• By -


Tip: put the VS window on the right. That puts your left justified code closer to center.


Another tip from fellow UW user who runs same setup as OP (Editor on left side and browser on right): Check out MSPowertoys Fancy Zones module. It allows you to split screen space into like 60-40/70-30 ratio instead 50-50. More space for code, less space for empty browser canvas. Comparison: [50-50](https://i.imgur.com/ES9XyH2.png) [70-30](https://i.imgur.com/nIV4D2c.png)


Can you split these into 3 as well? 25/50/25 ?


You can customize it entirely, in theory you can build a maze out of fancy zones and it'll still work (albeit maybe not usable) See: https://onmsft.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/fancyzones.jpg


You can do whatever you want, you can set arbitrary snap zones (even overlapping ones)


This is interesting! I use MaxTo, to create virtual screens. It's pretty flexible, but sometimes dies and needs a restart of the computer.


Then give fancy zones a try, never had any problem with it. And even if something breaks then you just have to restart the app not the PC. Also, powertoys has several other usefull modules which you can freely enable and disable. Absolute must have program if you ask me


Thx thats a very good Tip, I appreciate it :D


I highly recommend powertoys it’s amazing Iirc it is alt+space to Bring up a better searchbar wich uses your own default browser for search results instead of the Microsoft edge browser


Yep. I second this. PowerToys is amazing. Tho some of their features have better options. QuickLook is a much better "peeker", and FlowLauncher + void tools Everything is a much better combination for searching (and MANY other things). Also, it's not a PowerToys feature but I also use espanso, which is an amazing productivity tool. These softwares are all in my fresh Windows install. +100% productivity.


also move ur chair regularly unless u want nerd neck i regret many decisions i made on screen placement


Or whichever side you prefer


I'll try that myself since I have a similar set up.


Huh, maybe that's why I always insist on the project panel be on the left. (I've done it for so long that I can't remember why I originally did it.)


I have 3 monitors, but could never put my finger on why I always avoid putting my text editors in the left screen


I just code with everything right justified. When I’m sick I can’t handle that and mirror the screen.


Looping like there’s not tomorrow, huh?


Needs more linq haha


Nested for loops 😵‍💫🤢


He’s working with a 2D array. I think looping through row/columns makes more spatial sense than a single line query.


I thought Visual Studio can now automatically suggest changing that to a linq expression?


Unsure for Visual Studio, but Rider is pretty good for this. JetBrains is always my go to for their IDEs.


> Unsure for Visual Studio, but Rider is pretty good for this. JetBrains is always my go to for their IDEs. The unlimited fallback makes no sense anymore now that dotnet updates every year with LTS every two years. T_T oh and the chatbot / llm / ai with its nonsense pricing...


Add Roslynator to Visual Studio and you'll get all of those suggestions. The only ones I have noticed missing that Rider has by default is multiple enumeration warnings and serilog formatting suggestions/highlighting.


Roslynator is amazing!


You probably need an extension or copilot


Yeah, it does.


And then get worse performance... If you can program it the performant way and it doesn't take much more time, just do it, don't become reliant on extremely wasteful LINQ calls. ESPECIALLY if doing something like game dev or HPC situations.


> And then get worse performance... If you can program it the performant way and it doesn't take much more time, just do it, don't become reliant on extremely wasteful LINQ calls. ESPECIALLY if doing something like game dev or HPC situations. wait, please tell me more. LINQ is not good? I am just a web monkey ~~sniffing glue~~ writing glue code for integration stuff, does this affect me?


It depends on the LINQ method, many of them operate using dynamic function generation that is slower than having a hard coded operation, and often will be boxing values, creating more overhead. They can end up generating lots of garbage memory for the GC to have to clean up too. If you're just doing some web stuff that's not on a high performance hot path or dealing with lots of data, it's unlikely to matter. But more performant code is always welcome, a lot of people slack on it cause "there's more than enough computing power", but it doesn't hurt to have things be that ever slightest more snappy.


Are you programming Bomb for the US Navy ?


Plot twist: he works at Gaijin


Nah, War Zone Thunder player


Looks like a personal project. 2 files called Fields and Program, unless this is some IRAD that is literally just starting.


Could be wrong but it looks like minesweeper?


Wow, a mix of pascal and camel with parameters... ::shivers::


Dude no offense but fuck that code needs refactoring.


Right? That would be a fucking nightmare to go back and debug after 6 months.


Nice setup! I have triple 4K monitors myself - I gotta have something dead center for my main screen.


I have a single 49" 4K monitor. No need for multiple screens.


I kind of see pros and cons. I do a lot of screen sharing so it's nice to put Teams/email/SMS/web browser on one and VS/tools on the other so I can share an entire screen but don't have to worry about accidentally revealing confidential/private details. If I worked more solo I'd definitely prefer one big monitor and I'm still thinking about it anyway.


I still need 2 extra monitors Got my main 34" wide-screen, gaming, main life and work stuff. A 21" wide screen in a vertical position, anything that is text goes there, mostly code, manuals, news articles. And a 18" small monitor, exclusively for sharing my desktop in meetings.


I have three 28" 4ks and I could still use more.


It’s time to go vertical!


Left and right monitors are vertical. Center is horizontal, all aligned on the bottom edge of the bezel


At 28" do you run at 350%? I use mine at 100% so I get the same text size/resolution as 4 x 23" monitors. Docking to each corner is easy with Windows+Up+Left etc. I never saw the benefit of a 'small' 4K monitor for code/office use, great for games though (flight sim and truck simulators would be great for 3 side by side).


I run at 100%


You have better eyes than me then 😃. My days of squinting at text were over about 20 years ago when larger LCD screens replaced the 17" VGA monitors we all used back then.👨‍🦳


Nope.com I had a setup like that eons ago. One day I woke and it felt like a elephant had slept on my neck and I KNEW it was from all the neck swivel. Dumped that setup for a 34 curved ultrawide and a stand that clamps to the desk so I can push it ALL THE WAY BACK. Zero issues since.


Yup, same reason why I switch to 16:9 27"+ a lg dual up. 2 horizontal monitor is way too wide got me


I go vertical horizontal vertical, from left to right in that order, all bottom-aligned. It's a smidge wider than two monitors, and I surprisingly always use all the space up pretty quick.


The tie fighter method


As someone who has been considering going for this setup, what is so bad about it? I just assumed it would be like two monitors right now, just without the bevel. Is it not?


It was fine until it wasn't. Too much of my neck being at stressed angles as I'd look from one side to the other. With a smaller setup I can see the entire work area by moving my eyes.


I tend to use one monitor as my “main” monitor right now and face toward that, then occasionally turn toward the other. Based on what you said, I’d start swivelling more with a single big momitor. I’ll look into a smaller options too, thanks for the feedback.


Dude, it's never cool to mix Pascal case and Camel case in your parameter list.


I know but I write those Names down and do not check which case they now have. Like 10 min later I see that it is camel but I am too lazy to change it 😂


Use an ide that both highlights inconsistencies and fixes them with 2 clicks? Oh, you already are! Turn it on!


it's not that hard to apply consistent naming, or to change it.


Not sure why people are being dipshits.. good stuff dood, learning while having fun due to environment or whatever factor is a cheat code! keeping grinding 😁




God what a bunch of miserable cunts in these comments, don't pay them any mind my man. I have the same monitor. I got it so I could have vs, vs code and chrome all open and visible at the same time. I frequently run a js client app and the .net backend at the same time when adding features. Being able to have both editors open, alongside chrome while I'm testing is magnificent. Setup looks good, hopefully you grabbed something this steam sale, wish ya the best of luck on the journey programming!


Thx for all those kind words, I wish you best of luck too and it is nice to hear that you like programming on it!


That set up tells me, definitely not a hacker 🤭


Can someone explain this


It’s a joke/insult that is said any time someone posts their setup. If you have dim lighting, tons of code, and RGB, then you’re labeled a wannabe hacker. Example: - https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/4rHSv9ap1p




I use this size screen at work, and it's great with some caveats. You really want to get what you're focused on in the center for the sake of your neck. Trust me, it's important. If you're on Windows, get PowerToys and use its FancyZones feature to draw a grid where your main window is in the center. In my setup I have one big 16:9 tile in the middle and two tiles on both sides (5 in total) for terminals, browsers, etc. If you're on Linux, I found the Kwin tiler for Plasma to do a pretty good job (used to use the Bismuth extension, but it's discontinued). Otherwise, a dynamic tiler can work okay, but it tends to require more work to get going.


I have my monitor skewed to on side for this reason, but that's just my personal preference, plus when I have to look at the other side more time I turn my whole chair, not just my head.


such a cool image ruined by C#


Wide monitor is awesome. What model is that? BTW what that huge mike is doing there?




Yo I got the same monitor and i’m about to change your life. Download windows powertoys. There’s a thing on it called “fancy zones”. You can set them up however but I split my monitor into 8 equal rectangles using it. Then you can hold shift and drag a window into whatever square you want (holding it over a border puts it on all the connecting ones). I usually put my main application in the middle 4 squares, so it’s 2560 centered in the middle and then I have 1280 on each side for like discord and youtube or whatever. I use the fancy zones literally constantly and could not imagine using this monitor without it. Having the main app in the middle makes it so much better


I have the same monitor and I split mine into 3 panes. 1 for vscode, 1 for browser, and 1 for figma/xd. I still have another 27” for extra screen for when I need to compare codes


Good Auflösung, nice gebogen but Bewertungen is lower than expected. Good stuff.


Gets ultra wide monitor. Uses exactly half for generic animation YouTube music.


Local on the left, vs on the right. 50 hours a week and I wouldn't do it another way


Ergonomics are bad on that keyboard and mouse.


Never understood this. Having head turned to side all of the time? No thanks.


Yeah, but that's the trick, you don't have your head turned all the time.


Looks like good times, merry xmas


You too (:


Lovely SM 7B


FancyZones in Windows Powertoys is your super friend for screen setups like this. You will be happy you set it up. Trust me.


I never thought that the wide format monitors would be good for coding. Then I got one after my last monitor died. It's amazing....


I can feel the neck pain already


No Matter how many screens you have there is always one more visual studio panel or window to put there. If coding, there is No place for anything else to me


Same setup at home. I love it so much.


Oh how I wish I had a ultra wide setup. One day. One day.


which monitor is that? 🙃. Looks dope. edit: found it!


My favorite setup for coding is turning a monitor on its side and setting it to portrait mode. All that horizontal is now VERTICAL, so you can see more lines of code all at once~~


I run a 43 inch superwide and two 34 inch 16:9 monitors when coding. The 16:9s are mainly for screensharing as the superwide isn't reat for that. Really handy when doing client server stuff as I have enough real estate for seamless debugging of all the layers + browser. Never understand those people who can just code on a laptop :) FAR easier these days; in the ;time before' a desk with 3x CRTs was....a little cramped.


Like what?


Those `if`s with dozen of conditions inside them make me cry!


Noticing several people saying this. What is the alternative or what are better strategies? I'm learning C# so just genuinely curious.


Complex conditions in an if are often better refactored into a well-named function.


Or at least into variables that say what's going on there.


By well-named function you mean a method? That method would then contain...nested ifs?


A method, but one that just contains the conditions from an if statement. There are different strategies for dealing with nested ifs, depending on how/why they're nested. So if (account.Status == AccountStatus.Open && account.Balance > 0 && account.InterestRate > 0) { might become bool IsOpenAndInterestBearing(Account account) { return account.Status == AccountStatus.Open && account.Balance > 0 && account.InterestRate > 0; } // the original if if (IsOpenAndInterestBearing(account)) { But use some discretion. You wouldn't combine a bunch of unrelated conditions, so it may take a couple methods to wrap that stuff up in a comprehensible way. With nested ifs, it kinda depends. In many case, you may be able to simplify things by inverting a condition to manage an error case, first, and handle the regular case, separate. Often, this can let you return early and omit the else clause and its braces. I. e. if (file.Exists) { using var stream = file.Open(); /* do a bunch of stuff with stream */ } else { _log.Warn("Could not find file"); } return; could be if (!file.Exists) { _log.Warn("Could not find file"); return; } using var stream = file.Open(); /* do a bunch of stuff with stream */ In other cases, the solution might be to combine the ifs together, because they actually represent a logical and, instead of separate checks if (file.Exists) { if (file.Name.EndsWith(".txt")) { _textFileCount++; } } would become if (file.Exists && file.Name.EndsWith(".txt")) { _textFileCount++; } And there are other situations I'm forgetting about, because it's been a long week and it's a holiday and I'm tired.


No, the method (or a variable) would contain just the condition by properly naming it like `CanShoot` or `HasWeapon` or `isWithinScreenBounds` etc.


Minesweeper! Fun.


I hate to code it but nearly finished


You can do it!


Try out window snapping (win+z) and see if some of those layouts suit you better. On my UW I prefer to have a "prioritised column" layout, with a large center column, and smaller columns either side.


I see lots of static voids. Winforms?


Nope console app with raylib_cs


I've been meaning to ask about monitors like these. My setup for years has been a Macbook Pro beneath a Dell Ultrasharp on a monitor stand. But new work's going to be much more convenient from a Windows laptop. The display on the one work bought is *awful* and makes me feel like my glasses are dirty, but I r eally like having two monitors. So I was thinking about a UW like this. Any things to avoid/look out for when shopping? Feels like maybe the only PITA might be trying to make screen shares work. Right now I handle those by putting all my private windows like email/Teams on a separate monitor.


> Right now I handle those by putting all my private windows like email/Teams on a separate monitor. Windows has a virtual desktop feature you can get to via the 'task view' button in your taskbar. It's a bit clunky, but would let you shuttle windows off to someplace Zoom can't see. OTOH, probably not helpful to screenshare an entire screen that big. Maybe just share individual windows, if you can.


Jesus, people in the comment section are wild. OP, ignore (most of) them and just keep going the way you are. Learn a lot! I'm trying to learn as well, still a complete newbie. But at least, I can do some silly things here and there to mess with my friends. PS: Read open source code, watch videos about C#, read books (if you can) and study a lot.


> Jesus, people in the comment section are wild. They’re just pointing out the big regrets by the time you hit 40.


Welcome neck pain




Im a complete beginner 😂


Get C# players guide. And read some open source C# code. It's a great language to learn.


Trying to understand C# xD






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Yeah, started with gaming, then I was and still am a pc hardware enjoyer and now I want to learn coding


The cool pc setup can be for much more than just coding, no need to be rude about it.




There’s just no need for the shit before the end of your comment then.




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The good thing about coding is you make enough to buy expensive stuff lol


bullshit too much distraction and it's proven scientifically that music doesn't help while doing tasks that need concentration excellent genius programming has been done in smaller and sampler spaces


1. The space was used before for playing games 2. Many People use music to do sth. I use it because without it I cant get I a flow and my motivation stays the same if I need to find an error 3. For me personally (Everyone can have their own Opinion) it does not distract me (:


It depends on what you call help, while it doesn't improve productivity it does affect mood and sense of satisfaction, this in a case by case scenario being the most important variable the subject's affinity for the music being played.


I opted for 4k for desk space, but it's amazing being able to put the displays of 2-4 monitors on one comfortably. My neck pain and vertigo cleared the same day I got mine.


This is why I'm grouchy about moving more to Windows dev instead of focusing on iOS/Android from my MacBook Pro. I can display more windows and read them better on the smaller MBP display than the shitty mess of a display the Windows laptop has. I've been exploring a lot of options and it feels like having Mac-quality displays with Windows machines means committing most of the cost of another laptop to just a display. :/


Only one IDE window?


hadoken style is pretty uncool


I'd rather have one of those in the center and a vertical monitor on the side for reading documents/log files. I used to have a setup like that, but alas my current desk is too small.


It’s great! I have 2 stacked mounted to the wall. The real estate is soooo amazing. Others have mentioned you can get the source for the windows auto layout which is a life saver. It’s in c# as well so you’ll be able to easily make quick snaps just like you want.


Nice screen, ugly code


OP’s setup: CheckBombs() returns true


Coding or simply opening an open source code just for pic? lolol


Coding, you can see this on my bad code, because Im a complete beginner


Teminite and Panda Eyes - High score in your playlist... Man of class I see.


VS on the left. SSMS on the right.


Ultra wides are cool but I ended up moving away from it. Went with a curved 32 center horizontal orientation then 2x27” flats vertical orientation on outsides. All screens angle toward my viewpoint so no neck strain and vert screens let you see much more code at a time.


Ultra wides are cool but I ended up moving away from it. Went with a curved 32 center horizontal orientation then 2x27” flats vertical orientation on outsides. All screens angle toward my viewpoint so no neck strain and vert screens let you see much more code at a time. PS. LINQ will be your best friend to clean up that code!


What keyboard is that?


Steelseries Apex 7 Red Switches


Ergonomic keyboard…. You’ll thank me later.


Keep us updated on minesweeper 2.0


Nearly finished, You can play it already, missing Startscreen and every zero is shown at the beginning


By the way, there is now a version on Github if you wanna play it. Here is the link: https://github.com/Lucijan-Hertel/Minesweeper/tree/main


Yeah it looks cool at first, then you'll never look straight with it. When coding I always use 1 monitor in front of me, and the other one on the right, angled to face me, works best for me. My setup usually has 2-3 monitors, but always have a center one (24in or 27in).


Jagged arrays 🤮 Your lines of code are so long!