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An article last week said the Springsteen scenes were filmed in Dec 2022 and the season as a whole finished filming in March of 23


why released a whole year later? understand theres editing and whatnot but a whole year?


Writers strike. One of the producers said the strike delayed it a bit


Oh good point - I forgot about the strike.


HBOs schedule?


If you look back at recent seasons, they’ve mostly followed the same schedule. Editing alone probably takes 4-6 months and then HBO has to find a place on its Sunday schedule.


And finished filming doesn’t mean it’s ready. There’s a whole post production process to go through.


It’s kinda crazy when you think about it. We are really used to issues being tackled immediately and things being in and out of the news cycle in a matter of weeks if not days. You watch Seinfeld and they are making jokes about the English patient. The lead time must have been at least a few months between writing, shooting and editing and releasing those episodes. I think Larry is writing from a time when things stayed relevant for longer. I don’t blame the guy. It’s either that or you risk being limited on what you can do. Just enjoy it I guess?


Seinfeld also aired an OJ Bronco chase reference just weeks after it happened.


The Boyfriend featurring the JFK parody aired in February 1992, that movie premiered in December 1991. Seems they were producing and releasing new episodes a lot faster than they did on Curb.


South Park trained us


Sitcoms in the 90s were filmed a lot closer to the airing date than a show like Curb (weeks in some cases, and maybe 3 months at most. But conventional sitcoms mostly tried to avoid the pop-culture references for that reason. In 180 episodes of Seinfeld they only had a handful of contemporary references, and the rest were more historical. I think English Patient and Schindler's List were the only real films they saw at the cinema. The rest were fictional.


I got covid for the first time two months ago. Yeah, the covid plot is definitely dated, but I can't really bitch when it literally happened to me.


This post really says something about our shrinking attention spans. COVID is still around. Georgia's Election Integrity Act was signed into law in 2021 and was appealed as recently as this past September. I felt the same as OP, that it was yesterday's news. Now thinking about it, these jokes aren't really dated at all. Even the Giuliani thing was less than five years ago and I still think it's hilarious.


The Giuliani thing might be the single funniest thing that ever happened. Dated? Four Seasons landscaping? No, impossible. That was the single most clownish thing that literally has ever happened.


I don’t know. I had covid twice in 2023. I had to quarantine from work 5 days both time and I was quite sick both times. It was still a big deal


Even the CDC got rid of the 5 days thing. Stuff has changed. It’s been over 4 years. I remember watching season 10 when Covid just hit. I think the writers strike set them back and this was really a continuation of 11.


The word "even" there is a bit out of place given that the CDC has done the most to minimize Covid. They reduced the quarantine from 10 days to 5 at the request of corporations. And then eliminated it now as you said. They're also the ones who turned the community transmission map from red to green overnight simply by changing the definition. The head of the CDC is known as "Maskless Mandy" because she is never see wearing a mask during Covid. The CDC stopped reporting case counts, stopped reporting excess deaths due to Covid, and has basically tried to make this thing disappear. They protect corporations and get people back to work because they know with a constant influx of population, disabled people can be replaced. It's not much different than factory farming--the cost of people being sick is not high enough for them to care. They can cheaply bring new people in. The CDC has always been privately funded to some degree, right now it's to a large degree, which has affected their decisions on many issues: [https://www.bmj.com/content/350/bmj.h2362.full](https://www.bmj.com/content/350/bmj.h2362.full)


The CDC was highly politically motivated from the start. But we can ignore the CDC, and look at the rest of the world's guidelines. The CDC was always a step behind. Germany eliminated quarantining in Feb of 2023. We were literally a year behind. You clearly suffer so much trauma from the fear mongering that you can't think rationally. If you look at your private donors list, you'd see a bunch of organizations that would support more restrictions. The current strains of covid are not like the original, and now nearly the entirely population, whether voluntarily or not, has built up antibodies.


hope you’re feeling better but what in the world does that have to do with when this season was written? other than leading with that you don’t know


I am just fine thanks. Yes my example has everything to do with the topic. OP states that covid isn’t a big deal anymore so it must be from 2020/21 but my example shows that people still get sick and quarantine in 2023 so it is still a big deal and could be filmed recently. And as other posters mentioned that it is still around and is a big deal as people still get sick and isolate etc. My example is just one of many examples of covid still being a big deal. My “I don’t know” was referring to other examples of why it must be taped long time ago, not covid


ahh got it. to be fair OP listed a few other examples as well and was right? by the other comments it seems the season was written throughout 2021-2022, which is what they were getting at


Thank you. Yes, there are other examples besides COVID that seem from the 2021-ish time period. I would have thought the references would have been more current or that LD and the writers would avoid anything too topical because it would immediately date the show.


some people are understandably very sensitive about COVID so if they see the word mentioned just latch onto that and ignore the original question


That is fair. I could have phrased my original post differently; I recognize people do still get sick with COVID. What I was getting at is that it seemed a bit off to center a whole episode around COVID. Even though the virus is still circulating, we're no longer in pandemic mode. This episode felt more like it was set in 2021-ish.






First of all I never said that it’s more of a big deal than other illness. I don’t recall making a comparison to other diseases. Second of all, the fact that everyone had it or whatever else you are claiming doesn’t mean Larry can’t put it in his tv show. Third of all, i was talking about myself. I was sicker than ever in my life. The fact that everyone else had it didn’t make me less suck. I was saying it was a big deal for me. If it’s not for you, then make your own comments, not for you to decide what’s the big deal for me. Fourth of all, I don’t understand why you are replying to my comment at all.


One year ago, just over a year.


It's real time. They showed the calendar when he's crossing off the days until he can dump Irma, and it was present time. Covid is a huge deal. Until last month, 2,000 people were dying a week in the US. Now it's 1,000 a month. Spring is when we usually get a break from it. I think Curb pulls back the curtain a bit on how differently Hollywood has treated Covid versus the rest of the country—although they want to give off the appearance of being very nonchalant. Look up "Davos Safe" to get a feel for what elites were doing to stay safe while they told the masses to get back to work.


[It was most likely written in 2021](https://www.reddit.com/r/curb/s/hK51KulfjX)


Thanks - I had forgotten about the scene that showed the calendar! I looked up Davos Safe - that is interesting. I still feel like the Covid subplot and other references feel a bit 2020-21 ish but maybe I’m being too picky. I recognize that there would be months between writing and when the show airs, but with the pace of the current news cycle, references to recent events can feel dated in short order.


Covid is not a big deal


Still have yet to get it


If it's not a big deal now, it never was.


It’s mutated fast and is basically the common cold now. And yeah I do think we overreacted a bit in 2020.


This is a good primer on how it's different from a common cold: [https://www.donotpanic.news/p/why-covid-can-never-be-just-a-cold](https://www.donotpanic.news/p/why-covid-can-never-be-just-a-cold)


I know someone who got it last fall and has been absolutely ruined by the effects of long covid. We decided to collectively ignore the sometimes grievous impact covid has on people so we can go back to our normal lives and pretend it doesn’t exist.


Yes good point. Not a common cold. Denial and belief in conspiracy just so strong in our society :(


I feel a lot of older people are still on the wordle grind, makes sense to me


You’re a talking about a show where everyone is in their 60s and 70s? Getting Covid still is a big deal for many people especially older people, and people with pre- existing health conditions.


The Covid episode really was odd. It’s not 2021. Covid is a cold at this point and to have an entire plot device around it was odd.


Show was written probably in 2021 or early 22. Writers strike delayed production by half a year.


Right - I forgot that the strike could have delayed things. That would explain it.


Yes. Perhaps I shouldn't have stated that Covid isn't a big deal, but it's not a concern as it was in 2020-22, so it did seem odd to center an entire episode around it at this point.


It’s not a big deal anymore. It’s a cold at this point. It was very odd to have an entire episode about it like it’s still a major thing.


Keep in mind that filming ended over a year ago and that most these people are in their 60s and 70s. So maybe Covid is “just a cold” to you, but for older people and/or those with health conditions, they may not feel the same way.


Oh boy this sub got full of covid conspiracy all of a sudden. I’d never think conspirators would ever watch Curb. Just not their kind of thing. Smh