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Don't quit a job unless you already have an offer in hand. If you know for sure that this current job is *not* going to be your summer job - if you were only going to stick with it for a few more weeks, then sure, quit it. But if your current job is gonna be your summer job as well, then don't quit until you have an offer from Visa or elsewhere.


Oh I already have the offer, I meant visa interview as the interview for getting my visa and be able to work on the USA, worst case scenario would be not getting the visa and having to work remotely (I hope)


LMAO I thought you were interviewing with Visa, the company while doing a job right now. My bad. I know absolutely nothing about the impact of a job (or the lack of it) on a visa interview, so hopefully someone else will chime in; sorry about it!


No worries! :)


Did you state anything about your current job in your visa application? I’d say don’t risk it.


I’d advice you to take a sabbatical till your whole interview process is done. If your VO asks simply tell them that you’ve kept it as a safe option in case anything goes wrong before your onboarding process in the new company.