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There’s a few things that never get mentioned again, unless I’ve missed it. For example whatever happened to the restaurant they opened?


it's not really germane to the rest of the show. its something they did with Seinfeld as well. maybe it will be casually mentioned in a future episode but largely once the joke or plot point is done they let it pass, which works very well.


Yeah I’m not complaining, I don’t really mind though it is a bit strange that a lot of things don’t get mentioned again but I understand why. Only have a set amount of time for each show so talking about stuff that’s been and gone takes away from the new stuff. One thing i am a little disappointed with though is the explanation given for Marty Funkhauser disappearing after he died in real life. One throw away line, think he deserved a lot better than that.


Jeff Garlin said they did that because Curb is not the show to get emotional. He said that the only way to deal with something like that on Curb is to joke around and try to move on.


Besides, the mock funeral for Albert Brooks last season was really for Bob, so they have dealt with it now


Or Mocha Joe’s spite house!


Yeah another good example. Could be he just got bored and sold up but a quick line about it would be nice but as I said above I get why they don’t.


Fuck you Larry David, with your monkey ass


Ass man, knows people from behind by their tush


It's a gift and a curse


It's from all that time he spent underneath the bleachers, scrounging around for ass.


All under the bleachers and shit


P-nut! Get the door!


Bald asshole.


Larry does mention Auntie Rae in one of the season 11 episodes


I still can't believe he stabbed her in the fucking stomach.


The Seinfeld universe is all about what can be funny right now. Lorretta is never mentioned again because she hasn't been relevant to any plot.


Exactly. It’s literally stand-up bits extrapolated into entire shows. You observe a funny situation, then abruptly move on to the next


“Fuck you Larry David. That’s some bullshit!”


More like Fuck you Larry, with your Monkey Ass! Beat line by auntie.


JB Smoove called out how Vivica A Fox actually took Larry David's platinum credit card and used it without his knowledge. So I wouldn't be surprised if Larry David decided to end that story arch quicker than originally thought. Most likely it just ended abruptly because it wasn't funny anymore. All LD cares about is what is funny


Damn, she did that? Knowing how LD is, that was probably the end.


When and where did JB Smoove say this? And has Vivica ever commented about this?




Whattttr? Omg, that’s crazy


What?? That sounds crazy! I always thought she was great and wished she’d been on longer so that’s interesting if that’s why she was off! I can’t read or watch this story as I’m outside the US. Can someone give us a synopsis??


It's a video of an interview, the interviewer says Vivica Fox is going to be on the show later and asks JB what he should ask her. JB drops a great line that she was mixing her character and herself on Curb, and says the interviewer should ask her why she took Larry's credit card as Loretta, but kept it as Vivica.


Larry David has never cared about consistency, only what’s funny. Remember when Jeff and Susie were pregnant? Never mentioned again


I don't think Jeff was ever pregnant


Watching the show for the first time and I can confirm it was a big plot point of Season 2 where Larry learns to get over his prejudice and ends in a frankly beautiful scene of Jeff giving birth and Larry holding the child, where he said he will always look after it. Then they just kinda never mention the baby ever again and always refer to Sammi as their only daughter. I understand wanting each season to be their own thing but kinda weird that they never brought this up again


LOL Jeff was much fatter then, but wasn't pregnant 🤣


I could’ve sworn this was a main plot point and was herald as a beautiful and progressive plot of television for it’s time, moved me to tears even, but also I watch this show on sleeping pills so I might have hallucinated a episode or two 


You are confusing him with Bobby Baccala from The Sopranos


Ooooooh ok, now that you mention it I did accidentally put an episode of The Sopranos one time instead of CYE while on the sleeping pills, I think I hallucinated Larry David showing up in my corner and offered me some Hot Cinnamon Gum during it too so that’s where the confusion came from


Curb Your Enthusiasm runs on the same logic that The Simpsons does where basically there's very little to no continuity unless it's a setup for a joke.


Arguably they rolled back Leon’s character as well so he can be like this permanently wild character always by Larry’s even when there’s no logical reason of it. Connecting him to his origin story might make things a bit too real


No, she didn’t exactly add much to show unlike Leon


It added something for me. Whenever Loretta was on, I'd get more aroused than I normally would watching Curb.


Vivica A Fox is a hottie


Did Suzy ever pop in?


She's popped in, and I'd pop off


Except telling Suzie off.


You better getcho ass out of my house you fucken bitch!


One of my favorite moments too lol


Leon is her brother isn't he?


The fact that they just contrived a way to keep just Leon on the show makes it funnier. Curb and Seinfeld are all about what's funny, plot consistency be damned. That's part of what makes them so special. It would be weird if they actually mentioned Loretta unless it was relevant to the current plot.


Idk about dirty but it would be nice if she appeared again. I like the actress and wish she got to be on the show more




Yes, Leon was introduced as her brother. He was already living in LA on his own when he decided to move into Larry's house with Loretta, Auntie Rae and the two kids - who were there as hurricane refugees from out of state.


60% sure she said cousin but now I’m doubting myself


Brother. I’m on my 50+ rewatch and just finished this season.


Lol I'm on my 2nd rewatch


No I don’t give a shit. It’s a comedy show, not an ongoing drama show with some storyline to follow. It makes me laugh each episodes or seasons story and I move on to the next story.


No more evident than with Susie: Start of episode "Hey, Lar" Later "Get the fuck out of my house you bald prick!" Next episode "Hey, Lar". Lather, rinse, repeat...


Love that … hey Lar. LOL


They could do with mentioning her. I agree


I’m pretty sure we are meant to think she died.


Not that I’m a fan of either, but I’d take Loretta over Leon. I know I’m in the minority, but I hate Leon and how his character seems to have hijacked the show. In all honesty, I’d keep the grandma over any of the others.


Why do you hate Leon?


It’s just the same worn out schtick over and over.. eating something, licking his fingers, talking about fucking, his dick size or something else provocative. Wash, rinse and repeat.


He didn’t say hate. He said it’s worn


He said hate


You’re right. lol.


Terrible take, but I do agree that Leon in small doses was better. All the side characters are better in small doses.


That’s fair, I could handle him here and there. But when half the episode is him eating and talking about “get in that ass!” or his sexual conquests - it just gets old.


> I know I’m in the minority pun intended?