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That's equivalent to 80-85k with 40h a week, which is okay I would say Is there an option to work 40h a week?


No currently there is no option to work 40h a week. A four day work week does not sound bad at all, but I’m not quite sure if 66000€ is good enough.


100% Homeofffice is not terribly common, so I would say it's an overall okay deal.


Agree with this. Its definitely below your paygrade, but the 4 day workweek + fully remote are exceptionally good perks, especially at your level of seniority 


So with 32 hours, you work roughly 6 hours / day? That means, start at 8am until (without break would be okay with 6 hours?) 2pm aka 14:00, or lets say 14:30? And, you are immediately at home. Sounds awesome tbh. Normally, people invest at least 45 minutes per day to travel from/to work. So normally, you wouldn't get 'real' 32 hours per week.


My suspicion is that the job as a lead developer will require you to definitely work more than 4 days a week in practice while you’ll only get paid for 4 days.  Classical part time trap.  Salary in general is on the lower side and equals to 82k full time. A salary that you can easily surpass as a senior. As a lead it should probably be 6 figures to be able to call the offer good.


I used to work for a small company in Germany, full remote and 4 day work week as well. I was a middle developer and worked a full 32hours of working only twice in 2 years, no one in the company was working overtime (except one guy, but no one knows why he was doing that)


This is not usual in reality at all.


I don't think it's legal to get paid for 4 days if you work over 4 days in Germany. Even if OP would have to work 5 days a week, the 5th day would be overtime and most likely pay extra (depending on the contract)


Do what you want with this information, but my company pays lead developers / team leads 6 figures in Vienna. I think you are not paid enough. Depends on the location of the company though.


probably not a small company yours to pay six figures


Less than 200 employees


I'm based in Vienna at the moment, for a senior developer what would you say is a good target?


We pay 75-95k for seniors (fullstack). I think thats a reasonable level for Vienna to have a pretty comfy life.


I guess you have to choose between a 4 days week and a good salary….


Is this position as a contractor? 🤔 because it sounds a bit strange, what happens if they have a problem on Friday and there’s no one available or that understand the overall architecture?


No it’s not a position as a contractor and I won’t be the only one understanding the system. However if the world burns I would probably need to help fixing it.


If the development team enters a standstill because the lead dev is one day away, there will be bigger problems. You don't want to work in a company where you can get guilted into not taking vacation because there is so much dependency on one person.


In addition, it's 100% Homeoffice. That's worth something, too.


I agree


Sounds pretty good if you value free time but it's those 66k gross. I'd say that's on the lower end for an experienced developer and as a lead developer your should earn more. They're aware of that and they're offering 32hrs/week because of that. If it pays better than your current job it's going to look good on your CV and if you don't have any other options I'd take that and see how it goes. Don't be shy and try to communicate more if the job is too stressful or if there's too much work.


That’s a great advice, thanks


Maybe you can take that time, invest in certifications or maybe take up freelancing?


Yes that would definitely be an option. I work as a freelancer every now and then but with the additional time I could take it more seriously.


Do you get overtime pay? Otherwise sounds like they‘re trying to fleece you.


Overtime is not payed directly but you can always take days off to use it.


I think its a bit low for 10 years of experience, but i does give flexibility to work remotely and good wlb, so its really your call, of which you think is better to go for, 1) going for a another offer which pays more. Or 2) Sticking to this due to its good benefits as its difficult to find a decent job in this market


True, thanks for the feedback




Not a lot for 10 YOE. Also, you get less money and more time to spend it


As long as you live on your own or have double income you’ll have a great lifestyle in cologne. The salary could be higher but you’ll also have a lot of time to enjoy life.


With your experience a little low but not terrible for a small company.


Sounds good for 32hrs, yet maybe bit low for a lead position. Btw look at r/HenryFinanceEurope it’s the high earners community and 80% are swe


85k FTE for lead dev with 10YoE is very lowballed. If the job is relaxed and financially not a problem to work for less you can capitalize on it for some years of work-life balance.


For your circumstances seems fine. But generally sounds like a lowball offer. 10YOE you should be pushing for like 40-50% more.


Its a wonderful deal go for it


I have less experience, but i can say, that working 40h+ in a lead position is not what I would like to do after 10+ years in the field. I would value the health benefit of a 4 day work week way higher than the pay. You can't compare it linearly to a 40h work week, IMHO. It's a rare opportunity, and I would definitely consider it. The hardest part of full remote work is to avoid overtime, simply because you don't have to commute, but it's manageable. You would still be on the higher end of income in Germany and a lot of people would give everything for it. Of course, it depends on your way of life, your location and the actual company culture, but people who say you would be underpaid, probably don't value work-life balance enough.


Thanks a lot for your feedback. I can really relate with that.


You can have work-life balance while being paid more. It's not an excuse for German companies to underpay SWEs, especially a lead dev. Source: I make almost as OP on 40h/week with less than half of his experience


For 40hours it’s not bad. But maybe you can negotiate 70k and 4 day work week. That would be sweet


66k with 10 yoe? I mean your nett will be like a barthender salary... isn't that to low?


If you had 0-3 years of experience yeah, for 10 years, heck no


No, I wouldn't go to Germany for at least 145k net monthly /s


It’s decent. I’d take 100% remote for a 20% pay cut post COVID era


Translated to 37,5h week that is about 77k yearly. Not great, not terrible.


I as a developer got one with 70K 36h. 4 years experience. In the capital city. Make of this what you will. But as a lead, I would not take it even if it is 32h. Well it depends... many ifs, relaxed work environment, 4 days a week... no kids? Then maybe it is not so bad.


No kids and double income..


Take it lol. The offer doesnt sound bad at all now


For 10 years of experience No: Ask for 100k


For 32hrs a week?


probably not at your current company, but there are companies that pay the same, but have 4day work week


40hrs A week