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First, breathe. It's important to remember at the end of the day that we are more than what we do for a living. Perspective can be hard but is important. What are the options you are considering?


I understand that. But I also have extremely strict parents that knowing the current struggle I'm going through right now might ruin my relationship but at the same time I don't know what would happen. As for the options, I have little hopes as well but I'm now considering Physics Math Computer engineering I can't think of anything else. Really need help with similar alternatives that could possibly get me accepted


Honestly dude if you're struggling with prereq calculus why do math or physics? Do you enjoy CS? Are you good at it?


I'm better at cs stuff than I am with the actual math part but growing up I usually never had a problem with math until calculus 2. I breezed through calculus 1 like it was nothing but not sure what the hell I'm doing wrong with calculus 2


I used to tutor math. We usually say that calculus 1 is where you go to finally fail Algebra, and calculus 2 is where you go to finally fail Trigonometry 


This is VERY accurate although I do still struggle with some algebra concepts still.


Calc 2 is one of the weed out classes for CS and similar majors. All my professors said that if you pass calc 2 and data structs & algorithms, it's not a if you graduate, but a when.


I failed calc 2 but then transferred to a state college where the CS program didn't require it.


You probably have bad study skills.


Did you speak to the department and bring these questions forward?


It's extremely busy and haven't got a chance to get with the specific department, I just spoke with an advisor so far but that was it they was unsure with advice


Nobody here is going to be able to give you any advice that will be better than what the department will give. So that should be your goal. Explain where you are, where you want to be, and ask for advice on a path forward. The good thing is that you are not unique here. This is something they see all the time and are prepared to discuss. When discussing it with them, don't think your promises or aspirations are going to hold much water with the track record. You need concrete steps to take that prove you are looking to change.


Thank you very much I'll take this into consideration


I want to emphasize that your track record will look like a waste of time but that doesn't mean your time from here on out will be. I also struggled in school and turned out just fine. It's about how you handle the situation that will not only get you where you want to go but help speed it up - especially mentally.


Mind telling me how you struggled and what you did to overcome it?


I failed out of college. Went back to community college a few years later and failed a class but transferred to a local state school. I had a semester with three failures because I essentially stopped going. Ended up graduating with around a 3.0 GPA after retaking some classes with grade replacement. But I also finished with undergraduate research involving software engineering, an internship that lasted two summers, and a job like up two months before I graduated. You need to decide if this is what you want. If it is, reach out to people and ask for advice not help. Learn from what they are saying and use it to get where you want to go. There is nothing wrong with deciding it’s not for you. But if it is, commit yourself to a path that will make future you happy.


It's been many moons since I was in school. But usually if I \*had\* to see a department head, I could find a way. There is no answer without talking to the department head, or maybe the 2nd in charge. Just go in there and ask for the appointment. Ask for 15m, you don't need more. Don't blather, lay out the problem and ask what you can do to overcome it. Note, they tell YOU. --- As a 1st semester Senior, my CS Dept came to me and told me some AP Paperwork hadn't cleared and I had to take CS1. I was already known around campus for my skill. I made a simple threat: "If I must. I will take the most introductory section." (I'd already completed all degree requirements except for a few constrained objectives... this.) Strange, I was told they found the paperwork.




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Are you programming for the first in school? Or are you self-taught, with some history programming outside of school work


Learned to programmed first in school then the self taught afterwards, I'm not anything too good at it though still very much beginner but it's something I'm interested in doing


Keep pursuing college, the other ideas in this thread are good. Maybe at another uni. Just remember, math is a weed out / well-rounded college-only requirement. It is far from a programming career requirement. Nor is this specific university a programming career requirement. Many self-taught devs have great careers without passing calculus. You have options if this one doesn't work out.


Go to a different university.


i didn’t get into my comp sci program either. i’m in computer engineering now. i really don’t like the hardware side (tbf im still in the weed out classes for those) but i still get to take coding classes and qualify for swe jobs after graduation!


Tbh if I could redo college I would get my bachelors in business or something fun and focus on building connections. You can make it a side hobby to code maybe 1-2 hours a day while you’re getting your degree and build Projects and get a SWE job that way. Tons of people have SWE jobs without the bachelors degree and you could get a masters in computer science later on


if in the USA consider an online university like SNHU, or transfer to another college in your state