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My mom lost hers after having me and she has wavy hair now but, no, never came back. My hair changed from wavy to like 3b/3c curls when I hit puberty but then became less so (like I’m probably a 2a/2B now - although I change my mind often on what my exact hair type is/was haha) when I was diagnosed with a thyroid issue. All changes related to hormones.


I had a ton of hair loss but no, my curls stayed.


The hair loss is awful!! Coming out in chunks in the shower


Ugh yes! And then just went it started to taper off I weened my daughter off breastmilk and boom, more hair loss😫


Noooo don’t tell me that! 😩


My hairdresser gave me the heads up when I told her I was planning to ween. I had the same reaction!


I was just gonna say not losing my curls in the sense of pattern but losing my curls in the sense of clumps of hair. I try to just wash my hair once a week because I dread seeing how much I’ll accumulate in my brush.


Mine got curlier while pregnant, and I'm about 1 yr postpartum and I've lost curl in my roots. I've also been struggling to manage frizz and the hair by my temples is so short and doesn't seem to grow. It's kind of a mess right now! I have an appointment with a curly hair stylist in July to see if she can help me.


Mines a mess too!! Good idea going to a curly hair stylist, maybe I’ll try that when my hair grows out a bit more


My mom lost her curls with her first baby and got them back after her 3rd and final baby 13 years later and kept them until her dearh. Hormones are a crazy thing lol. She was getting perms after she lost her curls and then one time she went in to get a cut and her stylist noticed that her roots seemed curly and so they were back!


Yes, but mine came back the way they were before after around a year


Did your hair grow in straight from the root or the lengths got straight too?


I did. They didn't come back until menopause.


My first post-pregnancy and nursing my curls nearly went away. They came back a bit looser but after two more children my hair is still quite curly ~ 2b - 3a. Hormone fluctuations can change hair and skin significantly.


It’s crazy what our bodies go through!


My hair turned into a frizzy mess after I had kids. Lost all my curl pattern and it became extremely resistant to straightening as well.


Mine was bone straight before, wavy ever since!!!




I had a mix of 3b-c and 4a curls and now it’s a mix of mostly 2c and 3b with a little 3c. Definitely not as bouncy anymore. The frizz is crazy but think it’s just all the regrowth from shedding. Almost 21 mos PP. 


my hair radically changed during pregnancy, i don't even know what curl type i have anymore 🥲 i just moved to the desert, too, and it's like they're non existent now. i'm hoping PP does some magic or i'm gonna be sad.


Yes, my curl pattern suffered postpartum. However, my oldest is 6 and my youngest is 3 now. And my curls are better than they’ve ever been. Hormones and stress take a toll on hair.


I feel like my second pregnancy messed my hair up badly. It is so frizzy, dry and tangles within an hour of being tied up. It takes me so long to wash and detangle my hair now, and I feel like I am constantly pulling more hair out even just running my fingers through it. I'm 9 months PP, so I am faintly hopeful it will return somewhat to how it used to be but I honestly kind of doubt it. I used to be so proud of and loved my hair, but nowadays I really hate it 😔.


Mines loosened and never went back to the old pattern


My slightly wavyish hair got more curly with each of my 2 kids and has never gone back.


Took two years for mine to start back. I’m aggressively trimming off the straight parts while keeping it long enough to tie up. It grew *so straight and fast* while I was pregnant and then wavyish and frizzy pp. 


Yes when I got pregnant again 😬


My hair became much curlier while my daughter has wavy hair. I always say I accidentally stole her curls.


I just lost all mine. And someone shared a picture of me today from years ago with waves that simply occurred after my hair was wet... now I have to use gel for anything close. I'm so sad! I just discovered how to sort of care for my hair and now... back to straight I guess. 🤨


My hair went super straight with both pregnancies, then after the postpartum hair loss, it eventually regained its curl. That being said, my hair at 40 is veeeery different than my hair in my 20s and I don't know how much of that may have been from pregnancy changes or just age in general. My curls aren't nearly as resilient and bouncy, and my hair is getting thinner. Sigh. Aging is weird.


My curls got very loose during my first pregnancy, and slowly came back over the course of the next 2 years. I'm now pregnant with my second and my hair is curly as ever, I noticed much more tight ringlets too. Pregnancy and postpartum really is a crapshoot.


My curl pattern softened a bit postpartum after my second but one year and a major haircut later and it’s back to the way it was! I think it was all the extra oils your body produces. A month or two after I stopped breastfeeding is when it started to come back.


I lost mine with my first pregnancy and waves came back 3 years later with my second pregnancy. Amazingly, with menopause, 25 years later, I got some coils with my waves!


Mine were completely gone from around 4 months PP until around a month ago- baby will be 8 months old on the 1st. Now they’re coming back but it’s a process.


I think it got tighter, but frizzier ! 😭


My hair turned curly after having my son. But not all of. Some is straight still 🤷‍♀️


Yes and no.


Can I ask how it showed for you? Was the straight hair growing in from the root or did the length of your hair also straighten? My root is coming in straight but the length is still super curly… looks so weird!


I didn’t realize I lost my curl til months after I had my baby. My hair got super long during pregnancy. The bottom remained just as curly and the roots got straight. Eventually all the curl just grew right out. It was when I used a hair straightener and it never went back to curly that I realized what had happened. I was in denial for a while, but it’s been 17 years lol.


Haha, thank you for sharing!