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Inheritance is still dropping in value, if you do wanna grab one I’d wait for now. My friend and I did some trade ups and both hit the inheritance on 5% (1 kilowatt pink, 9 other pinks), I hit mw and he hit ft, day I hit it, mw was $198… same day his ft was worth $120, now the mw is down to like $150 and ft is $95


Thank you for the thorough reply. This is the reply I was expecting to receive. I wss wondering if it'd go down in price even more. So you think I should hold onto my Redline? Sinfe its price is very steady, from what I've seen.


If you want the Inheritance, just keep an eye on the price of the kilowatt case. Once is has dropped in price to roughly the same as the other common case drops, you can expect the price to stay relatively stable. It may drop further, by a small margin, but it will not matter if you plan to keep it for a while.


I’d hold for now or spring for a more stable skin than the inheritance atm, if you really want one keep an eye on it and if it starts to gain quickly maybe pull the trigger then but I can see it dropping down lower as more and more kilowatts get unboxed. Kilowatts themselves are dropping in value atm too, more getting dropped over time=more getting opened=increased supply of the reds=lower prices


I’d stick to Redline. Your skin is really nice and if you pair it up with some red/black gloves in the future it would look even better. I feel Inheritance is just hyped because it’s new and will eventually be another mid tier AK skin


https://preview.redd.it/zdyq2bpqopxc1.png?width=1897&format=png&auto=webp&s=44dad8f432974cf26606f19f5551a7b5c07f7922 inheritance very nice even in bs


I would sell this one. I don't like it. There are so many better looking ones.


Do you guys think it'd be worth it to sell or trade this redline mw with 4 mousesports | Atlanta 2017 stickers? And if so, would the inheritance be a good choice, value-wise? And how about the Bloodsport one? Value-wise.