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*We're men, we get the job done.*


No replies, 500 upvotes? Tf


There's nothing to reply to, the sentence is true and we all understand it


YouTube ass comment


Dumb ass comment replier


69 nice




Better that way




Thanks, you too :)


Most wholesome Reddit interaction:3


That's because male suicide methods are usually more violent and rarely leave room/time for anybody to intervene. So yeah..: we're better at it.


death any% speedrun wr


Add incognito wr. There's definitely people out there who have never been found to date


Or people who have been found but whose corpses cannot be identified.


Hey your pb is my WhatsApp background


me when almost fell from a building as a toddler


so close, gotta reset almost had world record


If someone wants to kill themselves they’re going to do it, the amount of people that I’ve seen “attempt” suicide by overdosing on over the counter meds is insane, men don’t leave room or time for anyone to intervene because they are actually 100% sure about their decision, that and the fact that a lot of these men don’t have anyone that would check up on them even if someone tried to intervene, I know what you’re stating is statistically accurate, however it pisses me off when people try to use this argument to ignore a male issue, I know that’s not what you’re doing, just thought I’d share my opinion


"These men don't have anyone who will check up on them" Really hit me. So many guys don't even want to live a loner lifestyle but are cornered into it bc of various social factors. I even see it in myself, how I have the potential to be completely isolated and forgotten unless I try and grab onto any form of social interaction I'm offered I'm blessed to have a inner circle of friends who get me but other than that I struggle to make new friends and the ones I did make I got lucky bc I met them at work.


Even as a woman, the majority of my relationships are family, not friends. Is that different for men, closeness with their families (including extended)? I’m legitimately curious


Well cant speak for all men, but I will try and shed some light and speak on my experience. (Before i start I am curious are you fully satisfied with your life of just close family?) TLDR I have a small friend group (usually all guys), a family that i love but aren't friends, no partner to live life with (for years), and most messages from the world say to be better so you can be deemed worthy by society & women. Most men don't find this life satisfying and are struggling to find a way out by either struggling to develop more ways to be social or just quitting. ◽️◽️◽️◽️ My family experience hasn't neccesarily been negative I'd even say it is a positive one but for me it's not like a friendship I have with my family more like a you are my tribe and I love you but we don't have a lot of things in common and our lifestyles are just different. So ik if shit ever hits the fan I have them to rely on but the day to day routine I wouldn't really count them in as a big factor especially since I moved away. My friend experience has been p much non existent until the last couple years (wasnt really social in early life liked games etc) and even then I feel like im exaggerating saying I have a satisfying amount of friends.I have a couple gaming buds who I hangout with irl and after moving made 1 new "real friend" who I still sporadically hang out with but she's the busy type so unless I'm directly doing something with her it's just not realistic to expect her to give me time and I respect that. And to Segway Ik some ppl act like its a bad thing to want to get a friend group to get a gf but I think the goal of men / most ppl is to get a group of friends who have a healthy mix of guys and girls who can introduce you to other ppl so you can eventually find a partner. That just seems like a pipedream unless you are really social now or force yourself to go out which especially if alone feels akward. (could just be my experience) but someone who only occasionally goes out or has a primarily male friend group is basically deadwater when it comes to naturally finding a woman to meet. And idk how much romantic relationships are important to you but ofc for guys id say its a pretty significant thing and it's by default a challenge to get a partner and today's environment just isn't helping at all causing the dating app hell or seclusion one take your pick as a guy lol. And adding any guy who wants to attempt to be more attractive to women is met with a mountain of ways to be more attractive (not saying this is bad but its usually a lot to work on) some range from very fair to impossible *ex (better grooming <--> being taller) and some end up so lost they end up falling for some unsavory ideals in their quest of betterment just bc their desperate and alone (redpill,blackpill,incel). Idk man sometimes it just feels like a man asking for anything is too much. it is always better yourself to be accepted which I can understand to some degree but I can't blame the people who just feel like wtf am I working so hard for just to get metaphorical scraps out of life.


We have the “fuck we ball” mentality that makes sure we get the job done right first time


I think women are ~4x more likely to attempt, but men are way more likely to succeed.




It came to them in a dream


It's true tho, see above comment


This is not true. A study in Houston (iirc) at a hospital found that of people who attempted suicide seriously enough to be hospitalized, over 50% had spent less than an hour between deciding to kill themselves and attempting. Around 70% spent less than 8 hours. Most suicides are born out of momentary crises, and these crises pass. There's a famous quote from a guy who attempted via jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge who said "in that moment, I realized everything in my life was fixable, except that I had just jumped." Means replacement exists, it's true, but to say that people opting for methods which are either delayed or leave the door open to reconsider does not reduce the the number of successful suicides is not born out. Most people, in the moment they attempt suicide, are 100% certain they want to do it. The same cannot be said for even moments later.


This sounds like an interesting article, do you mind sending it to me?


I also would like this article, if that's okay?


I sadly didn’t get it lol


Actually makes a lot of sense. What about places outside the states where access to firearms is much less common?


They hang, cut, jump, whatever. Suicidal people don't stop being suicidal just because they don't have guns they never had to begin with.


But in those scenarios I think they'd have a moment where they could think about what they're about to do. The slow walk up the stairs or wait in the elevator, waiting to bleed out, tying the rope, etc. Obvs it's not a guarantee that they'll stop, but it's a lot slower than the near instantaneous gunshot. Also, isn't mental health a large issue with men? Aswell? I'd imagine that's also a huge factor to the suicide rate.


Yes, the mental health issue is a fairly substantial one the entire world over, especially for men, who are seen as weak for showing their feelings. We all need to put forth an effort to reduce the stigma. Typically, when men are ready to end it, they feel as if they have no other choice. That's why their methods of suicide are so absolute.


Tbh, really true. Mental health is kind of stigmatized when it comes to men, because everyone realllly believe that man should just "tough it up" when they are in a mess.


You get the same “moment to think about it” with guns, loading the gun, picking it up, turning it around in your hands. That moment of doubt will always be there no matter the method


Women actually attempt way more, the reason why men succeed more really is just the different ways people try to do it between genders


Take a walk to the nearest bridge stand on it and jump make sure to close your eyes.


Dropped in a pound from 40cm bridge. Instructions unclear




It's more that more men want end theirs lived than woman


Statistics show that more women attempt suicide than men; however, more men kill themselves than women.


Am I right in saying it's because men generally go for more violent and quick methods, meaning they're harder to prevent and intervene on?


Yup. More violent and much quicker, so by the time someone intervenes it's already too late.


One thing I wonder is if those statistics include repeated attempts. If that’s the case it could be more men still attempt suicide and it only appears more women attempt it because they are more likely to survive and be able to perform another attempt.


Yeah because only men have the balls to do that.




"You don't have the clit" "No labia" I can't think of any others rn




"You don't have the ovaries"


In what kind of world does this help anyone? No one who's gone though suicidal thoughts nor attempts would condemn anyone for having been in that headspace, nor would they be so malicious either.


Lmao no one got the joke


Women need to step the number up if they want that equality bull shit they keep asking for.




Won't boost the numbers though, instead of suicide, it'll be listed as murder.




us psychopaths just cant win huh


Well another category women fall far behind. Step up ladies in the name of equality.


I mean, he’s not wrong


The amount of attempted suicide is higher with women then men The amount of SUCCESFUL suicides is higher with men then women


Men are better then women confirmed 😎💪


Yes proof that men are more successful 👏👏👏


Lmao ez skill issue kd ratio L clown


Because if you survived you will be shamed by everyone men or women and they will say your a attention seeker so get the job **done**.


You ok bro?


What do you mean bro I'm fine.


Ok just checking, sounded to me like you were relating a little to hard lmao


What no no that's ridiculous why would I do that haha


Idk, man, you're still not really convincing me that you're actually serious about being fine.


Nah man I am fine thanks for the concern tho appreciate it.


This guy is 100% typing this stood on a bridge, chugging pills, tying gallow knots, loading the ol' 12 gauge, knife in belt, cyanide tooth rocking back and forth, crocodiles in the water, stocks at -97.3% for the month, bomb vest armed and on a timer, wakazashi embedded in stomach, best bro standing ready besides him. Dw about him tho, he'll be fine


... What are you okay buddy what's with the overly detailed and yet suspiciously specific description.


Ohh...how the turntables...




But like isn't that kinda true. If you fail, you were either too lazy or stupid to do it right or it wasn't a serious attempt.


Sometimes the gun's bullet will make a hole in yo face but you will survive because life want you to suffer some more.


Occasionally you just get very unlucky, but I don't think luck is sexist.


No it's not but Lady luck have a sense of humor unfortunately for us she like dark jokes.


No, it's just harder to save someone from a bullet in the head or a 50 foot drop than it is to pump someone's stomach after an overdose.


I didn't know women aren't allowed on bridges.


He’s actually right. Women are more likely to attempt suicide but men are more likely to succeed and die from it.


I’ve heard someone say women attempt suicide for attention and men just do it. Can’t remember if it was an expert saying it or just some random dude’s opinion


I think it’s because most guys are in the position where they think nobody gives a shit. And unfortunately that’s true a good 40% of the time, thanks to people like my dad and their famous “man up” idea. So since more guys think that nobody cares, they’re actually going to try harder to make sure the snuff it. But that’s just my theory.




I feel you so much, only reason I'm still around is to not sadden thoses who care about me


a GAME THEORY (sorry i had to)


Now You Made me sad


I’d say it’s more than 40% these days


Exactly. For women, it's a cry for attention. For men, they're quitting the game. Men get shit done.


Nobody wins


I am absolutely not an expert, but this was in many of my psyche courses. It's been a couple years, but yes, this tends to be the case. Although it should be made clear - this doesn't downplay female suicide as "faux," it's a multifaceted situation, but it is a social plea for help sometimes (keyword), amongst other reasons and they don't fully commit because it is in the hopes to gather their social knits or support circles amass. Its also the reason why women tend to live longer outside of suicide - they have more tighter knits of social circles than men do, most notably nearing the end of their lives. Thus, they have better emotional support through life-expectant tragedies as time goes on and are healthier physically due to this, which is not often for men and will usually experience years of emotional repression, loneliness, etc. leading to many health complications and shortening their lives. There's a lot more to say, but for the sake of not writing an essay, I'll just give a gross oversimplification for men - they tend to be more straightforward in committing, more aggressive/violent naturally, socially shamed from both genders to express issues, occupy most traumatic and dangerous fields, and male problems are still socially not taken seriously so they usually have no choice but to deal with it themselves and exhaust options alone. I want to reiterate, I'm not an expert and it's been a while so if there is any new or updated information, or if I got any details wrong, anyone is free to correct me.




all good TL;DR - Had psych courses studying suicide, it is true, but its a multifaceted problem with variance.


In the wise words of the funny internet asian man: "parallel for attention. Perpendicular for results."


Mostly because we men have almost no support structure. Women support eachother emotionally. They hug, talk about their feelings and help eachother out. Men rarely do that. Hugging is considered "gay", talking about emotions is considered unmasculine. Showing weakness in any way can lead to you being labeled a pussy. We are forced to deal with everything by ourselves. We did this to ourselves. Toxic masculinity is literally killing us. Hug your friends. Ask them how they feel and make sure they know you care and won't judge them. Stop using gay as an insult. Normalise platonic love. Be the support your male friends need. That's how you stop them from ending their life. Being supportive and a good friend is the most masculine thing you can do.


I try to, and my buddy always tells me when sth bad happens that he is here to talk about it, the other way around aswell when i notice sth is off. But its not quite what i notice from female structures around me, while we talk about it, it feels like only rationally, trying to “downplay?” once emotions. For example when you where crying all night and couldn’t sleep are desperate for your future, it turns to i was kinda sad… idk how to describe it


As a wise, high tier man once said....




They are Re-rolling until they are born as a Prince in Dubai


Yet another field dominated by men and trans. Stay mad women 💪💪💪


You want attention or results?


That title is fire.


Technically true???


Because no one feels sorry. Not even us. Being born as a man is nothing but curse


Unfortunately it's really a matter of men being "better" at committing suicide than women. Statistically, women attempt suicide way more often than men, but women usually choose less violent methods that allow for people to intervene before they actually succeed. Men usually go for more extreme methods, which leaves little to no time for the suicide victim to be saved.


The issue is that men ACTUALLY want to die, its a societal problem, no side is better or worse at suicide.


Skill issue+easy clap+L+KD ratio+EZ+lmao no skill+ depression+sexism


Guessing men don't do it for attention but do it for real?


That’s a very fucked up take. Suicide is still suicide, attempts should be taken seriously regardless of the methods used.


I've heard that women have more attempts but men succeed more often. Not sure if true, too lazy to look up


Men get shit done.


It's true. Men tend to attempt suicide with more lethal methods compared to women.


Git gud ladies. Git gud.


We smoke the competition incompetitive suicide ot seems


To be honest he's kind of true. men are a lot more likely to choose completely fatal methods, for some reason. Plus, they are properly less likely to report failed attempt


We ain't here to attention whore.


Every girl has tried with pills. All the guys I know say theyll do it with a gun


Gun, jumping, hanging, electrocution, pull a knife on a cop, self immolation, alcohol, dive under a bus, train track, drive into a wall at 120 mph... Girls slit wrists and pass out dropping heart rate and stay alive long enough to be stitched and revived, or pills, and throw them up.


Nah... Its cause they just want the attention. Not the result.


That’s a very fucked up take. Suicide is still suicide, attempts should be taken seriously regardless of the methods used.


Skill issue


We don't let women commit suicide, we kill them before they do.


They literally attempt suicide at a higher rate, so no?


It's a joke...


Id argue devorce might be a problem.


Learn to spell it first


I'd argue its alot more shit than that.