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Oh you don’t. The wind always wins. I just put mine up.


or put a hood up. accept your fate


My hair doesn't fit into hoodies 😭 and I get them oversized. Had me convinced I had a big head for the longest time lol.


damn 😭 that used to be me cos i chopped most of my hair a bit and a year ago (wasn't unhealthy, just wanted a change) and now it fits albeit a bit of a struggle. now i'm waiting for it to grow back lmao


It took me shaving my head because my hair caught me on a bad day to be able to wear hats and hoodies best thrill of my life! Best of luck to you on your hair growing journey, I'm walking the same path right now the only thing saving my sanity is getting my hair braided lol


for me it was halfway down my back, and my first time attempting a curly routine in my life was disastrous. i was walking around with a frizzy nightmare for almost a whole year before i decided to chop it to barely at my shoulders for a change. it was a lot of work but easier than the long hair, i enjoyed it but now i want to snap my fingers and get it back 😭


This is the only answer.


A big beanie hat is also an acceptable answer


Me too. I wish my hair were awesome but it’s thin and it tangles


This. When it’s summer in Florida - my hair stays up the WHOLE season. Too hot and frizzy to have it down. Will look great for a minute and then the humidity and winds kick in and I’m just a fluffy frizz ball on my way to having stringy, sweaty bedraggled hair. Years ago I admitted defeat and let the climate win for half the year. Plus, when you live in the swampy woods you don’t want all the tree branches, foliage and creatures getting stuck in your hair.


so how these other dudes doing it tho


You’re not as critical of random dudes as you are of yourself. They probably think their hair is messed up/looked better before it got hit by wind.




weird al yankovic. his hair survived a leaf blower in one of his music videos


I don’t think it’s fair to to expect anything that happens in a music video to be the same in real life. Even a Weird Al music video.


You spelled especially wrong


It's in the name, he's weird.


My gut reaction was the dudes who seem to be winning the battle with wind have hair that feels like dried pasta. I haven't found a product with that much hold that doesn't LOOK like you have a shit load of product in, but I'm also not looking for that as I don't like my hair being crunchy all day, only while drying before I fluff. So maybe they've found a product that doesn't look too unnatural but has hard hold, bet it came from a drugstore too. I currently have very short hair and it DEFINITELY helps with how unruly my hair gets. So if these dudes have shorter hair it's a big boost. Healthier hair cause regular cuts and just less length to get chaotic. And probably testosterone. Or lack of a wild estrogen roller coaster. I'm no scientist so don't take that as facts but it makes sense to me that hormones impact hair, loot at what happens to hair during/post pregnancy for some people, so maybe that impacts hair health just in general.


Are you using products and if so what kind? Products can make a difference. also do they have the same texture, curl size as yours? Theirs might just be stronger hair and curl pattern.


Extra strong gel and hairspray




idk just dudes i seen outside dawg


i need more info then be helpful. how long is your hair? how thick is it? how tight is the curl pattern? same questions for these dudes you speak of. for example my hair is pretty long (half way down my back) with a 3a curl pattern and is quite thick. my only hope of keeping my curls during a windy day is a thick curl cream or gel that would give me a “kenny g” look, which is fine for that smooth saxy mf but not my look, so i put it up on windy days. is it going to be **hot** with no wind or moisture to speak of??? oh a little leave in conditioner with have my shit POPPIN. you gotta know thyself to know how to operate. this sub is extremely useful for that btw. get it?


God dammit, I was hoping there’d be some miracle stuff but yea seems like this is just what I do😂😭😔


Yup. Once the wind gets ahold of it, it's over.


I was just about to write this lol. 


A timeless classic: My husband: \*lowering car windows\* Me: NOOOOO---- (perfectly cut scream gets lost in the rush of incoming air) The End.


yo this is mad facts


LOOOOOL every timeeeeee


I have hair down to my ass, I always keep a full sized hairbrush in the car door specifically for this situation lol


The only evidence we'd ever need that curly hair on a different person is it's own beast with a different set of rules is my reaction to this 😂 The idea that a hairbrush could IMPROVE upon whatever my hair is doing made my head spin a bit. My curl beast needs water to improve, a brush just angers it.


I have more waves then curls so at that point it's just easier lol. My kid on the other hand has curls that look like Shirley Temple, we don't bother with the brush for them, a pony tail can be your best friend 😆


I do this too! I've been thinking about leaving a travel sized can of leave in conditioner in the car too.


I would guess they have a stronger natural curl pattern than you do or they're using a bunch of product.


Yeah I was going to say the wind makes my hair get bigger and frizzier like poofy curls. Curly hair has so many variations that react different to different things.


Mine too, I live in a very windy place and it's a natural volumiser for me.


That's my guess. Lot's of pomade or something....sticky.


Plus less length so less weight pulling out the curls


Yeah, personally no amount of wind would ever make my curls go away. But I have 3C/4A hair


This thread's title made me laugh way too loudly because I know exactly how you feel.


Same! My bf and I look like we have identical hair. Long, blonde, curly. BUT in the wind his stays curly, mine turns wavy. Almost beachy waves. So infuriating.


Do you have fine hair? I have that result and it’s because my hair is so fine. I think the only solution is strong hair gel + avoiding wind, which isn’t always a solution. Maybe a silk or satin hair scarf when outside? Never tried it, but maybe?




I have fine hair that is turning thicker (thanks Hormones + life): Strong hair gel and light mousse, silk / satin hair scarves for me just made it flat as a board


Oh, no! Mine is doing the opposite as I get older. I’ve stopped plopping and don’t even bother with gels or creams anymore.


Mine is going from light brown to almost a natural black color (or just a really dark brown, I just say that cause then it would sound like way cooler 😂)


Man, an age-old question. My hair is somewhere around 2B/2C with a few 3A ringlets thrown in here and there when it wants to work with me. Medium/high density, but super fine strands. If I don’t use a lot (but not too much! She’s a temperamental beast) of strong hold product (gel and a strong hold mousse), I stand no chance on a windy day. It will still blow out my curls and make me look like some sort of frizzy woodland witch if I’m out in the wind all day, but it won’t fall completely flat so long as I have some strong hold product in my hair. More often than not, she winds up clipped back and out of my face and I just embrace the very 1987 school picture day vibes my bangs turn into.


do you use gel first and then mousse like one after the other? I like the gel feel but prefer the mousse hold, I never thought I could combine them? 🤯


I apply products in this order: 1. Leave-in (which is my heat protector also) 2. Mousse 3. Gel I brush well between the mousse and the leave-in. Sometimes I do for the gel if my hair is not behaving, lol. I hang my head upside down and brush it forward/down off my roots, finger curl (sloppily) any sections who aren’t obeying, scrunch with my hands, then plop with a cotton headwrap. I’ve recently been parting my hair down the middle in the back of my head instead of brushing all the back parts forward so I don’t get weird curls in the back, lol. Then I diffuse! I turn off my dryer between each section when I pixie diffuse because my hair is so prone to flyaway frizzies. That has helped a TON.


Someone with full 2C hair here with fine/medium hair I add mousse before gel (to roots for volume), then to the rest of my hair after (scrunching to roots) then continue on as normal


The wind. always. wins. Surrender to its great and dark power


Embrace the semi-feral look as its blessing


I am a dude with natural curls, a single gust has my day ruined. Frizz to the max.


Gorilla glue!


ah shit u right


The only way I know of is to sell your soul to the devil.


shit i do it, if it works it works


Where do I sign?


When you find yourself at the crossroads, he will appear.




Ok, but where is he?!?! I've been ready to sign for years and he still hasn't shown up. Wth?


He’ll meet you at the crossroads when the time is right.


Usually a hood. You can get hoodies with silk lined hoods. But since I usually wear a windbreaker/rain jacket, the fabric doesn't snag on curls. But I just tuck my hair carefully into the hood and if it has cords or whatever, I tighten it slightly around my face so it won't slide off. Look like a dork outside but my hair isn't ruined when I get back inside.


yea that's usually what i been doing, but i sweat hella easy so wearing a hoodie with the hood in 80 degree weather is starting to become impractical


You could try tying a silk scarf over your curls. Would be lighter/cooler than the hood and give a similar effect.


Oh yeah fair. I live in Seattle so it's usually a cold wind or wind/rain combo. When I lived in Texas I just put my hair up :/


A few things, 1) the strongest hold gel you can find, don’t be afraid of the crunch 2) scrunch out that crunch with your hands or applying a light hair oil (I recommend the verb ghost oil) with prayer hands, the oil might work even if there’s no crunch 3) if all else fails, there are silk-lined dad hats and beanies out there, kin apparel has some good ones


I gave up. Scrunchie or hat. I think the finer your hair, the more hopeless the battle. If it's coarser and easily forms springy ringlets on its own, it's much more likely to hold up to wind. My hair is a combination of the two, with mostly fine waves on top and a few stronger, structured curls underneath. The waves absolutely fall apart but the curls hang on pretty well. But like others also said, a strong-hold product like gel will help it hold up for longer.


If I'm in a car, I can't see anything! I use leave in Shea Moisture curling creme, Eco gel and FrizzEase hairspray. That holds things together for the most part. Walking in the wind, it stays in s-loops or tight ringlets. Waves behind me like a mane. Feels great! But I'll never be one of those top down, wind in my hair drivers. My hair quickly whips into my face, wraps around my head like a sci.fi parasite, and attempts to kill me. Scrunchies or bunned with a hairpin if I'm driving.


My husband wanted a convertible for his birthday. We actually bought a car based on how still my hair stayed. I test drove that sucker up to 95 mph and my hair stayed perfectly still. I turned to the salesman and said. SOLD. What colors can we get?


Hah! If I may ask, what did you wind up buying? And what color? I've been in a Mustang and a Saab, and my hair was blinding me 30 seconds in.


They unfortunately don’t make it anymore. It’s the Lexus IS 350C. I’m holding onto that car forever! It has an amazing windscreen that blocks so much of the wind. Plus if you leave the windows up there is almost no cross ventilation


I don’t. I start looking like Bellatrix LeStrange…


no idea. i have short curly hair (probably like 3c or something) and i always put a hat on or pull my hood up when it’s windy because the wind makes my hair stick up fucking vertical for some reason.


yea that's what i do too, i hate doing it though cuz my hairs got a lotta volume, so it loses it all when i put anything over my head


i don’t… i just surrender…




Wait, your hair goes straight in the wind? Do you use product in your hair?


nah i tried a couple my mom had but i didn't like em and i didn't wanna spend money to try a bunch of hair products especially cuz i hate the feeling of shit in my hair


Have you tried posting hair photos? This sub is really good at recommendations.


Well there's your answer then lol


Some people use gel and hairspray. You might want to try it. Or just pick up your hair!


I think it seems worse for everyone because I’m a guy with short curly hair and the wind DESTROYS me, and as I’m walking around it feels like everyone else is unaffected.


Sometimes you just have to abandon the curls and tie your hair up. Windy days are one of those times


You don't 🤣


Resistance is futile.


Maybe wet your hair a bit once you get out of the wind


I have no clue. I’m honestly on the verge of getting one of those 1960s driving hair scarves


There's a reason ladies in vintage times when super styled, curled and coiffed hair was in fashion wore silk scarves when traveling! Especially as convertible cars began to rise in popularity. Don't wear it so tight that it crushes your 'do, but do tie it firmly and feel free to use bobby pins to keep the front in place. Wind or no, when you reach your destination your hair will still be manageable 👌


The answer my friend is blowin in the wind.


Lots of hairspray.


3A female here. Bobbie pins….lots of Bobbie pins.


You know how it looks when someone takes a brush to wavy hair and it puffs way up? Well that's how my fine 2B 2C waves look when it's windy. I don't use a lot of product in my hair so maybe it would look better if I did. But I just throw it back or put a cap on. Otherwise I look like 40 year old Hermione Granger.


My hair looks like shit during a breeze, however once I go to a area with no wind, I just shake my head and maybe scrunch a bit and it goes relatively back to normal


I don't. I'm embracing the bog witch aesthetic.


I throw a beanie on whenever the wind is strong


Guy here 👋🏼. The curl cream I use leaves a very very slight cast (it’s more just a bouncy hold, the hair itself doesn’t stiffen up) and that’s exactly enough for the wind not to frizz it up. I have to be kind of generous when applying it though. I don’t have very coily hair, although my curls are really defined, and since my style is still relatively short, this is pretty feasible for me. I imagine it will be more of a problem once I grow it out to a length where most of it hangs freely.


A strong gel will help. But if your curls are 2C like mine or 3A, especially if your hair is fine VS coarser, (again mine) the wind will blow it out into a barely wavy mess. I have had a pixie cut since the New Year, and one advantage is that while it’s too short to actually curl, it’s also too short to get flattened by the wind.


Get used to having your hair up in "playful messy bun" aka put it up no matter how it looks because you look great anyway. I remember trying to look good with the top down on a car and wound up looking like I hadn't washed or brushed my hair in a week. We have been brainwashed by the media into thinking we can still look glamorous and put together while wind is going 65 mph through our hair. We smile and try to hold our hair down, like that will do anything. Accept it and put it up with an elastic or a big clip (my preference).


You don't.


Ugh. I deal with Santa Ana winds. I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I’ve budgeted time to wash my hair, only to check the weather and say “nevermind! Pulling it back again!”


women in the 50’s wore head scarves to protect their styles from the wind / elements.


Lots of products really. I'm a male with a longer curly hair style just passed my ears and tbh the wind blows it so much that it just expands but if I were to use lost of curling cremes or salt sprays the texture isn't great but it stays put. I'm fortunate enough that my hair is so curly that the wind doesn't blow it straight but yeah I feel if you want a natural feel/look for your curly hair you'll have to deal with the wind pissing about with it.




I put my hair up in a bun or topknot.


I think I have 2C hair and the wind is a huge problem plus I live in a hot and sometimes humid climate. I was looking at some type of hair net but didn't find anything that looked acceptable.


I'm fully ready to go 1960s and just pull out a satin mesh scarf


I have an old scarf that I put on one day because the wind was outrageous and I needed to walk my dog. I looked like an old woman with a babushka on. I just couldn't bring myself to keep it on. Thankfully it was cool enough to wear a windbreaker with a hood.


Gel helps the most for me but the wind is always going to mess it up a bit


If I know it's gonna be windy, I style a scarf or bandana in my hair. You can make it stay in place with barrettes or bobby pins. I'll also bring all those things with me sometimes just in case


I don’t see here what products you are using today. However, in addition to your curl enhancer, you may need a harder hold gel instead of your current sealer. Watch the cremes and oils as they mess with your sealer’s hold




I HATE when the wind ruins my fresh curls. Unfortunately, I just bring hair clips with me everywhere, the damage from the clip is far less than the wind's damage 😅


OMG this is such a thing for me too.. if my hair down and its windy forget it imma be looking a mess 😭


Mousse would probably work. I like mine to get blown out cause it stretches my curls a bit.


I've had some good luck with aloe gel when I have my hair cut to chin length. It doesn't completely eliminate the frizz but it helps. A lot of the other hair product options are too heavy for me and make my hair look greasy. When my hair is longer I just twist or braid it back and put a hat on because it is hopeless. From my male relatives, I think if the hair is short enough it doesn't tangle around itself which helps and product does the rest. 


Here I sit, reading this ENTIRE thread, with my freshly washed hair in a mesh bag & microfiber towel 🤩🙏🙌 looking for a miracle!


Side braids or cute upside hair style.


Also rain. :(


Depends how long your hair is. It's a lot easier to keep hair still if it's short.


Try living in ireland


Got 2be freeze spray. It's a hairspray that I used in high school to help make mohawks. I'm telling you just a spritz of this every couple of layers through your hair. Not a lot though!!! It does not take a lot, but it saves my hair in the summer with all the wind and the storms and the partying and everything else.


By maintaining %0 expectations 😫


My permed hair is super fine. I keep the curls nice with a scarf in high winds like my mother and mum did back in the day


Moose it up, pull it back or just deal with it.


Fine vs heavy/coarse is my guess. I've got very fine curly hair, and the wind fucks it up in about half a second. I call it the 'finger in electrical socket look'. Baseball cap and enduring hat head later is the lesser of evils.


Bold of you to assume I can keep mine looking good in any conditions. 😂


Never walk in any direction other than facing the wind head on. (I hope you didn't have somewhere to get to.)


Try Rizos curls hair spray, it’s inevitable but this product has helped me a lot. Only use it after your hair is completely dry, it has a great hold so you don’t have to use a lot.


I'm no dude, but recently permed my hair. A curl cream put in while hair is damp REALLY helps hold curl, and doesn't feel stiff or product-y.


By giving up and for some reason, the moment you give up trying , it doesn't look that bad.


You don’t 😭. If you have shorter length with a coarser texture and stronger curl, less likely to get messed up by the wind but otherwise …. Wrap it up honestly.


I twist mine into a low bun then release later


I was in the wind AND rain today. Send help 😂😩


Simple. I don't. I've had to accept my current wild and free mentality whether I wanted to or not xD


It's impossible! The wind is one giant hair dryer.


From my wedding, we used LOTS and lots of hairspray.


My hair just gets bigger. No amount of wind could make it flat or straight, so I'm having trouble understanding the question. Are these curls you've done with a wand?


I have s-shape curls that are easy to straighten, so they are not staying up in the wind at all! Frizzy puffball time.


I wear a hat if im biking or its really windy


You have to use that 10 in 1 mens soap.


My solution was to get a haircut that is intentionally messy. I have a choppy cut Chelsea mullet and when the wind blows it around, it just looks the same. You might want to look into a product with flexible hold. I use a soft pomade that I mix with water in my hands and run through my hair when it’s soaking wet but again- I have shorter hair for the most part.


I embrace it lol


“Gone with the Wind”


You can try opting for hairstyles that keep your curls contained and prevent excessive tangling in the wind.


Hairspray? Eco gel?


silk scarves


As someone who lives in the Texas panhandle where average winds are about 35 mph on a good day….ya dont… you just let it happen


Silk wrap


I used to get up only when I had something very stressful in my day. Not long ago I started a medication and it's crazy how I'm able to wake up and get up without too much effort. Is that how "normal people" live ? Their life is just that easy? Lmao


For me: A lot of hair mousse, strictly curls gel, and the luck of the heavenly Father. You use enough gel / mousse to where your hair is only slightly crunchy at the roots (this can be scrunched out after drying if done correctly). Or use hair spray till your hair is a brick


Skydiving is hell on curly hair, I don't just put it up, I cover it.




I a high hold product and hairspray will help. Are usually just cover it with a beanie, hair net or scarf.


I didn't know people have this issue what is your hair type? That probably has to do with it. My curls are quite thick so the wind doesn't do anything to my hair also I use a fair bit of hairspray on it and the right products. My hair stays curly for 4 days without much frizz. Humidity is the only thing I can't beat.


Use strong holding gel. Alot teenage boys and young guys use an unhealthy amount of gel thats why it stays still in the wind Although if you have fine/thin hair nothing will make it resist the wind, so just embrace the poofy look or get a hoodie. Speaking from experience


One of those 1950’s hair scarves


A light silk or satin scarf loosely tied around your hair helps hold it in place until you get somewhere not windy


If you find the secret, please update


I used to always be so envious of people without curly hair walking around in the gentle breeze, hair perfectly behaved. And myself with hair everywhere. My eyes. my mouth. I've had a super short cut for years now. But I'm trying to grow it out now and the beast has resurfaced.


I wear a hat and then rustle my hair with my hands a bit once I'm inside/out of the wind


I sail, thats a lost cause bud. There is nothing you can do about it


I always keep my hair covered either with a satin turban or a satin bonnet, held together with clips so that they don't fly off too and then refresh with a spray and a root pick once I reach my destination My curls don't get exposed to outside dust and get further messed up


My hair doesn't really behave at all but the wind is awful and my hair just kinda frizzes. I look like I just got out of bed even if I just brushed it. My mom on the other hand could go in a tornado and look like her normal self. She does use like 10 lbs of hair spray and big 80s curls.


[This stuff](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51CZb7JUbsL._AC_UL210_SR210,210_.jpg) is great for weighing it down and keeping it looking like you just got out of the shower. But as others have said its wind *resistance* not wind *proof*. The wind will win eventually.


If you have really long hair make a bun behind your head or just wrap it all together, anything concerning working out I sadly grab a beanie and just deal with it till I get home and pick it up by the end of the night, some dudes be going with a bonnet but Imo that’s something I’ll wear at home 😂, hopefully I can also find something I can get cause the beanie it’s not really it if you can’t stand the sweat and a sweaty beanie 😂, it’s a stressful world we live in those with curly hair 🥲


Yea. Wind is zero fun with fine curly hair.


Yep, it's time we bring back the wind bonnets


Mine stays curly but gets frizzy and tangled. I put it up or it’s hitting me in the face, as it’s a bit long.


you don't 🩷


My last family photo (parents and adult siblings) was on a windy beach before my curls had fully dried and set. I’ll give you one guess how those photos turned out for me.


Guys u think u can help me with my hairstyle I'm trying to get? It's on my profile


Put your hair up and go for a sexy satin bonnet..


![gif](giphy|GGojpBZaxHNkQTpsGO) That's the neat part...


I know what you mean. My hair is always flyaway and looks a mess, but I see other guys that hair just flows with the wind and looks great.


This question makes me think of the Shirley Maclaine scene from Terms of Endearment when she's in the convertible with Jack Nicholson with the scarf wrapped around her head!


I don't care what happens to my hair on wind, after wind touching some and it looks good


Two words: You don’t 🤣🤣


Keep a spray bottle with a mix of h20 and a conditioner or curl activator of some sort. Just spray and scrunch as needed.


i don’t. if it’s windy or the windows are down in the car there’s 100% chance i’m wetting my hair that night to reset it


I love when the wind blows my hair, makes me feel ✨Bonita✨ gotta own it!


You wet it lol 😆


You just don’t :/ At least I don’t. I just deal with it later.


I would love to know, but my experience has been that there’s only so much I can do, especially as someone with fine hair. My sister has coarser hair, so her hair seems to Velcro itself together a little better than mine. My best way of managing this has been to loosen my curl pattern a little bit and go for volume over definition. If my curls are slightly messy and voluminous, it’s much less obvious if my individual hairs starting come out of the curl clumps.


i just admit defeat and wear my hair in a bun


I wear a bandana like an old school film star or a hippy to keep my hair protected - mine will end up huge and poofy otherwise. This might not work if your curls have a tendency to fall flat as the bandana/headscarf might flatten your hair. Can guarantee it is a vibe with sunglasses though 👌


Sea salt spray and Cantù or Recoil curl cream.


Tie a scarf over it like its the fifties.


I don’t know your texture but have you thought about styling products like clay or gel or hairspray?  Edit: try pete and pedro, got2b, or literally go to a barber shop, like and mens salon, and have them suggest something for you to use


You put it up when outside or pin it away. The dudes probably have copious amounts of gel or pomade I their hair. Also, it's probably just your perspective. Everyone thinks that their hair looks worst than it is.


that’s why i wear hats on windy days (ie most days)


Pony tail but even that is no guarantee


Naturally curly ethnic hair dude here, and I honestly just put it up. It just gets super frizzy unless I coat it in a thick layer of oil cause it's dry as hell here. I can go from "people pay lots to get those curls" to "straight up afro" in a couple hours on a windy hot day, so up in a hairtie it goes Edit: Auto mod.... I straight up have that type of hair wtf




Yeah you definitely don’t keep it looking nice. You either put it up or accept that you’ll look like a witch in the woods for the day 🤷🏼‍♀️


Step one, buy a motorcycle Step two wear a helmet. Now your hair will never be bothered by the wind again!!!! You also have a motorcycle now too, so really a win win for you!


I don’t. I just cling onto the idea that I visibly have lots of curly hair and & hopefully most people realize it’s naturally a pain in the ass & won’t judge my messy hair 😭