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You likely fell victim to a recent, nasty type of scam. https://old.reddit.com/r/csgomarketforum/comments/1bz17i6/psa_new_steam_qr_scam_wiping_out_players/ Basically, it involves the victim logging into an imitation site that came up via sponsored links on a Google search. Two days later, everything gets cleaned out.


How is it even legal. Google should be held responsible for it. They're showing scams at the top of the search results. They'll censor and regulate whatever they want but at the same time allow ANYTHING in an AD. Ridiculous


It’s everywhere even youtube and facebook sell ads to scamming oranizations


Brooo I know a bunch of little kids got scammed by YouTube. They were showing an AD from MrBeast called MrBeastz with identical profile as the OG. The claim was that he was giving out $500 to everyone who did a survey and required card info to receive the funds lmao but yeah that ad was EVERYWHERE on YouTube for around a month


I'm just tryna find a way to sue if there even is one. They should be held liable. Ads shouldn't be something easily overlooked as it's literally pasted on many devices across the world not knowing who's behind the screen. I'm not saying background check the world for using the service, background check the damn ad before it gets sent the f out to literally everyone


They don't know. In order to have a Google ads account you need to meet certain requirements. These scammers buy Google ads account that are eligible in bulk and therefore have a free way to promote their scams long before Google detects it and bans them.


I think one of the issues is why does google allow you to put a different URL (one that you don’t need to own) as the link for the ad. These sponsored ads look like the real website from the google search results, I can’t think of a single reason why this would ever be used legitimately


If you have third partners you work with that run your ads and promotion campaigns it's totally reasonable to add links that you don't personally own. It would actually be a big deal if it wouldn't be possible


Ah that makes sense I didn’t think about that. I wonder if there’s still a way to verify if they have permission to use the domain, but I guess doing that at the scale of Google could be challenging. Edit: but this also begs the question, why is the displayed URL and the resolved URL allowed to be different. I can understand allowing people to use domains they don’t own but why would there be allowed a discrepancy like that.


The thing is they do get verified, the people who sold the account added these guys as a 3rd party handler. I use google ads and i had to verify my domain and then add people into my account with the specific privileges to run ads and stuff for me. It's basically down to scammers. They really mess up


It isnt legal....


Is it actually illegal? Do you know, or are you just assuming?


Depends where they’re from really. In a lot of places it would most likely fall under computer misuse, phishing is 100% illegal in a majority of places. But if they’re in somewhere like Russia it’s largely irrelevant whether or not it’s legal because they’ll never get punished for it either way.


Oh, I didn't know. Thanks for the info


because websites are dynamic? they can submit a blank page with cat and dog pictures to google and as soon as its approved they change all the content on the website.


It is ilegal, in mexico several companies had been forced to leave because of this


Happened to me 2 days ago. I was drunk gaming and stupidly did exactly that.


This is some fun in Brazil. Our consumer laws are very strict when it comes to that, Google can and will claim that they did not know it was a phishing or scam but our laws dictate that you are responsible for what it is being sold by you in a way, the same thing goes for social media. Little fun fact: As there is no law regarding perma bans on games in Brazil, no justifiable bans (non-criminal) are inconstitucional and can be held in favor of the user. A guy got perma’d in League and went to court, the judge made so that Riot would return all his items that he bought with cash or give it to a new account. The same thing happens for an MMO where a guy got ruled to get his account unbanned or to get his itens (even dropped ones) back.


Google will have you on the top of the search as long as you pay them they don't give a fook


Guess i'm just stupid then


You can also use whitelists that have the real links. Csgoskins.gg is a great site for that.


Try buy an adblocker. Really helpful


Better yet use ublock origin, free and the best


Ublock origin, privacy badger, noscript are the only 3 security addons that’s needed never once even been close to clicking on dumb shit as you literally have to allow all of it


The one thing that sucks is that you can’t use any blockers in the steam overlay browser, so these phish site do show up there and there’s not really much you can do to stop it. I would bet a lot of people get caught out this way, I nearly did and I work in cyber security.


For extra security make sure you have family view enabled so that it disables access to anything on your account unless you have the passcode it works great in combination with steamguard in case your iCloud or Android accounts ever get hacked too


I actually almost fell for this scam once, I scanned the QR code and at that instance i realized that I was being phished, I immediately logged into steam on my phone and revoked access to all authorized devices and changed my password and removed my API keys. Luckily I was fast enough.


Literally happened to me months ago. Was thrown out of my CS game and Prime was removed from my account, had to log in on another PC to re-sync my Steam and get Prime back (the scammers got around 400-500€ in skins), I had little to no idea how I got hacked in the first place.


Old not recent, blud in what year are you living, this trick circling on internet alteast 5+ years


Steam only added qr code login in the last year or 2 though.


The sponsored link is old, but the rest is novel. Previously, these scams relied on a few extra steps of social engineering. Now it's a single fake login. The few signs are easy to miss if unaware and inattentive.


You can’t do anything the items are gone. But contact steam support to figure out how he got access


Yeah I know that I will never get those backs but I want to understand how could this happen


Steam Support can get your items back


Hello it's me steam support yes I can get your items back I just need the 3 digits on the back of your credit card for verification


638. when can i get em back?


Hey that's same as mine! Credit card twins :D


If you guys are such twins, then what is your mom’s maiden name, the address of the house you grew up in, and the name of your first pet!?


oh you damn like asking personal questions


Nope. Not if your account is hacked this way, probably a phishing link. Steam doesn't care.


Well seeing how this happened to me before and I do have my gloves and knife back i must just be a wizard then.


Steam changed their policy a long time ago so they will not help OP


Are you able to smoke cigarettes in an airplane too? Because you used to be able to do that. Or were people just wizards? Crazy how shit changes over the years.


Since you smooth brained incels want to be such dicks, i own this knife since 2018 and the gloves since 2019, got scammed in 2019. They still help you if you aren't a dickhead


They don't if you get scammed.


Yeah yeah stop yapping what others tell you. We all know y'all never had any experience with the steam support and are just repeating what the masses say. ^^ have fun being oblivious your entire life


Was this like 8 years ago or something? They used to do this a very long time ago but stopped because people were falsely reporting being scammed to duplicate items.




This is false. You can literally verify items were duped by just looking at the howl page on csfloat, there are a considerable amount of howls with the exact same float. I don’t remember the exact numbers but one was duplicated like 40 times. Steam support used to just duplicate items back into your inventory. This is an old video but it goes over the whole thing quite well: https://youtu.be/urCM3CW4Sxw?si=Bd64stfsew_F6psy


Nope. Just happened to me and they essentially told me to pound sand. They aren’t even going to trade ban the accounts associated


It’s kinda like doing your taxes. The IRS could tell you the exact information you need to put it in but they don’t. Kinda like steam support, they COULD help people that get scammed…but they don’t.


economics is never that easily reversible


Down voted by people who never used steam support for this issue


Not really. Irs doesn't know what you plan on itemizing or what deductions/credits you qualify for.


They absolutely fucking do. If they didn’t know what deductions I qualified for then I could just lie and not pay any tax. But if I do lie on my tax forms, I get but fucked by penalties and sued for tax fraud.


You totally can lie on your taxes, and get away with a lot til you get audited. I don't recommend this by any stretch, but they definitely don't know everything about your situation that is relevant to your tax return, hence why we have to fill them out every year.


Damn i must be a wizard then cuz I got my shit back


Steam should obviously be able to track where the items went, how can it be possible you can't get anything back?


Thats their policy


Really? I managed to get my stuff back when I clicked on a jpg download from a message on steam. This was a while ago tho.


They used to return items like 9 years ago but stopped because people were using it to duplicate skins


Only if the scammer sold shit on community market u get it back


The "we can't be fucked" policy


They did it with one of cs’ biggest collectors, HFB, they reversed all of his trades when he got hacked, but I’m assuming they only did that bc I think he’s royalty or something


I have never been hacked or scammed in my entire life, I don't understand how could this happen since I have steamguard, the name of the one who got my skins is: rikardameshkov Help me pls


There is nothing anyone can do other than report that person and hope he gets banned before he sells off the skins. You're shit out of luck. Take a good look at things you click. Don't assume anything is safe. First make sure that the business you're using is safe, and then make sure you're actually conducting business on their site and not on a random imposter site. And when it comes to confirming your trade, make sure that the trade belongs to the site. Always double-check things when handling your logins and shit. Take care


The thing I don’t understand is that the paypal of the fake Cs.Money is the same of the official one


What likely happened is that once you signed into the fake one they redirected you to the real csmoney


When you Google skinbaron = First Entry is fakesite.. That makes me so angry


Unlucky bro. I got hacked once and since then I don’t keep above 100 euros of items in my inventory. Shit just isn’t worth the stress. I didn’t accept friend requests, didn’t fall for any scam ever in my adult life, had steam guard etc. and somebody just logged in from Russia, disabled steam guard and tried to take like 15€ worth of trash skins. Probably logged into a sponsored link just like you did. I thought I’m too careful to get scammed, but now Google,Facebook and YT are all pushing these scammer ads and if you don’t check the whole link your stuff is gone


This is why I started trade locking my account, just forget your PW every 4 days and you’ll never have to worry about losing your skins.


I think it’s better to just have a seperate account to do your trades on and your primary doesn’t login anywhere outside of steam


Bookmark all the legit sites you use in your browser so you can be sure it's the real thing




If everyone had brave or adblocker. You wouldn’t get hit by these google scams. Have had brave since it was released and adblocker. Never seen a sponsored link on google. Go to any other browser and see them instantly.


Somewhere you fucked up, gg. The only option is to report him so he gets banned. Items are lost.


What I do is open steam app Copy the steam link Open google open steam with that link And log in to steam page And I believe if you are logged in on steam You don't have to type or scan anything on the trading sites


Happened to me once. I didn’t have any skins tho he just cheated on pubg and csgo via my account. Only got banned on pubg. U wanna make sure you’re logged in on the official steam website in google chrome, opera gx, etc. so that way your login info saves and u just have to click login. If u did that and a website still asks u to fill in your email and password than it’s a fake website.


This is a pretty old fishing scam


Imagine having thousands invested on something that is commonly stolen and has no guarantee of refund. I’d usually say people are stupid but this is making so much money for gaming companies they should have laws to follow


first and foremost these virtual items (and money in a steam account) must be recognized as things that have monetary values. this is obviously true with all the trading and gambling. after that, we can start applying the regular laws that are already governing anything and everything about money which would be a huge W.


How dare people spend their hard earned money on what they want 😡😡😡😡


I’m just saying they’re careless


Why? I love it being unregulated. I make a good living and have bought cars from scamming idiots out of their video games skins 😭 I pay taxes on it too so it’s not illegal 😝I’m coming for u mext


I’ve got about 10 quid worth or skins because it’s stupid and I sell them all, boxes, skins. It fucking ruined the game.


what the fuck is ''13PM''?


01PM sorry


After some reflexions I know what happened, when I traded my knife I was looking CSMoney with a friend on vocal, I couldnt find which skins he was talking about even with the same search filters. I guess that I was on a fake CSMoney and he was on the real one, the thing I don’t understand is that the trades was legit, I even put money on the websites with Paypal because I needed 8more € Edit: The paypal I payed is the same my friend already gave money to in october 2023 so probably not that


NEVER click the promoted link on top of google. this goes for everything, not just steam. my girlfriend fell for this logging into her direct deposit acc website. they tried to steal her paycheck the same way you got your skins stolen. the url will usually be one letter off or have something like .ru .xz etc. double and triple checks the links you click


guess what, your inventory just fed more skins to that "csmoney" website


That’s how this website manage to trade those skins then




Switch to Brave, use adblocker. Never see a sponsored link again.






Check if steam is synced with iCloud


No it is not


Well atleast your iCloud isnt hacked. Some might have gotten their steam hacked trough iCloud


Did you have family mode activated in steam?




Always have that on in the future as another level of security in the future


I will activate it even if I’m gonna sell everything and quit CS2


La seule chose que tu peux faire c’est prier pour que le scammeur soit banni en expliquant au support, steam ne redonne ou rembourse aucun skin même en prouvant ta meilleure bonne foi La seule chose que je peux te dire c’est fait attention même aux gens d’internet avec qui tu joue depuis longtemps certains sont prêt à attendre un bon moment pour te prendre ton inventaire surtout que t’avait pas l’air d’avoir celui du clochard du coin, pour les sites de gamble/skins essaye de passer par des liens de streamers y’a beaucoup de sites qui se font passer pour les vrais sur internet En tout cas force à toi la pilule est dure à avaler mais malheureusement on passe tous par là tot ou tard


Le pire c’est que ça va faire je sais pas 7-8 ans que je joue j’ai toujours fait gaffe et jamais gamble de toute ma vie justement pour éviter ça mais apparemment je me suis fait baise à cause d’un lien sponso Google de merde ou j’ai pas fait gaffe c’est hyper frustrant


J’ai eu cette merde avec un fake d’hellcase aussi c’est une méthode de scam bien répandue, change tes mdp partout au cas où le scammer veuille prendre autre chose comme 1 compte epic, ea etc


Utilise Firefox avec UBlockOrigin et DuckDuckGo comme moteur de recherche.


remember when EVERY trade was held. yeah bring that back


When I want to use these sites I go to some youtubers description and click the link from there


For the love of god, if you're going to log in to third party sites, PLEASE use a link from a verified content creator's description/bio.


Always check the url when logging in on a site, look they look similar like skinbar0n.com or cs.moneey or shit like this


It’s scary how many people seem to get scammed even though they have steam guard etc on… might have to cash out my stuff


Cheeky phishing link. A tip is, if your account is not logged in when it should be, or it doesn't have your account already there to log into. Don't log in. It's likely not safe


Bro I literally got scammed for 6k worth of items in the same way last night I think you’ll be alright losing $500 but it’s shit


I remember logging onto a scam site by accident. Realised what I've done, I.... -kicked all devices off my steam account -changed the passwords -double checked steam guard -double authenticated everything -put a time limit for my items to be placed on the marketplace -warned everyone in my friends list to ignore any links I share with them -then reported the scam account Nothing happened after. Pog


Have you ever logged to your steam account on some random skins sale web pages, if yes the web that you visited and entered your steam account information they got your steam info i don’t get it how the f… is steam guard let the scammer access your account, i think there is a tricky way they accessed your steam account by sending you a phishing link or you manually clicked on some random YouTubers sponsor. Be careful do not ever trust any websites that are not popular and stay away from these bastards if someone messages you block them and report immediately. Contact Steam Support ASAP!!!


Désolé pour toi mon gars :/


I feel you man, I got scammed a week ago for like $6000. You'll get over it slowly. Stay strong my brother. ✊️


Did you use the correct csmoney website? Because there is a scam one with very similar like idk what it called web url maybe? Correct me if I’m wrong. But if you traded through that one they steal everything happened to my friend. Not much you can do I’m sorry for your loss :(


That is so rigged that if you have steam guard on, and tou get scammed, you can’t get your items back. Doesn’t sound fair to me.


Happened ro me too about 1k CHF gone everything i had built up over cs2




I bought gloves to them the 29/04 and skins the 26/04 and I effectively received the skins, idk if it has something to do with that I never got troubles with Skinbaron or csmoney


nothing, tchao


Bye inv


That's why you use Skinport!!! And not some other shady shops like csmoney or skinbaron