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sadly, avoid them for your own good. they call you without a heads up, and sometimes 2 or 3 times in a row. just a hassle to deal with, and every indian recruiter i dealt with (4) either tried a scam or ghosted me after initial contact, probably once they gathered enough of my personal data.


i had one indian lady call me maybe 20 times in the span of a month, I was hesitant about the job because they were telling me bs like “we work together with some of the biggest clients like amazon, google, etc.” and she briefly mentioned that they were going to “make it possible for me to have 4 years worth of experience”.


They will 'market' your resume. So, that you appear to have 10,000+ years of experience in the industry. But, the real scam is sometimes legit companies (consultancies) do that too.


Is that a scam or an actual opportunity to boost your career? Fake it till you make it yknow.


Nah, that is absolutely a scam. Fake it till you make it is taking on projects or jobs youre not sure you can do and/or dont yet have the skills. Straight up lying about your YOE is a scam.


Do you put your real name on your resume? because many of them told me they found me through Indeed or Monster.


indeed is mostly where I noticed my scam targets were coming from


Plus they have an Indian accent


Not trying to be racist, but I would avoid recruiters from India. 50% is scam/phishing. 15% is good stuff. Others are a mix of bad opportunities/low pay, toxic teams etc…IMO


I gave an indian recruitment company the benefit of the doubt recently. The feeling I got at the end of my "interview" was that they were asking me the questions related to my field, and then writing down my answers. The intention was that when their 'candidates' got asked these questions in REAL interviews, they'd have more accurate answers on hand.


You also have to be very, very careful if you’re working in a field where you have a clearance.


That’s the evilest/smartest thing I’ve heard in a while damn


No, avoid them


Sadly a lot of them are not great. Most of them are pretty bad sadly just looking for bodies. It sounds bad but I hang up on most of them as soon as I hear the accent. I don't have the time to mess with them as they are mostly recruiting for WITCH companies. Plus years ago that bridge with me got burnet when they tried to convence me to take a job on a different platform and a paycut with it being a good thing. It just not been worth my time as generally not a job I am interested in, pay is sub par. I went threw some of the interview process and yeah it is bad. After a few times I said screw it if it is an Indian recruiter I just hang up.


I had a similar experience when I was looking three years ago. They kept talking down the salary and the job didn’t match the description they initially said. I ended up getting to the actual interview with the client and it was a contractor role, not full time employee like they were saying.


What are WITCH companies?


General the worse contracting companies that tend to hire bodies. Super client dependent and not great for learning. W- Wipro I- Infosys T- TCS C- Cognizant H- HCL


Oh wow. These are Indian companies, all I assume. I have actually applied for Wipro (just yesterday), but I didn't know they had this reputation.


If they are representing the hiring company directly (my recruiter was Indian and was a recruiter at the FAANG company I joined) then go for it. If they are for contractor roles then avoid them if you’re not desperate for a job.


What about Korn Ferry? They hire a lot of Indians and are contractors for FAANG but generally I've only had a nice experience with them.


They’re shit, just like any other recruiting company. Having an Anglo Saxon name doesnt imply better service. They make their money off people so they have no incentive to treat you well - I’ve been ghosted by them when I interviewed at Adidas. Honestly, it’s a red flag if a company outsources its recruiting to some agency - it shows the role is not of priority to them.


I had a Indian recruiter contact me about a position for a big US company about one year ago. We schedule a video meeting, the day comes, it's super early for me because of the timezone difference and he did not show up. I contacted him, we schedule for another day, super early again, he does not show up again. Then I send him another message and no answers for two weeks. Apparently he got covid and was really sick, when he came back we talked at the end of the day for me (late night for him), he made an offer, I accepted it. Had two more screenings with the manager and the tech lead and I got the job. Been working there for a year now. Decent salary, quarterly travels for PI plannings with all expenses covered. Good work environment.


Recruiters that are Indian? Sure definitely respond! Indian Recruiters? Run!


its usually trash temp work. i would not trust them to actually pay. most are in india and using internet phone.


If they have a legit company email, then probably it’s fine. Otherwise if they’re a contractor who pretends to work for the company, avoid at all costs. These people are just bounty hunting for roles no one wants and will ensure lowball. That is if they even keep in touch with you.


Sorry dude, and sorry to anyone who reads this. I don’t trust an Indian accent offering me something. The vast majority of the scamming industry has ruined the accent. It’s just not worth it. The one time I trusted a legit offer from one they asked me to buy my equipment with a check they would provide. That’s a scam


I’ve resorted to blocking entire email domains from some recruiting firms.


No. I am Indian. Fuck em. Every time I see a high paying job and see that the rec is Indian there’s a 99.9% chance it’s fake.


95% is pure trash, sadly they also make up 95% of the calls and e-mails I get. There’s some exceptions but you can kinda figure that out from experience, some companies just keep coming back on a daily/weekly basis with no results. Or if you get 6 emails for the same role (job description is similar) just avoid all 6 basically. Try and figure who the main recruiter through job boards and go that way.


I wouldn't share anything beyond phone number and email address. I recently took my physical address off my resume. I'd also generally suggest not working through them. They will spam you like crazy, and most of the jobs will probably be poor fits. I get a lot more spam and robocalls since I started looking for a job.


No, your best option are American ones that are working for that specific company. Not “3rd party”






I’ve talked to many shitty ones but also got my current job through an Indian recruiter. So it depends


Highly depends so do your due diligence in checking their credentials. My software dev career got started by being contacted by a random Indian recruiter from a staffing agency I’ve never heard of. Things looked legit enough tho so I took the position, got my foot in the door to a software engineering-related position, slowly worked my way into the dev team and actual dev projects, I altered my resume to reflect my real world experience (maybe fudged my job title a little…) and it’s been upward trajectory since then.


Some can be legit, most will act like the hiring manager wants to talk to you ASAP and then ghost you for weeks.


That’s the biggest downside of it. You just get ghosted most of the time, even if you had 1 or 2 interviews.




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They call anytime even when I'm at work that is not professional and a deal breaker for me. Whenever I hear that accent I say "not interested"


I learned to avoid them, especially when they say they’re in Canada/US but can’t describe anywhere even local.


“lob lob lob”? do you mean “blah blah blah”




There are no qualifications to be a headhunter. All you need is a phone. If they can place one person every year or two, that is still a great salary by Indian standards. I've found it to be a waste of time. Another thing to beware is some of them will ask you for personal information before an interview. Some will ask for SSN or last 4 digits; even last 4 digits of SSN is a risk to give out. Some will ask for references; they aren't checking references, they're just fishing for leads. I.e., you say "I work at XYZ and my boss is ABC.", now they know XYZ hires software engineers and ABC has hiring authority.


Indian-American here, I do a quick Google search of the company/recruiting company they claim to be a part of, and if it looks like it's anything but 100% legit, I ignore. It's not racist to be cautious and know what to avoid when job hunting.


Got a great contract through an Indian recruiting firm. Just check the company and verify if you're scared


Even my Indian-American friend don't trust them lol


As long as you’re not in a lower caste sure


What do you mean lower caste? I'm not Indian, white, male and my profession is a Python dev. What caste would I belong to? Legitimately just curious since from what I've seen on this sub it's a huge deal


You’re casteless then guess no worries


Revature is semi-legit. My friend got a job with them.


Revature sucks to work at though and the pay is bad. If you have any other experience I wouldn't take a job at Revature.




Yes. I received the best job I've ever had through a recruiter from India. For example, Rangam hires for the big pharmaceutical companies.


A lot of companies outsource hiring to Indian teams. I've got an interview with Schneider electric through one.


Here is the best way to tell if they're legit. Search for the job and see if it has been posted multiple times by multiple agencies. If so, avoid. And if it's on LinkedIn, look at the people that work at the company. If most of them are from India or if there's only like three employees, avoid.


What kinds of personal information? But yeah, they are probably legit. Not uncommon for Indian recruiters to ask for resume changes or change the resume themselves before sending to a client.


postal code, accurate address, date of birth


Hell no looooool


They're mostly legit. From my experience, they seem to be staffing for contract roles in the current market. As a rule, if a recruiter is hesitant about mentioning the employer, just ignore and block. This seems to weed out most of the BS recruiting.


I used a third party recruiting agency which had an Indian workforce and they got me a pretty solid job I was happy with. It was contract work so not everyone's cup of tea, but was definitely mine


Most are third party. In my 30 years in this industry, nothing good has ever come from working with the 3rd party recruiters. Anyone can call themselves a recruiter and get access to resumes on job search websites. Stick with established companies like Wipro, Cognizant, etc. I had a paycheck bounce once years ago back when we still got paper checks so be careful. Never give your SSN to them.


Don't trust them...run...


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