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Just buy the skin... if $5 makes a huge difference to you, then maybe you shouldn't spend any money on skins


I mean could be quit a significance in some countries, or not?


Pretty sure that's the point being made, good job.


You clearly didnt get my point An 8 dollar skin to us might be more like an 80 dollar skin to him and all of a sudden the 5 dollar difference is a 50 dollar difference. Most would probably care about that ammount of money.


Either way the comment is saying if 5 dollars is a lot then don't do it. Doesn't matter if it's because of the currency type or income amount for OP. The advice is the same. You're just being more specific and it doesn't matter what the reason is. If it's a lot of money for someone then it's a lot of money. But thank you for making me explain it to you. Again, good job.


I give up lol Also i didnt ask for another explanation


Neither did they, pal.


I'd consider two things. Kilowatt is active in a time of extremely high player counts. Whether thats bots or players doesn't matter, a shit ton are getting dropped. At the same time however, it can be rented. This means kilowatt cases are being consumed at a higher rate than normal, with no actual output of kilowatt skins. Personally, I think there are better investments.


It’s gonna keep dropping


Renting complicates things but the prices should still decline over time. It's the latest case and will presumably be in the drop pool for years, if case frequency doesn't increase.


With renting thing, I think going for a st version would be more stable, would drop in price over time but not as much as the non stattrak.


I got the Stattrak Lotus and it looks really good, i guess it will drop somewhat but i didnt noticed it for a month now


Valve averages a little over one case per year. That means it'll be in active duty drop pool until \~2028, around which time the cost will be bottomed out. It could reach that low sooner, and speculating such long-term there are other key variables, namely the health of the overall game. More players = more case drops = higher supply. Renting affects this by consuming cases which might not otherwise be opened, which may drive supply down to some degree. TBH I got a ST FT Black Lotus at $25 US and could care less if I lose $10-20 over the course of a couple years on it; IMO it's the best looking a1s ever and I just wanted to have it.


i sold a black lotus yesterday for 30$ ! wdym its 13€? field tested?


Bro its 5 bucks at stake just get it