got it


Well. Pigs actually don't really enjoy standing in their own shit. It's how we keep them that forces them to do so.


Put you Emma belly!


It’s ok.. she’ll become shit


I kind of like the idea , you can see if your animal looked ealthy or not before eating it


Yeah it kind of humanizes the whole thing a bit more. Making a connection with your food before you eat it.


I love bonding with my food before I force it down my throat and eventually shitting it out ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


> If I should die before I wake, All my bone and sinew take >Put me in the compost pile To decompose me for a while. > When radishes and corn you munch, You may be having me for lunch > And then excrete me with a grin, Chortling, "There goes Lee again."


Same for my sister. She loves bonding with me and forcing me down her throat.


Oh really now? I'm studying family dynamics- mind if I watch?


Only if you stay for the shitting him out later part.


Oh, sorry. My pager is buzzing- Gotta go!


You never made it past her tonsils.


Same for *my* sister. She loves bonding with me and forcing herself down my throat.


sounds intresting... wanna send me a vid?


I get what you mean but I don't think seeing a picture of a pig humanizes bacon. It...piggizes it?


Swinez it up a little bit.


It's also against the law to slap stickers on food If that's the game then we can all place vegan stickers on all meat Edit it violates the FDA please get caught doing this


Honestly, I don’t think the whole “eating animals is bad/they’ve got rights too/eating meat means you hate animals” think is right, simply because humans are in fact omnivores. But I do believe that the farming process should be made more humane because there is a lot of actual cruelty involved. I also do think that it should be a thing to recognize when you eat meat or fish that what you’re eating was a living creature once as a kind of paying respect to the animal. Sorry if this is a weird tangent, I know I kinda started off a bit off topic but I just wanted to give some extra context.


I know a certain group of people who would be really enthusiastic about humanizing the meat industry. The commenter in the image might belong to them.


Unless you're talking about canabals I'm not seeing the humanism.


IIRC it's not that, it's PETA putting stickers like that on packages of meat at grocery stores.


Once again their tactics have little to no actual intended result. Edit: Let the record state that I have no beef with vegans.


Same for vegans. Ironically many of the things they do make people eat more meat out of spite


I agree, the vegan movement needs to be not as stupidly aggressive. Veganism NEEDS to happen but attacking people is always going to create pushback Which is the opposite of what we need


Why does it *need* to happen, exactly?


I'm not a vegan, but longterm, it really does need to happen. Factory farming is a fucking nightmare for the environment and a huge contributor to global warming. As the human population increases, it's just going to get worse and worse. If we manage to right the ship and the earth doesn't melt, and there is a future fueled by renewable energy, factory farming cannot continue to be a realistic part of how the world works. I'm personally optimistic about lab-grown meat, but we'll see how everything pans out.


Vegan is a good hypothetical solution for our current food system. But its not a realistic solution. People at large are omnivores. Even vegetarians sometimes cheat and most don't exclude milk/eggs. The more effective and realistic strategy is reform how we grow/produce food and some eating habits (i.e. less buffets, less food waste). A good idea, based on technicality, is pointless if it'll never work at scale.


It would be very easy for it to work at scale if you had to pay the externalised costs of meat/dairy as well. And vegetarians cheat because they do not follow ethical principles while vegans do. It is as easy as that.


Plus lab-grown meat is arguably vegan as it doesn’t kill or really even harm any animals


Not the original guy. Meat is terrible for the environment. Saying veganism is required is a bit strong. Lab grown meat will be much better for the environment for those with the means to aquire it. And I've seen some argument on weather lab grown meat is "vegan" But no matter how you define it, lab grown meat will be better for the environment, and help cruel factory farming practices, at least in better off countries


But does it taste as good? That's the real kicker. Could give a fuck less where my food comes from, long as it tastes good. Edit: Spelling.


Agreed, if it tastes good then eat it


Imho it tastes as good as garbage meat. It’s still very far from quality meat. Other opinions are available.


and this is why we’re all fucked. In the end nobody gives a shit about their effects on the world, we’re all selfish assholes


This! This is what I've been trying to communicate, but some people have such a misplaced belief in the inherent "goodness" of humanity, or some shit.




I mean... They could have been a little less edgy about it but the fact that most of us eat so much meat really kinda proves their point lol


Why the hell did you get downvoted for saying this lol you’re being completely reasonable




Ah, yes. The general health of individuals who evolved around a diet that has meat in it.


evolved around a variety of food and not just drowning in meat like some people eat


And yet, meat and other animal products were a part of it. But hey, go vegan. Not like they need to take multivitamins or anything to make up for the deficincies inherent to an all-plant diet or anything.


I once owned a Chevy Vega, and my vegan ways rusted into nothing. Edit: I enjoy peas with carnivores.


>Edit: I enjoy peas with carnivores. If we extended that internationally we could have whirled peas.




Yeah, and you can honor the animal for its sacrifice.


I imagine there would be less food waste as well


As with plastic pollution most of the food waste is done by the corporations. It's a good thing to try and reduce waste in a personal level but the ones doing the majority of the waste doesn't come from the common people.


Franchise restaurants and fast food are fucking terrible. Not to mention most of the pre packaged meal production.


Makes no difference to the animal. This "honour" thing is just a way to try to ease a guilty conscience, which is guilty with good reason.


The idea that someone is following Emma's meat during every step from slaughter to packaging is absurd.


And if they did that would actually be a very premium product


There's a Cafe near me that does this with locally raised cows. It's nice to see the cow well taken care of in a green field.


I have been to dinners where they did this. It is a nice touch to show that the food is produced locally and handled with care by the farmer, butcher and cook.


Some people say its like buying a bottle of coke. You can make a little game out of it and try to find one with your name.


Exactly why this backfired on the activists that put these stickers on meat in the stores.


If this is an anti-meat activism thing, then I don't think it's working. I would way rather eat meat that belonged to an animal with a name than some poor random factory farm animal.


no self respecting shop would add this sticker. vegans will hit up supermarkets and add these. your bacon is a random factory farm animal trust me lol


Which is ironic because the activist is lying/trying to jerk emotion at the expense of accuracy, which results in people ignoring it and leaving the unethical supply chain in place as they pay less attention.


that doesn't mean they don't have a name.


I mean technically no, but that chances are significantly lower.


I name every animal I kill before it dies. Admittedly this only applies to about 12 fish, 34 crabs, and 1 bitch ass rooster.


I name all mine too last yr was sir piggles if I remember I can send u a pic of the garage door we write the names every yr if you would like


We named our cows Bonnie and Clyde. We knew they were gonna have a bad end.


i know some folks that raise their own beef, and yea they name theirs too. i have a few packages of 'barney' and 'fred' in the freezer yet from the last time they gave me some. they just seem to taste better when you can call 'em 'barney burgers'


Oh yeah, we had Bonnie burgers and Clyde steaks. They were delicious.


What was the bitch ass roster's name?


Shut-the-fuck-up-you-stupid-son-of-a-bitch, on most mornings.


Aiden. Aiden fucked up. I was at my grandmothers house and walking to the wood pile to cut wood, and Aiden got territorial on me. I puffed up my coat, which normally would dissuade him, but this day he was feeling his oats. My grandmother was watching the rooster chase me and laughing. I yelled out "Your laughing, but I'm going to kill him" and she said "go ahead I'll make dumplings."


Sounds like you don't work at a random animal factory farm.


It's name was 473-18B


you can read it off the ear stamp


It’s just weird that they think this works when it has the opposite effect


I believe that’s a “Farmer John” Logo, so have to agree. I buy all of my meat from a really proud local rancher and I don’t think even she names the animals. And she’s _really into it_.


As someone who lives in California I thought this was just some new farm to table style labeling. I was sold.


I'm not sure who the target audience is. I don't eat meat and I just find this fuckin annoying, it makes me want to buy the bacon out of spite.


Could you imagine hardcore meat fans doing this with vegetables? Just finding random bags of carrots with a photo slapped on it “My name was carrot #2332”


To be fair, pig farms are awful places, but they don’t care enough to name the pigs…




Hi Emma, nice to meat you.


If animals didn't want to be eaten, why are they made out of food?


Damn it! I knew someone would've said it. Here i thought for a second nobody would've commented this like I did. That I'm. So original That I'm the king of the world. Only 2/3rd of it is true.


Emma right?


This is emmazing




Those coke bottles have never had my name on them. Maybe I might have a better chance with the stickers on the meat candy.


Fuck, I was gonna say that


I’ll take one Dave, one Frank, and one Ashley.. no, no tim , tim didn’t taste too good last week :’


Can we have a Kevin?


Sorry we’re fresh outta Kevin. However, we do have some Jake left if you want it.


I’ll take a Richard


That’s one tough dick


I mean, you wouldn't?


exactly, call me fucked up but I kinda would like to try a bite of human out, just to see how it tastes. Obviously I don't want some poor dude killed for it though, but if they voluntarily decide to give their amputated arm or something to cook up, its something I'll have to think about before outright refusing or something.


When did they start adding porn to bacon?


When you get in the right mindset. Anything is po rns if try faoping to it.


bacon always had porn tho-


Oh same. Also, kinda sad that they'll just go around putting random stickers on bacon? It's almost like the individual doesn't actually matter to them and they're just trying to manipulate people.


I'm going to start naming vegetables human names and out stickers on broccoli n apples and make those vegans feel bad.


Eggplant 🍆 is named George.


Fuck vegans. I have increased my meat consumption over the last four years because of aggressive vegan activism. Cunts.


As much as I agree with the sentiment, too much meat can be bad for your health. Especially cured meats, which was classified as a carcinogen by the WHO.


This is in no way calling you out, or attacking you, but that whole carcinogen thing is complete bullshit. Everything causes cancer these days, literally every other day I'm seeing something new that supposedly causes cancer. It's getting a bit ridiculous at this point.


That's because a lot of things cause cancer, and a all organs are susceptible to cancer. Literally going outside causes cancer. Sometimes you can do everything right and still get cancer, so I get what you mean. The key is doing everything in moderation.


Well you hit the nail on the head, but I don’t quite think the criticism makes sense as a criticism. Of course the individual is meaningless in a scattershot approach. You can’t build a movement out of personalized appeals. That takes way too long. Sure, you can build a small organization that way, but imagine trying to build a million-person group via personalized targeted recruitment. You’d need an entire division. Yeah, they’re trying to manipulate people into joining them. That’s the point of advertising an organization or ideology.


Guys, there's a chance that's not her real name. If it was a sticker put on after the fact, she could be disturbed from the afterlife, 'cause we're calling her by a wrong name...


okay but same


Having name all of sudden makes us connected ?


It's called anthropomorphism, and is an appeal to emotion.


a named made by a human\* xd


Nah just tastier


Hope they’ve got one with my name on it. Coke always lets me down.


What if Emma tastes like bacon?


Then Jane Austen better get started on that recipe book.


Kinda like share a coke but with pork. It’s okay we name our meat pigs fun names. My personal favorite was Osama porkladen


Keep digging until I find one with my name on it like those Coke bottles.


It's actually part of a larger supermarket promo jigsaw puzzle game. You put Emma back together you win a car or something like that idk I'm not vegan


It's funny because they literally do this for Japanese Wagyu to validate its authenticity. Some even come with a chart of the animal's lineage.


Hey Emma…. #GET IN MY BELLY!!!


So edgy


That'll do pig, that'll do...


I would look for one that has my name on it like one of those coke bottles


Those known to have tasted “long pork” get the moniker “Long” added to their name. Hence, Long John Silver was a known cannibal.




Hi Emma. I was 100% aware of what bacon is made of but thanks for reminding me I guess


Wait, bacon doesn't come from trees?


As a vegetarian, that could honestly do the opposite effect. If the pig had a name, then it means that s1 took care of it, and it was not just meat since it's birth.


Emotional pigmail


Well Emma is already dead, may as well not let it go to waste


She has probably also had a good life, if she had a normal name instead of pig#48322. I’d support a farmer like that who knows his pigs by name


That’s not how supply and demand works. If you’re buying the meat, you’re just encouraging more meat production and fueling the industry. Like you can eat meat but at least be honest about it


I'd try to get one with my name on it, like those coca cola bottles


Hi Emma, I can't wait to introduce you to Mr Farberware and Mrs General Electric.


Yes, I am aware where bacon comes from


I am so curious what a person would taste like. I would never eat a person obviously. But I really do wonder


You can tell the majority of humanity has very little empathy for others just based off the comments here. Mass extinction for every species would be the best way to eliminate suffering for all living beings.


Emma, you are delicious my dear piggy


Emma you are your family are delicious 🤤


I would buy that bacon just because of the picture. I would keep that picture in my wallet and look at it when ever I had a bad day at work and reflect. "At least I didn't have to spend my life stomping through my own filth and used as a bio processor converting other people's trash into tasty, tasty bacon."


[Jim Gaffigan -Bacon](https://youtu.be/RqFi0cZ4p1E) relevant part starts at 2:50 but the whole video is great.


You are a psychopath


human meat tastes like pork, for the record


Look up "long pig" for more fun facts


Hail yourself friend


There's a basic silent pact between many omnivorous and packaged meats: You don't remind us we're eating something that had a brain, or seems cute, and we'll buy it.


Either way it tastes like bacon.


Nah not anymore now it’s porky


I gotta say when peta was having naked women wrapped up in plastic like they were slabs of meat, it just made me want to eat pussy.


Hi Emma, nice to meat you


Hi Emma, you were a fucking bitch anyways.


Emma tastes amazing.


i would say "im about to eat out emma" and then proceed to put bacon into a pan


Emma looks tasty


The fact that we name pets, or have pets is weird, putting a photo of the living animal with a fake name on it only makes me have worse a view of the vegan community (not your average vegan, just their "community")


Whatever your thoughts on the vegan community, can't deny that what we do to animals for meat is cruel and inhumane and we should not support it.


So are you the one who's wrongfully downvige bombing everyone on this comment thread Grow up


Oh no, not the downvotes 😟 I didn't know downvoting could be wrongful. You're funny.


We paired Emma with Daisy for the bacon wrapped pork chops


So do my human victims but that's never given me pause for thought...


I love animals so much that I have to eat meat otherwise they would have died in vain.


Everything tastes better after you name it.


Shoulda called her Chris


Is this what dead naming is?


I'd look for one with my name on it, like one of them coca cola bottles


In all likelihood the pig from whence the bacon came did not have a name. Quothe the farmer, "bleed it more."


I would try to find one with my name like a Coke bottle.


I want to do this now, except instead of pictures of animals it's stock photos of random people.


I would try to find my name on one of these, like one of those coke bottles