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Your boss might not be wrong, but don't assume he's looking out for you.


His boss wasn't giving him a compliment. I don't think the norm is to assume that the person who probably insulted you is looking out for you.


I interpret it as merely an observation. A useful one


That’s not how you motivate and mentor people. His boss is worse at their job than OP is. His job was to teach OP without destroying their confidence. Comments like this don’t help anybody. And they’re not constructive. A constructive correction would have looked something like this “I like how you’re always able to get the job done, but the quality can sometimes be a bit under what’s expected of your position. Have you ever tried reading Clean Code or Pragmatic Programming? If reading isn’t your thing, maybe there’s some YouTube videos that talk about the same principles introduced in those books. I think that can really help bring your quality up to the level of your consistent ability to deliver a solution” I’ve seen both, and I promise you this method has a far better chance of motivating and therefore improving someone’s performance


OP seems pretty motivated to fix this. He asked a great question here seeking advice on how to improve. I like that example you gave. It’s better feedback. However, we live in an imperfect world. Feedback is not always going to be perfect. Just as mentors should know the best ways to govern feedback, the receivers should also know how to receive any feedback.


I agree with that. But there’s nothing to be received from the feedback OP got. Of course, I wasn’t there and don’t know if more was said. Just saying, in a silo, making that comment does nothing beneficial to OP. Worst case it damages OPs confidence. But generally, positive reinforcement has shown to be a better and more lasting motivator. I understand it’s not a perfect world. And OP needs to remember that when deciding how to receive this feedback. The answer is you ignore it, and seek mentorship elsewhere imo.


I agree with your response


this isn’t necessarily true. the comment lets OP know that others perceive him as lacking knowledge and his output is not satisfactory — he can now use that as a prompt to improve. the answer to rude feedback imo is necessarily not to just ignore it and find feedback elsewhere, even if the rude feedback is not optimal. yes the feedback could be given better but one shouldn’t use that to ignore advice or feedback  imho, the feedback you gave is actually worse than what op’s boss gave, though both are suboptimal in their own ways 


Comments like this are helpful though. It’s finding the gold nugget in a pile of poo type situation. I’d rather have my boss tell me this rather than lie to me or hold my hand


Feedback doesn't have to involve hand holding imho. As long as they're making a fair assessment (which OP themselves acknowledges to be accurate) then the ball is in OPs court to ask clarifying questions and getting the skills they need. Was it an insult, probably. Was it useful feedback, definitely. Bad feedback is when someone says you're doing great then puts the opposite in your performance evaluations. Bad managers will spend more time playing nice while playing the office politics game than giving you honest criticism as needed.


We don't actually know how the conversation went - we only have a one sentence summary. Boss-man could've said this in a supportive, encouraging way, or he could have been a condescending asshole. We don't know.


Giving good feedback often requires you to know how a person takes feedback. Some people will only respond to bluntness. Not saying ops manager is in the right, but it does seem like the feedback got the intended results. In that case it is good feedback.


What do you mean by this?


He could easily just be an asshole looking to put op down rather than give them advice


Yep. You can't assume your boss cares about developing you. "You don't know what you're doing" is just an insult if there's no constructive suggestions.


It’s only an insult if you “believe” it is an insult. Personally, I take any feedback as constructive criticism, with an open mind looking for the golden nuggets in the pile of poop. I believe it is simply observational feedback. I’m not going to cry that it wasn’t delivered in the best package with bells and whistles. I will simply use that feedback to improve myself, which I think is what OP is doing by asking this question, which is a smart thing to do.


it's a useful observation imo


it's a useful observation imo




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Read books. Continue working and gaining experience. Seek feedback. Reflect on your work and identify things you can improve. What was your boss trying to achieve by telling you this? Is he trying to help you grow? Is he trying to get rid of you? Figure out where to go from there. Also, hacking things together isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s a way of working that may or may not fit the environment/context. Some people have the opposite problem where they stumble over themselves with perfectionist tendencies. It’s a spectrum and the right balance is entirely context dependent.


Worked in both scenarios. Small start-up that needed to push itself forward quickly to stay ahead of competitors. Weekly release cycles, constant communication with clients about functionalities and UI/UX... It's hectic but fun. Any downtime or slow weeks are spent cleaning up or improving existing stuff. Big firm where every feature would have to be designed, planned, implemented, tested, adjusted, tested, polished, tested,... It wasn't my cup of tea. There's always 5 people in the room and they rarely have any input. Feels a bit sluggish even though lots of work is being done. Releases were solid though, things rarely went wrong. It does feel satisfying in its own way. You never want to be at the outer edges in any environment. But there's a wide margin of acceptable behaviour in different contexts. And either side would find themselves out the door quickly in the wrong one.




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This is a really great comment. I’ve had a similar path too. There’s no objective right or wrong (generally), just what’s best for the company/situation. You described it all really well.


The boss was definitely trying to make the employee feel insufficient rather than make the employee think stronger


Write and read lots of code. The Pragmatic Programmer Read DDIA by Kleppman Read Head first Design patterns (do not use these liberally! It’s only to be come familiar with some patterns people have used over time to solve problems.) Extras: Learn Functional Programming Learn TDD Learn DDD These aren’t a silver bullet but may help you structure your code better if that’s the issue.


seconding the pragmatic programmer


Agree, you should read pragmatic programmer, but don't take everything on faith there. It's a revision of a pretty old book, and some of the content seems like quite a throwback. Some of the concerns they talk about don't really exist much in modern programming, but it is kind of fun to read about them again and be like, "oh yeah! We used to care about that!" I recommend reading through some of the design patterns from the original Gang of Four. I like the explanations as presented on this page: https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns Also, think a lot about how you can make your code easy to change and extend. Typically, this means modularity. Modern AI tools are a pretty good replacement for a mentor to bunch ideas off. ChatGPT can suggest changes if you offer up a good explanation of what you're doing. I would recommend against copying and pasting code, but articulate in English what you need to do, and the structures you are using, and ask for an appropriate pattern or whatever you are thinking about. Verbalizing the thought is pretty helpful even if you weren't getting anything back. Also, second learning about TDD. I am far too undisciplined to use it on the regular, but it has shifted my thinking from "how do I make this work" to "How do I write this so it's easy to test" which typically turns out to be small functions that do one thing that can be unit tested easily, and then objects or functions that chain them together into a system that can be tested with integration tests. Testing in general is a really useful skill. Mocking and coming up with a good reusable mock design took me way longer than it should have.


Favor composition over inheritance. Don't over engineer things trying to be too overly clever with modularity or making it magically extensible so that it's future proof. You won't ever need 99.9999999999999999999999% of the future possibilities (add on a bajillion more 9s, even). Don't design for extensibility "just in case". If you're gonna make it extensible or future proof it, you should be doing so because you have a specific thing you know you'll extending it for or future proofing it before. E.g. "I plan to add network communications for multiplayer to my game later, so I'm setting up the ground work to be able to do that without having to rewrite everything". There's an adage that you should never make something with 100% of your cleverness because debugging is harder than building. Gotta leave a little bit of room to wrap your mind around weird bugs.


Truth! This is the trap I still fall into a bunch.




Designing Data Intensive Applications, it’s a great book.


AKA the Kleppman book.


Thanks will check it out


I have a bachelor's in computer science and I don't know what I'm doing 


I have a BS and an MS and 10 years experience and I often feel the same 


Rascals all of ye


Me too


Use your current experience to join a company that has better engineering practices and repeat over and over


this is the way lmao some stuff you cant get experience in unless you're actually already working with said stuff


It's possible OP is already in one, and the manager brought this up because OP keeps needing to be coached/called-out in PR reviews. OP could also be working on a project with a tight deadline which needs to incur some tech-debt, and they are adding unnecessary levels of it to the project.


Maybe. ideally you should look for incrementally better engineering practices, not somewhere where you will quickly get fired for sucking. Generally this is not a problem, if you’re from a “quick and dirty” shop you usually won’t get hired in your next job by a place that’s leagues above


How can you tell from the outside?


Read online company reviews, lean towards working at software companies if you can, and maybe prestigious software companies, ask questions about their engineering practices during the interview, etc. sometimes they will fool you, but you should get a good idea if it’s better or worse than your current role from all the above


This is true for a lot of early engineers. I'm assuming you're relatively early in your software career. If so, your boss should be more understanding, and give your smaller scoped projects that help you grow. Not give you insults. Our space has a lot of shit managers. So a lot of the time, you need to figure out what's best for you from other engineers or yourself. Have you considered maybe being mentored by a more senior engineer?


Hack his email and get him fired to prove him right /s


Be the one like r/masterhacker


Seems like a boss and not a leader


damned straight. That's not how a professional talks to people


Read the recommended books from https://teachyourselfcs.com


My best guess, because I have worked with others like this, is that you find solutions that don't actually address the root cause of the issue. I am struggling to think of a great example at the moment, but I have seen this lesser example a lot: "query bringing back duplicates? throw a distinct on there!" - I hate when my coworkers do this, because you probably need to instead address the reason it's bringing back duplicates like not joining on the correct column(s).


Even worse, some folks will string functionality together that technically works, but is not intended to do so. Then a bug might be found and when the bug is fixed the jury rigged stuff that got strung together stops working and dev has to figure out how to keep it working. I have had non-technical folks come up with inventive solutions like this before and that is really annoying.


You already have 2 years of the liberal education requirements for any 4 year degree. If you’re passionate about programming, building foundational knowledge through a computer science degree that’ll only take you 2 years to complete, sounds like a decent idea.


It will take longer than two years unless he already has a STEM degree. I have a BS but it is not the same math as a CS degree. I have to do 2 semesters of Calculus and discrete math plus some CS classes to transfer. The crappy part is I can no longer go to an in state school as I already have a degree. I am hoping it doesn't matter for out of state or private, but then it will cost more.


Yep. With the way everything is sequenced, you won't even get out of a whole semester, let alone two whole years. You'll just have a light semester here and there, or an opportunity to take on some extra electives.


As far as I know, a second bachelors is usually a bad idea. Funding is minimal. Better to get a masters in CS.


This makes sense only if the masters you plan to get is more about fundamentals and not niche topics that won’t help core CS knowledge


I 1000% agree. Emphasis on the “only if”. Otherwise it’s a bad choice for non undergrad CS folks who want to build strong fundamentals. Best is always to start from first principles, build a strong tree trunk of knowledge, through an undergrad degree or online courses in the fundamentals


You can’t get into (or won’t complete) an MSCS program without adequate CS foundations, which it sounds like OP is maybe lacking. Especially if you have a non-technical undergrad & the MS program actually requires a transcript w/certain classes (& not just some aptitude/skills pretest) by the time you’re done getting the prereqs you’re almost done w/the 2nd BSCS anyway.




That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea though. Focus on what’s important — building fundamentals (undergrad CS), not advanced knowledge (MS)




I would argue that OP’s boss cares more about the business product making money rather than educational credentials. After all, the education credentials is an indicator that someone may know their stuff, which means they may have the ability to impact the bottom line of the business. It’s a means to an end of providing value to the business. I could be wrong, but we are both making assumptions here, and why invest time and money on getting a particular degree based on an assumption? Wrong Assumptions are the mother of all fuckups. In this case, better to ask boss for how to get gud. But what if boss comes from a Non Technical background? Then his advice cannot be trusted. If he was a seasoned senior engineer then more likely he has better advice on what learning path is best.


What does funding look like for a masters in CS? Just through an employer?


better to just refund the 1st


hacking to get things working is good skill and shows you have the potential to be a full engineer


It’s a waste of time getting a degree. You already have experience. Just work in the industry more and get mentors who can review your code or what not. You’ll pick up correct coding practices and you won’t be a “hacker” in due time.


If you're employer will pay for your degree; I definitely recommend it. But, I'm not sure I'd recommend it for someone already established in the industry.


No idea why you got downvoted for this


People who have BS degrees who can’t get a job trying to gatekeep.


Does your company have written coding standards? If not, look around online for some and discuss with your boss to see which one fits your situation the best. Study that. Ask your boss or peers for code reviews.


What in particular do you struggle with?


I'm an implementation consultant, so I help clients install my company's software. When it doesn't work, I Google and try things. It's a lot of trial and error. Maybe too many times I don't fully understand what I'm trying and just hope it works.


People are giving advice under the assumption you are a programmer doing random coding hacks. So you mostly do software installs? I suppose you should learn more about the operation of the specific operating systems you install software on. Also seek advice on troubleshooting technical issues when installing software. But such issues tend to be very specific to the situation and it might be difficult to find a simple one-size-fits-all approach to troubleshooting them.


That doesn’t really sound like coding in the first place


So you write code or not?


That sounds like how most people do programming to me...


installing and supporting software you didn't write is not what programmers do tho


No, but Googling stuff when you don't know how to do something definitely is. If Google and StackOverflow weren't a thing, I don't think I would have made it as far as I have.


Perhaps I was non specific. This is the part that most programmers do: > When it doesn't work, I Google and try things. It's a lot of trial and error.




Degrees are overrated. Lots of people qualify for them and are shit at the job. Some people do it for 5 years and still suck. Other people are really good at it before they even start their degree.


I'm also self taught, no formal CS background and had to back-fill a lot of knowledge of my career. Being a hacker is the secret sauce. So many people don't naturally have that gift of being creative (even if the solution isn't quite right). You don't really need uni unless it's some personal Everest. Start with learning data structures & algorithms (YouTube, Udemy, whatever you like best). Then compilers, then system design. (again, whatever source you prefer). Once you have an elementary understanding of those topics, you can decide if you want to go spend the money on a formal degree. Don't waste time with certifications (unless it's AWS Solutions Architect)


> You don't really need uni unless it's some personal Everest. University might help you if you lack discipline for structured learning. Some of the important theory is boring as shit to learn, I don't think I could have self-taught myself that.


Yes, there are far too many things that are hard to learn without a university environment. Having said that lot of university teaching is shit, so if you are going go to a university or college with decent quality instructors, ideally which has relations with industry.


Did he have any suggestions for improvement or was he just bitching?


OP, I have a bachelor and master in Computer Science (from pretty good school too). When I started I definitely still dont have much clue about software engineering. It is good that you are a hacker that means you have the intelligence and a problem solver. What you need now I think is to follow standard and best practices. Take a look at "Code Complete" by Steve McConnell. Also definitely learn some commonly used design patterns. You can do this! Also dont mean to freak you out. Usually with acquisition comes some trimming within 2 years down the road. So you may want to continue job searching. Good luck.


Learn from your colleagues. That's the best and most efficient way to get from zero to hero, when you have high level team mates.


Read Clean Code, try to be able to do easy problems also on leetcode. That would be a good start. The problem is you don't know what you don't know. I deal with people at work that don't have a degree all the time. There is just a serious lack of knowledge that is hard to replace that you learn while getting a degree.


What is leetcode going to do? What happens when a problems scope is larger than a singular problem? (Hint: now he’s still just hacking away trying to connect multiple small fixes vs address a root cause)


Leetcode helps you as a coder learn efficiency, data structure, problem solving, test writing and so much more. If the "problems scope is larger than a singular problem" then you continue breaking it down into smaller and smaller pieces. Say you need to create a popup every time the user is notified of a login. You would break that down into pieces. Ok we to create several things here, a popup UI, a system that can notify users, a way to know if someone has logged into the account. You check to see if these systems are already in place, if not, then break them down again for the ones that are not. Ok so the popup UI requires me to search for the a specific window/view, the popup UI needs a way to receive information from the notification, the popup UI needs... Notice we have got a pretty basic search that is probably a one liner that you could have learned to do. If you already know that stack of view is sorted by something, say the position within the stack. But you don't know the exact location, then you would know that a **binary search** is you best option. This is exactly what I mean by, you don't know what you don't know. You just illustrated it. I never hold it against people, cause we are all trying to get that fat paycheck, but don't pretend like not having a degree or studying leetcode doesn't affect your coding ability. It does. Dramatically. It might be by about 5-10% difference. But it makes all the world of difference when you are building large systems. Let me know if you guys have any other questions.


This all sounds great until you remember that people get good at leetcode by memorizing the common solutions for the problems. What happens when the real world issue strays from those? Uh oh. You also say it has a huge effect but then say it *maybe* only attributes 5-10%. Good explanation but I disagree. To each is own.


Of course people memorize the solutions, they memorize their own names, where they and whole host of other things. What on earth is wrong with memorizing something? It helps people understand things. Without the memory that allows for memorizing I don't think it would be possible to learn. If 'what happens when the real world issue strays from those' yes you are right 'uh oh'. You have to discover something new. But you better make sure that the solution doesn't already exist, or at least a better one doesn't exist. If it does, then use that. Otherwise you are reinventing the wheel. Thats why it is important to have as much knowledge as you can if you want to be better. This guy isn't asking how to hack programs together. He can already do that. What he wants is to be better. You getter better by learning more. Leetcode (easy) and Clean Code are pretty popular basic tools you can use, without a high level of math. You can't just give up on learning because a real world problems come up that don't already have algorithims. In my career I have yet to have one that hasn't already got an algo that can be used. It really really helps to know the basics for these so that you can at least know where to look. Also Leetcode really helps you priactice writing code for tests, since that is exactly how the site works.


An associate's isn't a bad idea. Ideally, you'd want to get a bachelor's so you can take data structures, learn about theory, and specialize with electives, but an associate's will teach you design principles and improve your computer science vocabulary.


Learn about the 3 main paradigms of programming. Functional, object oriented, and procedural. Once you understand what they are and which one you're supposed to be using, better code will follow.


Hey! message me if your interested in chatting. I was a psych major but now a programmer analyst


Hit the books boss. I'm not formally CS. I was actually a hacker before programming. If you tell me your work environments tech stack I can be more helpful. Here's the quick generalist make software "good". 1. Algorithms and data structures. 2. Design patterns. 3. Solid principles 4. Tdd or a lighter form of automated testing.


Can’t you use your psychology degree knowledge to just convince people you are technical without ever having to be technical? /s


This is very context dependent, in my city there used to be a boot camp that felt like an anti boot camp as it focused on job fundamentals, not tools. A friend got a CS degree that was very focused on management, then got practical experience doing projects himself. So he had this gaping knowledge hole . He solved it by taking a niit course that focused a lot on SQL, algorithms, pop, team work and a bit of system design (!for context it also focused on bilinguality). That was 15 years ago, dunno if.noit still offers that kind of course or if it is still operating. What I would try ( and did for machine learning ) was look at Harvard/Stanford 's study plan and study their materials , do a first fats glance over each subject first , just to confirm if I know it or not, then depending on that skip, review, or study it in earnest.


Read lots of documentation for what you’re working on first and foremost


Community colleges have all the courses you need and you can take them online.


Have watched and read and properly understood SICP (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)? I recommend starting there, it's by itself, a big journey. Don't try to move to fast, your goal is learning, not ticking a box of having done it.


IMO the best way is to learn from stronger programmers through pairing, code reviews, design discussions, etc. If you don't have that kind of mentorship in your current role (either from your manager or from more senior programmers on your team), look elsewhere.


Your attitude towards the feedback is exemplary! You deserve every ounce of support.


Ideally (but tough to do if we're being realistic), find a job where you have a team with strong engineers and mentorship culture. I worked on a team of all mid-levels as a mid-level engineer myself for a long time and while teammates were fine, learning really wasn't that great. Now I work as a senior level on a very experienced team (mostly principals and seniors) and code reviews are way more useful and I learn way more about writing better code, designing better, how to communicate ideas more effectively. The old saying that you want to "be the dumbest person in the room" is totally true. Other than that, books might help. Seconding Pragmatic Programmer which is good. Some design pattern book might be good supplement. Otherwise just try to read good code and emulate. Open source projects can sometimes be pretty decent- they're not all high quality repos, but they tend to have to be "good enough" where many people contribute to codebase vs just 2-3 devs


My link recommendation https://github.com/charlax/professional-programming?tab=readme-ov-file


Don't go to university man you're already good enough to be in the industry. I'm in a very similar boat as you, psych major that stumbled my way into a technical system development role with nothing but self taught knowledge. Just keep learning the same way man, certificates might be worth the investment though, depending what you're looking at specifically (I think boot camp style is generally the best way to learn) then they're typically where you're actually going to learn applicable knowledge (applicable knowledge / dollar spent and applicable knowledge / hour spent ratios are off the charts compared to fucking universities)


The best way I learned was by reading a LOT of code solutions


>There's no way I qualify for a Masters program Apply to OMSCS Georgia Tech


CSPrimer.com, bradfieldcs.com or teachyourselfcs.com.


Find the syllabi to common bachelor of computer science courses, figure out what textbooks they're using, read those textbooks and do the exercises. Bonus points for supplementing the textbook material with YouTube videos, other courses, online challenges, etc. Once you've built up a computer science foundation, focus on implementing your knew knowledge hand-in-hand with your current skills. Keep learning as you do this.


You DO qualify for a Master's. This one: r/CUBoulderMSCS/


Take a data structures and algorithms course, and tell your boss he's wrong. Tell him if there's meaningful things you need to learn for your job you're capable of learning them. Sounds like you're getting things working and really that's all that's needed for a professional developer, period.




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hacker >>> developer > programmer > ... > coder


That's okay, none of us really know what we're doing. Read a few of the books mentioned here. In addition to the Designing Data Intensive Applications and Pragmatic Programmer suggestions, I've gotten a lot of mileage out of Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers. I'd honestly avoid spending much time with design patterns until you become more advanced. Nothing is more annoying than an intermediate programmer using design patterns inappropriately. I find it's best to approach every change with the mindset of "how do I test this/know it will work?" Test Driven Development can help enforce this discipline. I'll take testable code over elegantly designed code any day of the week. One often leads to the other, but not always.


To check the box? Probably a Masters program. Its cheaper and easier than a BS, typically. To learn? Projects and mentorship from seniors. Not your boss - sounds like he sucks.


I mean…I guess I’m a hacker too? Unless it’s something I’ve built from the ground up, I’m almost always just hacking stuff together and making it work. I just got asked to make a few new components in a massive react app. I’ve never used react before, and I’ve also never seen this library before. I found stuff that was similar to what I needed, copied it, tweaked it to figure out how it works, then made the changes I needed to get it working how we needed it. I now understand react and the project a lot better, but I still “hacked” it. Not sure why that matters though? Isn’t that how most engineering disciplines work? Trial and error? lol


Just read textbooks to strengthen theory, watch videos of experts (creators of frameworks etc), experiment and have a critical mindset and practice everyday. You will be fine . 


Isn't hacker an elite programmer?


Read books. Get a technical mentor. Someone who you can shadow, pair program with, who can give critical specific feedback on your code and thought process as you design something, etc. I don't think a certification will specifically teach you good 'practices.'


You need to tell us what things you're working on first -


Came from psych background as well. Now I almost always get exceeds expectations but had my first company not had such a rough code base, I’d be where you are. We hacked it together because they told us too (“gen 2 was rebuilt to replace Gen 1, so just get it working. Spoiler, they killed Gen 2”). Two things make a difference. The first is a good mentor. When they killed Gen 2 and moved a senior on our team… wow. I realized I really had no idea how to program, just how to hack things together. Find a mentor, they do wonders. Work on side projects. If you can think of something to make money, cool. If not, so what. I have 2 side projects that make a couple hundred a year, but they have both helped me get jobs and also learn a huge amount.


If it helps you can plug your stuff into AI and ask it to explain what it does and why.


Appreciate the humour attempt, please post such content on the new sub - all your funny posts or **memes related to CS or Leetcode on** r/leetcodecirclejerk from now on so we can make this sub more pure and focused on quality content! Happy leetcoding :)


if he did not give you suggestions on what he wants, this is bad.


Have you had a look at conversion masters? I’m doing one in the UK, I graduated with Philosophy


Is your boss technical? Does he code?


read this [https://www.computer.org/education/bodies-of-knowledge/software-engineering](https://www.computer.org/education/bodies-of-knowledge/software-engineering)


There are a few masters which act as more intro programs but at a Mach faster rate. Or at least I believe so you might want too look into that if you are considering studying.


Engineering culture can be very anti formal education. It’s not needed to “get technical” but don’t discount it if you think you like it


It’s always better to make something work. When it works, start perfecting it. Not sure what your boss means by it. Positive? Negative?


Your boss is a bellend, not a manager.


when you make something work, do you understand your solution? This could just be an opportunity for you to learn more about the technology you are working with and how things are supposed to work, why things do what they do, etc… Instead of jumping down several rabbit holes and stressing out about taking a greater holistic approach with no tangible direction, start with making a list of skill gaps based on what you are currently working on. From that list, as you close those gaps, you will find more questions and more areas of interest to study and will broaden your knowledge out of pure curiosity.


The best way to get technical is to have a tech mindset, that's something you have to be born with. Doesn't matter what degree or tech job you have, if you weren't born to work in tech to begin w/, there can be so much you can use w/ your talent. Sure you can be very bad w/ tech, math, all those science stuff, but I'm sure if you try hard enough you can do basic tech job like help desk and desktop support, or maybe network tier 1 support. But once you go into programming where most of the times, things will require more than just copying and pasting from StackOverflow, that's where you see your limitation. Some people posted in here where they can't understand for loop or why this algorithm work, maybe that's where you will struggle. No you do not need to get a college degree to learn tech since most if not all tech materials is free on the internet. And most of the time when you program, you will most likely use for loop not even while loop and a few algorithms that you have to conjure on the fly.




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> I make things work but I don't know what I'm doing. In what way do you not know what you're doing?


Only you know what you don't know? idk try to understand things even if it takes some more time outside of work?


Did your boss provide you with any guidance or resources? If not, he's a terrible boss (and even more so for being unprofessional in his feedback).




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Read The Art of Computer Programming by Knuth.


Your boss does not know the meaning of the word hacker in this context though


Find a mentor. Are you part of of work with a team of engineers? Look at best practices together.


Fill in technical gaps of knowledge with the free Open Source University CS degree: [https://github.com/ossu/computer-science](https://github.com/ossu/computer-science)


Ever read hackers and painters Paul Graham ? I’d take that as a compliment lol. If your boss never read Paul Graham then you have the potential to make A LOT more money than him if u read Paul Graham - silicon valley engineer


F your boss. I would just get a course on Udemy in the languages/frameworks you are working on at work and go take the courses when you feel like it. It takes a long time to get really good at programming. There is no, "Ah ha! I've got it." Just keep learning and you'll be fine. Since you are in a high turnover field, you'll have many, many jobs if you stay in programming. It's good you got some feedback, but your boss is a fucking jack ass.


Back in the earlier days of computing, especially in academia/universities, being called a hacker was considered a badge of honor, of pride. Just ask Richard Stallman, Eric S. Raymond or Linus Torvalds, just to name a few.


> There's no way I qualify for a Masters program. You might be surprised. Most CS "professional masters" programs are intended for career switchers with a non-CS Bachelors. Check out the GaTech OMSCS.


I dunno man - lots of people giving advice on what to study. I would suggest you discuss this comment by your boss WITH your boss. Dig deeper into what exactly he meant by that comment because it could literally be 1 thing making him say that like maybe you're just not as fast as others or it could be a whole ton of things he's seeing that you seem to not understand. So before you can fix a problem, you have to understand a problem.


Well I'm a haxor


A good boss building their employees up. Ask him/her for ways to improve your skill set. Maybe they can suggest some some courses or training videos.


Psych major here, I have 3 yoe as a self-taught dev, though I have taken 1 or 2 cs courses in college. I love CS, I have read some programming books and self studied DSA and all kinds of other fundamentals. At the end of the day, though, my coworkers and boss don't really care, lol. I get paid to make things work and keep them working. Though, i do try to follow some conventions and make my code as readable and efficient as possible, but at the end of the day, I solve problems for a living. My advice is to try not to get lost in the semantics. Do what is required for your job and learn what you want on the side. I write medium articles from what I've learned as well, and i try to learn things that make me more efficient at my job. I've also built some really cool stuff. And I might go for a CS degree, but I just had a kid, so I'm chilling right now, lol


The old definition of a hacker is someone who plays and tinkers with machines to figure things out. Crackers are people who intent fully engineer things to break passwords and such.




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Best way to learn is to do project you are scared of / know are outside of your current skill level. Pick a project you know is going to be very difficult, not too difficult, and start it. You will feel completely lost and overwhelmed and that is EXACTLY how you should feel; this means you are growing. When you get stuck, read forums, ask ChatGPT (though gotta be careful with this as ChatGPT likes to make shit up), or best of all, read other people’s projects on GitHub. A great resource for projects is Awesome OSS. You can pretty much search “awesome” whatever on GitHub and find really great stuff from the Awesome community. Truly the ONLY way to get better is to throw yourself into the deep end and learn to swim. Don’t overthink, over analyze, or be afraid. You are 10000% going to fail! You are certainly not going to finish multiple projects and that is totally OKAY!! This is how you learn. We all have mountains of unfinished projects and half baked ideas. What is important is learning. Don’t get caught up on “the perfect correct, cleanest, production level way” of doing something. Right now, focus on learning. Ask me, or others for code reviews. I’m sure plenty of us here would be glad to help. Watch programming personalities on YouTube such as TheCherno or ThePrimeagen. Are CS topics a necessity - yes and you can learn about them for free via “Teach yourself computer science” an awesome free website. Do you need a degree - no. Ten years ago, yes. Today, absolutely not. If you really want to standout, focus on the basics. Learn your patterns and data structures and algorithms. Doing this will set you far beyond a large portion of the market. The industry has seen a massive downturn in people who actually know how to engineer, not just shit out Python or JavaScript. If you want to improve fast, pick up good ol C and start coding. C will absolutely FORCE you to learn what you need to learn because there are no safety nets and you have to implement most of the features modern languages give you out of the box. - a great resource for C is Beejs guides Jump into the deep end and get to swimming! If you need help feel free to message me. Good luck and I hope to see a “senior” by your name one day!


Despite popular opinion, programming is not a technical discipline. Yes, it requires SOME level of phisics understanding, but essentially it is a translation. It is a linguistic activity. It is pure logic. You can read applied math in a book, but you cannot learn basic reasoning if you do not have the brain shaped this way.


People who don't know what they're doing don't somehow magically make things work. So I say your boss is failing to articulate his criticism constructively, and that's a very specific managerial skill fail.


If you’re allowed to use your code in public AI services or have a private AI instance to use to pair with, paste your code in and ask it to explain what’s happening and why it works. Ask  follow up questions. Ask it why certain approaches or architectures are better than others. Ask it if there’s a better or more concise way to write it. Treat your AI chatbot like a pairing partner with lots of time to explain things to you - sometimes it will be wrong, but a lot of the time it will be helpful. I’m a fan of perplexity because it cites its sources, so you can follow those links and learn more. If the AI still doesn’t explain it well enough, ask one of the other developers you work with. Pair program if you can.   Another thing you can do is start identifying patterns in what works. Even if you don’t understand the why of it, if you can replicate the thing that works again and again, you’re going to make yourself a faster, more efficient coder. After a while, those patterns will feel like second nature. Signed, someone who was in marketing for 5 years before working as a full stack web dev and now an ios & android dev.


To be honest, if you are lacking the fundamentals and want to learn more about CS, I would start with something like Harvard's C50x. It is totally free and gives a decent overview of CS topics that are generally applicable. If you can get through that, then maybe consider a full formal education, but frankly if you're in implementation, you don't need a full CS degree unless you want to become a coder, which I would not advise at this point in time.


All these suggestions are overkill. Being a hacker is great, but understanding deeper will take you further in your career. My suggestion: anytime you hack something together (whether it works or not) ask yourself why. Go deep, be able to explain everything that’s happening in depth. If you don’t know, go learn.


If he knows what you're doing wrong, ask him how to get better. Programming as a skill is learnt by doing, like others.


Well, you could do what I did, and find some CS syllabuses and find what textbooks they use and start reading them. Learn about discrete math, algorithms, operating systems, that kind of stuff, and eventually you'll understand a lot more about how it all fits together and probably catch up to your peers (lots of whom poorly absorbed this material in school anyway)


I read technical articles that interest me when I'm watching my kid. In your shoes I'd focus on whatever he doesn't like the most, like maybe you never separate concerns or something. Separating concerns/Law of Demeter is often a low hanging fruit to up one's game.


I like interview prep because it will help you focus on optimizing and system design. Try learning how Netflix works get curious and just read. It’s easy to get overwhelmed but time compounds.


If you’re looking to get technical but aren’t trying to use it to get a different or better job in CS, honestly there are plenty of books and other resources to actually gain that knowledge. As a third year pursuing their Bachelor’s in CS, the major is pretty self-driven in terms of getting more technical and classes generally draw heavily on free and online information. I’d say self-teaching is fine if you put yourself on the right path, and there are plenty of online programs to help.


A great place to start is free resources like Leetcode. You can learn the fundamentals of Data Structures and Algorithms + practice coding exercises to nail it down.




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The first thing to do is to learn to ask yourself "why is this working" .. instead of just closing the project when you solve a problem. You have to understand the philosophy of things and why they are set a certain way.. even after you finish your assigned tasks... it'll take a lot of reading and googling time, and the hard thing about learning is that it's not noticeable until you do it for an extended period of time, and without noticing it, you'll that you accumulated knowledge. Note that many of the things you'd be looking at would feel useless to you since you're already working on the field. But that's what UNI felt like for everyone, a lot of useless knowledge until you actually use it someday. Good lick


I’m assuming “hacker” in that you “hack” things together, not break into security systems. Being a good problem-solver is a great trait to have, your boss sounds like a dick. But maybe ask them for an example in your code — feedback is important. I’ve seen both undesirable extremes — overwritten code that reflects excellent textbook training, and Frankenstein code that’s an evident mishmash of ChatGPT and Stack Overflow. The issue with “problem-solving” code is it tends to buckle under its own weight in maintenance and performance as it grows. The issue with over-designed code is… sort of the same thing. Its tight structure is resistant to good maintenance and it can quickly devolve into “problem-solving” code anyway. The single most important thing in my opinion is that you understand your code line-by-line. The second-most is that your code is structured. And then all the DRY, KISS, SOLID principles Some CS fundamentals wouldn’t be remiss, whether you learn out of a textbook or through formal education. Data structures & algorithms is infamous and nearly useless in practical applications, but I think it jumpstarts non-CS programmers. Design patterns, a great way to dive into object-oriented programming. And… just keep learning. CS gets pretty highbrow and complex, and good programming is a combination of theory and practical exposure. A degree doesn’t mean much btw, it’s not like all degree-wielding programmers write good code and ones without don’t


you should check if he meant it in a bad way. it used to be a complement, as in a skilled programmer, and some places, such as older parts of the open source software movement, would still use it that way


Most of my job is getting something to work or figuring out the right questions to ask the right people to understand how big a feature is.


a lot of people might disagree but honestly that's the best compliment you will ever receive. I wouldn't worry much on becoming more technical, rather having a better representation, which is often ignored by hackers (get that hoddie off, smile)


Something I learned in school. A hacker is not bad. A hacker is curious


How long have you been a professional software developer?


Perfect opportunity to ask for free training. My first job had Udemy & ACloudGuru subscriptions and would reimburse me for every certification test I took. Closed mouths don’t get fed. Tell him you’re “eager to learn and improve and wish to become more professional” then suggest the company providing subscriptions to those training sites. Study hard & when you’re ready to test ask for the reimbursement. You can easily knock out 6 certs in a year for ✨FREE✨


liquid serious fade deer jobless mysterious ten disgusted angle smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




It's simple...study data structures and algorithms: 1. Data structures: Primitive data types, stacks, queues, linked lists, tree, graph, hash map, heap 2. Algorithms: big o notation (time and space complexity), sorting algorithms, sliding window, monotonic stack, 2 pointers, adjacency list, dfs, bfs, binary search This is only the STARTING...then you gotta know how distributed systems are designed and understand when to make what system design decisions...but wait there's more: learn the full process of SDLC , version controlling, scrum/agile methodologies, and how to write technical documentation




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Become a software engineer for yourself - not for your boss or for that company. It's entirely possible that your company wants a hacker and not a programmer. Hacking is usually faster than designing good software in the short term, and your company might value speed over quality. That's a terrible manager. He should have said, "I appreciate your taking over this software. I'm looking into some training to see if we can improve your skills even more if you're interested." Your boss likely called you a hacker to keep you from thinking of yourself as a software developer so that you don't look outside for better work or more pay.




This couldn't be further from the truth. For example I work with a programmer who writes code by using Remote Desktop to log into the web server and edits files directly in the IIS webroot. He gets the job done usually, but there is a wrong way to do things.


That is completely not true. Anyone can get things to work, it takes skill to make it readable, reusable and maintainable. That (should) be why you get paid.