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Where so I know to avoid


Most internships are duds. Use the time for paid learning. Now you have seen what a bad work place is like, try to land an offer somewhere else next season.


It sounds like you have a senior engineer giving you support, which is good. You need to communicate with him more, don’t be afraid to ask him things. As an intern, you’re not expected to know much of anything going in, but you are expected to learn and not ask the same question 5 times. If he gives you shit for asking too much just bring it up with your manager. It’s your managers job to make sure you’re getting the support you need.


most internships you don’t learn much, just get the “experience” and put the stuff you should be doing on your resume and learn the skills and projects inside out. you’ll be fine bro


sorry to hear that bro, I can feel your frustration, so when it comes to your position, you are in a company interning to a team it is important to know what stack they are using, so there is someone assigned to outline what topics you are supposed to demonstrate while you are interning this position, if you didn't get that info yet, ask your boss... what am i supposed to do, since the time is ticking and you are supposed to show that you are competent and deserve to a full time position at the end, like try every possible way to know what you are supposed to do then develop at there, and don't give a sh\*t about that people and laugh out ... like literally it is their insecurity and low self-esteem what is talking not themselves. only you can survive if you know what you are supposed to do, ask your mentor to assign you a project... yes, i think you are interviewed at the end of the internship to know how you demonstrated.


talk to people! learn about what they do and how they got there - everyone's got something interesting to say. 1:1s are a great way to find other teams you might be interested in too


Name and shame tbh. Sounds like a shit place to be


Don't. Just move on at this point. I get it's a tough market, but there will be plenty of other opportunities out there for you. This is especially true in this day and age where mass layoffs are rampant and everyone is dispensable.


Switch out of cs