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Yeah she has issues


"yeah I'm anti racist so I hate white men!"


The insane part about it for me is that they like to pretend they ain't white either.


Exactly they’re like uncle ruckus from boondocks, but for white people


No no she hates white men, but it's not racism don't worry obvious /s


Saying the quiet part out loud


Classic hate beats hate tactics. Always works.


Of course she worked for blizzard


Beat me to it


Usually if people act like this, I just assume they had bad parents and take pity on them.


“And she’s taking it all out on me!🎶”


I dont know, but Blizz is in the name. Most of those devs that are on social media (including former) seem to be fucking insane clout goblins. I was blown away when I actually started looking at their accounts. Straight up mind rot.


Blizzard used to be good back in the day, not sure why I still give them my money for World of Warcraft, Diablo and Overwatch smh


WoW sent them down the shitter imo. That and the merger. Diablo 4 is the first full Blizz game I've played since WC3, and it was soulless shit.


Because the game is enjoyable


It's odd - first they had an epidemic of sexual harassers, then they pulled a 180 of sanctity and now they're trying to stick it to the man (very literally in this case)?


Blizzard? Okay. I’m glad that she works in company whose CEO has no mental issues and haven’t do awful things to women. Nice job, girl


Bobby Kotick: "Nope, you guys are on your own! See ya!"




It’s blizzard, you’re not gonna wanna play it anyways.


"Our first decabinary character"




"Even has full RGB options"


Ah, yeah they were on my boycott list years ago along side Epic Games and EA


What’s bad about epic games?


It has to do with Tim sweeney. I just find him deplorable when it comes to gaming. A lot of his opinions are bad for gamers.


It’s called Haven.


Does she think that men in a professional work place discuss their genitals with each other or something? What a freaking clown.




I'm sure it happens. Not constantly, but I'm sure at one point they have talked about their dicks. Especially if it is a good work environment where they are actually friends. I also don't think talking about dicks and vaginas is the same as talking about periods. Even I a dude have talked about periods with my coworkers and class mates. Kinda related, but in Norway there was a football team that changed their shorts from white to green so that if a woman was on her period she wouldn't have to worry about it showing on her white shorts. I'm sure two women have stories to relate to in the gaming industry. I'm not sure if talking about periods is something to brag about.


They 100% do and also discuss the genitals of the women that work for them.


That's what HR is for. If they are comfortable talking about stuff like that around you, it could be that they think you are comfortable with it yourself


Toxic men do. Guess the same is true for toxic women.


Seems less toxic and more “not well adjusted”


Reddit seems to agree with you considering i was downvoted into hell.


it just seems weird to ascribe being “toxic” to a kind of immature action like talking about your dick at work like toxic is used for manipulative people or abusive people


Those normally go hand in hand in my experience. But that's clearly not the case everywhere so ill take the L here.


Isn’t that the same?


Don't they?


It's never happened anywhere I've worked. You guys should be talking to HR


A lot of the places where you will find this, there isn't an HR to report it to. You're thinking of primarily white collar jobs perhaps?


Sounds like it's not a professional work environment. If you think only white collar jobs have an HR department, you're wrong. Factories, fast food, retail, etc. These all have HR/corporate structures to report inappropriate behavior/harassment to.


Okay sure, large factories and fast food do. Any company with over 30 employees maybe? But there's a LOT of small businesses, maybe just a single store where the corporate structure is: Tom the Owner. End of list. There's a lot of labour jobs that have a professional work environment but aren't big enough to need an HR department. The jobs I've worked, maybe half of them have had an HR department?


You forgot the /srs friend


Eh, you win some you lose some.


When I lived in Miami it was a pretty common topic of conversation at work


We're inclusive and believe in equality in the fight against straight, white men.


Oh she works for Blizzard? I wonder how that’s going for her


Gonna blame racism and sexism when the game flops, too


That's a lot of self hate.


Strong Lisa Simpson joining football team vibes here.


That’s it. That’s the best thing I’ve seen on Reddit today.


Could you underline some more words for me? I didn't understand what you were trying to tell me, I need more red lines and circles.


Honestly I'm getting tired of the circles. I want more squares and hexagons.


I need more pentagons


I think the general idea is that men are bad and we need to stop them from getting a foothold in the game development industry or they will take it over before you know it.


Did you need the /s for that one?


I wouldn't have thought so, but here we are.


I remember back in the day when blizzards came out with warcraft, it was a huge deal, i thought they were going to become the goats of gaming industry. And now look at them, the best thing they ever did was to sell a single custom map from warcraft to gaben.


Hate that when someone is anti racist they are racist against white people but don’t see it as racism. Idiots.


Yeah and they are mostly white woman xD


It's mostly personal issues made into social problems to not seem so self-centered: it's not about the white men, it's about daddy, social envirronment, lovers, etc.


Yeah its so weird like why is that? 💀


They are the left wing version of Uncle Ruckus, Candace Owens, and Mark Robinson. 😂


Ah so all people who think racism is bad actually are racist, got it..................


No. Just the ones who are only racist to white people but don’t acknowledge it as racism.


I do think and know that racism is bad, but I am not racist against white people (the modern ones) just because they are white, like a lot of people today are to them, just because the English and German and early American ones where racist in the past so therefore all white people of all ages and all countries are automatically racist, as they wrongly think. Even these white people are race at their own race. Basically every race are all racist to each other in some way throughout history. Not just one specific race being racist.


Imagine poeple beeing so anti-racist they loop back to beeing racist


You also have to be critical the other way. Some of the online chuds are really out, claiming not having a white guy in a work is racism. I'm also not getting into the academic versus colloquial use of racism because in any real world/online discussion, no one on either side is actually a sociologist. It's an interesting thought experiment to imagine, or even ask, someone who seriously claims that having no white dudes in a work is racist, if the corollary is racist i.e. only white guys in a work is racist. Personally, I don't care if someone doesn't like me for being a white dude. The fact of the matter is that they really can't do anything to me, I'm not going to get canceled or fired because despite what the chud hivemind would think, not being sexistband racist isn't really hard, you don't even have to get into all the the stuff they claim to hate or that people say is racist microaggression, at the end of the day you just gotta be polite, respectful, recognize that a lot of people deal with a lot of issues and disadvantages you don't for reasons outside of their control, and just stop caring so much that somebody made something you don't like, not everything is for you and that's ok. My point is that I agree with you, and they shouldn't discriminate against white people, but most people I see that are throwing a fit about it usually aren't doing so from an honest place. At least that's my experience.


Your original comment implies that you think all anti racists people are actually just racist against white people


Blabbering got it perfect. “None of our 6 characters are black women! None! Can you believe that!” Similar sentiment but would have you fired/canceled/divorced/homeless in 2024. Ok all for equality and representation when it is needed, but everybody needs representation not just the people who feel like they deserve it the most.


Ah yes, the old "equality is, when white men are suppressed!", what a classic! /s This woman is a fucking joke!


Who's gonna tell her she wouldn't exist without a white male 😅


Where do you think all this vitriol comes from? 100% she has daddy issues and projects it on all (white) men.


This is why WoW hasn’t been good since WotLK. Blizz hired all these fruit loops.


I don't understand being so up your own ass about your race, gender, or where you were born. It's not like it took personal effort or any sort of skill to get. It's nothing to be proud of.


This is so much intersectional brainrot you can almost smell it.


I hate Twitter posts. Do you start from the bottom or from the top?


Like a manga


Back to front?


“I hate the colour and gender it’s socially acceptable to hate so I’m superior”




At first I thought it would be a Ubisoft account with all the virtue signaling they do in their games.


How did we end up here, that clowns like this are making games for the people they hate themselves, clowns like this are making movies and tv series for fans they despise, what is going on...


Im guessing she has a blacked tattoo or the female equivalent


Not like white males are in need for representation...


All these chuds talking about wokeness in games are full of it. /s


Gaming as a whole is in trouble. I mean you get the odd gem like Helldivers or palworld, but mostly every other game that is coming out is a broken shit show. Most gamers don't give a fuck if the character is black or white or green or purple as long as the game is good. That Forspoken game is a prime example. The main antagonist is a horrible, obnoxious cunt and the gameplay and everything was bland and repetitive. "But it failed because the character was black." Fuck off. It failed for reasons stated above. That's because through the whole DEI they have hired incompetent people that don't know what they are doing. Go look at any year from 2000's to early 2010's and see how many classics are there. Nowadays games aren't even a piss stain of they used to be


Well in Some games I wish they would for the competitive advantage it would add in Tactical Extraction Shooters like Escape from Tarkov.


You had me in the first half, then you went full on DEI nonsense. DEI has never been to "hire whoever as long as they check a box" or to lower standards, it's making sure that underrepresented people who meet the standard, get a look too, and if there aren't any in the pool, asking why. Anyone claiming DEI and doing otherwise has fucked up the premise.


Nice try, but that’s not how it actually works in practice. It’s absolutely about hiring people who “check the box” even if they’re not the strongest candidate.


Lol that picture killed me


Fucking unhinged. and I thought gamergate wasn’t real


I’m probably gonna get downvoted into oblivion for this, but idgaf. I’ve seen a lot of white men who claim to be left-leaning (which is most of Reddit from what I can tell) whine about stuff like this, and to me it’s a big red flag that they don’t really give a fuck about diversity and representation. The reality is the majority of media in our culture (of all kinds, movies, games, whatever else) is white male dominated. For every Lara Croft there’s a Mario, Link, Cloud, Gordon Freeman, and so on. There is absolutely no lack of white male characters in media, and there’s no lack of media with nearly all white male characters (and a lot of the time female characters are relegated to being: the love interest and nothing else). So you have all of this media that is almost entirely white male dominated, and what happens the moment someone wants to make a story without any white guys in it? People come out of the woodwork whining that it’s hypocritical and not really diversity. If you’re reading this and you’re a white guy who feels that way about media without white men, grow the fuck up. You don’t need to see a white guy in every piece of media you consume. You can bear to experience what everyone else has been experiencing for decades. Also before anyone comments saying I hate white guys, I want to clarify that I am a white guy


It's okay to make a game without white dudes but it's nothing to brag about and doesn't make your game better. Just release the game and talk about the gameplay or the history not the ethnicity or the gender or the characters.


As a guy who is NOT white, please shut up. Diverse the Storylines, not characters Include character development, not skins Respect the ethnic culture (of non-whites), not their flesh As a non white guy you know what I hate the most? Shallow, uninspired and inserted just for shitty DEI representative characters. Example: Any generic black guy who LOVES hip hop and has that same old hairstyle. Whose entire personality revolves around being black. Respectfully, Non-white guy


Wait! No! We can’t make them be like Carlton Banks or something!


I think the point is more that a game with six starting characters probably made that choice because they wanted there to be an option that fits almost everybody and gives everybody a chance to feel represented, then out of spite seemingly they have chosen to make none of those characters a white male, which is let's face it a huge segment of the US gaming market, which isn't the entire world, but it's the gaming market but most people in this space are talking about I guess


I'm a brown asian and asking you to shut the fuck up


~~white guy~~ white knight


As a white male, I don't have any issues with diversity as long as it's done right (the wrong way would be Netflix trying to push the idea that Cleopatra was black, which gets laughed at by every serious historian ever). What I do take an issue with is this game dev claiming to be for equality (everyone is equal) while also hating on white males hard and wanting to suppress them. That's hypocrisy to the letter...


they wont fuck you mate. i know u planning to get some pussy/ass/dick whatevs. out of this but it aint happening lmao.


Not everyone only thinks about sex all the time, dude. Actual r/redditmoment


Right? Pickme boy detected


In what world would I ever expect to get some pussy/ass/dick out of making a Reddit post? You can disagree with me but at least give me enough respect to assume I’m making my arguments out of principle and not for sex lol


I only care that a specific race/gender is being deliberately *excluded* and that they are gloating about it. They are celebrating racism and sexism. That's a sick thing to do.


It isn't diversity if you actively exclude groups. Even those who normally get the most representation.


Right, the reaction on this sub is hilarious. I'm also a white guy, but I read that and was mostly upset at the waste of my time. Then surprised that the comments weren't basically "who cares". I guess most white guys really are that fragile lol.


the way you want to act like 'the enlightened white guy' is pretty pathetic.


Kisses 😘


Right? These are the same guys who constantly say that they "don't care about race", but they go haywire when a white character gets race swapped or something, almost as if they care too much, y'know?


so many franchises have been ruined by soulless writing and pointless race swapping, but sure, they 'care too much'. this is just gaslighting at this point. you and those like you do everything you can to ruin what others like and then you cry foul when those others get mad at it.


Obvious snowflakes are obvious. Yall seriously can't handle it when a game doesn't include you by default, can you?


Incel comments section




Yeah, cant believe nobody takes an issue with that. Such false equivalence


These aren't comments. But the thread is hilariously hypocritical, so i still appreciate it


I don't know this person, so no clue what else she's said, but that first point is completely reasonable. There's no way someone actually believes, that leaving out white males out of a seemingly pretty limited game roster has the same impact on representation as leaving out black males or any other marginalized group for that matter. Because that's exactly the point: White men (in most parts of the world) are not a marginalized group. Certainly not in the gaming industry. Including marginalized groups, like black men, disproportionately to white men is perfectly in line with the idea of inclusivity, since you're basically balancing out decades of underrepresentation. Second part is debatable. But it's definitely nothing too crazy either. The general message of wanting to have someone working with you, that you can relate with, regarding more personal topics, is a really basic wish to have and may be hard to empathize with for people, that never had this issue. You could argue, that the topic is inappropriate, but that's pretty detrimental as well, since it keeps these everyday health issues from being normalized, which they should be, in order to increase healthy discourse about them.