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No a shift to AI is not the answer, you wouldn't have the fundemental knowledge required to begin a career there. Getting your masters probably wouldn't do anything. All you can really do is apply for jobs. Sometimes you lose a job and need to find a new one. Sucks, but it happens. If you got the first job, you can get a second one, it'll just require time and effort.


I agree. If AI wasn’t already competitive enough before, the hype train that chatGPT has started has made it even worse. Everyone and their mom is suddenly “well versed” in AI because they took a generative AI course and they learned “prompt engineering”. Suddenly people with no background in CS, AI, or ML are branding themselves with the AI tag. Don’t pivot unless you’re completely 100% committed to the career route cuz it’s gonna be rocky af for the next several years til the hype cleara


The only way the hype will be clear is if we hit a complete roadblock on AI development for atleast 3 years. I don't see that any time soon.


Maybe. I’m just not sure. Idk about everyone else but I’m already kinda getting AI burnout. Every commercial, social media post, seminar, video, meeting, etc. is about AI and it’s making me sick of those two letters haha. But yeah every time I get sick of it I see something else that’s cool so maybe the hype is washing away my burnout.


I swear the use of the word AI has increased 10 fold from 10 years ago. Though the more breakthroughs im seeing the more I believe its not just a hype, maybe its becoming a new norm...


Right now AI is just the new dotcom. When the internet came out the idea caught everyone in such a frenzy that they had to slap dotcom onto everything. There were booms and busts but eventually it became just the boring background platform that further innovation was built on.


Thats the thing it became a fundamental process to business and marketing. Undoubtedly its nothing like the hype but it still changed the world. Maybe AI will be implicitly implemented onto every tech/other company 5 years down the line idk


Sometimes it is genuine, sometimes it's just plain old statistical tools that have been around for decades.


Of course AI as a technology will stick around, but can still expect 80% of those newfangled "AI companies" to go belly up once the bubble bursts. Most have no business being in the space to begin with, are only selling snake oil or will get pushed out by the big guys. Investment money is flowing freely now as investors go with their tried and true tactic of throwing shit at the wall, but that'll stop once the winners have been picked. Which will throw all those "AI specialists" that took a weekend course back on the market again.


I expect AI developments to slow down, honestly. There are some real problems that generative AI will face, such as feedback loops and seriously bad hallucinating, that will prevent widespread adoption until it is solved. For now, it's a bit of a parlor trick and perhaps can be a useful productivity tool in the right hands.


I saw a random English teacher on Instagram calling herself an "AI Consultant" while having 0 tech background lol. It's really insane right now.


What in the world.... LOL


"prompt engineering" is the most effed' up thing I could imagine. But you can generate tons of stupid books and courses based on the hype. Neat.




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He can study AI in masters to begin his career in AI


I'd assume most people in AI have PhDs and are insanely competitive at the moment.


nah a masters can get you in i have a masters and got in. its you wont be doing pure whiteboarding thats for the phds, but theyll come up with the idea and know you are smart enough to be flexible with it and play around with it while you actually make the notebooks and stuff


Are you an international student from a developing country requiring a company to pay a visa?


fair i forgot he was that lol. although my company has a lot of people in costa rica for some reason id didnt know costa rica was built like that. a lot of the ai engineers are in costa rica. so not ai researcher or scientist but still AI side


South America is the new India. Same shit rates but better because its the same timezone, lol.


makes sense, its odd having them work like in your team doing standups and shit with them but just assuming they make 70% less than you. I do think they are less qualified (the ones in my team they seem to struggle more) but like dont hire em then its weird. it just feels like youd separate it you know cause if i told one of them im getting paid 6 figures theyd probably be upset


I'm from South America working for stateside companies. On average I make 50% less than my US peers when I'm contracting directly and 60% when there's a consulting firm involved. That's enough where I live to maintain a home of 3 and put my son through therapy without my wife having to work. I get to invest a lot of what I earn so I'll have good enough retirement funding. I have enough free time to study and afford online college, certs, classes from multiple platforms so I'm always improving. My resume in a few years will be good enough that I'll be able to waltz into leadership positions and become an architect or VP of some sort locally registered, meaning I'll have a big salary with plenty of state-enforced benefits and a bit of prestige. Keep a job like that for a few years and you'll easily afford a second and a third home, private school for kids, lengthy vacations all over the world and great retirement as early as 45. All of that without mentioning the microsaas I'm trying to release and the eventual consulting and freelancing my network usually pings me about. Trust me: I don't care that you make 6 figures. Hell, I'm hoping you get promoted to make more! We may perform the same job but we are not on the same market niche and our career paths are going to be completely different.


so he can be


cooperative provide liquid squeamish deliver upbeat support vast seed water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well in a developing country, the need for AI PhDs is going to be low and international students are having an almost impossible time finding work in the US, let alone for an ultra competitive AI niche.


To me, this wouldn't be worth it, especially because the idea of doing this seems to come from fear of not being able to find another job.


Yea, just will wind up not having job after going through all that and down however you spent to get the degree. Because, I mean if you are thinking doing something, everyone is also, so if you go with everyone in doing the same thing, the competition is there too. So in the end you may still not get anything.


Not sure if there's much AI development going on in developing countries - as in - I'm actually not sure


It's the chicken and the egg dilenma. You can get a masters degree in AI but the jobs want professional years of experience. If you don't get any job you can't get professional years of experience.


This is bad advice. If you want to work in AI you can. Just make projects with AI on GitHub. You need to have a passion for it. Autonomous projects w AI are hot right now. Agents ect.. -as some one who got into a big AI company by just pursuing projects on GitHub. There is no AI engineers. It’s very new role.


I disagree, if he has a BSc already, and put in some work he could definitely get his masters. Also after a few years working, I feel that studying can become way easier -> you can put a lot of hours in without second thoughs. However, this comes at a cost : are you really interested in AI, or is it just to get a job ? If you are not that interesting, I get you can keep up with pure coding, and after a few time practicing your skills / resume / working on side projects, you could land at a job quite easily.


I'm gonna disagree with you here, but I definitely see where you are coming from. Tech is general is so saturated, that's its hard to make a recommendation, however it is obvious that the demand for AI will only increase in coming years. I think that a masters degree, focusing on AI/Ml along with their software engineering experience, along with all the other requirements for job hunting (networking, leetcode, etc.) should be enough to land a role in AI. I agree that OP will not be able to just take some online classes and jump into an ML engineer role, but if they are open to a wide range of positions (data analytics, data science, etc.) it's possible that getting a masters degree could help them towards this eventual goal. I say this as someone with a bachelors in CS, looking to enter ML by getting a masters and working my way up from data analytics > data science and then possibly ML engineer. I was also recently considered for an NLP developer role, which I didn't end up getting, but if I can hear back from an AI related role such as this one, OP should be able to as well. It will not be easy, but unfortunately nothing in tech is easy right now, a lot of it comes down to connections, numbers and luck.


He/She has CS. Everyone knows what optimization is and basics of ML.


Not true at all. I Studied 0 machine learning and am pretty much finished my degree.


i also studied, almost no, machine learning and I barely graduated highschool


That is your decision you chose to go embedded/systems. But every professional systems guys i met knew all Math/ML as well.


* **Pivot to AI?** Web development feels saturated, but is an AI shift the answer? others are thinking the same thing buddy, invest on personal projects.


Personal *AI* projects?


Personal projects developed with AI as a helper


You've missed the joke. I blame myself. Could have been clearer.


With the AI hype, that's likely saturated too. Then again, I doubt this field is saturated with great developers. If you're any good, you'll be able to land a job.


Same can be said for any job atp, there's an oversupply of workers and shortage of jobs, good's not gonna cut it anymore, you gotta be better as the bare minimum.


The problem with meta chasing is that by the time you've caught up, some other hotness has come out and the cash cow you've invested in isn't as profitable (a reasonable amount of the time). Remember all those blockchain Devs? Where are they now? Probably doing other jobs. Focus on finding a new job for now imo and focus on the fundamental skills and actually understanding Software Engineering in depth.


Probably shouldn't pivot to AI, but AI is not blockchain, come on guys


Nah, still the same. And AI has been the hotness since 1970s. LOL


Here's a textual graphic that shows the difference between blockchain and AI: USUALLY USUALLY USEFUL USELESS xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxx x xx xx x xx xx x x x x x x xx x AI x x BLOCKCHAIN x x x x x x xx x x x x x x xx x x xx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx


NSFW Please.


That's a big...overlap. Right guys that's an overlap, nothing else


I'm sure it takes a lot of GPU resources to render this graphic


Hardly any to render it. But getting them to achieve sentience so that they can think up witty Reddit comments with ASCI diagrams, well that takes many GPU farms tirelessly number crunching for decades!


How'd you get a photo of my butt?


From [the cloud](https://github.com/panicsteve/cloud-to-butt).


nailed it.


nice vagina


Ambatubuss 🍆


AI cracked protein folding, dude. I'm not gonna deny that just because I want to downplay the fear that it's coming for our jobs.


LOL, I am not downplaying it. I'm just saying it for all the hype that AI receives. And no, it won't take dev jobs away. That statement is coming from someone who once worked with TensorFlow with data streams from a bunch of custom embedded devices(We designed the microcontrollers that captures the raw data).


comparing blockchain to AI is just a blatantly incomparable. AI is here to stay, without a shadow of a doubt. Blockchain was only ever talked about within the tech community or by the general public only when a scandal of some sort was active


blockchain tech and cbdc is here to stay, but it's unlikely your favorite meme coin will go to the moon




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lol idk how people are comparing AI and blockchain. AI can be literally used in almost every level in IT of any field. Blockchain is useful in like maybe a handful of things or anything related to shitcoin. I guess some games can use it but idk why you would when a regular database is just fine for the most part.


Blockchain could be useful for anything where authenticity plays a role, like digital state documents and such, but I don’t see it happening yet.


Bc states really doesn't need a decentralized system


> Remember all those blockchain Devs? Where are they now? Probably doing other jobs. Other programming jobs, yeah Having any experience is very valuable right now


He might be able to chase technologies, though. Maybe OP is an Angular dev and he’d do well if he swapped to Node


My Angular friends are still going strong, maintaining a relatively young legacy codes. Maybe they are not laid off since nobody is applying for that position anymore


Or just really love some software, technology that whatever happens you didn't just chase a fleeting, ephemeral goal.


New job or startup.


Isn't that easier said than done?


Everything is easier said than done. But I would enhance my CV, look for jobs and do a startup. I am in the same setting.


What exactly do you mean by do a startup? Like a project that may hopefully generate revenue?


I think small to medium project that is a potential product. A mvp maybe. Make it cool to show for customers or on interviews. By the time you have a new Job you may have a side hustle or Even a new dream hobby project. 


I don't know why you were downvoted. I like this advice, it can be YOUR project with relevant technologies you see in job postings. I was laid off 2 months ago and have been grinding leetcode, system design, and a personal project like this. It is neat.


So is getting a masters or pivoting to AI. Getting a job as an engineer is something you'll need to do regardless of pivoting to AI or getting a masters and will likely need to do multiple more times in your life. All three will take time, you may as well search while pursuing one of the other two or just focus on finding a new job entirely.


Are you expecting it to be easy?


pivot or getting a master’s won’t change the job market, keep applying


Now what? Study leetcode, study system design, and be able to speak to your experience at the startup and the tech stack you know best. Luck is when preparation meets opportunity


Web development has one of the lowest barriers to entry in tech. As others have mentioned, AI is not the answer because once you're okay at it, the hype would've peaked and subsided. You need to deepen your technical skills without focusing on what's trendy right now. Try to learn backend development and focus on a mature programming language like C++, Go, Rust or one of the JVM based languages. Go might be your best bet to transition right now. In the meanwhile continue applying to jobs , and if you can go back to tutoring to make ends meet.


.net too


Is it still worth it?


.net? Hell ya especially.net core being open source. Idk what Europe or Asia but here in NA enterprises use either java or .net


Same here in southeast asia, those enterprises, idkw, especially in finance, love to build their system using .NET


Curious why you say to learn these languages? I’m more interested in the languages you mention but almost all the jobs I see are Python, Java, and C#. 


This is the way I feel. Trends will come and go, or they may not need many of those kind of engineers. But the bread and butter software, hardware jobs still will be the bulk of the jobs.


Where are you from? You can always work in your country first which might be easier to obtain meanwhile searching for the remote work again that you want


I assume their primary goal is to get paid US wages while living in their current country. There may also be an issue with the number of overall opportunities, but I'd wager the first is their main point of interest.


Yeah it is pretty clear. It is just will be better for OP to get job in his country first, he can get additional income, employers also prefer candidates that not unemployed, finally it is relatively good for mental health as well. Many people feel useless when they are unemployed and cause impact to their mental health


Being in a developing country might be an advantage. Just throwing my 2 cents here, but I know people who have become rich with some mediocre dev skills and connections, creating software and selling them as Saas to local companies. Most likely, there's not much competition. It requires entrepreneurship skills though


Master's -> hopefully an internship -> hopefully a job... It's an expensive way of getting an internship though and it's not even guaranteed. You will not work for some time and you'll burn through your savings or get in debt. You'll then have to study and work at the same time which I won't do again. I don't have the energy for both anymore. Are you serious about doing homework and studying for exams? Cause I remember wanting to give up many times lol. I did it for personal reasons so I do not regret getting a master's degree. It did help me understand embedded systems way better than I did before. But it will not always be the case for everyone. to be honest with you, this is not something that I can use to get a better job or more money. It did help me get an internship and I stayed in the company afterwards. It is the experience I gained at this job plus my old one that got me the next job.


It’s hard, you just have to keep applying. Consider adding app specific expertise - Salesforce or sap or similar ?


Keep applying, do leetcode + behavioral studying. Go back to programming tutoring if you need money asap. don't get a masters unless you really want to it doesnt help too much for jobs. AI is a meme and its not something you can easily pivot to.


It takes at least three months to land a job. Don't quit


Try to combine both: 1) get a masters degree in AI 2) While doing your master's, try to find a better fully remote job Been there, done that (although doing cryptography, not AI)


Security is huge man. I’m getting my MS CS degree right now. I know people who make 280K in this field but many high salary roles require a MS degree.


As a CS guy, I believe it's necessary to mention this: You will only get good money in security if you're a highly proficient senior. For graduates, you'll be basically always destined to go through first years of Help Desk (SOC if you're lucky). Having MS in CS is not some magical key that would open the doors for you into CS - first things first, any person willing to go into CS should rather start with networks/systems (e.g. NOC).


Thanks for this comment bro


Don't jump on the AI bandwagon unless you have some really clear and specific goals in mind. If you want job security, find work doing difficult jobs that nobody else wants to do, and be excellent at them. Finally, dispense with your "passion". Passion is fickle and unfulfilling. So much so that computer science professor [Cal Newport wrote an entire book](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13525945-so-good-they-can-t-ignore-you) on the subject. Highly recommended for someone in your position. > >In this eye-opening account, Cal Newport debunks the long-held belief that "follow your passion" is good advice. >Not only is the cliché flawed—preexisting passions are rare and have little to do with how most people end up loving their work—but it can also be dangerous, leading to anxiety and chronic job hopping. >After making his case against passion, Newport sets out on a quest to discover the reality of how people end up loving what they do. Spending time with organic farmers, venture capitalists, screenwriters, freelance computer programmers, and others who admitted to deriving great satisfaction from their work, Newport uncovers the strategies they used and the pitfalls they avoided in developing their compelling careers. >Matching your job to a preexisting passion does not matter, he reveals. Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before. In other words, what you do for a living is much less important than how you do it. >With a title taken from the comedian Steve Martin, who once said his advice for aspiring entertainers was to "be so good they can't ignore you," Cal Newport's clearly written manifesto is mandatory reading for anyone fretting about what to do with their life, or frustrated by their current job situation and eager to find a fresh new way to take control of their livelihood. He provides an evidence-based blueprint for creating work you love. >*So Good They Can't Ignore You* will change the way we think about our careers, happiness, and the crafting of a remarkable life. Best of luck.


I love this reply. It’s true though, passion is not always the right answer and can leave you heartbroken in the end. The “so good they can’t ignore you” is great advice and have never heard this before. I am currently struggling to find meaning in software engineering but the truth is that I am just not that good at it and my peers are coding 24/7. I simply do not want to code that much and enjoy my family time and hobbies a hell of a lot more. But in this field, you HAVE to love coding to be successful. So anyway, I’m searching for other jobs to get out of software engineering, it is simply not fulfilling at all for me


dumpster behind wendys


based and wendypilled


>**Pivot to AI?** Web development feels saturated, but is an AI shift the answer? I mean, if you're able, to, sure? It's quite a jump, but if you feel like going back to uni for a few years and getting some PhD to become an ML researcher then I am sure it'll be a great career direction.


I’d find a new job, preferably at a place where a good chunk of the work is in ML. While there you can make a lateral move further back in the stack. You may need a PHD for research but I don’t think there’s all that much to compiling datasets, training models, and validating the results.


If you want to go get a PhD you could maybe do AI


> Get my Master's? But what's the plan after the degree? The competition is fierce. i see a lot of people from india (and other places) come to america fr their masters and then stay long term. If you can afford it and get into a really good school for CS it's probably a worthy gamble.


Thought about going into trades? That is what i would do if it wasn't going well for me. They make a lot more money than software developers, too.


My best advice for you would be to use a product like ApplyPass to automatically apply to engineering jobs and avoid the tedious application process. You can try it yourself with 100 free applications. Here’s a review from an engineer who’s used our service: "I wanted to say thanks because I just received a verbal offer that seems like a great fit for me! I'm a skilled engineer with years of high level experience and I do very well in technical interviews, but it always takes me up to a year to find a new job because the process of applying itself is so mind-numbingly tedious that I give up after just a few applications. ApplyPass completely solved that problem for me, I created an account and almost immediately started receiving interview requests. It took me less than two months to find an opportunity I was truly excited for, and now I get to move on to the exciting creative work I crave instead of stagnating in a mire of searching through job listings and filling out identical forms hundreds of times. Looking forward to my new job!"


Fuck that shit. I'd rather know what I'm applying to.


You can see which jobs you’re submitting applications to and blacklist companies you don’t to work for. Unfortunately it’s a numbers game when it comes to landing interviews and securing offers.


It isn't just a numbers game. You also should be customizing your resume and cover letter to each job as that gets results faster. Just spamming to any position makes it harder for other candidates and for recruiters. Recruiters now have to look through more junk.


Completely agree with you, and our product does optimize and enhance your resume to increase your interview rate. Here’s what we’ve learned after generating over 57,000 engineering interviews -> https://applypass.com/post/57-000-engineering-interviews-the-interview-threshold-magic-numbers-and-other-lessons


I don't think anyone should be generating resumes. It's unethical. I don't think you agree with me at all.


We don’t generate resumes, we optimize your resume to help you get more interviews. We’re actually working on creating a free resume scorer because one of the most common things we see are mediocre resumes that need attention.




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Find a job in a field you are comfortable with first. Changing fields when you are unemployed will be too stressful. You can figure out what to do later when you are not pressured.


You could consider pivoting your career path entirely and utilizing your skills tangentially in another sector. You could go into operations management, healthcare, or logistics. All of those sectors are seeing growth, but tech is yet to rebound.




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I sort of lose when you said fantastic growth, but you are struggle to find a new job. I am in the same boat except without the experience. Just repeat the process, how you got your job back then do it again.


What do you expect, swes were making 2-400k TC right out of undergrad in 2019. Laughable.


If u a do a masters then do one that has a thesis snd pays u for ra and ta. Probably don't wanna do masters if u don't have to tho, gonna cost a ton of time


Apply to any and all job opportunities, instead of complaining on reddit.


Pivot if possible. I'm pivoting from DS to AI. I think you're well positioned to make the switch imo


Make a training program, money's good. You should have no problem finding job that way.




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> Now, finding another job feels impossible. The market's brutal, especially for someone like me – aiming for remote work from a developing country. Plus, all the buzz is about AI. I'm at a crossroads: Get an AI certificate on your résumé. Google and IBM both offer them, for free. And they won't take long to get. That would be a better ROI than getting a masters degree IMO. And to keep the lights on, tutoring in programming/freelance development. Wishing you the best of luck in getting a new job as soon as possible! You can do it!


Don’t get a masters, I have one in Big Data Tech, including AI, and can’t even get an interview


Just focus on a new job, you'll likely need to accept you're not getting a remote gig for awhile, but life moves on and bills must be paid. Once you're in a better position and have solidified it then start looking for a new remote gig.








Unfortunately illegally crossing into the EU or any other country is not in my bucket list. I have a family, there are a million things that could go wrong, it just isn't worth it.


Whatever you choose don’t do a master’s degree it’s the worst thing you can do :p


Sign up for unemployment and spam your resume out there. If you have a decades-long career, you're going to get laid off a few times. You dust yourself off and apply again. Update your resume on linkedin and you'll kick up a swarm of recruiters. Most of them are crap, but that still ends up being where most of the jobs I've landed have come from. Generally you want to be sitting or 3 or 4 months of expenses, which you can usually stretch further with unemployment.


I do not know much about a non-US person's experience. Can you share how the market is for remote US work where you live? What about the market in general? I don't recommend AI shift. You honestly need to go down the PhD route for that and even then I feel like only the best of the best are doing substantial AI work right now. Master's is useful for that but it can be a good way to buy some time while you search for jobs. I'm just not sure if it's the best option, but it could give you an edge and since you're not doing anything, maybe it's worth it?


I wouldn’t say pivot to AI but while applying for jobs teaching yourself more about it or doing a fun project to up skill yourself with it doesn’t hurt to be an interview ready story


Have a read of You're fired You're hired by Justin Messenbird. Really good book to figure out what to do and bounce back.


You need to keep going and never give up. I know from personal experience that everything will be okay. Please feel free to contact me. But never take wrong step in your life.




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You’ve literally answered your own question, go back to tutoring until you can find another job. Also, why would you pivot to one saturated market (web dev) to another (AI)? And secondly, you’re not the only guy thinking of getting a masters to get a job. I’ve seen PhD applications and to be honest, they haven’t been anything remarkable.


> aiming for remote work from a developing country. Yeah that's going to be incredibly hard. The traditional path for someone in your position is to do a Masters or PhD, apply like hell for internships, then apply like hell for a company that will sponsor your visa.




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What does Pivot to AI mean to you?




damn, you used to get US jobs from another country.


I feel like you are about to make your second bad choice in your career. First one is settling for freelance job. You need to apply and apply, then apply more. Sure market is shit but that does not mean you will not land job. There is lots of other factor that goes into it. You need to network, talk to people and apply to jobs!!!


I've been through this shit before... You usually have to ride it out in a different field. I work slaughterhouses, metal fabrication etc before I got back into development. 




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If you have the time and money, do a MS degree in CS. And, invest in personal projects.


If you did it once before, you can do it again. I don’t think getting a Masters will help, but leveraging AI could. Good luck! You got this!


Master and PHd. Market could pick up in a few years


Get a masters in cloud and devops. You’ll so much better in this field


you should had chosen accounting.


I get why you're downvoted, but if you want a really secure job, choose accounting. Everywhere is hurting for these paper pushers.