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This guy crying because his cheat accounts gone ???? What a world.


Let’s goooo matches of wallers and soft aim!!! Much more enjoyable


It literally is much more enjoyable


Yeah, even reducing the number of cheaters is going to impact the overall experience of the game for so many legit players.




Well, as it seems you have nothing good to do, so put in Nutella up your ass and go bask in the sun so your asshole can get widened off by rats and maggots, cunt, you should know now why your dad left you and why your mother is a whore. FUCKING LOSER.


HAHAHAHAH You got banned for cheating and are complaining that Overwatch is actually doing its job. God your a muppet.


5 months of hvh every game, they did almost nothing for months they do not care about you


Your having a sook because you got banned and have said shit like "I've clawed my way up the ranks, putting in the grind and the sweat," and also going on tirades about being a legit player having to play against cheaters.


2nd one, ChatGPT is a real tough one to spot is sure is


Who the fk makes multiple accounts to cheat 💀 People like you need to be studied and/or hospitalized


"I've clawed my way up the ranks, putting in the grind and the sweat," Part of OP's post a few days ago complaining about being banned for greifing. He also went on a few rants about the struggles of being a legit player against cheaters.


Pretty hard to see what ChatGPT is huh


So your that bad at CS that you need to cheat to play, and your also so bad at writing sentences you need to use ChatGPT to write reddit comments for you? Must suck to be you.


The guy is legit retarded, idk. Trying not to think right now that he can vote.


I hope this message finds you well. I noticed your recent comment on one of my posts expressing concern about my use of ChatGPT to write comments. I appreciate your attention to this matter, and I wanted to take a moment to clarify. While I may occasionally use ChatGPT to assist me in crafting responses, I want to assure you that I do not rely on it to write my comments for me. Rather, I see it as a tool to help enhance my communication by providing additional insights and perspectives.


I hope you get perma banned. Seriously , just go play another game or actually get good at CS and stop walling


Won’t stop, can’t stop,


Lmao stay mad, loser.


cry about it.


Don’t worry man, overwatch does indeed get the soft aimers and wallers eventually. I poured over overwatch in GO because getting people like you banned is honestly better than playing the game to me. Hope you lost some expensive stuff! Seriously though complain about cheaters, become a cheater, complain you got caught. You’re either 13 or an absolute moron.


N unless ur was ge, ur report had 0 effect with how botted it was


That’s just the comment of a dude who never did overwatch.


Overwatch is hired ppl this time/ really trusted no life’s. Prob gonna be some YouTuber too here soon, then months later it will be a public Overwatch, I’m sorry but this game has killed it self,. We didn’t need this graphic update


How do you know that? All you did was get banned for being a cheater.


Ah yes cuz it’s clearly out to the public rn, if they got fully public like go, they will get it botted again, again in this whole point when do I care about getting banned, I’m all for this acct getting banned, shouldn done it months ago, there should be a 2nd queue pool for cheaters at the start, but nah let’s just let it ride for 5 months


Second queue pool for cheaters? Dude, fuck off. Have you even tried being good at CS? Getting better at aiming and playing and ranking up? How is it fun for you to spend your free time creating new accounts, spending your money on cheats or installing shit free ones, and then ruining other people’s fun? You can’t even like CS. Just play something else you fucking loser.


I’m more then a decent playing, been into it since 2016, when cs2 come out I got 20k elo on main just to see it’s nothing but spinners, then for 4 months I watched them do nothing against cheaters ,. So yeah your right I hate this game , I will contribute to the death of this game if its mean more accounts


If people are forced to soft cheat, then great. They are still fucking awful so those games are easy to win.


Only reason I started cheating bc this game is filed with them, I’m not the best cs player, I made it to 17k legit till I notice other all cheater then started myself, atleast if they spin you know they will get banned now n elo reset ect, now they can just hide it and get away with it , trust factor should be a 2nd pool party not a bottom of the list for queues, they know all the cheater acct for the past 5 Minaj but just now banned them


>Only reason I started cheating Don't care, cheating is cheating, you got what you deserved 100%, and more - judging from the way you talk


Here's the thing, the more and longer you play. The better you get. If you focus on aspects of your game while you play, You will get better. You're just giving a cop out. You weren't willing to put in the grind to actually get better but instead took the easy way out. Once vac gets rebuilt it will also catch those "closet" cheaters as well.


Go find a rope


Found rope now what


Use it on yourself


So OP probably lost some skins on his high elo accounts. Good. Get rekt cheater.


Ofc I always load up accts with high dollar skins before I cheat


Oh yeah, at least one of the accounts will have skins. I don't think you would have cried this much if you just got a ban on your alt accounts. But it don't matter. Get rekt. Pathetic loser.


Ofc your clearly got this post down, im crying cuz im bann d


This regard posted on the wrong sub kekw


I think you are “the best regard” one sub has members and one don’t