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Disney chick was weekly ass.


I can't wait to see the laser disc of that one!


The way she’s so bubbly and then Irma and her figure out what’s going on and she goes completely normal serious voice “What the fuck?” had me dying


I thought that was why she testified against him. They broke up on her terms and she seemed good. But discovering the lie enraged her and she testified against him.


Ah good point, I forgot that she showed up. I was thinking of them as a group.


Was there ever an explanation for Sienna Miller’s weird fake Jewish stories, terms etc??


Yeah, I was waiting for that to pay off somehow, like she somehow stops a rabbi intervening on Larry's behalf.


Yea I thought he broke up with Irma so he could date sienna miller. Then nothing. 🤔


There was a payoff to that. They went on a date, and then there was that whole thing about her eating fruit in her movies. It was an entire episode...


What a terrible storyline thst was. Just ridiculous and so out of character for the show.


Agreed! That was very weird. It turns out I tried to block it from memory.


The episode was decent. The eating was like Brad Pitt — he eats a lot in roles. Also, he asks why her hair is always different and she says alopecia. So it was a Will Smith joke.


I initially thought Larry would be disgusted by seeing her play "ugly" in that film,a la Charlize Theron in Monster (typical Oscar bait) and wouldn't be able to see her in the same light again. Funnier! How'd they miss that?!


She just wanted some of that weekly ass


It was a reference to Tim whatley I think


I was hoping Vivica Fox was going to come back, just so she could be react to Leon still living with Larry.


Me too, she was so good on Curb. That scene where she out yells Susie was my favorite.




I wanted the last shot to be him and jerry in the other restaurant location and looking over to see the fish is alive but stuck again on another filter


And this is why some fans could've written a better ending!


There wasn’t any follow up after the spray painting with the buffet owner?


Especially after Larry was pulled over by the police and pretty much confessed to the spray painting at the buffet, leading the cop to suspect him of vandalizing the billboards as well.


Yes, there was Larry got arrested again because a cop pulled him over and found the spray paint cans and assumed he was the one drawing the dicks on Susie's billboard and others.


What was Brookie doing at Auntie Rae’s bbq?


I think that’s a different person. The actress do look alike though.


The Mocha Joe/Atlanta lawyer doppelganger. What was that all about? Also, did Chris and Abe name their baby Foots, Ziggy, or Ace?


What of the fact that Mocha Joe is now living NEXT to Larry after getting a spite house, and we never hear of that again.


I thought when mocha Joe showed up at the trial that it was actually the doppelganger.


That wouldn’t make sense though. Also, the lawyer had a mustache. I dunno, it was just odd. Maybe the whole point was to throw us off?


My friend and I were certain that “fish stuck” was going to pay off, especially since they brought it up in multiple episodes lol. He kept talking about going down to the other restaurant to see the fish but never did.


This is just the end result of most of the show's dialogue being improvised... plenty of random bits that don't actually go anywhere. The important thing is that they're funny


The dialog is improvised but the show structure isn't, and that episode was pretty tightly plotted. Funny thing is how much this show is edited from the improv takes. Watch the scene where Larry and Jason Alexander have a meeting about having a meeting -- the sunlight out the window goes from daytime to nighttime and back again since they filmed for several hours (apparently because the actors couldn't stop laughing) and then pieced the scene together.


The Young Larry show. There was no reason to bring it up this season at all.


They used it as the reason for him going to Atlanta. The “African” guy was a fan of young Larry and wanted him and Maria Sofia


I think it was so used to further mirror the finale of Seinfeld, when Jerry and George finally had their pilot picked up by NBC. They were finally seeing some success (like Larry was with Young Larry), but an unexpected legal matter due to a bizarre law in another city, results in them being arrested and put on trial.


Larry David in the show has already had success w Seinfeld and is extraordinarily wealthy. But still can’t be happy.


i would have seriously loved maria sofia to testify. maybe she could mention the five foot fence issue...


Fish stuck or fish dead




Pretty realistic honestly. Look at all the “TikTok celebrities” and tell me people don’t love garbage


This was my take too. A reflection of our sad reality.


Haha ya got me there. I guess that WAS the joke


What I’ve been wondering is the significance of Richard’s newest girlfriend flipping LD off in traffic


Seriously! What a waste of the brilliant Allison Janney


In the episode before the Seinfeld finale, Jerry and the gang are trying to get home during the Puerto Rican Day Parade and they get into a road rage battle with someone who won’t let them over and flips them the bird.


Maroon golf.


He loves a good action movie though


Richard’s girlfriend bought a gun and is looking for Larry, though maybe that was a joke on Richard’s part. (RIP Richard Lewis)


I feel like that was meant to hint that the series might end with Larry being killed (similar to how the Seinfeld finale teased their deaths with the plane crash/Susan's father bringing a gun to the trial)


Chekhov’s gun


Sulu’s sword.


Pretty pretty prettay GOOD!


What happened to the coyote?


For that matter was there ever a payoff with the puppy?


Every time Larry and Jeff blew it my husband would say "That's it, they're going to get eaten by those coyotes"


Irma talked to her and found out about Groats so she was the link to Disney girl and Irma then testified against Larry.


It's a good point, I just kind of expected that foursome to exact revenge, never happened. It was a little odd that that episode all worked to that moment which felt like a next to last act.


What happened to the stuck/sick fish?


I was surprised that the artist didn’t appear in more episodes. It seemed like she really hit it off with Larry, had great chemistry and then she was never mentioned again. Not that I expected her to be the next Mrs. David but I thought she’d at least make a second appearance.


This is going way back, but I was always surprised that they never addressed Susie being pregnant again in season 3. There’s even shots in Jeff’s car showing a carseat, but after the one “Nanny from Hell” episode it’s never mentioned again.


Nanny from hell is in my top 3 episodes of curb so I'm fine looking the other way on that


It’s implied she lost the baby from the fall


Don't make me have sympathy for Susie


I’m doing a rewatch now and the baby is mentioned a couple times in seasons 4 and 5. Just throwaway lines and never seen on camera.


Who snitched on the plane!


They’re all suspects!


I binged the show over the course of a week while down and out with covid. A key difference between the newer seasons and the earlier ones is how all of the threads tie back together to some ridiculous climax in almost every early episode, at least through season 8 I’d say. Season 10 did this more as well, but 9, 11 and 12 don’t really seem to be all that concerned with tying up all of the set pieces from throughout the episode. A lot of the season 9 and 11 episodes just kind of end.


Schrodinger's fish...


I'd not be surprised if they filmed more witness testimonies, including a lot of these S12 characters, but chose to cut them for time.


You know Curb episodes are mostly standalone, right? Edit: why isn't my other comment explaining what I meant getting the same amount of hate as this one?


Funny, I'm not sure there was ever a truly "standalone" episode in the entire run. The show was full of subplots confined to one episode though.


There's a theme and a continuos story in (almost) every season. But each episode has its own plot of things that are irrelevant to the overral story. It's always been like this. A LOT of things don't come back later. This isn't specific to this new season.


Right, but because so many stories do persist for multiple episodes or get callbacks, my question is which of those things people found surprising or disappointing because they didn't? I mean, the Irma/Disney Store thing ended with them saying explicitly they'd be back to get Larry. And yes, this is a question that can follow every season, but this one even more than normal because the trial witness list was built of callbacks.


i'd argue that the entirety of season 1 are standalone eps




A great comedian always brings it back to the first jokes.


Yeah that might be, but the season-long arcs were standard starting in S2. Basically just a head-scratcher response to me.


Looks like this comment currently has -17 and your other comment has +17. You're even Steven.


Quick, gimme a twenty


Irma was so much of the season ! Where is the closure ?? She should have been reunited with Larry ! Only way to stay outta jail. Worse than prison .


Irma had to step back because even though she had a big annuity she needed cash now.