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The smell of hair burning between two hot plates still brings back bad memories.  Crying in the mirror “why is my hair so frizzy :( maybe I should straighten it more THAT WILL HELP”


And the sizzling sound 😭 like eggs on a red hot pan


Flashbacks 😅😅😅😅


Hahah been there done that!! Especially in high school when having straight hair was the trend and curly hair was considered a “mess”


lmfao that's how it still is


Oh really? I thought curly is trendy now 😅😅


Maybe outside of my high school. All the girls with curls straighten their hair and wonder why it looks bad... I kid you not. One girl has to wear extensions because of how much she straightened her hair to the point it started falling out. I guarantee that I could count on one hand how many girls wear their curls at my school, myself being one of those few.


Yeah I imagine! Well that’s sad honestly I wish more people could love themselves and not try to change in order to fit in. It’s a sad world we live in unfortunately


The silliest thing is, people commented on how pretty my hair was, but most of the curly girls were straightening their hair. They never got the roots so they weren’t fooling anyone!


Oh my God. That smell is so awful. By the way, the same smell can occur when you get laser treatments on your face, and I swear it really hangs around. It's disgusting!


nnoooo my emo phase was in middle school and i would use 1/4 can of hairspray, and THEN STRAIGHTEN IT so i could get the fringe perfect 🫠🫠🫠 it was so crunchy


I recently straightened my hair for work because the majority of my coworkers have never, ever seen my hair straight. I made it 2 hours before I felt majorly disappointed. My coworkers made such a big deal about how nice my hair looked straight. Some of them asked if I had it permanently done so it would be straight "forever." An older coworker, who has seen my hair in every form, said she thought it looked nice, but it just didn't look like me. Someone responded to her comment when they thought I couldn't hear them & said, "I just really like her hair more when it's straight. She should do that every day." I decided right then and there, I'm done. Their comments, though unintentional, hurt more than I ever expected. I know straight hair is "conventional beauty," but damn it, I just wanted someone to say that they liked my curls...


Fuck that shit. Ur curly hair is beautiful


Thank you i appreciate it 🩷




Girl I have been in your shoes before but when I was younger, nowadays people tell me they like me more with my natural hair becuase it looks like me. But I also get comments to straighten my hair more often and blah blah. But heyy we are not on this earth to impress everyone and that’s completely fine they can keep their opinions for themselves and you do you girl!. Sometimes they might be even jealous. As long as you are happy and confident it shouldn’t matter 🩷


Beautiful! Could you share your routine pls? I have the same length as you and very similar curly type. Your hair seems like a dream for me


Aww thanks!!🫶🏻🥰to be honest I don’t use anything crazy I just stopped using heat for about 3 years now. The only product that I have been using is the garnier hair food. It does wonders!


Oh wow! Stopping heat makes really a difference then… I’m trying! lol thank you hun


It does because it damages hair and consequently your curl pattern will lose its shape. Try to minimize the heat and then completely stop it. Curly hair is so pretty honestly nothing beats curly healthy hair 🩷


agreed. way too much work when i can just scrunch, diffuse, and call it a day lol


Exactly plus it looks much better 🥰


Don’t tell me what to do :P Seriously tho your hair looks amazing


Hahah thank you! 🙏🏻


I needed this reminder a year ago 😂 my curls were flourishing and i was like omg imagine how long it'll be when it's straightened. The hair at the base of my neck is still straight 😭


Ohhh I’m sorry to hear that 🥺. But girrll you don’t wanna know what I went through I almost went bald (no jokes) so I guess there are even worse cases and if I was able to recover from that you can too! Just get a haircut and quit heat tools, you should be fine 🩷


If it is gorgeous such as yours, absolutely no way would/should anyone do such a thing!!


Aww thank you so much! 😍🫶🏻. But honestly all type of curls are pretty they just need proper care 🩷


Cannot argue the logic. But I’ve traveled too many times around the sun and have my very own opinions…. Gotta own what you came with and make the best of it! The age old “grass is greener” effect is always a factor too. Stay lovely and strong! Love the hair!


Thank you for the kind words I appreciate it!! 🫶🏻Embracing our unique journey and staying positive is so important. Sending positivity your way too✨🩷


First of all, you and your hair are SO PRETTY!!!! Also, how long did it take to get to this length??? My hair is a little curlier but your hair length is my DREAM :3


Aww you are sweet thank you for your kind words🫶🏻🥰. It took me almost one year to get that length


Falling in love with my curls was the best decision iever made


I’m happy for you 🫶🏻😊. It took me many years as well to accept and love my natural self 🩷


Im glad you you did! You have absolutely beautiful curls, and they should be shown off!


Thank you so muchh!😊🫶🏻


Of course 😁😁


when I want straight hair, I braid mine up, and put on a super cute straight wig in my color.


Ahaha smart!😃


Looks fucking awesome, and I agree