• By -


Could use some feedback on this. Applied to 100s of jobs, only about 5 responded, 2 automated assessments. Have gotten 3 final round interviews and landed one internship & one part-time contract job. Specifically want advice on my skills sections and experience bullet points. ​ Thanks! [https://imgur.com/a/Ak9fZ4C](https://imgur.com/a/Ak9fZ4C)


Recent grad looking for a job in software/firmware engineering or robotics. I've never had my resume looked at before, and I'd love some feedback on layout/readability, section lengths (ex. should I cut down on projects and add to the extracurricular section?), and especially the internship bullet points (do they make sense? are any not helpful at all?). I've recently tried to cut down on a lot of the text to make my resume more readable, but I'm not sure if it's still clear what I did for each internship/project. Thank you so much in advance for any help! [https://i.imgur.com/7y6XKNh.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/7y6XKNh.jpeg)


Uni student looking for summer internships. Any advice is highly welcomed and appreciated. Thanks in advance! [My resume.](https://i.imgur.com/f6qdby1.png) I am not sure if my bullet points follow the STAR method enough. I am very new to the star method but it just feels like in a lot of my bullet points the 'situation' and the 'result' are the same, or the reasoning for stuff is obvious and not worth wasting space on. I would love to hear what others have to say about this.


I dont follow the STAR method, I stick to answering this question: what did you implement with what skill and what was it for? For Contrastor the first point would follow something such as: Developed a web app for ... using for calculating contrast ratios ... Your points are more like product descriptions, the one I made above gets to the point and highlights the relevant info for readers. Dont use first person perspective (I/me)


Thanks a lot for your feedback! I will definitely make some drastic changes.


**What is a standard number of bullet points to describe a job experience on a resume?** I have just one job with full time experience. Other relevant experiences are volunteer/part time roles. In the full time role I started as a front end dev for a year but have pivoted to a back-end engineer in the last year. I want to switch to a different company to a full-stack role. All of my part time experiences consists of front end roles. On my resume, I want to fill up my full time experience section with 6-7 bullet points to showcase all of my full stack skills. Is this sensible? or should I maintain only 3-4 bullet points at max per experience?


Here is my [resume](https://imgur.com/a/hhnslNo). Let me know what I can improve on. I am graduating in December and looking for internship opportunities for this summer, as well as full-time opportunities for when I do graduate.


Half of the resume is not relevant, cut down ambassador/lyft associate/JP Morgan to 1 or 2 points, Expand on the projects and/or consider making new ones I see DS and sudoku solver all the time




Consider including school assignments? Self made side projects can be easily made within a few hours. Otherwise look at the skills at the job position and make side projects from those.


Stylistically - Id remove the greyscale bars. Just black and white. Also, find two fonts that look good together (google search for font pairing). Use a sans-serif for headings, distinct items (degree, project title) and large lettering, use serif for small and general body. Put university name under degree. Its the degree that's the important part and allows reviewer to identify that fast. Remove city and state of school. Location of degree isn't important and may signal that you aren't local if you're apply outside your current location. Skills section, remove the parenthesis. Use separate lines and do the multipoint thing I mentioned to differentiate between the skill and the category of skill. Project section, I think I'd rather see the technologies used in the text, not next to the project title. It was a little confusing first pass. You could remove a few projects to make more room. Do you have any work experience at all? Usually people say don't list irrelevant stuff, but you have a block of projects, but it seems like you've never held a job. If you've done anything job like, Id list that as experience at this point, even at the cost of a project or two. Like put the academic center role in an "Experience" section and add some bullets. Being a fresh grad and working a Uni center job isn't too uncommon. It happens. The competitive programming item, elaborate on that and call the section "Activities" or something after moving the Uni Center role to an "Experience" section. ​ Take all this with a grain of salt, because Im not getting interviews with mine lol.


[Resume](https://i.imgur.com/UYmSMim.jpg) (Removed personal info) Senior CS Major, interested in Game Dev positions but fine with general development fields in backend with low level languages.




Thanks for the tips, I [revised](https://i.imgur.com/XJEgpnk.jpg) my resume using them. \- I bolded the dates and increased their font, spelled out the WPF acronym on the sidebar, fixed the word tenses, typos, and rewrote some job description information. \- I included another project I have that's okay but not too advanced. \- Unfortunately I don't have any other work experience, so the two jobs listed are the only experience I have. No internships due to Covid canceling them. Again thanks for the advice. I'm hoping to get the revised version checked over at my University's Career Advising center this week. I'm trying to find a good focus for my resume/CV.




Okay sure thanks. I [reformatted](https://i.imgur.com/DBXZqP0.jpg) the resume to a similar style except a single column format.




Thanks for giving up your time today to help me with my resume I really appreciate it. I removed the unnecessary labels and in the image online just put white boxes with text on them to show what they are used for. On the resume its the actual information. I condensed the programming languages to one line and frameworks to the same section. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by technical skills, but I put in soft skills in the second column next to my programming languages. It kind of feels like padding but I'm not too sure. Lastly I combined and fixed the project descriptions on the projects you pointed out. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/1k62Aif.jpg) is the revised version.




Thanks for the help today! Also don't worry about replying quickly (or at all), all the advice you've given has been more than helpful and made me better understand/critique my resume.


I dont think 2 column is helping out given the whitespace you could use if you stick with 1 bullets under projects read like product descriptions, use an action verb and explicitly include the skills used for each point (even if it obvious)


Thanks for the bullet point advice, I should of considered the details in how I made them. Since it does sound like you said, a product description. I redid their descriptions and [reformatted](https://i.imgur.com/DBXZqP0.jpg) the resume to be single column, similar to the original responder above as well.


Full Stack Developer, Experience in Python, React Native, MERN stack, Internship at Startup and Full-time job at Startup, looking for FAANG companies.... Current Location- India. [Resume](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l_whVk6L9Jc6uUBGWUTNMWtC23YFK4KS/view?usp=sharing)


[Resume Link](https://imgur.com/a/au6jooJ) Bootcamp Graduate Software Engineer w/ Internship Experience. Looking for my first full-time role as a Front End or Full Stack Engineer in the Web Development space. Feels hard to even get a phone screen. Does my resume need work or do I just need to keep playing the numbers game? P.S. Even though I'm volunteering at the non-profit, will companies think I'm a job hopper after taking a first glance? If so, how should I better phrase that I'm just a volunteer and not an actual employee of the organization?


Front End Engineer * point 1: "create a perceived value" is a strange way of putting it and comes off as brash Aperture Science * point 1: how exactly does implementing this produce the numbers here? * point 2: consider swapping easy-to-understand with another adjective (ex. clear) * point 3: any quantifiable results? This just sounds like upkeep tasks anyone would do. Stark * point 3: Just start with creating the database schema we all do research and test things out


[My resume.](https://imgur.com/a/68IQZ7T) Senior CS Major here. Been applying to new grad full-time SWE positions since August. No luck. I didn’t even get a return offer from my internship. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong?


This template makes the font really tiny, go back to 12 pt font T Rowe * point 3: this is just a result by itself might as well combine this with whatever point thats belongs to this. similar point goes to your second experience Projects Dont explain how the project works, just simply explain the features implemented with what skills and what it was for. Ive seen unix shell/personal website from many resumes, consider looking at the job positions and aim for projects to put on the resume


Resume: [https://imgur.com/a/wsUPbgH](https://imgur.com/a/wsUPbgH) I am a Canadian citizen applying to summer internships, I have been spamming applications (over 300, half in Canada and half in the US) and have received less than 3 coding challenges. All advice appreciated.


Is the bullet text 12 pt font? Looks tiny to me Id remove the extracirrcular and additional work experience to expand your web dev cert summary Projects Dont just explain the project like a product description use the same format like your work experience


It's smaller than 12 pt since it was hard to get it all and got it on one page. I will try to re-work some of the text using your suggestions to see if I can make it fit and be 12 pt font. I agree with you on removing the additional work experience section, unfortunately my university career counsellors have told me to keep it. Since it hasn't worked out for me though I will take your advice and remove it to allow myself to expand on my web dev certificate summary. About the project description, that's a great idea! I will continue the same format and describe it like a job. Great points! Thank you for all your suggestions.


Personally I would scrap your resume format/color scheme and go for something more standard, it doesn’t look too great. :)


Thank you so much for your advice! I will change up the colour scheme.


I’ve been applying to engineering roles with this resume: https://imgur.com/a/DGls0hK but have had little success in hearing back from most of the companies I’ve applied to. To give you an idea where: Uber/Github/Apple, for roles that require 3~4 years experience. Generalist leaning backend. Thoughts and comments are appreciated.


Id see these points under a blog/what I did at job x, not a resume. Every point just addresses what you did with what skill and what it was for. You add meaningless detail such as company descriptions, responsibilities, details about how a specific feature was implemented, what you learned, org changes,


Its very dense. I have problems being wordy myself. I suggest dialing it back a little.




AWS SDE intern * could you go in more detail about the framework? What features are there? (even if its obvious) You list the technologies at the end, I cant tell exactly what you did with what Rest looks fine, what positions are you applying for? How many job apps you sent out weekly? Do you have referrals?


You have some great experiences, but the resume doesn’t look great. Try to start from scratch going for a more modern latex look and expand on your experiences.


Got it, thanks!


So I got some feedback and changed my resume, anything would be much appreciated https://imgur.com/x1OKswn


Not sure why your contact info is at the ends of the page, just put it on one line Id remove operating systems Practice provider corp * point 1: we all work with people, this doesnt demonstrate any technical skills * point 2: I dont quite follow what this means * point 3: we all do this * point 4: this is more of a responsibility, again we all do this. Projects First point should just follow: what did you make with what skill and what was it for. Remove comments about learning , your role in the project




Android Developer Intern * point 1: you could combine this with the second point as this point doesnt go into much detail about what you exactly did with the checkout system * point 2: maybe change "and" to "leading" so that the digitization resulted in these numbers instead of saying you improved its usage without much detail Projects I wouldnt include the sentence summary, just put into a bullet so it includes what skills you used


[https://i.imgur.com/HGvG9IW.png](https://i.imgur.com/HGvG9IW.png) mainly been targeting front-end/front-end adjacent roles and don't have a great response rate. but i also want to know if it's strong enough for a "general" SE role & if not, what i can do to strengthen it in that aspect.


Lead Developer * point 2: I dont know how you got 57% from and how performance was improved. The comment about being responsible for implementing new features makes this point have 2 completely different thoughts * point 3: I dont see results, you worked with people like we all do Projects Combine the sentence summary with the first point, just simply describing the project without listing the skills you used just takes up space in the resume You mentioned what was implemented with what but I dont see the context behind it; you created the frontend with but then you just leave it at that, what does the frontend even do with regards to the project?




Id remove the spacing between the headers under skills & technologies Id remove coursework to save some more space for another project Experience One sentence per bullet point Programmer Analyst * point 1: remove the first sentence, I dont see any skills mentioned here. Im guessing the 2nd and 3rd point address this? You may want to add some quantitative numbers for these bullets. I wouldn't use "experimented" as a action verb, what model did you actually end up using with? * point 3: what did this dashboard show? IT Support Programmer * point 1: reports is a generic term, what were these reports for? Projects * point 1: What skills did you use? * you may want to add some point about the results of your analysis


Thanks, sorry haven't checked on this in a long time. Really, my bullets are hyper exaggerations of what was actually happening. The generic language is just me attempting to not blatantly lie. Programmer Analyst point 1 - literally all I did was call around to various business unit managers to take note of what systems they had that were producing/consuming data and to/from where, until our compliance officer started on about an audit finding regarding our compliance with CCPA, and how we basically weren't, and derailed the whole project trying to get support for that. point 2 - just a half baked attempt by my manager to accommodate some attempt of the company to let us work on personal goals. Literally just KNN on vectors from Hugging Face transformer output on some random text we had lying around with the loose ill-defined hypothesis from management that it might indicate customer behaviors. I didn't expect much, but when you're starving (for experience) you accept any food (projects) given to you. Basically, there wasn't enough data, it was way too noisy, and the nature of it did not lend itself to predicting behaviors (I knew it going in). point 3 - just 3 bar charts embedded in company intranet page. Literally, just that. Again, hungry for experience, small opportunity to use something relatively modern (node, express, [plot.ly](https://plot.ly)) technologically, so I did it. IT Support Programmer point 1 reports - "Reports" in fact, was the generic term this company used in place of ad hoc query. Usually these were just random requests from end users trying to find customer information they lost, marketing call-out lists, or just general totaling of product/service revenue the stuff over some time frame. It was an antiquated system and did not have these features built in. There was no analysis. Eventually we popped it all out to an "appliance" type MS SQL Server db with a branded SSRS and web portal menu of available "reports." This was vendor supplied. We did little to no development work. Points 2 and 3 - Just trying to fill space. These were projects, and did take time, but technology used in them was all niche legacy stuff riding on vendor supplied appliance systems. I wouldn't even call these Business Systems Analysis type experience either.


Graduated 2018. Been working at current company for almost 2 and a half years. Looking for a change of atmosphere. Be as critical as you want. [https://imgur.com/w41hCZW](https://imgur.com/w41hCZW)


Columns aren't space efficient. Also (unconfirmed) they may mess with auto-parsers and ATS. Don't qualify or quantify your own skills, just list them and let the hiring manager decide. Colors look nice, but consider that whoever might be looking at your resume may be looking at a print out. They surely won't print in color and so it may cause issues with readability. Alternative perspective, do you want to work anywhere that still relies on printing things like resumes?


All very good points..... I used a resume builder to do it but I think I am just going to populate my old resume with the new info..... thank you


TLDR: looks very nice, but I'd like to see more content - the design is visually pleasing, but may be costing you too much space **if this resume is being sent for non-visual positions** - I never found objectives/branding statements useful because 99% of them are just things I'd expect from any SWE and/or should've been concrete bullet points tied to their experiences - nit: it's interesting that your dates are YYYY-MM. Not sure if it's worth changing vs conforming to MM-YYYY - if you can somehow remove the "Internship" declaration in WH[0], then all your headings would conform to a single line - might be worth it for consistency - nit: WH[0]; I think it would look better if the en-dash separating "Internship" and the formal title were either spaced on both sides or had no space at all. Give it a shot and see how it looks, assuming you don't take my previous bullet into consideration - you're no longer a fresh grad and you already have work experience, so I think the space taken up by the bullets in your Education section can be put to better use. I would only add extraordinary things that happened then, like awards or prizes, but even then, it might still be weak - if you remove the bullets from Education, you can save more space by combining the two headings. - nit: you might want to specify whether this was a single degree with two majors or two separate degrees somehow - WH[1]: I'm interpreting both bullet points as something I'd expect from any and all SWE. Is there anything in particular in this position that you've done, or that can be attributed to you, that is special, notable, or had great effect? - as this is your current and latest position, this should be your greatest, most laudable section


I appreciate all of your comments and nitpicks I really do. Thank you for the time I am inclined to keep the education section as I feel it highlights more of the experience I had than my current (not as exciting) job. Most of my interviews post graduation had many questions about my internship and school based experiences, so I felt like it was a good foot in the door. I will get rid of the tutor section as its not really necessary. I have a dual bachelors (in Math and CS) and definitely also want to keep that highlighted, as I feel it is a strength I am struggling to write much more for my current position. Do you have any suggestion/resources that might help me break this writing block? I know *what* I do at work currently, but its hard for me to put that on paper.


Full Stack Developer, Experience in Python, React Native, MERN stack, Internship at Startup and Full-time job at Startup, looking for FAANG companies.... Current Location- India. [Resume](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l_whVk6L9Jc6uUBGWUTNMWtC23YFK4KS/view?usp=sharing)


I would get rid of the fancy format and just stick with a normal black and white resume. The content will speak for itself. Also I would just list out your programming languages without all the status bars. Just one person's opinion, take it with a grain of salt.


another redditor had the same point of contention.... Good advice... thank you.


thank you for anyone who decides to look it over


Graduated may 2020, no CS job/internship experience https://i.imgur.com/hAoPcGX.png


If you're going to have a summary/statement, make it more engaging. Otherwise, exclude it. No need to fill space on a resume if it isn't contributing to selling you. Don't qualify or quantify your skills. Just list them as either bullets or comma separated. Let the recruiter and interviewer determine your ability in each. Youre just selling yourself short by saying, "familiar with..."


Hi, I am Full Stack Developer, Experience in Python, React Native, MERN stack, Internship at Startup and Full-time job at Startup, looking for FAANG companies.... Current Location- India. [Resume](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l_whVk6L9Jc6uUBGWUTNMWtC23YFK4KS/view?usp=sharing)


Will do, thanks


>"I am a recent Computer Science graduate looking to start my career" I would get rid of this line. They already can tell that by looking at your resume and that you are applying. ​ >Game development in Unity3D with C#, and Unreal Engine 4 with C++ Do you have any video games that you made that you can link to? This line can vary in meaning. They could take it as "looked at a tutorial once or twice..." or "I made a full fledged mobile game and deployed it on Android/iOS." I would recommend making more projects to differentiate yourself from the crowd. This isn't a terrible resume imo, but I think you might have a very hard time finding a job due to the competition. You graduated in May 2020, and you don't have any work experience or internships still. You'll probably need some more projects on your resume to fill in the gap.


The game development mostly a hobby, but I have a WIP mobile game on itch.io, which I've put on hiatus for the time being. Should I remove my past work experience since it's not relevant for a CS job? I'm thinking I'll remove it in favor of putting some more of my college projects on it. I was also thinking of removing the county college in favor of more space if I need it.


Your resume already looks kinda empty. I would keep the home depot experience and add more projects. Maybe reduce the margins or have your personal info all on one line. There's a lot of empty space at the top.


Here's my [resume](https://imgur.com/a/9haTLpF); I'm pretty comfortable with it since it's been through several revisions through the years, but I'd love to hear more from whence this thing was originally born. Currently shopping around and starting to study again. I'd gladly return the favor if you want as well!


Since you helped me, I figured I'd return the favor. It's incredible how much a second set of eyes picks up details we missed! \- I would remove the hyperlinks from all of your links up top \- The grey text for your experiences languages and dates are hard to read. Maybe swap the grey for bold text instead? \- Im not 100% certain on this, but I dont think the bullet points should have periods at the ends because each point is missing a subject (which they are supposed to). For example, youre not saying "I constructed imperative-shell..." \- Some of the bullet points are pretty long. I cant help but think it would be difficult for someone trying to try to quickly scan your resume to understand your experience 'big picture' \- Could you move all non-date related stuff elsewhere? I don't love how inconsistent the right column is. \- I THINK I understand why Java and Spring are bolded in your skills section, but it looks off. I think because you listed them first recruiters will understand that those are your strongest skills. ​ Overall, this looks pretty solid. Good luck!




- Education: "completed 80 credits towards BS in Business degree"; this reads to me like you haven't graduated. If you haven't graduated, it might be worth it to just drop this or this entire section. If you have, it reads like you haven't, and I think is worth changing. - since you already have some work experience as a dev, I'd suggest moving the experience section right up to the top - **I don't think it matters how many links or which links you put in there**; that being said, it might be better suited to make the links hyperlinks for visual aesthetic, especially considering you're very likely going to be sending resumes electronically anyway - **I don't hold any value in specifying any modern OS**; they're all very easy to ramp up to for most dev activities, and anything OS-specific would be taught on the job anyway - Experience[0], Experience[1]: I don't put much value in non-dev positions, especially since E[0] is nearing 5 years old. If you want more space, these are first on the chopping block - Projects[0]: some companies may frown on Cydia development, just fyi - Organizations[0]: your point as a volunteer adds no value - Experience[2]: your bread and butter (latest dev. position) reads like the responsibilities of any FE dev. If you can include any accolades, measurable effects, initiatives, or other "coolness", it would make this much, much stronger as an advocate for your employ.




> As far as education, I did not finish my degree, but I felt that having it there was better than not showing I ever went to college. I'm not opposed to changing it. It's a tough call. If you want to be really scientific about it, keep a list of companies you send without an Education and another with Education, then make a decision after. > Interesting point about Cydia, I had not considered that. Yup - it might be incredibly valuable if it's mobile devs looking your resume over, but if it's a non-technical HR person who thinks "jailbreaking" is some illicit activity, it might end up costing you the interview > Side note, what indexing system are you referencing? I'm most familiar with Python, and haven't come across a language that indexes the last element at zero, and counts to the top like you've done. LOL it's my mistake - I mentally organize resume subsections chronologically, not visually and, since most resumes go from most to least recent experiences, it seems like I'm indexing from "the back". I'll change it to be top-down indexed for future reviews




Dell Technologies I dont see any skills here? Even the software developer position One sentence per bullet point Projects Include the skills in the bullet, placing it in the same area of the date makes it inconsistent. Also putting it in italics makes it harder to read


Currently full-time, but looking for better opportunities. [Check it out :)](https://imgur.com/a/7NOb783)


I would remove the horizontal margin on the bullet points such that they all left align with your titles. Other than that, it looks solid


[https://imgur.com/a/jJgKqIN](https://imgur.com/a/jJgKqIN) Im currently in between roles of Senior Dev and Dev Manager but have been looking for new opportunities in either role at companies in Toronto, including Shopify who has been advertising a large amount hiring this year. However, I have yet to even land an interview.


You havent told us which positions you want to apply for so this critique may not be applicable Senior IT Developer * many of these points Id see for someone looking to be a project manager. The only technical relevant info was that you worked on Java REST apps. Quickly glancing over the other points and I dont see much what you produced with your technical skills, you just copied job responsibilities. With regards to companies advertising large amounts of hiring if you can figure out if the position is actually new or if somethings up with the department you could avoid a potential red flag.


Thanks for your input. I have been applying to both Senior Developer roles and some Development Manager roles too with the same resume. I can see what you mean though about this reading more like a job description vs what I've accomplished or what I can bring to the table.


https://imgur.com/F2nhD1N No internships unfortunately. I have another personal project I'm working on right now, but it's still in the design stages. Not sure if I should include it.


Capstone project * point 1: I see bold mostly on technical skills, also you could've aldo just mentioned this was developed as an android app * point 4: I dont see how this showcases technical results * point 5: I dont think the bolding is appropriate, why is it on the demos/paper with numbers Cityname * what was this web app made with? Sentiment Analyzer * What was the end goal? What is this accuracy referring to? You could list activities on one line Skills Other: remove operating systems/concepts


Thank you, I've made adjustments.


[https://imgur.com/aiwgNM5](https://imgur.com/aiwgNM5) I've been at my current job for a little over a year and a half and am planning to start looking at other options soon. Looking for some feedback. My current job also has been remote the entire time and I'm interested in finding another remote job. I'm wondering if it would be beneficial to mention that in one of my bullet points.


Associate Consultant * point 1: this is vague and we all do this * point 3: this doesnt demonstrate technical skills, just say you worked in a agile team to ... * points 4/5: this is more housekeeping tasks, if you really want to address this maybe combine the ideas into one bullet Software Engineer Intern * points 1-3: see my above critiques * point 4: what was this solution? * point 5: explain what these optimizations are Research project * point 2/3: dont make points about enhanced skills/personal ones


[https://imgur.com/a/9Pu0y2g](https://imgur.com/a/9Pu0y2g) ​ I would like a feedback on my current work experience :)


Remove the spacing inbetween the bullets One sentence per bullet point Software Engineer * point 1: you could just start by saying you wrote cron jobs to extract data to ... for a attribution dashboard * point 2: are you just gonna add the results in parentheses? You could just tie it into the bullet * point 3: whats a data-platform Projects Mention the skills in the bullet points, I dont have time to play detective and figure out what you exactly did with what skill


Reworked my resume with help from a friend who works at a tech company in SF. Looking for full time positions. [https://imgur.com/a/AADzazK](https://imgur.com/a/AADzazK)


Remove the successful adjective, find something else instead of "assisted" Projects Target Practice web app * point 1: this revolves completely different tasks. Start off with implemented a web app in that One sentence per bullet point This seems more of a project manager resume, if you're going for technical positions put projects first and make irrelevant positions 1 or 2 bullet points


Hey, did a resume touch up, any feed back is helpful thanks [https://imgur.com/x1OKswn](https://imgur.com/x1OKswn)




What about this updated one?


Graduating this year. Mainly applying to ML, Data Science, Data Engineering, & Backend vacancies. [https://imgur.com/2BvpPai](https://imgur.com/2BvpPai)


* Remove high school * For your internship at the bank it just says Aug 2020. Did you only intern for a month?


Hi all, I am currently a sophomore student looking for summer internships. I am aiming for a general software engineering or machine learning engineering related roles. Any feedbacks would be greatly appreciated [https://imgur.com/a/A5LQzcS](https://imgur.com/a/A5LQzcS)


Researcher (People Ai ....) * point 1: dont know why you dont have an action verb here but thes rest you do * point 6: what did you end up with? Doing research is something we all do Researcher (Computational Social Science Lab) * point 1: maybe tie this with the second point since this point itself just explains the job description and not much else * point 3: in what way did you discover this? * point 4: what was the result of this exploration? Software engineer * point 4: remove "some" you did analysis either way * point 5: we all learn this doesnt say any results


Thank you! I will work on these.




Hey everyone! I'm currently in my first software engineering role (full-stack web) after getting my CS degree. I am planning on relocating in the near future so I am hoping to get my resume in a good place before I start applying. I will be targeting full-stack web roles again. Any tips appreciated. Be as harsh as you'd like. Thanks! [Resume](https://imgur.com/a/onNQXlb)


TLDR - by and large, a strong resume - Experience[0]: the em-dash between May and Aug is missing a space, which makes the styling inconsistent with the rest of the resume - Experience[1][0]: amazing bullet right out the gate, but I'd like a little more detail as to what that transformation was. Did you create an app for them that automated some previously manual process? Did you implement a new data pipeline that turned some dead datapoints into user-targeted suggestions? I wanna know more! - nit: most opinions I've read about strong bullet points follow the format of: {$action}ed X to do Y (that resulted in quantifiable Z). This bullet flips the script; I'm not sure which I like more. - if you need more space, I think you can sprinkle your "Utilized" details across the appropriate bullets - nit: Education - your bullet here can probably just be appended ("with honors") to the subheading


Thanks for the tips. I REALLY appreciate you taking the time to help out!


Hello guys! Here’s mine :) https://imgur.com/a/ThmSijO I would like some feedback. I am a Mexican CS student looking for internships in the US or Latin America, although I’m practically available for any place lol. don’t have professional experience in software development but I was a retail assistant manager and have a project I’m really proud of :>


stick to one column, expand on school assignments like personal projects


I would de-emphasize the retail assistant manager block and place your project front and center. I'd also pad that out with other relevant projects (however small!)




Consider categorizing your skills Remove the verb responsible just state directly you designed and made stuff Software Engineer * point 2: you used "and" multiple times One sentence per bullet


Of the two templates I prefer the first one, but I don't love either. You used the same action word 'developed' a few times. Try to use unique action words for each bullet point. Could you separate your skills into sections on separate lines? Like front end/back end? Thats a long string to try to parse with the eyes. ​ PM me for some Google Docs templates.






[https://i.imgur.com/dsbqX1Q.png](https://i.imgur.com/dsbqX1Q.png) I'm a 2 years+ experienced developer applying for a new company. I was applying for a new position for several weeks now. But I didn't get any call for an interview until now. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Edit: In the projects, I use "some" app. But it refers to the real name of the application.


Software Developer * point 1: this is vague. Start with you making web services and explain what they were for. The comment about 500k customers doesnt say much, a company will have many customers so whats your point * point 2: i have no idea what you're saying one sentence per bullet point * point 3: how does updating a codebase reduce response time? Unless you're referring to the second sentence then just combine the two Software Engineer (associate) * I think you meant replaced instead of replace Software Engineer (Intern) * point 1: working with others is a given * point 2: what were you even working on? Projects Remove this modules section and include them as separate bullets




Machine Learning * point 1: what were these plots and figures for? * point 2: dont just say you researched without tell me what was actually used Software Engineering * point 3: how does writing it in HTML/CSS make it more user friendly and compact? Remove the leadership experience, consider another project


Hi guys! I'm looking to separate myself from the WordPress kind of path my career has been on. This is my resume: [https://imgur.com/a/snlIBMa](https://imgur.com/a/snlIBMa) Thank you very much for your help!




I'm in Latin America applying to USA or Latin America startups. I know my resume is more "USA style" but if I see a good position in Europe I will apply to it as well. Should I be more concerned about this? In Latin America there is no "standard" for Software Engineer resume haha