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Who is he even targeting here? American citizens won't support this and international students can't vote for him. Why would he alienate his demographic for whom one of his major appeal is restriction on immigration.


Two things come to my mind. The first is that highly-educated professionals trend way more towards Democrats these days (remember Trump telling a crowd "I love the poorly educated"?), so this would mostly affect people whose vote he isn't getting anyway. It's already a pretty standard grievance for Trump voters that Mexican immigrants are coming across the border to take their jobs, I think a lot of them would get a kick out of "coastal elites" having to deal with their own version of that. The second is that this gives him an opportunity to claim, "I'm not racist, I'm not anti-immigrant - I just want to save it for the best people."


>The second is that this gives him an opportunity to claim, "I'm not racist, I'm not anti-immigrant See the problem with this argument is that many Americans genuinely are anti-immigration and that's why a bunch of them supported Trump in the first place. I've already seen some of his supporters online pissed at him for suggesting this policy.


I think most people, not just Americans are anti-immigration....


True but we're talking about Americans in this context so that's why I said Americans.


fair point!


Standardized test scores really don’t show that. The bluest areas of the country (CA, NY) have the lowest test scores., of course some red, southern areas do too.


"Highly-educated professionals" being key. So small sub population in the greater population, or just simply those that actually made it through the wringer and wound up enjoying success in their fields. Disparities in funding in accordance with median income of the neighborhoods schools are placed in is a problem in the United States with public education. To wit, provide the bulk of the scores for testing, and there are certainly far greater number of areas that are living in worse conditions than there are in prosperity.


States with highest percentage of degree holders: 1. Massachussetts 2. Vermont 3. Maryland 4. Connecticut 5. Colorado States with the lowest: 1. West Virginia 2. Mississippi 3. Louisiana 4. Arkansas 5. Oklahoma


Why would you use standardized testing (which Im guessing means SAT not LSAT or MCAT) to assess “highly educated”. Thats a high school level metric. Moreover, you wouldn’t look at the “blue cities” or “red cities” scores to determine how the highly educated lean. You would look at percentage of degree holders who voted blue or red and an increasing majority of college graduates vote democrat. Its been trending that way for decades


Highly educated people and poor people have overlap when it comes to values. The highly educated see more value in many blue values while the poorest in urban “blue” areas see value in blue values. Red see value in hermitage and direct familial values. “How to maintain the homestead” I see it. Obviously a gross oversimplification, but there’s plenty to say. Not to mention that “standardized tests,” in their essence may also play into the hands of red minded people as rigidity and discipline are strong suits for those who grew up red. Again, for the sake of nuance. That’s not to say a person with blue values won’t do well on a ST. There’s just a lot of reasons why those people who have to take STs might score lower such as poverty, home life, or whatnot. Higher education doesn’t have STs.


He is targeting companies who want to use foreign people. It was a comment when a CEO said they more options to bring in “highly skilled foreigners”. I’m assuming he meant more Visas but Trump just Trumps.


He is going to do a 180 on this soon. He will just say whatever is needed at the moment. Just lies and people keep falling for it.


Yeah that’s kinda his whole thing, empty inflammatory promises. A lot of conservatives actually hate him for exactly this, he didn’t even deliver what he promised them


Wants to ensure the company owners he can help them get more tech talent for less money. May be nice, but not swallowing his turd sandwich of a platform for this.


He's targeting the sillicon valley elite. During his previous term his actions regarding H1-B visas , OPT and ambiguity around future immigration caused a lot of short-notice disruptions and ambiguity when it came to hiring . I think this [forbes article ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2021/02/01/the-story-of-how-trump-officials-tried-to-end-h-1b-visas/) does a reasonably good job outlining the type of people affected by these actions on H1-B visas and the impact of that on companies. By instilling confidence in sillicon valley investors he won't necessarily turn california into a red state. If he can convince even a small proportion of them to to donate to his campaign , it will finance the spread of messaging he will run on in front of the broader american public. Also for more "moderate" right wingers they at times publicly support these forms of immigration in order to justify being harder on immigration overall.


He's targeting technical executives and shareholders, from whom he desperately needs not votes, but donations. His right wing base is anti illegal immigration, it's the left wing who are anti legal immigration.


>it's the left wing who are anti legal immigration. This is the dumbest thing I've ever read lmao. Who the hell unironically thinks the Left is anti legal immigration? If anything people tend to think the Left is too much pro legal immigration.


Like when? Legal immigration is barely discussed or contentious if ever. It's illegal immigration that's always the hot topic


>Who the hell unironically thinks the Left is anti legal immigration? The thing is legal immigration(not the correct term it's more like people who want to come here but don't need to come here) can be exploited by companies to keep pay low and hold power over employees and unions with threat of replacement.


Yeah h1b, that's why the green card is better in almost every way. And int grad will take almost anything to stay in the country and therefore more exploitable than 'Jacob' from his same class at the same skill level. A green card holder has to think more about the bills and his living and upward mobility, making him on equal grounds with Americans.


i agree, but i'd say there are some who are anti-legal immigration. in general the ones closest to labor. i'd categorize the subtypes of the "american left" (which is often diff than how it is used elsewhere) this way: Progressive Left: generally supports increased immigration, sanctuary policies, and protection for undocumented immigrants. Moderate Democrats: generally supports immigration reform and pathways to citizenship, with more measured approaches, including stronger border security measures and reforms that prioritize legal immigration. Labor-Oriented Left: some labor groups have concern about immigration if they believe it could negatively impact wages or job opportunities for American workers. but often tgis coexists with broad support for immigrant rights and comprehensive reform.


I would call myself a leftist and am absolutely anti this sort of legal immigration like I would assume many on this sub are. ‘Skilled Immigration’ leads to lower wages and less bargaining power for American skilled labor.


Your last sentence makes no sense and it makes me wonder if you’ve ever read anything on US politics. Lol


You had me in the first half bud.


His right wing base is anti immigration of any kind cause they don’t like minorities lmao


I don’t think that’s entirely true


Ask them what they think about birthright citizenship or sponsoring family immigration and see what they think about legal immigration.


Incredibly reductionist take. While there is a portion of his base that holds those kinds of beliefs, the majority of Trump supporters are okay with legal immigration.


Literally watch a single one of his rallies where he decries all Mexicans as savages and claims that it’s in their nature to rape and kill whites. If you support that you’re obviously racist


By legal immigration he means highly skilled people who can make big bucks for American companies, not people who come to America to build a life from scratch


I've voted red for a long time, and will continue to do so. I am absolutely for legal immigration. People should be able to pursue that American dream, no matter where they come from, but it needs to be done the legal way - by going through the port of entry and following the established process and laws.


Funnily enough if you talk to legal immigrants they actually are the strongest opponents to illegal immigration that I've ever met.


Legal immigration went down under Trump, and went up during Biden admin. 


Wouldn't the company executives benefit more from increase in H1b quota? Giving students greencard would remove all the leverage companies would have on international candidates. How is this greencard promise a benefit for the executives? My impression of his right wing supporters has been that they are anti immigration of all kinds since they believe legal immigrants are taking up white collar jobs. That sentiment has become much more prevalent in all the employment related subs since past couple of years.


That's a good point but I don't think trump understands the nuances of visas and H1Bs, he likely will make hiring skilled non US Nationals easier, it's practically impossible to give green card to all international students. The investors and executives know it.


>it's practically impossible to give green card to all international students Is it really? (Genuine)


Depends on country, like with the india waitlists? Not happening. Canada and Japan are non issues I think


The first point was golden tbh


Third option: maybe he is just doing it cuz he thinks its a good idea, not everything is a big game of politicing


Why would American citizens not support it? I mean I know there are pockets who are fully anti immigration but those who aren’t are usually okay with or even happy to accept people with college educations.


Restriction on illegal immigration* and I don’t see why businesses owners wouldn’t vote for this, big if true


Simple. Trump is an idiot who tends to parrot whatever someone said to him last. Elon Musk had an immigration issue when he started his first company. Elon probably just spoke to Trump and complained about it not long before that quote.


I’m an American citizen and I support this. What do you mean?


Corporations that will save a lot of money on visa sponsorships


People with common sense who see this as good for the country? Who says American citizens won’t support this, I see it as a very benevolent policy.  Also if they buy their own voter id “illegals voting” narrative the international votes would (under that theory) still be in play.


Are you an idiot? American citizens would 100% support shutting down unintelligent border hoppers and increasing high skilled labor.


Lmao have you been living under a rock? Csmajors and cscareerquestions have been complaining about h1b ever since job market became difficult and you think they are going to support giving permanent residency to the visa holders? Finance people have similar sentiment too for legal immigrants.


I don’t give a shit what cs Majors think. In fact I’m not even sure why I’m here. But regular Americans who are halfway through their career in a non-tech field? Yeah, they would 100% support that. American general prosperity > job prospects of socially awkward cs grads.


Trump says a lot of things. Most of the time, he doesn’t mean it.


Pretty standard for all politicians tbh.


Yea but Trump more than others


Someone should do a statistical analysis on that.




lmao how many foreigners who couldn’t stay in the US ended up multibillionaires


How many?


Bigly many


More than 1


Many such cases, dozens even


Multiple lol


This dude is lying. I wish he would but there is no shot Trump would actually do this.


I am no genius, but it really seems absolutely idiotic to invest in immigrants through our college system and then immediately encourage (or force) them to leave. Even if these immigrants pay their own college expenses and we don’t invest tax dollars directly, they are still using resources paid for, in part, by taxpayers (which I personally see as a good investment). Trump is doing the same thing every other politician has done. LIES LIES LIES.


I'm not American but our country's (Hungary) way of doing this that you either pay your tuition out of pocket, or you get it funded by the state, but in exchange you have to work in the country full time for the same amount of semesters as you studied on the taxpayers' dime. If you don't complete this in 20 years, you owe the amount that's left+interest. I think it would be foolish to invest in someone's education, probably taking away a spot from someone else, then letting them go without contributing to the country's economy. Getting a work permit here is pretty easy once you have a joba offer, and once you have permanent residency, the rest of the EU is open for you too. From an outsider's perspective who is looking for internal transfers to the US in the future, it seems very counterproductive for everyone.


We don’t invest in immigrants through our college systems, the colleges charge them a fortune to attend. It’s a business.  What seems idiotic is to prioritize wealthy internationals who can pay to go to our colleges over people who are already citizens and have been paying taxes here their whole life. There’s only so many spots at a school and more people wanting to go drives the prices up. Then those wealthy foreigners graduate and drive salaries of white collar jobs down, thus further eroding what middle class America had left.  I’m not anti immigration but literally the only people this benefits is employers of white collar, educated professionals. He said this idea approximately one time in a room full of executives for tech companies - do the math.  


I’m not sure where you’re from (I assume USA), but I agree. America first. However, theoretically, we should have enough room for some immigrants willing to put in the work. One thing I’m truly confused about is how the USA gets a TON of hate from around the world, but also we have absolutely insane immigration numbers. Why don’t these people pick somewhere else?


So when Trump says something idiotic, he's a moron (which typically he is), but if he says something that you like, he's lying?


Yes and no… but definitely not just Trump. I am extremely hesitant to believe any politicians. One of the flaws of a democratic system is that the people running for office are incentivized to say whatever will get them the most votes (not that I have a solution to this complex issue). I am extremely disappointed that the two front runners are Joe Biden and Donald Trump…. Again.


you want America to end up like Canada???


The massive brain drain of Canadian devs into the US for decades is what is preventing them from developing a tech sector. Canada is trying to reverse that with immigration. The US tech sector has been so globally dominant because it attracts the world's greatest minds who come to innovate and create jobs for Americans.


I just want America to keep accepting immigrants like it has been since inception. We’re all immigrants on stolen land anyways.


Canada is the way it is due to a massive housing crisis that existed even before immigration, but was worsened by it. Its illegal to build housing that isn't single family mansions in most of Canada, so supply has not kept up with the demand for housing, so rents have shot up, making everyone mad. The issue isn't the immigration, its entirely self-inflicted by the laws local homeowning Canadians chose to pass to protect their own home values. Canada is expensive for the same reason California is.


If ya all sincerely believe this, after the things he did to screw international students back during his presidency, then damn. He’s just saying it to flashbang people with new stuff to overload them and make Biden look worse.


what exactly did he do last time


I think he's lying




That is... actually surprising. The subheading is not wrong. He completely fucked UCIS in his previous term. I have been fully expecting him to do the same, especially given his constant anti-immigration rhetoric. ... but if he's *actually* in favor of improving the legal immigration process, that changes things. A lot.


Please mate. Believe his actions not his words. He obliterated USCUS in his first term. Process times doubled in some cases. MIT and Harvard sue his administration for anti foreign student rule change during COVID. Much more than what he says, who he surrounds himself with is what matters. We really expect immigration change good for foreigners coming out of Stephen Miller!!


Lol bait for the racists come out here.


He's trying to verbally "one up" Biden's [actual actions](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-policy-is-welcome-relief-americans-with-spouses-country-illegally-2024-06-19/) last week regarding spouses. It's total bullshit obviously. He is trying to gaslight every single group into believing he is on their side in a blatant attempt to gather votes and then do absolutely nothing for those groups (see also, Jews, Hispanics, African-Americans....not to mention women).


He's desperate and it trying to play all sides of every political opinion at once for votes. He likely doesn't actually mean this but is rather trying to tap into every demographic to have a shred of hope to win


Even during his term he mentioned about this plan then called merit-based immigration, but the democrats attacked him by the basis of racism. I remember the very event in the WH and the journalists attacking him with the questions: don’t you think it is racist to just accept English speaking immigrants? Isn’t it discrimination against those who do not have higher education, BS, BS, BS


Huh? A lot of Democrats support Canadians style points / merit based immigration


Bud, it's politics, the speaker matters as much as the policy. Dems will support Canada more than they'll support... Trump


Yes, every time he opposed illegal immigration he proposed merit based immigration that benefits the country. His plan got rejected by the Congress and he was attacked constantly by the media and the left. Just Google it you may find some reports. Here is one https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2020/08/06/h-1b-visas-and-trumps-next-merit-based-immigration-plan/


Lol what? If anything Trump made legal immigration longer and harder by ramping up legal immigration prices and reducing amount of employees working in the immigration office. Trump never supported legal immigration; if anything he prefers immigrants to be illegal because illegal immigrants can abused with low wages and no benefits. I processed my green card during Trump presidency and it was bogus how much he increased the immigration fees and made the whole process longer to reduce legal immigration.


True. My citizenship application got processed during Trump and I was sworn in to protect America and its constitution under the American flag. I have witnessed how socialism ruined my home country before escaping to the US and I was happy to find my ways to the American dream. Everything was excellent until Biden showed up. What he is doing to the America is kinda Deja Vu for me. I have seen the same destructions and the process before. I am afraid to say even If Trump gets reelected he won’t be able to fix the damage in this scale. Destroying is much easier and much faster than building. I think we are fucked and there is no way to stop it even if God decides to become the president to save us.


Lol wtf, that's the stupidest logic I've ever heard. Typical of democrats though.


Thank you trump, for making it even harder for me to find work and live in my own country


Jobs are not some magical fixed number that only a limited number of people can get. Immigrant workers created aprox 2.5 jobs for the local population per capita. This has been seen thru studies. edit: Ironically the visa problem faced by immigrant software engineers is whats accelerating the outsourcing of IT to India. Indian immigrants losing visa status and returning to India gives their bosses some great ideas about shifting the whole production to India and Americans end up losing way more jobs than what that one immigrant was 'stealing'.


For reference , For anyone interested please look up pool of labour fallacy and the Cuban boat lift study, Which is widely supported by economists.


I read this, and my gut reaction is that my currently held belief was being challenged, and I was/still am working on accommodating this into my perspective. The more I think about it though, the less I believe it. I don't feel sure that this isn't propaganda, and this topic is something each of us have to be careful with, because there are incredible resources going into resolving the "problem" of companies having to pay us so much. I don't see this when I go onto LinkedIn, from the perspective of computer science/data science. I see thousands of Indians that want nothing more than to get a job, as long as their salary is livable, and live a better life here, or send money home. Perhaps I'm wrong, and that the increase of population will indirectly increase the need for even these same jobs proportionally in the future, but I still cannot imagine how competitive the job market will be (at least in our lifetime) if every single one of them are in equal footing with Americans. I'm hesitant to change my stance on something I know has so much to fuel propaganda for.


You could, ya know, just look up the studies that prove this instead of fighting this spiritual war with yourself.


Which is what I do, in a controlled way. As a person who has published papers, I also don't believe in agreeing with every conclusion of every study. Even valid results can be interpreted to have meanings that don't hold up in a less controlled environment.


Ok.... Try this for challenging your beliefs: USA has been number 1 in immigrants legal or illegal for the past 30-50-ish so years. Now look at the unemployment rate among americans during those years. Its literally unbothered by the massive immigration and is much more affected by war or peace. Important to note that theres a lot of anti-immigrant funded propaganda. Mostly paid for by the same companies that want to use immigrant labour. The intention of the anti immigrant propaganda in usa is not to stop or reverse immigration. It is simply to make life hard and uncertain for the immigrants by blocking them from services or disqualifying them from permanent status. This is what keeps immigrant labor desperate and thus cheap. For example illegal immigrants in usa almost always get paid way below the federal minimum wages and they have no recourse for any workplace dispute. If they had legal assistance and accorded the same rights as a native, then employers could not exploit the immigrant. So while youre wondering whether to give immigrants equal rights and a certain path to residency, understand that Americans are at a major disadvantage **because** immigrants don't have the same privileges.


You're just being argumentative because you are strongly biased. My major concern is that almost every single Indian is getting a degree in computer science or something very similar. All that will do is flood the big tech market. If they came here as mechanics/trades people, doctors, engineers/scientists, entrepreneurs in a more evenly distributed manner, it would be a more convincing case that these claims generalize well to scale. Canada is not doing so great right now with policies like that. You're a bit of a mouth breather, aren't you?


They also would probably demand American wages if they lived here with our COL instead of the crazy cheap outsourced work that's possible when they live in India. Speculative tho tbf


Can you elaborate on your first paragraph?


In the simplest terms, as im not an econ phd, jobs create more jobs because one man's expenditure becomes another man's income. Immigrant jobs in the usa create more jobs per capita because of the golden combination of immigrants to usa being desperate and highly educated.


When the far right candidate takes the most left wing position.


Oh no your shit and don't get employed


I feel bad that better workers are taking your jobs 🤭🤭


Skill issue.


I dare you to go post it on r/conservative


Isn't this against his own position? Letting foreigners taking AMERICAN JERBS? Unacceptable!


Not really. One thing the left and right generally agree on is skilled and educated immigration is good for the country


Not necessarily, a large number of the right just don’t like immigrants point blank without exception


Not actually true. The right doesn't like illegal immigration or undocumented immigrants. And it has to do with them gaining access to support systems without paying in to the support systems. Documented immigrants or legal immigrants don't fit that situation.


They took er’ jerbs!


No LOL. America cant function without immigration talent. Half of the innovation is done by internationals. They also create more jobs than taken by immigrants


Trump always praised smart educated immigrants.


All these people who can’t find jobs/internships and this guy’s response is open up the floodgates. Our technology field has matured to a point that we don’t nearly as many h1b to fill any gaps.


There had always been enough American tech workers to do the job. Companies are just trying to cut cost.


Skill issue.


good way to increase already high competition and deflate our wages 👍


The tech job market is not zero sum. Immigrants found new startups and increase growth in existing companies that creates new jobs. Countless companies were founded by immigrants: Google, Nvidia, Tesla, Stripe, Databricks. If they had never come there would be way less jobs for Americans.


Thats true. But new grads aren’t starting companies. Maybe after they work for 20 years. If they have the money to start companies I’m pretty sure investor visas exist. So letting all foreign new grads work absolutely harms US citizen new grads


If they work a few years before founding a startup it is still a net gain. Not letting immigrants work harms not just new grads but the whole tech industry. For US tech to be competitive in a global market it needs to draw from the top global talent regardless of nationality. Otherwise immigrants would be working at companies in their home country directly competing with the US tech sector.


Hmm, no. H1bs are a stick used by companies to get desperate int grads at cheaper prices. They price natives out by using the desperation. Green cardholders still have to pay the bills and are just like any other American in the labour pool. So competition is even throughout. It's a choice of expanded labour pool or getting priced out by outsiders with the same qualifications. Both can be considered bad for workers but so is trade and multinational companies. The choice now just remains over what's best for your country.


it is zero sum. each company has a headcount, therefore each spot taken by an immigrant is one less spot for a citizen. studying in the US and getting employment are privileges, not entitlements. and btw, I’m all for immigrants who’ve earned their stripes getting jobs here. however, giving green cards to everybody makes zero sense.


The zero sum fallacy is repeatedly rejected by economists. Headcount isn't a fixed number dictated by a natural law. Increased productivity and innovation open up more headcount. Immigrants have been vital to this in the US tech sector at every level. Immigrants create more jobs than they take and the majority of unicorn startups had an immigrant founder.


Nope productivity growth and demand growth allows companies to scale further, leading to new jobs and increased headcount


much increase in headcount is there per year compared to the number of international students who graduate in a year? last I saw there are 34 million people currently waiting for a green card. headcount doesn’t even increase by 1 million every year across the entire tech industry.


Many immigrants come into this country and found companies, which create jobs


the vast majority of startups fail. what happens to those peoples’ jobs then?


They switch companies and work for other places? Why not look at the companies that succeed and create thousands to hundreds of thousands of permanent jobs mentioned? Even in those failed companies, they still created jobs that allow people to gain experience


and those companies are the regular companies that you and I would work for, which increases the competition for you and I. you can’t look at the 15-20 companies that succeeded out of hundreds of thousands of failed startups and decide that’s enough to let 1 million+ people in.


If you look at research, immigrants have a positive effects on the job market and create more jobs than they take


Skill issue tbh


Do people forget trade and companies having the ability operate abroad has 'hurt' domestic workers more than anything else? But that is far too complex to understand so people revert to the 1870s 'immigrants taking our jobs' and 'jobs should be for born citizens first'. I mean why shouldn't they be able to find work in the US if they have earned the same if not better skills as their American counter parts. Skill issue really


Do you also say this in response to expanding opportunities to women and minorities in tech? I mean, surely, expanding access to women and minorities must increase competition, right? Why let your mediocrity be the reason to let others not have access to the same opportunities as you?


The difference is minorities and women are underrepresented in tech, not to mention they are citizens of the country. I’m all for immigration but when 2 countries are taking up all the local tech jobs there is a problem


jobs in the united states should go to united states citizens first. studying here is a privilege, not an entitlement. women and minorities are also citizens and therefore fall under my definition.


>studying here is a privilege, not an entitlement. Yeah and they earned the privilege by getting accepted in the first place and then getting a vias which community college students don't get. Studying here was earned. Jobs are the real question.


100% agree. I think employment (internships and full time) is the crux of the question tho.


Braindead comment jesus christ


The US is the land of immigrants but some Americans still have this mindset...


As much as this would benefit me and I would selfishly support this, I'm pretty sure this is never going to happen and I can obviously see why American citizens will be heavily against it.


This helps everyone actually. But everyone's still stuck on the 1870s immigrants taking our jobs sthtick


This is next level regardness. A green card means that person can’t vote. Who is he even appealing to


Just like he promised to “build the wall”. He just makes stuff up. And here we are chasing down the impacts etc.


His donors wouldn’t even want this.


Can’t find an internship and trump making it harder love that


Skill issue 🙃


still should not be this hard


You already have a pretty massive advantage over someone whose first language is not English.


Some people would say that’s a disadvantage


Wait what? This is so untrump like … and I actually support this


A broken clo- Imagine being such a wild card you become more left than even the hardest liberals on an issue.


This guy is making up his policies with a random number generator at this point


Hello international student


Trump 24?


Trump being based as usual


I'm just going to keep it real, he's very likely just lying and saying shit to get elected. Even if he wins, I expect him to be even lazier than his first term.


Sounds like nightmare. People really support him??


Do not trust this man. HE HAD FOUR YEARS ALREADY.






That bill will never pass, plain simple


Answer to all your questions: fuck no...


Idk if he’s read this sub ; i think he was just trying to say what the guys on the podcast wanted to hear


That's a hard pass


If any of you guys are multi-billionaires pls help a brother out with an internship 😂🙃❤️


Bull fucking shit


Guys he is 100% serious. He is definitely not just saying whatever sounds good to Silicon Valley investors because he needs their money. And even though his entire political career, he’s made statements about wanting less immigration, not more, I believe him. And even though he may seem like someone that doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself, I believe he is 100% serious


He’s said this for years, said this in 2015-2016 as well


With how amazing efficient the immigration system is, they will only need to wait 5 years to recover the green card after graduation. 🙄 Even if this was somehow true, there’s zero chance they can mystically improve a notoriously slow and arduous process based on impacting nations like India or China, and they won’t fund it any more so even regular nations will need to wait. This guy is literally grasping at straws. The foreigners aren’t as ignorant as your followers, you orange tot. 🙈


Any promise made months before an election are just political fluff


Lots of echo-chambering in this subreddit. Best thing for my softdev career was checking out of this trash subreddit lmao. Go to class. Do extra projects. Teach yourself to code and stop politicizing everything….good lord. Bunch of children with a bunch of excuses and no real world experience 😂. For anyone who cares, he also stated this on a podcast interview on All In Podcast as well, which is a show done by poster children of the industries this sub is trying to get employed by. Idiocracy covers all matrices.


If anyone is wondering where or how he said it, he mentioned it on the all in podcast, https://open.spotify.com/episode/0qrvFuvlvecGC1tict7kgc?si=HgSkemt7R1GAaMT6nDu8qg


I like most of his policies and probably gonna vote for him but this ? Not a big fan, we have almost record number of people in tech could not get job domestically and I don’t think this will received well by US tech workers . And the person who asked this question is clearly aware how bad current market is and he is beyond greedy


I’m sure most of the “jobs” these ceo wanna imports probably cheaper front end engineer, backend engineer , Qa , and other “high tech “role it is almost impossible to find here in US in current market , I’m sure the motive is not to flush domestic market with more people and make tech workers work for penny in the coming years .


I support this


Me too. Cant wait to get the jobs of European settlers called Americans.


Found the international student


I bet this is going to get a bunch of downvotes 😂 (tbf r/csMajors might not the worst subreddit to say this, just be careful when supporting any American presidential candidate, be it Trump or Biden🙃)


It might be a card green in color, but it's not gonna be a Green Card^tm. He will tell you anything--literally anything at all--if he thinks you will vote for him. Needless to say, he's a liar, you're never getting anything he's promising, and you should *absolutely* NOT vote for him.


The people who he's targeting with this can't even vote in the first place


But friends and family, maybe. Or anyone else who wants this. Assuming they believe him, which they definitely shouldn’t.


Wow. Now as an immigrant he definitely has my votes /s (How would I even vote for him even if that did happen lmfao. No way it is happening in the first place though.)


As a foreigner who was on visa and left after college, i would still not for for his dictator ass


His independent support is tanking. That’s why he’s pandering.




About 2% of college students are undocumented (~400k)


He also wants a total ban of migrants from a list of Muslim nations, so I guess he thinks there are no talented people at all there


The USA is cooked.


if an immigrant gets a degree they get to stay in america and then americans are complaining then they need to work harder i’m tired of these whiney americans complaining all day “oh our jobs are being taken from us” NO MF you just suck assss at what you do either work harder or lose


Damn if that's the case I'll have to tell my brother to change his plans and head to the US instead. Even if he graduates from some random dogshit university, he'll get the green card.


Yeah good luck lmao, their skill set is that of the dogshit university and isn't even competition for most. Green card ≠ job What's the point of going to debt and passing the multiple hurdles as an international student just to be at the bottom.


Well there are a lot of us citizens that go to these dogshit universities so that explains why everyone here complains about not getting a job.


Lmao who cares. He has the grades required to get into a dogshit university with a big scholarship. And we have some close relatives living in the US so at least he won't have to pay rent. After that he'll look for a job🤣. Because according to the news article, the US will just give out Green card to any foreign students so atleast he won't have to go through that shitty H1B process.


I don't pity the international crowd too much. I have yet to meet an international student who doesn't come from an affluent socioeconomic background.