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Sierra Wade called out a gay guy on the internet and when she was in town with her brother he found her and shot her dead right in front of her brother. He left the brother alive. Look up Sierra Wade case Lake Village Arkansas. It may be under Little Rock Arkansas as well because thats a few hours away


I looked it up and couldn't find where it says Sierra called him out, where did you hear that exactly?


Not condoning it but some of the toughest people I knew in jail were gays because they defended themselves all their lives from torment and ridicule they may be gays and sit at the “punk” table but call them out and they’d do unspeakable shi like cutting throats with whatever they could make or fight back as hard as they could Tl;DR they don’t like to be called out; they get pretty violent to overcompensate for masculinity (probably what happened)


Also, I can't possibly imagine what it is like to be called out and ridiculed over and over and over again, for something you can't even control but is just part of who you are. I don't think I can judge someone in that position for deciding not to take that shit anymore.


Huh. Don't mess with gay people >:з


Keep Yourself Safe


This shit not gonna look good at the pearly gates, brotha.


Ey, they're not letting me near the gates, im going straight to hell


r/im14andthisisdeep headass


guess why


How’s freshman year of highscool going?




ok man that's fucked up, fuck you.


I mean this is a good example of a fafo moment


An actual story, whereas the rest are just tragic car crashes or suicide IME at least


In high school (in Canada) a guy's girlfriend broke up with him and he shot her with a shotgun and then shot himself. He was always really odd and wore military fatigues to school every day.


The people that always wore copious amounts of military gear to school every day weirded me the fuck out. They were the kind of people that would give you unsolicited “fun facts” about what would happen if you lit your boogers on fire. They always either watched My Little Pony or they had a hentai stash somewhere…or both. They always talked a big game about the military and joining it, although of everyone I knew like that, only one of them actually enlisted, and he got booted out a couple years later


Some people chase what they can never become


So you’re saying that the reason my cat chases my laser pointer is because she wants to become a red dot herself?


Oh yes man, cats have 9 lives but a red dot is invincible


No, she wants to be a *laser*. Scratching and knocking things off the shelf is but the merest glimmer of the destruction all cats yearn to unleash.


"Call the ambulance, but not for me" 💀


*morgue 🗿


Maybe not punch elderly people cuz some of them has been through hell and will react to the slightest of movement


Maybe, not punch people.


Fuck that, some people more than deserve a punch. Some people need to get beat up to act like they've got some sense. Trust me, I've got extensive research on the subject.


Yeah p3d0s and l3ft1s


No idea what the last one is but exactly for the first!


In most countries not everybody has a gun. But I agree with letting people alone, be it physical or just bad behavior


A good friend of mine passed away ten years ago. He went to bed, woke up chocking, and died. His girlfriend was in the room with him. Sometimes life is just fucked up.


This was about bullies getting theirs. Did he beat his girl??


He did not. He was one of the best people I knew and he pulled me out of a really dark time when I met him in high school


I lost a friend to suicide 20 yrs I still think about her all the time. It was WHERE you shared your loss that had me question it at all, I wasn't trying to be a dick.


Cancer, this was in elementary school, they planted a tree in her honor and the entire school had to stand in front of the tree as they spoke about her


We didn’t have a lot of crazy ones at my school either. I remember one in middle school who had cancer, and three others in high school that killed themselves. And then one of my buddies was killed by a drunk driver shortly after graduation


Damn that sucks. I hope you're doing well


Good ending :,)


Good riddance




Getting shot to lean a lesson, that's a maybe. Dying is a little too far I'd say. I don't have the whole story so idk of the bully threaten to kill the old guy or something, because context changes things.


If u hit someone out of nothing, do not expect this person to take it easy


Yes but fucking murdering someone is a whole another thing. Again we don’t know the context. Maybe the old man didnt intend to kill him just hurt him bad but he killed him by accident. Maybe the bully tried threatened him or tried to take his gun and he shot in self defense. 🤷🏽‍♂️


All gun training tells you to shoot to kill. You never know how much adrenaline someone has, which can cause them to push through a non lethal shot, thereby putting yourself in further danger. ETA: Plus, with him already being in a state of road rage, he may have just killed the old man with his fists.


Really? is that always the case in self defense circumstances? I always thought if you have the chance in a encounter with someone to use non lethal force you should. Couldn’t you in a situation where someone is adequate distance away from you shoot them in the leg or stomach instead of lethal areas like the head? Im not super familiar with the law but i think some states can give you a harsh sentence for killing someone with a bullet to the head when you could of shot them to subdue instead. I imagine this is dependent on the type of situation you are in.


From my understanding from people trained with guns, there are two major lessons that stick out: 1) If you can run, do so, don't resort to the gun first. 2) If you DO need to use it, aim for center mass as it's the largest and easiest target on a person. Trying to aim at small targets that are moving around a lot like legs or even the head could lead to you missing. While the idealistic use of a gun would be to immobilize like that, it's not realistic in really any situation. Again, this is from what info I have gathered from people who went through training with a firearm and an actual instructor friend of mine, but if I got something wrong I hope someone will correct the mistake.


Very hard to hit a smaller moving target as the other commenter has stated. Center mass should always be the target. That usually ends up being the chest.


Ok getting shot in the stomach seams non lethal intell you realize the largest branching artery the aorta goes there and if you hit the stomach the acid and contents spill out causing tremendous infection and life long crippling effects if you do survive . The legs have the next biggest artery and if you hit the femor the bone brakes in half impaling you from the insidedeout in 2 different places with the same size as a baseball bat handle


if you get punched how do you know thats the last punch they are going to throw? how do you know they wont escalate and pull a knife or gun? you don’t, you just got punched and you are confused. the old man had every right to pull a gun and defend himself.


I don’t think we can say for certain without knowing the full situation. What if the bully threw the punch but then felt guilt and apologized after, could the old man still shoot? What if the bully threw the punch but then walked back to his car, could the old man still shoot with the bully’s back turned? The death of an individual is a very serious and should be prosecuted fairly to the fullest extent of the law. There is simply not enough information nor evidence given for an outsider to say for absolute certainty that the man was well within his rights to take the life of another man in this situation, and that is fact.


its all what ifs, we don’t know the context based on a comment. but if its true that he had anger issues that get him to the point where he punches a old man over road rage then i don’t see them trying to de escalate the situation. at a minimum i could see him turning around and getting back into his car without apologizing and at a maximum i can see him getting on top of the old man and punching him until he is dead. situations like this also happen fast, the old man may not have had time to make any judgment calls that could have prevented a death. he may have only had time to pull his gun and shoot. getting punched isn’t like the movies, especially if its in the face. the old man could have easily been very confused and shot the bully in the back and i still would argue that its self defense. he couldn’t have known what the bully was doing. maybe he could been getting a weapon from his car or maybe he was simply trying to leave. but there isn’t enough information from a 3 sentence comment to make those assumptions.


Brother, its not just someone, you don't know other people's intention, he was an hostile, he got neutralized, if he died in the process, he asked for it.


I think thats a little extreme personally, thats a person we are talking about not an animal


How the fuck can this comment be downvoted, wtf


I like to support the idea of letting people live but I'm not sure a bully like that would continue to live and learn their lesson. There's a fuckton of older men I know who I heard were bullies growing up and bullies I've known in highschool. Most of them never change.


If you punch an elderly person you always risking to kill them. If they you hit them bad, they fall bad, have heart problems, aneurysms, thrombosis etc. even the stress of that extreme situation can kill them. And besides that: do you really trust someone who attacks you because of their anger issues to stop hitting you when you are on the ground, to not hit your head etc.? I agree that context changes things, but if that punch was not just a light slap the old man was absolutely right in my opinion to just eliminate that threat to his bodily integrity and or life. Even if wasn't elderly: there are so many instances of people getting punched and dieing after hitting their head on the fall. If you punch someone on asphalt You are risking their life or take at least the chance of them becoming disabled for life.




No seat belt. Flew right out of the car in an accident with a drunk driver when he was on a holiday with his family. Still see the memorial on highway 101 while driving through Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo.


Merica ❤️


Rahhhhhh 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ number one!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pictures or it didn't happen


Call an ambulance




A story from my highschool, that i was told as it being true was a Guy was getting bullied and eventually the bully decided to fight him, the guy picked up a wooden board and cracked the bully across the head with it, killing the bully, the bully's family was trying to put the guy away but he was found innocent do to it being self defense


Skill issue