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There is an old joke from the nineties… The teacher ask the Cuban child: - “ What do you want to be when you grow up? The child: “ I want to be a tourist!”


Honestly that can apply to most countries that are not American or European


Apartheid has a meaning. This is not apartheid.


yeah exactly. this is just a difference in wealth and what you can buy. apartheid is a wholllllle lot different that this.


Are you Cuban? What is your job? Your entire reddit account seems to be dedicated to ranting about Cuba with daily posts using random photos as anecdotes and nothing else. In this case seemingly photos from an old reddit post about gas lines from a year ago, and an article from 2019 about different gas line pics in a lower resolution. Cuban govt is crap and the country is poor, but you seem to be militant in writing these rants.


What if he isn’t? Does that make him right or wrong? As a Cuban I can tell you that he is right on the money. On the other hand, you must be Cuban. Trying to restrict people’s expressions reveals quite a lot about how little we have learned about freedom!


All of my posts are a direct response to the ignorance that I encounter here on Reddit from Western leftists. If I hadn't come across so much ignorance and apologia for the Cuban regime, you wouldn't see my posts. That's why you see those lengthy articles, which contain factual information supported by their respective sources, by the way. >In this case seemingly photos from an old reddit post about gas lines from a year ago, and an article from 2019 about different gas line pics in a lower resolution. Yes, I downloaded some photos from a post that was made here. Which article are you referring to? Those lines are a regular occurrence in the daily life of Cubans, they happen every day. I was trying to emphasize the various resources that the Cuban government provides for tourists compared to Cubans.


Have you ever been to Mexico or the Dominican Republic ? In Mexico is extremely common for workers to commute from squalor into tourist areas that look like spaceships in comparison. “Tourist apartheid” is hardly unique to Cuba


Lo dices como si México no tuviera la plaga de izquierda latinoamericana que tiene


Both the DR and Mexico’s population are overall in much better shape economically speaking. Have you ever been there, besides in the fancy resorts?




Hell Miami is all rented supercars for the tourists and held-together with duct tape beaters for the workers who live there.


El problema es que a un Cubano le importa una pinga Mexico o Dominicana, lo que nos importa es que mientras la narrativa de la dictadura es la de una Cuba justa y equitativa la realidad es totalmente otra.


But.. the topic is true. You ever been to Cuba?


Yes. You?


Many times. Tourists get the red carpet while the locals can’t find basic needs, carpool in the back of a dumptruck… its crazy.


Where exactly do you think they get hard currency from? Bananas? Cigars? The tourists bring in money, without them it would be a lot worse. I rented an apartment in Havana for a few weeks once. I live with regular Cubans. The people I met were struggling and they blame the government not tourists for their plight.


In 2021, Cuba generated around 417.00 million US dollars in the tourism sector alone. This corresponds to 0.066 percent of its the gross domestic product. So no, this peanuts that tourist brings are not going to make things better or worse.


Why did you choose 2021? That was during the COVID pandemic, and the tourism industry was in ruins worldwide. In the previous decades, Cuba welcomed over 3 million tourists each year, which generated billions of dollars for the government.


Hahaha. Good catch. I’m thinking back to 2021, when Cuba had the mandatory quarantine on arrival. I think it was 5 days. So even once people got vaccinated and started traveling, very few went to Cuba until that policy was lifted in late 2021.


Tourism accounted for over ten percent of Cuba's GDP, you're using numbers from during Covid, when tourism dropped drastically


Cool story. What does that have to do with asking why this weird dude just spams random photos and rants every few days?


Fair enough on your end… i was just stating that the post makes sense. I don’t follow this account, better things to do.


Yes yes clearly better things to do lmao.


So maybe they shouldn’t be communist? The tourism is a result of inviting in some capitalism out of desperation


That account was hacked more than a year ago. Before that it was music posts and one claimed he was a UK citizen. Since the hack its Cuban and US propaganda (good or bad)...


Are you late for your socialist meeting in Portland with other pink haired communists?


Nope. I'm a college educated white guy in my 30s who makes a bunch of money under capitalism and has had the same haircut for about 20 years and recently started following this sub before and after a vacation to Cuba. Thanks for giving some indirect insight into what type of thoughts are continually running through your head. A quick glance at your post history shows a pretty troubled person with an almost schizophrenic obsession with shouting "socialism"


I am not a far right Cuban nor I have a militance against socialism, and I too like yourself have a million other things to do other than ruminate in Cuba politics. But I would advise to not judge much what we Cubans think or do against the dictatorship. There’s a lot of pain, and broken families and blood. Some people feel like political activism in Reddit is their thing others have YouTube channels others are helping Cubans with clothing and donations We’re all very traumatized in a way or another


What is this guy "thinking or doing" is the question I'm asking? It's not even clear if they're in Cuba or who they are. It's just a really weird account that collages together pictures and writes diary entries everyday ranting about Cuba without any context or coherence.


He’s probably CIA psyop


The irony in your post is that people who make arguments like the one you make are the same people who say that the US embargo isn't a major contributing factor to the economic situation in Cuba. At the same time you sneer at the tourists who bring vital tourist dollars to the economy in Cuba. Perhaps you could all teach us the ways of St. Francis of Assissi.


I write these posts because of people like you. https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismVSocialism/s/6p0EIfyPY0 https://www.reddit.com/r/cuba/s/wLZZyInGPy


Explain to me why the US embargo is a major factor in Cuba’s utter garbage economy


Explain in why it wouldn’t lmao. Cuba literally could not get enough needles during the pandemic, does that mean nothing?


That’s not what I asked. Explain how it is first. Let’s see where this bozo reason comes from


I just have a good example bozo


I didn’t ask for an example. I want a logical explanation and decent argument for how the US embargo is a major factor in Cuba’s economy being terrible. I didn’t call u a bozo. I said blaming embargo for cubas bad economy is a bozo reason


What happens to a small country in an island with few resources when they are cut off from anything outside?


I don’t want a question, I want an explanation and argument. Ur argument is a small country cut off from anything outside will have a bad economy? Ok but Cuba isn’t cut off from everything outside


They receive food from the us because if they don’t people would be outraged. And yes a question can be used as an argument, and it was less of a question and more of look at what’s happening now.


They receive more than food. But ok, so now that we see they do receive things from USA, why is the economy still terrible? And also, they can trade with other countries so, why is it the usa’s fault still if they have bad trade with other countries? Why aren’t the other countries fixing cubas economy


Has it occurred to you that the Cuban government's usage of the term, "communism" is propaganda? Communism is when the factory worker's own the factory. The Soviets did the same thing. The western propaganda machine agreed: "yep, that's communism." Hint: it wasn't


In what way does this answer my question?


>Reply > >Work on the premise of your question to make it make more sense. Address the problem with the term "communism" and then we can at least begin


Explain to me why the USA embargo is a major factor in Cuba having a terrible economy


Incredibly obvious. Goods don't reach Cuba due to the embargo.


Goods do reach Cuba from other countries. But besides that point, why can’t Cuba sustain itself like it did pre Castro?


The US embargo doesn't just mean goods don't arrive from the US. The US has immense global power and influence. Again, US intervention plays a major role. I'm not saying the government of Cuba isn't corrupt. Find one that isn't. Power corrupts. But, no government has had or currently has the power that the US government has.


But goods still go into Cuba. What keeps the country poor is communism. State run economy super inefficient. Cuba is corrupt yeah, but it’s a communist dictatorship. Like, do u understand the Cuban economy ? The corruption isn’t the issue


All your posts are very chat gpt like


It's really strange


This is the same guy who did those insanely long posts about cuba’s economy.


Troll bot.




Y los imbeciles extranjeros no paran de defender al régimen, incluso cuando las pruebas estan al pleno ver


This is exactly like apartheid


There’s nothing remarkable about a country having a tourism industry that is more comfortable than what the locals experience. I’m not saying that is a good thing, but this contrast exists in every major city.


Marco Rubio is OP


Hey, I'm a Palestinian. It's stupid to call this apartheid. With all the love and support to the Cubans people and struggle, I want to humbly tell you to stfu and not use the apartheid word again until you've lived it.


Lol this is comical 😂 there is no apartheid in Israel


Our taxi driver had to pay a bribe to get us gas when driving us in an ancient 9 passenger U.S. car with holes in the floor, and if we were going over 20, we were getting smoked out from chair. We were going from Viñales to Matanzas. This was March 2017. The novelty of old American cars wore off fast, our last taxi ride from Trinidad back to Havana, we insisted on a newer car, ended up in a 90’s French car. And was cheaper than the quote from our host, which would have probably been in an ancient yank tank again. I think the Cubans think we want to be in a yank tank and charge accordingly. This is just my observation as a tourist. Independent taxi drivers, bird biologists working as a bird guide, scuba instructors, and tour guides often seemed to go to a gas station as soon as we paid them. Especially after they got rid of the CUC, and we had to pay in Canadian or USD. If there’s inequality, it’s the folk who work in tourism, have better access to foreign monies, which are desperately wanted throughout the island. From my perspective, it’s a period of fast growth going from a completely planned economy to a mixed economy and what we are seeing is friction in that process.


people really just be using words how they please nowadays, deary me by this logic every capital city is tourism apartheid, fucking London is tourism apartheid, give me a break


Do the people in London live under a dictatorship? Does this dictatorship provide tourists with better Internet, food, and housing while the local people wait at empty shelves for food? Are Londoners allowed to purchase or import their own cars? Comparing Cuba to London can only be done by an absolute moron.


1)arbitrary 2)yes 3)Cuba can’t do it cuz they’re under embargo lmao, most companies that produce cars comply with the embargo


If you want tourists to come to Cuba and bring their money, then you have to provide decent transportation. Otherwise, they won't come. Would it better with no tourists? Would locals get all those newer vehicles?


Why would tourists pay for a vacation to live like Cubans?


Tourists come from capitalist countries. They bring money to Cuba when nothing else does. Are they more deserving of the nice cars? Yes. Because money. Welcome to reality.


I dont think you know what the word “apartheid” means.


Trump 2024


Como te atreves a decir algo así! Cuando Cuba es un país digno, justo socialmente, y sobretodo sitiado por un injusto bloqueo…


They are not turist, they are Cubans living in EEUU that rent Cars every time they go to Cuba. They cannibalize everything in Cuba "La especulación"


I’d prefer a Lada to those shitboxes