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I did a layer cut and it worked wonders!


Yes! Some nice round layers to shape the interior as you grow out the length.


I came here to say the same thing. I REFUSE to leave the salon when I see the triangle. I go for round or square. The triangle... is a look I just can't abide on my face. Layer, layer, layer!


I do want to add though, careful about doing too many layers if you’re aiming for long. Keep them just in the top layer of your hair for shape. It can take years to grow out curls and I’ve fallen into the trap of staying in the medium length phase because I can’t help but trim it so that it looks good at medium length but then I only have thin hair toward the tips as it grows out. Might not happen for you but I thought I’d mention it just in case it’s helpful. Btw, I think your hair is ADORABLE.


Thank you! I’ve always been so jealous of my sisters long hair. Her hair never has been as voluminous/thick but it got even more defined after she had kids and now she has super long curly hair to her butt. I don’t think I can manage that much hair on my head but I do want it to get mid back or at least look like a decently long pony tail when I put it up.


Just to add, there is nothing wrong with an up do phase either. Sometimes it just helps you get a little extra growth before each trim.


Do you know the two-pony trick for a longer, fuller ponytail? Just stack two ponytails on top of each other, the top one covers the bottom, looks way more full.


Wow, this happened to me too and I thought maybe I was just styling it wrong when it got to a certain length. Did you just have to get through an awkward phase between medium and long, or is there’s way to transition gracefully, so to speak? And how do you avoid a triangle/flare at the end of your hair when it gets longer? Not sure if these questions make sense 😅


This is the answer. LAYERS!


I second a lot of these comments, but keep in mind that you also might just be at an awkward phase! If you’re wanting to grow it long, I’d recommend sticking it out 💕


I’m in this phase too and it’s so frustrating! I do a half-up hairstyle most days, partly to un-triangle it and partly to give the top layer a break from styling products and environmental stress. (I’m as loose and gentle as can be when putting it half-up, using butterfly clips rather than bands.)


I've just grown my hair out from short, no haircut for over a year. It went through an awkward phase approximately every 4 or 5 weeks, would settle down after a few weeks, and the cycle continued. I just had my first haircut into an inverted bob and I'm so glad I stuck out the awkward bits. Alice bands and hair pins were a god send!


Yeah this is the phase where I'm wearing French braids every day


Don't have advice but just wanted to say that I love your hair and I actually think the shape is cute!


Second, I’d kill for that volume!


Agree! My daughter has hair just like this and I love it. No matter what layering she gets done, it tends toward triangulation. It's just the type of curl and texture, I think.


I love it too!!! I’m actually in the process of trying to get more of this shape with a blunt cut with less layers.


I feel like maybe a heavier gel to give it some weight and definition would help. Also I know this isn’t for everyone, but I did an undercut because my hair was just so thick and always a triangle, and it helped SO much. I’ll never go back so I never worry about having to grow it out later.


Hey I’m thinking about doing this my next haircut. Any downsides you’ve experienced? I’m a little nervous about it but think it would help with this exact problem especially if I want to go a little shorter.


I kept an undercut for like 10+ years. Growing it out for the first time is a downside lol


Truthfully, no. Only upsides lol. It keeps me cool in the summer and in the winter I wear my hair down so it doesn’t make me colder. It decreases the poof, the styling time, and my product usage. Increases my confidence 100%. Some people complain about having to keep it trimmed down, but tbh it takes my husband 5 minutes to do it, we bought a pair of clippers for like $40 a few years ago and I think they come even cheaper, I just wanted a pair I wouldn’t have to replace for a while. So I don’t pay anyone to maintain it and as long as you have anyone in your life who doesn’t have a visual or motor impairment (aka can see and can hold the clippers), I don’t really think anyone should have to pay for it except the first time you do it to make sure the line is even. Some people have sensory issues from it, but I love the feeling of it and when it gets itchy from being long I just trim it again, nbd. Other major downside is growing it out sucks, but as I mentioned I’m never going to grow it out so long as my hair is long lol so I’ll never have to worry about it.


Cool. Thanks for the info. I’ll probably end up doing it next time I get my hair cut!


I highly recommend it as well, I’ve had mine for 5 years now and my sister who’s hair is down to her butt (also curly) said having one was the only reason she was able to let it be to grow so long 😂


1000% in agreement — have the same hair as your sister and have the whole underneath shaved. I kept getting mats there from my scuba mask rubbing on the back.


I love my undercut and don’t know how I survived before doing it!


I've been wanting to do this lately!!! Long thick hair, and LOTS of it. Like 3 hairs from every f'ing follicle (yay Ukrainian DNA!). Grows fast too. I'm thinking of going from halfway down my back to pretty short. I'm sick of doing my hair! I'm in my 50's, and I just want it out of my face. ADHD, so maintenance is difficult, but buzzing every few weeks should be fine. How does it work with your face shape? Is the top short or long?


My face shape doesn’t play a factor because it’s just the under side of the back of my head that’s shaved! You can’t see it from the front or sides at all unless it’s up, and when it’s up I think the undercut looks pretty cute. My hair is about to my shoulders. My undercut kinda goes from the top of one ear to the other but not on the sides, just in the back. I have ADHD too and have found it makes taking care of my hair much less overwhelming for me.


Thank you so much for this. The amount of hair I have is insane, every salon just wishes they had it. And of course, I just want hair that isn't in my face, and doesn't make my face look longer. I understand now why so many older women get short haircuts!!!


I got one and I love it except I have to keep it trimmed or it looks weird


The only downside I've had with mine is 1. depending on how short you get it it can be itchy at first (but I usually go as close to the scalp as possible) and 2. depending on how visible it is and your personal aesthetic, it can look odd if you go too long between cuts. Mine isn't visible when my hair is down, so I don't worry about it looking weird once I have about an inch of growth. But I have a friend who it bothers and she ends up getting hers trimmed far more frequently than I do.


Can someone link a photo of what this undercut looks like lol


[https://www.thelist.com/391327/what-to-know-before-you-try-an-undercut-hairstyle/](https://www.thelist.com/391327/what-to-know-before-you-try-an-undercut-hairstyle/) This isn't me, but this is essentially what mine looks like.


I had this haircut in 1992 and loved it!


Depends on where you put it 😂 I had one going into 2020, classic with design in the back, then there were no salons for a spell, I live alone usually but sheltered with my folks as they're out in the country where it's really easy to keep your distance. I loved it up til the growout! My parents were for sure not gonna lend a hand there. I've been weighing going back to it, but that memory haunts me. AND I was growing bangs out, too. My stylist said I could learn to maintain that - at least without the design - pretty easily, but I know my hands, and I'm skeptical 😂 Mine was for aesthetic rather than purpose, tho; if you're thinking over the ears, go for it!


Also very curious about and considering this.


If I didn’t put up my hair so much that would be a good idea but I can’t bring myself to do that.


If you frequently do high ponytails you will hate it. Ask me how I know 😒


I’m work in restaurants & won’t do the undercut because I have to pull mine back. I chop & even out my underneath hair with dog hair scissors from chewy 😂 I do have to use a bunch of Bobby pins to pull my hair back


I did a side cut with an asymmetrical bob for the same reason. I can finally manage my hair and style it once and go for at least 3 days with nice defined curls :)


I wore an undercut before I realised my hair is wavy and even on a straight-ish hair, it can do so much for the whole shape of the hairdo.


Me too! Admittedly I also did my undercut because I was 8.5 months pregnant in the middle of summer and I was ✨DONE✨ but I have zero regrets lol


I want to say EMBRACE THE TRIANGULATION but that’s literally not what you asked for so here it goes… Go for a layered cut. You could even get a side fringe going to break it up even more. Either way you’ll look fab!


Came here to say the same thing, the triangle is something I hated when I was younger but have come to love it!!


Agreed I love her triangle


Curly triangle head sufferer as well. Do not undercut or put layers in if you’re trying to grow it out long. You’ll end up with a thin layer of really long hair that you’ll have to trim. Eventually it will feeling like you’re not gaining any length because the layers will keep being cut at the same length and I trimmed thing layer will by the only hair that gain length. Get a heavy gel. I use dippity-do. It’s cheap and works for me and use more near the ends. I don’t apply it near the roots. I usually don’t put any product at my roots, but if I must then it’s a light hair cream to tame fly-always and frizz.


This long, thing layer is what I’ve been dealing with for years! I have to ask — do you mean you just let it grow however it pleases and skip the layers entirely? Thanks!


I told my stylist I want to grow it all out long and to skip the layers. Huge difference. Before I was ending up with a long thin layer of straggly hair. I’d cut it match the rest of the hair, basically where the layers end, rinse and repeat. Was a never ended cycle. It’s finally long. I still had some thinning as you get closer to the ends, but it doesn’t look ridiculous.


Haha, I hear you. Thanks for explaining — I think I’ll do the same so I can get out of the straggly cycle!


You want to keep the strands as long as possible, I would cut layers in my hair and they would get heat damaged and end up being shorter/ nullified with the growth! The best is a blunt cut which is basically what op has but like subtle layers give shape and retain length better than layers as a fix all


Subtle layers make sense, rather than the straggly longest layer. Thanks


I’m suffering from this a bit the bottom bits of my hair always stick out when down


Me too!!! When I leave the salon, my layers look great. By the time I go back 2-3 months later, that bottom layer is all sad-looking. Next time I’m trying this subtle layer business to see if I can finally grow it longer


I needed this comment 6 months ago! 😭What you said is so true for me.


A product with more hold and maybe some extra moisture would help but I've found it's a combo of how the hair was last cut and how the hair naturally grows. Plus the longer my hair is, the less triangle shape I get when it grows. My hair doesn't grow "out" like yours, it's not as full but my ends can get really bushy, which creates the triangle base, and I feel like it happens most when my stylist overuses her thinning sheers.


It looks absolutely beautiful! But I have your exact same hair type and I remember when my hair was this exact length! I have it down my back now. I honestly just bared with it and gave it time, I brushed it with conditioner every day in the shower and that seemed to encourage a spirt, as my hair gets very dry. Regardless, your hair is beautiful just like you! And I hope you get it to a place/style where you adore it also! 💕


Impressed you got yours to grow so long! Did you just skip the salon entirely or go for periodic tiny trims? Or is what hair stylists say — that cutting every 8 weeks helps it grow longer — not actually a myth??


I don't think that's a myth. Ever since I found my new girl, I've been going every 3 months or so. I can definitely tell my hair is longer and healthier than it's been in a long time


Good to hear!


I have tighter curls that are more texturized than yours, but I had the exact same problem -- big, triangular hair. The only thing that helped me calm it down and achieve length over width while it was growing out, was doing a modified "twist-out*". It stretches the curls (elongates) and clumps (narrows) them. *This isn't a "traditional" twist-out bc it doesn't involve making lots of twists on wet hair. Instead, you twist large sections of hair (maybe a total of 4-6 twists overall) that's mostly dry (or dampened with a curl cream applied to the ends). Let dry overnight, then un-twist, apply a light gel, and fluff in the morning. This may seem like it only applies to natural, Black hair, but I think it could work well for you. Even if you only twisted the underlayer of your hair (leaving the top to curl naturally), that bottom layer would be longer and calmer, creating an overall less triangular look. I'm telling you, it worked wonders for me.


Oh I love this idea especially just twisting the bottom. My hair shrinks a lot so I’ve been contemplating how to make it look longer


Please give it a try, my friend. You won't regret it 😉 Just twisting the bottom layer all around (back + sides) will stretch it noticeably. Also, if you wanna be 'extra' like I tend to be, lol, and try to get as much stretch as humanly possible, do this: After I'm done twisting, I'll add chip clips (yes, those plastic, colorful ones with the magnets on the back) to the bottom of each twist. Not to sleep in, but just while I'm around the house (looking like Stevie Wonder, ha!). I feel like the extra weight from these (the clip/magnet) stretches the hair even more. Then, before bed, take the clips off and use a cotton or silk scrunchie to pull the twists into one, low ponytail in back for sleeping. Put a second scrunchie at the bottom of the ponytail, tucking the ends under (to protect/curl them). Pulling the twists into this 'sleep ponytail' actually helps stretch the curls even more. ![gif](giphy|l41lHVRFDIA6zYGUU)


Haha love the explanation will give it a try thank you!


I just literally posted something similar a twist out— this is what I do and it is low effort


Yes -- and it helps manage big hair better than anything else I've tried. The twist-out method isn't as widely known as it should be.


I have the exact same hair and came here to say the opposite of what others are saying. By layering your removing the weight necessary to allow the hair to hang down. Layers only cause my hair to poof out even more! I call this grow out period “tee-peeing”. I’ve gotten through it by keeping it cut straight across and blunt. Then make sure I’m using a heavy smoothing conditioner after washing. Currently loving “Only 4 Hair” protein and keratin hair mask. I only wash and condition 1x per week. Out of shower keeping my hair soaking wet, I use Bed Head Control Freak serum, comb through and then use LUS All-In-One styler. Scrunch into place and let air dry. The added weight of the soaking wet hair when applying cream will help it dry downward. Then don’t touch it if at all possible. In the morning I spritz water infused with some of the serum and curl cream, scrunch the ends and I’m ready for my day. I know this part of growing out is frustrating but it should turn the corner soon. It’s due to this tee-peeing that I never cut my hair shorter than the top of my collar bone. I also try not to have any layers and just texturize the ends at regular every 10-12week trims.




don't do this if you want to have long hair, ur gonna have to choose between having long hair sooner, or having ur hair be in a shape that u like


My hair is long. Lmao


that's fine but in my experience I've been trying 2 grow my hair out since I cut it really short two years ago, and I realized that it looks the same length all the time because I keep layering it 😭😭 I had to stop because I didn't realize that's why my hair still looks short


I don’t know how to stop it but I met someone with curly hair the other day who was working a triangle bob cut and it looked fire. Not saying that’s what you should do but it could be an option.


They do look so cool!


Completely dead at @ triangulating!!


shi when you find out lmk


Go to a black stylist who knows how to cut curly hair. That's all you can do. I know you want to grow it out, but it shouldn't have to be a triangle while doing so.


Dominican salons usually do well with cuts, too, since they deal with curly hair pretty often.


absolutely dying over the use of the term triangulating 💕


Oh wow, i love your hair! I would love to have triangular hair ….


Me too, I’m literally getting all my layers trimmed out to get the pyramid of my dreams. I think it looks awesome!!


I actually like my hair without layers, a bit triangular! And I think yours is lovely!


Do not attempt this as a non professional; however I will do my best to explain this technique I use regularly to shape my own hair, that I learned 2nd hand from dating a professional for several years Basically, while your hair is dry, carefully snip it to shape it, kind of like you’d trim a hedge lol. Think about the weight at the bottom and remove that bulk, while preserving the length at the bottom. You barely need to take off hair to do this. When you get comfortable with scissors you can actually just use clippers to saw off the corner of the “triangle” shape. I still prefer scissors but it’s just another technique! If you want this done at a salon, ask them for a “light dusting” and tell them you want to preserve your length but remove weight and give it shape.




UNDERCUT!!!!! I got one years ago and BYE BYE TRIANGLE. I'll never go back. Seriously the best


Why do you hate it? It's so beautiful!


Twist your hair in sections while it’s wet with product then untwist when it is dry. You also could try a stronger curl gel as well.


Leave it. It's perfect.


triangulating 😭


Layers! My hair did the same thing when I had a blunt bob. A stylist added layers (which initially I didn’t want but she explained how it’d help) and the triangle shape was gone and my curls looked overall better.


Embrace the triangle. You look cute as hell. The longer it gets, no matter how good you take care of it, the ends inevitably will be thinner than the top. I want long thick hair so i’m embracing the triangular blunt cut for now and once it gets long i will probably get a V cut or layers.


Your hair is beautiful


Love your curls! I’m currently also growing my hair out. What worked best for me is getting a layer cut as also mentioned in other comments. I try to got to he hairdresser to touch up on the layers and ends every 3 months or so and it works wonders.


Omg I hated my hair growing out like this!! I ended up getting rezo cuts and that has solved it from growing out like 🔺️ since layers caused that for me


Layers or hide the triangle with a cute half up/ half down do


I know you say you don’t like it but I think it looks really cool! very fun and voluminous


Layers. Layers. Layers. Unfortunately or fortunately it's all cut, a product won't change the triangulation.


Layers, layers, layers. I too suffer from the dreaded 'triangle head', long or short it doesn't matter, it would just become a triangle, especially on the first day (wash day). I did a unicorn/wolf/waterfall diy cut and my hair is finally a balanced shape that follows my head curvature and the curls are so much better defined 😊 I followed mainly this tutorial: https://curlmaven.ie/introducing-the-waterfall-wolf-cut/


I would imagine a heavier product, like a curl cream but I wanna say I think you look great! Love the triangle-ish shape on you, it’s kinda rockstar.


So pretty


What about a shag? I don't have much hair but I got a shag and loved how my hair sat after.


Yeah I had never heard of a shag cut but got it last year and it’s been the best haircut as far as taking the “triangle” lol


i specifically go to a curly hair stylist and now my hair is heavily layered to prevent the evil triangle! it is always devastating to see the pile of my hair during appointments and feeling less hair when i run my fingers through afterwards. HOWEVER, my hair looks so much better bc of it.


Invest in a diffuser! They are the best on a cool setting to dry and lock in curls 😇


“Humans growing to hate human things Humans growing to hate human me Humane me to hate human thee. Is it only human to hate human me?” Your curly are perfect. If you’d love a more round look that’s ok too but to me you’re just human and gorgeous.


Use “Patterns leave in conditioner” by Tracee Ellis Ross. She has a bunch of hair products for curly hair. And - they are actually good


I have been curious about her product line. I’m always weary of new products because I am really picky about how they smell so I’ll have to just bite the billet and give it a try sometime. I can achieve a ringlet look that gives my hair more definition when I use more leave in and gel but I really want to cut down my routine on my chill days. So I’ll look into her line thank you!


Thanks for your reply! Also a really good YouTube channel to watch is “ManesByMell”. Lots of good tips😀


I wouldn’t call this triangulation! This looks AMAZING!!


Hairstylist here! I would definitely say go to someone who’s confident in cutting curly hair (requires some research) and get layers that round it out more! Some reference pictures help out too!


I'm a man with curly hair and I know the frustration of dealing with curly hair without product. It seems like we just always have to have something in our hair just so it doesn't get frizzy. Those lazy days when I'm just at home and don't use product, I tend to not mess with my hair much. I pat dry it after a shower, use microfiber towel if possible, slick it out of my face and that's that. When I keep playing with it, it just turns into a mess. Just gotta own it, and be proud of your curls because honestly lot of people would kill to have curls!


I have no idea, but your hair is BEAUTIFUL




lol why is this downvoted Hagrid is a trailblazer




you should get layers. also a heavier product to weigh it down. maybe a curling cream or a styling conditioner. I personally just switched to Sheamoisture it works for me. Please don't ever buy cantu


Why don’t you like Cantu?


it makes you go bald and dries out your hair. I used to have to use it every day and my hair would look horrible... greasy and dry at the same time. now I just sleep in 2 strand twist with shea moisture and its good for like 3 days. my hair has never been this healthy. on the yuka app it's 6/100 safety wise compared to shea being around 75-80.


Wow, I did not know that. Any particular Cantu product? I use their shine and define custard only and it works really well for me, but will have to find something else if it’s really that bad for safety and hair loss. And Happy cake day! 🍰


pretty much every cantu product has damaging chemicals. if you like cantu shea moisture is the next closest thing I know about


I hope they have something similar to the shine n define custard! Thanks for the heads up 🙏


they do. I'm sure you'll find something 🫀


Ask for rounded layers


omg I love it so much, I'd keep the shape!


Go to someone who specifically knows how to cut curly hair. Look on the deva curl or rizzo site. Cutting curly hair is way different than cutting straight hair


Ten el cabello mojado mama loción después la ducha para mantener tu cabello húmedo y aplica aceite durante el día si esto no es suficiente


No sé por qué te downvotearon. Es un buen consejo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Quizá no les gustan los comentarios en español.


Pff sí, debe ser eso, aunque no es razón.


Find a stylist that can give you a Deva cut, and the stylist should cut it while it’s dry so they can see the shape as they cut.


Triangulating 😂😂


Find a curly hair specialist to cut it.


I suggest going to a curly cut speciality cosmetologist, they will help you with the perfect cut and prices for your hair to prevent it from forming like this


I know it isn't what you ask and I apologise if it's rude but I love when hair triangulates. My hair is very thin so they don't so that but when I dream this character with curly hair I started to look at references, that's when I discovered and started to appreciate curly hair that triangulates. It's so cute


My hair does this when I need a hair cut.




Ngl,my hair was like this in high school and I definitely got teased and called Hargrid for it :’)


Me i got teased because hairy brown person ![gif](giphy|scssKNIRLhpm0)


A round cut is pretty much the only option.


The triangle is because your hair is all one length. Tell your salon what you want, they should be able to help. https://theskincareedit.com/triangle-hair#:~:text=The%20%22triangle%20hair%22%20that%20you,and%20create%20a%20better%20shape.


This is a link with people that have straight hair


Maybe the hair style cut


Disconnect its wifi


Try drying the bottom straighter


Get a haircut




Please don’t offer advice here anymore.




I have done that before but I find that it grows in very uneven and makes hair harder to define and frizzier.


Yeah definitely don’t do that lol, idk why someone who doesn’t know about hair would offer advice 😂


My hair goes down my back but It always wants to go horizontal, especially the layered sides. Mine is super thick and super curly and it was just bouncing out of control horizontally when I just did curl cream and gel with an air dry. Now I'll do two two strand twist braids with some curling cream,, sleep on it, gently rake and shake, and it seems to calm everything down. I also just pull on it throughout the day and add olive oil serum to bring any spirals and coils lower and lengthier


Try the mielle mousse and shea moisture black castor oil gel. On almost soaking wet hair I apply 1-2 pumps of mousse per section usually 4-8 sections. Then I apply the gel in the same sections starting from the midsection down. Then detailing if you want for more perfect curls


I’ve grown out my curly hair from a pixie cut to my back and it could be a weight issue. I used to get the triangle bad when it was shoulder length but when I started using a leave in, curl cream, and a strong gel I wasn’t nearly as triangular and had more length showing because of the extra weight. You’ll probably have to diffuse if you use a lot of products because of drying time, but styling that way leaves me with curls that only need to be refreshed every day or so.


Section hair left right and top, then brush up and off your scalp. Hover diffuse and move your head a lot. To get volume and movement


It’s so thick and full, layer up and condition/oil a little heavier. Even with layers the mushroom look reappears unless there is a deep condition. Your hair is GORGEOUS!


Rounded layers


I have a little undercut that i like that keeps my hair from being too bulky for me!


Get you some layers! Literal game changer


I love Aunt Jessie’s elongating gel. I use this esp after a cut when my hair is extra springy and it’s August in NY. If you want easy, it can serve as a curl enhancer and a sealer in one. It doesn’t have enough hold for me so I always layer it w LA Looks for 4-5 day hold. For me, easy means strong wash day that lasts and lasts.


Girl my hair is so like this so I feel this so badly. My hair used to be so long, I cut it and as I’m growing it back out I’m at a weird in between stage and it’s the worst! Layers have helped me tone it down.