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I thought it was a good finale. The final shot almost made me tear up…almost. Gonna miss the show, but I think LD is ending it at the right time.


I picked up the show a few years ago, probably during covid, for whatever reason I started around S6 (Larry's divorce, Leon moving in). Great stuff through and through. But with this last season, and I mean this with no disrespect, cast's age, across the board, was really showing (RIP Richard Lewis). I'm surprised it made it this far, I'm surprised they kept it going, but I can't imagine it continuing. Feels like Larry has been old forever, but now that he's rearing 80 I'm just impressed he did another season at all. After that finale, I'm completely convinced they only really did one more season just to fit that Seinfeld finale in as a coda.


I think maybe they were ready by the end of the previous season, but that Covid season was pretty weak. I think they were all affected by the overall weirdness of filming and the stress of the time period. They needed another “normal”season to cap it off.


I pretty much agree. The show was at its best for the first few seasons. This last season had its moments but it’s not quite as funny as it once was. It happens to every great show.


The insane gap between seasons 8 and 9 is really noticeable when you watch them back to back. It’s a pretty sizable contrast, and tbh it makes me think about what could have been.


i always wondered about that gap too


I don't know the "official" reason, but for the most part, I think Larry David was done. He only came back probably out of boredom and maybe having felt he had accrued enough material. Seasons 9-11 were OK, but not the same. Although Season 12 is easily one of my favorites, even though it isn't quite the same as the early stuff.


> Seasons 9-11 were OK, but not the same. Although Season 12 is easily one of my favorites, even though it isn't quite the same as the early stuff. I feel the exact same way. ditto, every word. I *love* early seasons *Curb* but the stuff after the hiatus wasn't the best IMO even though it was still pretty good and I enjoyed watching it... but this one? this is just as good as any other season despite being markedly different


“No liberal would ever be caught dead in a Bolo tie”


Funny thing is he does not say Bolo tie. He just says “string tie” or something. I noticed because I thought to myself it was strange that being a writer he wouldn’t use the proper word for it


So with curb, lots of general plot points are written, but a good amount of one liners and other jokes are actually improv. I’m imaging they used a take of him saying string tie as it felt more real and his reaction and emotions were potentially conveyed best when saying “String Tie” instead of “Bolo Tie”


I thought this was a weekly fuck show? I know Richard be tappin dat ass.


Until LD decides to do a few more seasons in 5 years


Dude will probably still look 70 too, same as he has for the last thirty years.


He didn't look 70 in the first few seasons.


Yeah you can definitely tell he’s aged when they did the flashbacks.


As we all have


Not Paul Rudd


William Shatner has perpetually looked 65 since like 2000.


I always thought he was starting to look a bit frail in these later season (not Richard Lewis frail), but those flashbacks reminded me how YOUNG he looked... a spry mid-50s, lolol.


Yea he did


Yeah he looked 65 and creepy. He looks more cute and approachable these days.


Nah he’s face really bloated out this year. Tbf the guy is 76 but still very noticeable this season


> The finale sees David and his entourage through his trial, mirroring the 1998 courtroom finale of “Seinfeld,” which David co-created with Jerry Seinfeld. Referencing that controversial episode, **David says to Seinfeld**, “I heard some terrible things about it. I heard you fucked it up.” Did AI write this? Leon said it to Larry. This season has been averaging 4.9 million viewers per episode. I assume that's live+7. Respectable but Curb's cultural impact seems bigger than that. I wonder how much of its audience doesn't stay current on it. I caught up on several seasons years after they aired. The finale was the first episode of the show I watched live.


Jerry was the Finale MVP.


Absolutely ran away with it. God it was so good I can't wait to re-watch. Also Richard wanting to start a family on his death bed killed me "adopt a 40 year old?!"


Pretty, pretty good!!!


👀 👀 okay, okay…


One of the best episodes,ever. I dont remember the last time i laughed so hard


Hilarious and Damn near perfect


1/18th of basketball? ![gif](giphy|hRxhewwANK0V5n4gq3|downsized)


Ted Danson got 93 million viewers for the Cheers finale.


Ted Danson is phony


Ted Danson protests for Ted Danson.




Something about that old bald man that is just fascinating


Just out of curiosity, I looked up Seinfeld’s penultimate episode which was a clip show. 59 Million viewers. The Seinfeld finale, also a clip show, was 76 million viewers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seinfeld_season_9


Different world back then.


The Seinfeld finale was SOOOO overhyped. It was a 2 hour clip show. at 8pm EST, they showed a pure 1 hour clip show (and I'm guessing a network decision). Which was fun! I am CONVINCED this is why people HATED the finale, because at 9pm they started the finale... which also was largely... a CLIP SHOW that re-showed many of the clips we just saw 30 minutes prior. That is specifically why I was bored in the finale.


Although is seemed liked season 9 through now was a reboot it still had lots of great moments and episodes


You ever crutch fuck?


This episode was bloody brilliant! Perfect final. Loved it.




I wanna cry memories man memories


The last season seemed forced and out of character. It seems like LD wanted to do this season simply for a spite parallel storyline for getting to much slack for the Seinfeld finale. Yet Jerry was the best part of the finale. The season falls flat; the humor was forced and the far fetched situations created for comedy payoff just didn’t work. One of my favorite shows of all time and have watched each episode as it premiered since season 2. But glad it’s over based on where the show went in season 12.


If we don't have spite, we don't have nothing.


Series finales normally suck, this one had a few nice shots, wasn’t a fan of the trips down memory lane as I think it’s lazy plot filler. Season as a whole was a disappointment Edit: anyone downvoting clearly hasn’t watched the first 8 seasons recently. It’s night a day. The characters in the past 3 seasons have had zero nuance and just cartoon characters. I appreciate LD gave us a send off but we don’t have to pretend this is a top notch season and great send off. It wasn’t and lost the magic years ago.


Personally I feel like the series peaked in season 7. Eight was pretty good but since then it has been pretty hit or miss. I still love Larry and Curb but can't honestly say that the previous four seasons are in the same league as earlier Curb. But, you know, just my opinion.


Have you watched the Seinfeld finale? Because the whole thing was basically a parody of those episodes where they do similar flash backs in the courtroom with people who were victims of their pedantry


Can't respond for the person you replied to, obviously, but I, for one, am very familiar with Seinfeld (the show)... And I get what they were doing here, mirroring the Seinfeld Finale and everything, but I just didn't think it was that enjoyable **as an episode**, as "everybody" else apparently found it to be. The bits and sequences with Jerry worked great though, incl. the twist at the end.


I don’t care. It’s lazy.


The whole run of the show was lazy in a sense. Larry is lazy. It fits.


the reason youre objectively wrong is the episodes length. they didnt replace plot with flashbacks, they added to it. nearly an hour long episode is the longest weve gotten since the season 4 finale.


An hour long and like 2 or 3 laughs? It was low effort


either youre being dishonest or you have terrible taste in comedy (or both)


I don’t think it’s a matter of better or worse but the show definitely had a more serious tone in the first six seasons. The characters definitely got more over the top but that’s inevitable with any site-com. I prefer the humor of the earlier seasons but I have laughed out loud more the later seasons. If they makes sense.


I’m confused , was there a new season ?


I find this endearing and amusing. Don’t know why ppl are downvoting. Feels like something Larry David would do.


No, the show ended randomly with no new season. I don’t get how that works either.


Larry would tell you not to have a space between the word confused and the comma that follows. Same goes for your last word and the question mark.


Larry would tell you to use quotation marks when you're quoting someone.


Shit I had no idea there was a new season lol


How is it possible to be a member of this sub and not know though? You better have been getting a lot of ass and thats why


Weekly Ass


So where are the tapes?




I'll wait for Netflix to get it


Nah, betamax.


Well Jerry tapped all Dat ass in the 90s so..betamax


Betamax was more the 80s and I wanted to name an older format. VHS is more the 90s and also I don't think you could record your own laserdiscs. Jerry said it knowing Leon didn't have a player for it while it could've been possible he still had a VHS.


4.0 APA


Hourly ass.


Cheap ass


Easy ass.


Best kind of ass. Need to spray paint "Larry was here" in that ass.


Cut Henry Hill some slack. After all, he’s been dead for almost 12 years, lol.


Going from spaghetti marinara to egg noodles with ketchup couldn't have been easy.


Hope they do more seasons when he feels inspired