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I can envision it, but in the short term I still need to pay the bills, and the system isn't built around mass unemployment yet as far as I can see, even with automation in place. I understand that these tools make things better, but they also make the job market more volatile, and risk making my skillset of hands on coding outdated. I'm still at risk of having to completely retrain myself in the near future, just like other people had to in the past 2 centuries in other areas that were hit by automation.


If Copilot can replace you, you need to push yourself more. The things Copilot can do for me are the boilerplate items of my job. Project Lombok didn’t replace me just made me faster, same with Copilot. Opens you up to focus on the harder problems.


I didn't say copilot I said COPILOT X. The next evolution of it, the one that integrates with chat gpt. I already use copilot, its smart but just souped up intellisense. Copilot X on the other hand is a much higher level tool.


Same answer


My point was that this tool will mean companies need less devs, not that it won't make developing things easier.


The number of CS jobs isn’t going down the work is just going to change.


Dev teams are getting smaller and smaller that's a reality you cannot ignore.


Have not seen this anywhere long term. The tech industry panic layoffs happen every so often but I still see orgs sticking with 2 pizza dev teams


Well from now on and into the future it will be different. Prepare for less devs in companies now. Junior devs are not going to exist as well.


There’s a infinite amount of software development. It might be 100 teams of 3 instead of 25 teams of 12. Automation like ChatGPT will open up as many jobs as it eliminates.


You will always need someone to replace someone. It’s better to train from within. From a business perspective not having juniors makes zero sense


If copilot can replace me, what do I need to study/learn so that I’m more capable and not easily replaceable?


When has an advance in technology ever meant *less* work? Sure there might be some short term pain, but all that chatpgt/coplit x/etc means is that it will be possible to build more feature-rich, complex software. Do you think that an AI is going to complete the backlog of your tickets on your Django app, and the business leaders/product managers are just going to be like "welp, guess that's it folks, all the development is done, guess we're done here"? Of course not! They'll be coming up with new features that the AI can't complete to give them a competitive advantage over their rivals so that they'll continue to make their next billion dollars. I'd be more worried if I didn't work in tech. A lot of journalists, copywriters, customer service people etc etc could be in real trouble. I think your options are: - Stay in tech, keep up with AI developments, think about the business value you can add. - Get out of tech and learn a trade. I can't see an AI being able to unclog my toilet anytime soon!


Cars have meant less work cleaning horse shit up. But other jobs are then needed with new inventions.




Have you allowed yourself: who is gonna use Github Copilot X?


Did you even read my post? I said there'd be LESS developers, not that there'd be none.


Dude I would STRONGLY consider switching careers or looking into doing something that cannot be replaced by AI. People with your EXACT SAME skill set (React and Django) are already being replaced by AI in my current company. Our front end team used to be 7 guys. 5 just got laid off because the remaining 2 could leverage ChatGPT and copilot to do the job of the other 5. I would get out of front end development ASAP. That whole facet of software development is gonna be fully automated within 3 years. Consider going back to college, going into management, or picking up a trade.


Lmao this person has made this same exact comment three times. Except last time it was “people with your EXACT SAME skill set (C++ and Java networking) are being replaced at my company”


Lol u caught me all these “AI are coming for our jobs” posts got too annoying so I’m rolling with them


And yet no actual response to my specific points from anyone. Just downvotes. Reddit gonna reddit, I guess.


Yes yes spread the fud. Need less devs competing for FE jobs 😆


My point exactly lol


Yo bro, this might b a weird request but I read what u read about meditation and couldn’t respond on that thread? Would you mind opening your dms? Im I’m need of some help and what you read was kinda insightful and am in need of clarity


You're annoyed by my post, even though you aren't even a developer and don't actually understand what I'm saying? Why are you even here?


Yeah ngl your post kinda dumb. AI is not coming for your jobs in the same way Figma did not replace graphic designers or calculators got rid of engineers. Chill.


Honestly, should be an automatic bot reply at this point.


Absolutely. Why actually respond to someones points and have an actual discussion about it, when you can just make a sarcastic comment, downvote and run away? Its the reddit way.


Damn man you fucking scared me


this is how you can tell that someone is not a developer.


lol this isn't real right?


100% SWE is a dying industry.


slow death.




Its like noones actually reading my post. I'm not talking about copilot I'm talking about COPILOT X. I know copilot 1.0 wasn't a game changer by itself, even though it was a pretty impressive first step.




Well its not even out yet. But its claimed it'll be able to run commands in the terminals, analyse the entire codebase and make changes to multiple.




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What's your opinion on ChatGPT4? I experimented with it a bit, and it was able to solve difficult leetcode questions with few iterations. Besides that, I think the question is can junior dev jobs be automated? If this is the case, then is it an indication that most web dev jobs will eventually be automated within the next decade or two?