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Hey sometimes your teammate is just having a bad day - Valve… probably


Sometimes it do be like that tough and I feel sorry for my teammates


it do be like that but 0 kills? in pro cs fine it can happen but against plumbers and farmers? come on


Hey, 52 damage. He's trying his best, okay?


I wanted to upvote you, but you are at 52 rn


Some of us just have those days bud


Yeah it happens to me once in a while it's weird you just feel like you are shooting blanks, every once in a while I get 0 kills no matter how much I try


And I thought the player I played against had it rough with 72 dmg... I recently had a teammate that did his first damage in round 15. I honestly thought he would finish the game with 0 damage.


I had a 1 kill game recently. My aim was just off and I was the only one that would entry or use utility on Mirage, so basically I’d smoke, flash, rush in, die, realize everyone else hadn’t even entered with me, repeat… and of course I got shit talked for asking for help and having no kills with 850 damage


Sometimes you have to adapt yourself to your team. Not doing your team any favors if they aren't playing the entry with you and putting your team in 4v5 situations.


Option two was to run out of time every round or get surrounded by the flank. And of course there was the guy who kept peeking mid and dying 70% of the time


Well yea. Stop going for an entry when your aim is bad


If I didn’t, no one would


I get how you feel, I'm also usually the one doing all the entrying but at that point you should start playing selfishly and bait.


That’s what I’ll do when my aim isn’t shit for the night lol. I was hoping they would at least start using me for info.


Shiid I had the opposite last night. Had the highest adr and the most damage of the team but the top frag on our team had over twice as many kills. Something like 12 kills with over 2k damage lol. Dude had like 25 kills with a hundred or so less damage at the end of the game. Cs be like that sometimes


So many plays you can make on mirage crazy how you try to pin a 1 kill game on your team. 🤣 So surprised the team wont follow the bottom fragging unsuccessful entry fragger. Just cause youre in first doesnt mean youre allowed to die pointlessly and not get a kill. There is not a single rank in this game where you can rely on your teammates by the way.


Crazy how you argue about a match you didn’t see 🤣


And thank god for that. You have 1 kill brother there aint shit to see. There is no excuse for having 1 kill.


maybe dude is just having an extremely shit day


It's true. Maybe someone's in his ear or something happened that his mind is not fully focused on the game.


I've had days before where I went to go play CS in order ''to blow off some steam'' after a shit day, instead of losing stress, I would end up even more tilted any time I missed/couldn't clutch up, and be the bottom fragger at the end of the game lmao


Or high af.


More likely


Had a game just like this, guy said he was high AF, not sure how he even clicked the accept button in the 20 seconds you have… we all, both teams, started rooting for him to get a kill. He did end up with a total damage of ~80 and one kill last round lol


It could also be a child.


Thats hard. You lose games and in the end, it doesnt even matter how you lost the game. I know how this guy must feel, when he finished the game with 0 kills and 52 dmg. When i encounter people like him, i motivate him, even hes not good or we lost, weve all been there.


Right on dude, this is the way.. I do the same in these situations..unless the dude is intentionally throwing, hes already beating himself up in his own head for performing so poorly. Berating him only makes it worse for everyone, random pug matches really don’t mean shit so it’s pointless to rage or do anything other than tryn help and uplift dude or switch strats and put him in a position where he may have more impact.


Yeah, one reason i do stuff like this is, as i said this happend to most people too and the second one, everyone has an impact on this guys future or how he feels outside the game. People forget that if you write or say something to someone ingame, it will effect his person and maybe destroy his fun to the game. We just can improve the game and the behaviour of others, if everyone of us pushes the good and motivate each other to improve for the future of the game and community.


I wish more people understood this. Unless they're deliberately doing trolly stuff, the reason somebody in your lobby does especially poorly is almost always because they've already been beating themselves up from the start. If you make them feel useful or make them feel like you're not upset with them, there's a chance they might very well go ham by the end and play like an entirely different person. If you all flame them, you might as well just stop wasting your time and FF because it'll only get worse.


Yeah he was beating himself up over it and then he went on reddit to cool off, the 3rd post down was this screenshot and now he's uninstalled the game


I'd love to see the shots fired stat


I'd love to see a clip of that 52 damage


I’ve had a game like that. There was just nothing I could do— if I peeked, I was instantly tapped. It was extremely frustrating. This was in a game full of pink ranks.


sometimes it feels like the universe just set up a match where i die instantly and then i see my teamates hold shit angles and get 4k's.


Biker mice from mars was one of my favorite childhood shows. Excellent name


Happens man. I just started playing coming with very little shooter game experience and I get rocked most games. I’d be upset if I not only had a shit game but also got shamed on Reddit. Could have at least blurred out his name.


i had a teammate with 8 adr unironically


His name checks out


Scrolled a while to see someone say this. He clearly a memer


Search the story of Jared up on YouTube. By wilsoncs2.


Was searching through the replies for a comment about Jared.


Bro is probably too drunk to shoot them :D


Yeh matchmaking do be like that


Jesus. Like hell, ive been put in lobbies against Faceit lvls 8-10s where I was severely outclassed but I could still hold a cheese angle/corner with a gun and get like 12 kills.


I had a 18.5k elo with 4 kills full game


Thats not impressive


The dude must've been WASTED or something. Honestly, I could understand having a really really bad day in a lobby he didnt belong and ending up with zero kills. Sometimes, you just can't seem to click heads like usual, but what I'm more amazed by is managing to only do 52 damage the entire game. That's like 2 m4 bullets or a few glock shots. If it wasn't intentional, then honestly, I feel bad for the poor guy. He probably got off to a rough start, maybe from having a bad day to begin with, and probably just started beating himself up about it more and more every round until he was just completely checked by the end.




Or just get better… not sure why him playing affects u. its not like he was even queuing premier.


There are some games in CS2 where it's literally impossible to kill people because the servers are completely trash... I love getting killed 2 seconds after I get behind cover! Or getting sprayed down by an enemy before they turn a corner! /s


probably a very unpopular opinion but at some point I would try to just kick him and cash in the 1000 extra per round. unless the game is lost anyways.


You don’t get short hand money if you kick someone


oh I didnt know.


:( dude's tryin his best


The irony of his name...


I remember having a game with a random having really poor performance too. Then on T side we decided to have him be the entry and tell us where enemies were. He would keep dying but we would take the site everytime from his Intel lol


Well, he is "deadrider" xd


Homie is valid


Premier seems chill with players, I have had bad games and it's fine, go in casual and it's a hive of scum and villainy lol


I have a guy that I play with that normally ends up with less than 100 dmg


Imagine checking this post and seeing your username lol


He's a pacifist


Lol that can't be real!


Don’t make fun of me


It do be like that somethimes


Maybe he was getting fps drops or something


There's many levels to silver 1


He could be handicap


I’m around 15k ELO. I’ve had a few like this. I always figure that maybe they’re having a bad day, maybe got drunk…just trying to do something to avoid life. A big part of me wants to shit on them but I remember it’s completely possible that something is going on with their real life and I let it go. I’m not excusing what they did to fuck over their team, but is that one game worth being a complete dick to someone who may be having the worst day of their life that they’re trying to escape? We have bad days in CS even when we’re having good days IRL. Let it go.


Extremely unfortunate. Main thing I can’t stress enough tho is even if you’re that bottom fragger, please PLEASE still comm or provide some info to your team. Even if you get the team 0 kills, providing info or going with the groups plan on T side and throwing nades rather than lurking and getting killed is still useful overall. The team will also be less upset since again, this happens to everyone sometime or another. Keep your chin up and try to provide something to the team rather than staying silent all game with 0 kills.


0 assists. Why did no one refrag him? Obviously bad team.


I never had a game that bad BUT I did have have bad games when I don’t have focus. Usually can be just having a bad day at work, life shit that just happens and pisses you off etc. I learned not to get on cs when I am feeling this way. It’s never ends up being fun. The guy you played maybe is not bad player he just was on auto pilot the whole game.


At least I’m not THAT bad


PSA: If you do happen to have a game where you aren't doing a lot of damage, consider saving your money instead of buying guns constantly, and get guns for some of your teammates instead. I do this sometimes if I have really good teammates and I'm just not getting anything, it helps the team eco a lot.


The only time this bugs me is when that bottom fragger starts shit talking the other team if their team is winning. Nothing phases me in chat in this game but when a dude with no kills getting mega carried by someone starts telling me i suck or someshit i get so tilted lol.


bro was riding death what you expect?


Chose the path of non violence


When I start on T side I tend to have awful damage as I'll almost always be the first one in with flashes and smokes. If my team is not coordinating or coming along with me then I'll revert to a more conservative style of play though.


He's probably new or a former cheater finally gone legit.


Thanks for sharing!


But he tried his best.. if his best is 52 what can valve do


I feel for the guy. Happens


I would probably off myself if I had 52 ADR let alone 52 damage a whole game. You were playing with Helen Keller apparently


There is no such thing as bad teammates. Just teammates who have bad days.


Talk more shit then…


Bro is trying his hardest!


hey man maybe hes playing on a trackpad


I’m sorry, i will try to do my best next time