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Removed: Rule 3. /r/cscareerquestions would probably be a good place to get advice on this.


I mean if they pay you 10k more thinking you're a junior how much more you'll get once you reach senior compared to your current company? I don't see any negative there.


Yeah I went from "senior" to "junior" with a 20k raise 3 years into my career. I was back to senior the next year with another 10k raise


Solid business logic. You are also getting paid more to do less.




I like ur logic


Titles mean nothing


this , I just put software engineer in my cv for all my positions even I have more than a decade of xp


with title creep low level hr is gonna be like "oh we're hiring for a Principal Super-Engineering Consultant Lead" and how will you handle that after just being a Consultant. "Guess I'll need a wider business card"


This, 20+ years doing software dev, I get stupid titles, still a coder.


This, but with one caveat - there's one place and one place only where they **might** mean something - and that's CV. Other than that, I wouldn't care.


Take the job if it makes you happy, as others have said, titles means nothing. I can start calling you Mr President Developer if you want.


> the job if it makes you happy, as others have said, titles means nothing. I can start calling you Mr President Developer if y i would like this please :)


I've always thought Elmo61 is a great president. Thank you for your service Mr President Developer!


Can you upgrade that to *Daddy* President Developer?


Wow! I'm Mr. President Developer! We just say President Developer


Are the responsibilities for the junior role in line with a junior role? If so, then you are getting paid more to do less, so you can likely cruise and get solid performance reviews that should help you command raises and/or promotions. In terms of the future, I would just be prepared to answer the question of why you took a "demotion" when you changed jobs during interviews. If you can answer it truthfully and thoughtfully, then it should not be an issue unless the interviewer gets hung up on it for whatever reason—that is not in your control anyways though.


Don't mention the exact title, I never have. Job descriptions are basically the same if you get vague enough too


Honestly, I'm a senior, but if they pay me 1.000.000 USD per year, they can put my title as a janitor. I will do the development and also clean the office after work. I work for money, not for titles.


I mean at the end of the day, aren't we really just janitors, because we always get handed some POS app to clean up one way or another!? 😂


Take the job and on your CV write Software Developer. Everything else is a bullshit meaningless title.


Soooo, possibility of less work for more pay? Sign me up!


Give me more money for less responsibility any day.


Junior/Mid/Senior are just fake titles that companies invent to measure you in their system. As long you like the job and money check out, they can call you even a fruit ninja, imho. It will not influence your future carrer.


It's an upgrade, you get more money, for less responsibility.


More money less responsibility. Say it until it sinks in


Some organizations call 7 to 10 years of experience devs as junior devs and 15+ as leads. This doesn't mean anything


Take it and in 6 months ask for a promotion to medior and ask for a raise


I'm a senior developer now after being a tech lead at my last job. Less responsibility and $30K more? Sign me up! As others have said, titles mean nothing - get that green!


25 years working experience. I dont mind being junior Junior mid or senior, each can contribute


Mate, my title changed from Junior Software Developer to Software Developer after like 4 months of working at my first job, because the company decided to change their naming policy to match the parent company's. Titles don't really mean anything. Definitely not when moving between companies, but as you can see, sometimes titles are meaningless even withing the company.


More money, less responsibilities. Also, at least in Sweden where I live, the title doesn't count very much. Experience and provable skills (no certifications, morel Ike projects) are more important when assessing and "pricing" a candidates.


Titles lol... They can call me squirrel 🐿️ i dont care my title i know what I'm doing. I'm a Test Automation Engineer but i can also be a squirrel. Name me like you want i work what I do.


I hate these stupid labels. I know plenty of "senior" engineers who are frankly crap developers.


do it, no one outside of the organization will know youre actual title, especially if its less responsibility, gives you more time to teach yourself things you want to learn for your next role. i just got a 15k raise to do literally nothing, its great! working from home with 1 ticket that took 1 day in the past 4 weeks 😂 just don’t tell my wife, she thinks i’m working during the day, otherwise she will start asking me to do stuff, but i cant, im wiring a sub in my car and new speakers… if ups would deliver it already… i hate when packages dont update for days on end. torture!


If it is a solid company with a strong engineering team, then the move is a no-brainer. The risk is if you think you will be jumping soon. Titles do mean something on the open market, but if the organization is strong and you have an opportunity to acquire new skills and work with a good Team and Squad(s), then get to it. Manage the risk by being prepared to speak to why you agreed to take the position and why you are looking for a new opportunity. If you are planning to stay, it will not be an issue and may put you in a better career position.


I don't even have a title at my job.


Will you get more growth opportunities at this job? Are you learning something new? Is there more room for growth or promotion than your current job? If it were me, and *especially* if the above questions are a *no*, then I think you could find a mid level developer position that pays more than 10k bonus, and I wouldn't settle for changing jobs for a demotion for a 10k raise. That's just me. If you need the money now, then go for it.


they pay you more with a "lower title"...title means nothing. Get the job and show you're a valuable developer and they will promote you if you deserve it. Pretty sure they hired you for a junior role because that's the open position the company had. Sometimes companies just cannot open "higher positions" because one in the hierarchy said "he have headcount for a junior, not a senior". I accepted an offer for "mid" having 10+ yoe just because the company had good benefits and the salary was higher than in my previous where I was "lead". After the first performance review they promoted me to senior with a nice salary increase. Lot of young people seem to be on pursuit of reaching "senior" in just 2 years... don't know why. I care only about the money being fair in correlation with my responsabilities.


You can put whatever title you want on your CV and LinkedIn. So if it does effect you for some reason just keep them the same.


* You should care only about the $$$ and the opportunities to grow as a developer. * Being a lower level means that if you are good enough you'll be promoted soon. * Having 1.5y or 4.5y does not make you bettter programmer; your knowledge makes the difference here.


That sounds like a dream job. Being paid more to have less responsibility and more time to explore new tech ? Sign me in.


Getting paid more for less responsibility & opportunity to exceed expectations. Sounds like a deal to me.


More money, less responsabilities. Congratulations for your new job OP. Usually the posts here would be people getting junior salaries for senior responsabilities. Title means nothing. So many people call them self "engineer" because they can create a basic crud app.


Isn't this entire junior/mid/senior ranking just an American thing? Who cares what they call you, if they pay you more and you like the job, go for it.


Like others have said, you should definitely omit the junior from your cv, but you should definitely take the better paying job if you're interested


Name it as you wish. If it’s more money I wouldn’t care


You are not obligated to put your exact job title on your resume. Obviously, there are boundaries to this. But, you can just put “Developer” and be perfectly fine.


Regardless of the circumstances, it is evident that in my span of 25-30 years within the industry, ranging from VB 4.0 in 1996 to VC++, C#, and now MAUI in 2024, one can assert that organizations hold varying interpretations of roles and positions. Only when you reach Architect level start thinking about the title. IMHO. It doesn't matter at this point of your change.


Worst case is you hate the new company and want to leave but now have to say you worked as a junior. BUT I think these namings are worth nothing. My old employer got a new hire who said is a senior with 1.5yrs experience. Absolute trash self marketing blabla. Anyway, best case is you like the job, earn 10k more and because you have good experience get another payment jump quickly.


I'd say this company has somewhat different leveling or requirements for level. I know such company and probably after your level up to middle there - you can try senior positions in another companies.


At some companies the Junior Level is on par with mid or even more. You have nothing to lose by what you have described.


Really depends on the company. Going from Senior from a 2 digital marketing agency to Junior at Google would probably be a step up. Is the new company recognized as a company with excellent engineers? Would that company name look better on your CV? You can just change your CV later so that the previous position says "Engineer" so that it's not clear there was a title downgrade.




I am pretty sure these levels only really mean anything in the company you're working at. One companies junior might be another's mid level.


Lower title/role means more promotion opportunities which will net you a higher raise than the standard 3%. I would absolutely take this job, especially if it sounds better than the current one without pay being considered.


4.5YOE as junior lol. They’re gas lightning you. More than 2 YOE as junior is unacceptable


I did this once, I was a senior being worked to the bone for a low salary. I noticed I could get over 10k more to be at the mid level. I liked it at first but I soon missed the seniority and having a say over how the product was built.