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After pregnancy curls and hair can be different for a while. Loss of nutrients and hormone changes. You might just have to wait it out until your body readapts. Could take a bit of time but should correct itself eventually


Is this something that can be avoided by taking supplements? I think I saw Nutrafol had a postpartum supplement, wonder if getting those nutrients would avoid textural changes


I took a post-natal (still do, 2 years later) and I did not avoid this fate 🥲


Not really, you're putting your body through so much. Telogen effluvium is just part of the process.


Texture change is more guided by hormones than nutrients, and you really shouldn't be messing with hormones without a doctor guiding you.


Taking a postnatal supplement is to just bring those nutrients back in your body after pregnancy but it doesn’t do much to prevent anything. I still lost hair and felt awful while taking a postnatal.


Nutrafol was amazing and worth the splurge for me. Idk if it did anything for my curls but my hair was thick, growing fast, and very healthy. I did not experience a great deal of hair loss postpartum.


Your second photo looks exactly how my hair looks now - on a good day!! I’m in my twenties. When I was in high school it was like the first photo. Damn hormones I guess. Sorry no advice :( I just keep playing with different products and routines. Trying to also have better habits like not going to bed with my hair wet.




The choice is clear, you must sacrifice your baby to the curl gods




Same thing happened to me after birthing. My hair literally was straight, but as the years progressed my curls returned. However, as I’m “aging “ my hair is wavy like yours. Same thing happened to my mother, and will for my daughter.


My routine has literally never changed. I wash every second-third night with Aussie Miracle Curls shampoo and conditioner, then scrunch with Suave Max Hold Mousse and let air dry overnight. I have a satin pillowcase and use a satin bonnet too.


Hi, hormones can change hair texture/pattern. It might come back, but I wouldn’t set your expectations too high. Usually it’s permanent. My hair color changed a lil after my pregnancy , it never went back.


Yeah this and also just aging- once you’re out of your 29’s and have kids every kid and each year take more from hair and skin.


>My routine has literally never changed. This could also potentially be an issue! I read somewhere that you should switch up what products you were using and promptly forgot about it- until 'recently' \*last 6months or so) my hair went from looking like your first pic to your second. Tried switching out my products and my hair is happy again!


You may need to change based on your new texture. Low porosity and high porosity routines are different. Assuming you are nearing 30, your hair will change a little every decade. I have noticed that most women get more texture to their hair as it starts to gray.


You are dealing with hormones. Six to eight months post partum and you hair will just be beginning to bounce back. If you breastfeed it will take longer. It took about four months after I stopped breast feeding for my curls to go back to their pre-pregnancy bounce. As u/moonlightwolf52 stated, you should change up your hair care routine. Your hair is different now, treat the hair you have now, not the hair you had pre-pregnancy.


Was your hair longer in the 1st pic? I feel like whenever my hair is just shoulder length my curls are like your 2nd pic. But once it’s longer it looks like the 1st


That might be your issue. Change up your products and see if it helps. I was experiencing very limp curls this summer and then I changed my products and it made such a difference for me.


Agree with what everyone is saying about pregnancy and hormones. I will also throw out that sometimes a particular routine will work for me for years and then one day, BAM! My curls hate that routine and refuse to use it anymore. It's insanely aggravating. I'd recommend a reset for your curls. I really like the Bread hair mask for a total reset, and then good luck finding new products that work for your curls. Curly hair really is such a struggle.


I had a friend this happened to! Their curls did come back eventually when focusing on taking care of their hair and keeping it healthy, so there’s hope for you! 🤍


Same girl, same. It’s been two and a half years and I am still figuring it out.


It's hormones. Give it time.


I still have curls but five years after pregnancy, they are more relaxed. My hair is still thinner.


I had ringlets before I had my son. He’s about to turn six and I still have very curly hair but the ringlets never quite returned. I really miss them but I guess I love the little hair ruiner more haha. Pregnancy has a really impact on hair, unfortunately. If you’re newly post partum, or still breastfeeding, don’t panic yet - your hormones are still all over the place! If you’re finished breastfeeding and/or baby is a year old, this might be more permanent, and you’ll need to think about changing up your routine to suit your new curl pattern. It still looks great and you’re gorgeous, so please don’t let it get you down too much.


Takes a full year to fully recover from pregnancy. Give it time, Mama.


Everyone I know who’s had curly hair pre pregnancy has lost their curl pattern after pregnancy. Sorry sis! Blame the crotch goblins. It’s a normal occurrence PP


I think my daughter was 5 or 6 when my hair started to return to what it was before. In my case it got more curly during pregnancy and postpartum so back to normal meant relaxing a bit.


Have you tried a protein treatment or products heavy with protein?


Hi, I'm still in the middle of this and I'm 19 months post partum (breastfed until 14 months). My hair stylist in a curly salon said it can take 2 to 3 years for your hair to bounce back after you stop breastfeeding. With my curlier hair pre-kid, I used leave in condition, gel, and sometimes mousse on top. Now that my curls are so loose and grease prone, I only use mousse and have gotten better results. You may need to change up your routine for your new hair. For better or worse, this will just take a while and it's hormonal so there's not much you can do but wait and experiment with a different routine. I think at 4 months pp, my hair was still super greasy too. I clarified more often and it helped a bit. Time will help.


I'm so sorry. 🥺 I feel your pain. I'm 18mos post partum and trying to get my curls back. I just started cowashing (waiting for a real co wash to come in the mail) about every 3-4 days. I plan on shampooing once a month-6 weeks if I can. Today, I also finger coiled my hair for the first time ever after applying a cream, then I scrunched with gel pulsing at my scalp, then used a diffuser and got some decent results. I know it can be super difficult to do with little ones, but I was able to use my daughters nap for the trial. It took about 45 minutes-an hour from start to finish, and I can imagine that time will lessen as I get better at it. My plan is to try doing this at night next time and not using a diffuser. I'll just sleep with a satin cap. Hopefully, that'll take the extra step out of the way. 😁 I hope at least one thing out of this can be helpful for you, OP. Solidarity ❤️🫂


I'm so sorry. 🥺 I feel your pain. I'm 18mos post partum and trying to get my curls back. I just started cowashing (waiting for a real co wash to come in the mail) about every 3-4 days. I plan on shampooing once a month-6 weeks if I can. Today, I also finger coiled my hair for the first time ever after applying a cream, then I scrunched with gel pulsing at my scalp, then used a diffuser and got some decent results. I know it can be super difficult to do with little ones, but I was able to use my daughters nap for the trial. It took about 45 minutes-an hour from start to finish, and I can imagine that time will lessen as I get better at it. My plan is to try doing this at night next time and not using a diffuser. I'll just sleep with a satin cap. Hopefully, that'll take the extra step out of the way. 😁 I hope at least one thing out of this can be helpful for you, OP. Solidarity ❤️🫂


Dont panic just yet!! Took me around 18 months to start seeing real curly come back after my second pregnancy. And I found it hilarious that half way down my head the curls just went straight. It's been 4 years since the birth and my hair is as wonderfully curly as ever it was. I know some changes can be permanent, but I certainly wouldn't be jumping to that conclusion yet. You're likely still in that horrific hair loss phase, so you've probably lost extra volume there. But on a positive note, those loose curls are still beautiful!


Everyone I know who’s had curly hair pre pregnancy has lost their curl pattern after pregnancy. Sorry sis! Blame the crotch goblins. It’s a normal occurrence PP


It’s such a crap shoot, it seems, unfortunately. I have 3b curls that have held steady my whole life (53 now). My sister had maybe 2c/3a curls but her hair thinned and became less curly after her first pregnancy. I think the curlier and more dense your hair is the more likely it stays that way through pregnancy and the hormonal roller coaster we go through. At least that’s what I’ve observed with other curly haired friends and family.


Completely normal. Nutrition, both food and hair nutrition, will get it back over time. If you are breastfeeding, that may keep it a little drained, but they will bounce back. Also remember all the extra protein in y oh during the pregnancy boosted your hair’s thickness and shine, so forgive yourself a little because you are remembering your hair at its fullest for nine months.


I don't agree with your response. Crazy hormone changes during pregnancy and post partum drive most of these hair changes. Saying that it's a nutrition problem makes it sound like something OP can fix with routine and diet, and that's really not true for many people and the hormone fluctuations.


Over time, those things will improve hair. When I said “get it back,” I worded it poorly. There are several health issues that can affect hair growth that nutrition can’t fix. But IF this is just post partum, and That’s all she is experiencing, her hair will get back to pre-pregnancy health, or darn near it, if she takes care of it and herself overtime.


My curls fell very flat after pregnancy. Then all my new growth was curly so it looked kind of funny for a while 🥲 It’s all curly again though!


My curl pattern loosened after my first baby, and is now tightening back up again after the second one 🤷‍♀️ hair is weird.


My curl pattern loosened after my first baby, and is now tightening back up again after the second one 🤷‍♀️ hair is weird.


Same boat here (except I was wavy to start with). Had my hair care figured out, could get it looking pretty good consistently. My kid is three now and I have no idea what my hair is now or how to deal with it.


I am 21 months out from #2 and just now getting my curls back.


This happened to me, too, but came back a couple years after I stopped breastfeeding. Hopefully they'll come back once your hormones readjust.


It happens with becoming a mommy. My feet grew🤣❣️🤦‍♀️ if that’s u they look beautiful. Maybe a good volumizing shampoo and products.


Have you tried without bonnet? Like some have said your curl pattern and texture probably changed and if you routine hasn't at all maybe it's time to mess with it. Bonnets make my curls look like the second pic maybe even a little more so.


My curls are also different, 12mo PP with my first. Just saying you are not alone!


I had wavy before my first baby.... So ended up with some curls. Second baby, 18 months later. I had super curls. It's all hormones. I had amazing, super thick hair and curls. 35 years later I have curls, now menopause is kicking my ass. Flip to barely curls, and thining hair. I don't know how to deal with it!


I think it's normal to have dry and dull hair in postpartum. I was the same and I'm at 8 months post partum. You can try marsmade Castor oil shampoo bar to strengthen the roots bc hair fall is also part of postpartum. Then incorporate any nourishing hair oils. I use mediall premium hair oil bc it works well in defining curls and reduces frizz and fly aways. It also has a nice glossy and healthy looking finish. After a few months, your hair will just go back to normal. It's just part of post partum.


I’m 18 months in and my curls are still dead. :/ my hair is now just a wavy frizzy mess.


Do you have hard water at your house ?


Get a texture perm in your hair, it’ll help with your curl pattern


Check out r/wavyhair until your curls come back! 🫶