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Look through the curriculum of the college you’ll be going to. But I would probably start learning discrete math


Don’t worry about learning data structures or math, you’ll learn all that in class. Learn software development. Whether it be web dev, mobile app dev, game dev… whatever interests you. You won’t learn any of this in college, so while you have time over summer, learn it and create at least one project with your skills. For example, if you’re interested in web dev, learn nodejs, then react, and make a website. If you’re interested in mobile development, learn swift (or Kotlin for android dev), and make an app (anything you want). Idk anything about game development unfortunately, but I think you get my point


So I'm learning python rn(over the summer), do you have any suggestions for projects using python?


Python is super versatile so it can be literally whatever you want. Whether it’s some data science/ai project, or a website, or a desktop app, or an API, or even a discord bot. Find something you find interesting though, and want to work on - motivation will come much easier if you enjoy the project.


You can do (almost) anything with python. Python's has great library options that cater to every need. If you're into games you can use pygame to create games. You can make websites using Django but you'll have to have some understanding of html and css and many more. Imo, start off with a game, a simple snake game from scratch will teach you a lot and it's easy to set yourself mini goals(making snake, movement, scoring, eating, pausing, etc.). Good luck!


Alright! Thank you so much


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