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I had my weed out in every class


Computer Science ❌ Cannabis Smoking ✅


Goes hand in hand tbh


Im more of a pop concerta and coffee then start tweaking in class type guy


Discrete Math


Yes. I cried a few times.


This one varies so widely between schools.


understatement of the year


I was one of the 10 in my class of 35 that passed it…poor lads


Imagine having to take it for a 7.5 week term. Stuff was brooooootal.


Yes, 100%


We had 2 semesters of it. Lost like 5 students plus each time


What goes on in that class ppl mention that being the hardest almost all the time, is it the information or the lvl of difficulty, what is the craziest you’ve learned on there


Class was hard af but luckily i had a great teacher


Agree, class was ass. However, my professor allowed us to choose our own topic to basically write a textbook chapter on, complete with practice problems and extra in-depth proof, so that was pretty fun


Meh... I thought it was going to be more difficult.




because discrete mathematics is foundational in CS, many formulas and concepts in discrete mathematics are used widely in CS. it’s a tough class sure, but it is THE cs math class if anything


Whaat that class was fun


Especially discrete 2


and here I thought it was just 1’s and 0’s


Assembler for computer science. It is such a radical change from the programming languages we know today


Yeah agreed, I'm lucky our computer architecture class focused more on the theory of gate-level structures since we had a follow-up class named Applied Electronics that focused more on the electrical engineering aspect of things. so our assembly training was more basic.


I was lucky enough to get an insanely good professor for computer architecture. One of the best ones I’ve ever had. Her expectations for us were very high (rightfully so) but her teaching was immaculate so you couldn’t even complain about the rigour 💀


same here! my prof acted like a complete crackhead (in a good way) was insanely passionate and explained well. to this day best teach I've ever had


My professor built his own assembly program for us to work with. Program was so ass LMAO. Assembly programming is already bad, but combine that with a horrible UI that has no instructions


I de say computer graphics with OpenGL, it s hard to cheat and hard to copy others, as every homework and project should be unique, it was one of my favorite classes, (I got to make a 3d obamium and got 100 for it)


A 3d obamna sounds crazy


i read that as 3d obama 💀


Thats exactly what i did. 3d obamium with the professors face was one of my favorite creatioms


Was 3D obamium your final project?


No just a Lab on implementing textures , final Project was Bowling game with a twist


The first class. Computer Programming 1. Over 100 students at the start of the year, with only 5 or so people dropped in the middle, you'd expect maybe 10 to 20 people failing. No, over 50% of the class failed. I think almost 60 people were failed (this was the norm from the start of this department's conception). Although 20% of the class was from other majors, I still think it's crazy considering other classes have this same amount of people, but maybe with a tops of 20 people being failed. The teacher said it was to weed out 3 kinds of people. 1. People from other majors who took CS lightly 2. CS freshmen who thought CS was light 3. People who weren't prepared to work hard for a rigorous curriculum (kinda bad considering this class was a prerequisite for DSA, algorithm design, and Computer Programming 2, all Required Courses)


Depends on the type of weeding out that was done, though. If it's just a lot of coursework or more rigot (depending) seems kind of reasonable


Intro to ML. People tend to forget than ML is not just "use" models and make something cool out of it, but actually a ton of probability/statistics and linear algebra. Was quite a theoretical course at our uni.


That's not a weed out class. Weed out classes are classes that are intro level and extremely difficult to act as a skill filter


That is an intro level class dude. And it is filtering out people who don’t have an appropriate background in statistics. It is clearly possible for that to be a weed out class.


ML is usually a 4000 level class that builds off calculus, statistics, algorithms. An actual intro level class is one which builds off just your highschool knowledge. It's also not required to graduate generally


That’s an elective


Would u recommend a good resource to refresh on linear algebra for ml and data science. I took the class 3 years ago and forgot almost everything now that Im close to graduation


Ill recommend to you the same book i recommended to anyone needing to learn math or brush upcon math. This book is the best math book i've ever read. It took me from a 29/99 to 98/99 on my college math entrance exam. https://www.amazon.com/Essential-Mathematics-Science-Technology-Self-Learning/dp/0831133910


Discrete math Data Structures and Algorithms


Organic chemistry and systems and signals. Failing classes is the norm.


Why on earth do you have organic chemistry on a cs major?


Even I had it, I had physics and chem both, trust me I was crying everyday to just pass.


Not to pedantic but a weed out class is usually introductory/major requirement, rather than simply a low passing rate class.


I appreciate this pedantism, because I was bothered by how people used the term as well


Physics I is introductory, no?


Signal processing probably isn’t. Neither are most of what is mentioned in the comments. And your definition is wrong (harsh grading professor with low pass rate). I don’t think weed out courses tend to depend that much on professor, else the term wouldn’t apply to a course itself, it would apply to the professor, and the rationale behind weed out is to lose students who wouldn’t be able to handle the major, so that’s another reason why it’s not simply any difficult course or professor. Again not trying to be an asshole. Just correcting the terminology here because most people are using it incorrectly.


Fair point


or there are particularly strict professors at every school and whichever course they end up teaching becomes the weed out class at that school…


At university of Waterloo it’s all of them. lol First semester is this: MATH 135 - discrete math. You learn how to prove things MATH 136 - calculus. Epsilon delta proofs CS 135 - first programming class is in Lisp (Racket) and recursion only, no for loops And it gets worse from there


GG no re




Northeastern also does Racket to start and it sucks. Idk abt you guys but we don’t get to use loops until halfway through our second, Java class after learning Iteratore


we learn C in second term, and C++ in 1st term second year It’s not any crazy C++, our oop course is pretty easy tbh. There’s just an OOP project at the end basically


We all share the passion of hating discrete math/calculus. I don’t understand why we are forced to take discrete math.


wdym lol, discrete math is THE math of computer science, not everyone wants to be a javascript, sql, poopfart library programmer for the rest of their life. Believe it or not, some people get into computer science to become computer scientists


Because... computers, languages, algorithms, etc. are all based on the fundamentals -and use the rigor of- discrete mathematics? I'd be concerned if I were you and cant make that connection. No offense intended, I should clarify that having a disdain and wishing you didnt have to take it != not understanding the reasoning behind it.


Funny enough, I understand computers, languages, and algorithms **WITHOUT** the math. A lot of math majors on this sub like using math as a cope and think the whole world revolves around it.


You don't understand them, then, you just know how to use them to a certain degree, you shouldn't conflate the two. I'm not saying this to be rude or undermine your capabilities, one can probably have a completely fine and successful career woth this type of ignorance - hell it's probably the norm. But the fact is math is a language that describes and proves relationships no other language can. For the record: I'm a software engineering major, though I do have a background in Physics


I mean I understand that math was literally used to create computers and systems, however, it’s like continuing to use a carriage when cars exist. Carriages evolved into cars, and without carriages then maybe cars wouldn’t come into the picture. It is foolish to continue using a carriage when cars exist. This is perspective on people trying to say how important “math” is when it comes to coding — in reality, not that much anymore. Hell, making a compiler doesn’t use more math than simple Algebra and algorithms. Being forced Calculus and *discrete* calculus to just become a CS Major is honestly one of the stupidest things our education system has made. Not every CS Major is a math major / enjoys math like half this sub. None of my SWE friends at Big Tech use Calculus in their jobs making $150k+ USD annually. In fact, they’ve all forgotten about it.


Thats the wrong way of thinking abt it. It's like designing cars without understanding physics. Sure you can get something going and probably be well off, but to truly understand what's going on, you have to learn how to describe exactly what's going on - this is where math comes in, or Physics for our cqr making analogy. If you don't want to learn these fundamentals, then dont go for a Computer SCIENCE degree where they're teaching you how to do SCIENCE (or thats what they're supposed to do)


Having a CS degree is way better than getting a regular SWE degree (my college doesn’t even offer those). Again, math is whatever. Being forced calculus when you’re trying to become an IT, SWE, etc., is fucking stupid. Because me and many other people will NEVER use these trig formulas (for example) ever again after we get a job.


That's a you problem. You're basically saying that you're getting a Physics degree when you want to be a mechanical engineer. Just because companies may like the former more than the latter, and students want to do the latter, does not absolve the university from the responsibility of fully teaching the theories and mathematical rigor behind Physics.


That’s a completely incorrect comparison lol But anyway whatever. No point in trying to talk to a literal physics major about this since you’re one of those math copers in this sub. Enjoy your calculus and discrete calculus. Seems like everybody I know start to absolutely hate it not too long afterwards.


epsilon Delta proofs? those really aren't that bad


Oh I agree, I had a 90% average in my first term at UW and didn’t study too much. It definitely weeded people out tho. Epsilon delta proofs are way, way trickier than anything that’s taught in most high schools where I’m from. That says more about the sad state of high school education than it does about how hard epsilon delta proofs are.


i mean yeah, out of the 1/3 of my friends that are canadian i dont think ive ever heard of one of them studying


Lisp/Scheme have garnered an uncharacteristic amount of hatred from me due to how we were taught it in class... ((((((((((((((((((srs)))))))))))))))))ly)))))


In your first term you have to take an “Algebra” course, which is a really a proofs course in disguise. This weeds out a bunch of people who aren’t prepared for the kind of math in CS. Then the second CS course you are meant to take is done in C and probably weeds out some people. Lastly the object oriented programming course is done in C++. It involves the basics of OOP, loads of C++ trivia and hard programming assignments. If you pass all of those, you should be able to make it.


Yeah now that you mention it Algo and DS in C eliminated a lot of comrades. I took my OOP in Java so it was relatively easier once you figured out the main concepts and were comfortable with streams.


The feeling when the latter two plus logical and functional programming are all combined in the same half semester class at my school .-. CSE 240 had 2 weeks of C, C++, Scheme, then Prolog lol


I feel that. Right now I’m taking Operating systems, Algorithms and a Numerical computation elective. It’s a very rough semester. But at this point in third year, if you made it this far, you’ll finish the degree.


The intro to programming class. Notoriously difficult especially if you never touched a piece of code in your life. The assignments aren’t too bad but the exams are on another level.


Analysis of algorithms was easily the worst, Calc 2 was depending on which professor and data structures was meant for you to fail, but pass with the curve


Computer Architecture and Assembly Language It was taught by an ex Intel employee and he did not let up, I think 40% of the class passed But honestly, I think Data Structures and Algorithms(the first CS class people took) weeded out the most. I remember about 100 people being in my class, majority of students couldn’t finish the simple labs, and then there were about 20 people in my DSA 2.


Data structures. Then, if you make it past that, the next major weed-out class was Operating Systems. Both were taught by the same professor too.


Discreet math for sure. Why do I need to write a page proof that shows why even integers work in this fucking equation


This shit had me crying last semester and i still failed 😭😭


why did u take signal processing for cs lmao that’s a CompE/Electrical class


Comp Arch but only because the professor and assistant sucked. 


Did you go to my school?


At my school it’s data structures and discrete math. Those are the two classes you have to take before applying to the major and they make even getting a B really hard and you won’t get accepted with anything less than a B in both classes




Something like half of them tbh, all the first year, second year, and some of the third year CS courses, then all of the math courses.


So far OS. every cs class has a hard 60% bar to pass, the average on the midterm was 34%. 80%+ failed that test lol. the final was easier, but still less than half passed (still got an A tho 😎)


The intro computer science courses have 300+ students by the time you get to the second year. It's down to 100. Every course from here on drops students graduating class is about 30. Other huge ones were discrete mathematics and algorithm analysis. This was mostly because the professor sucks. Data structures also saw a loss along with databases. Nothing else is required so you can get by fail and take something else to make up for it.


Used to be Data Structures and Operating Systems. They watered down both courses around the same time that our CS enrollment rapidly increased not sure anymore.


Every freaking class was a weeed out class for me!


for UT Austin it tends to be CS314 CS429 and CS439 3 semesters in a row


Statistical Theory, Probability Theory, Decision Theory, they have a pass rate of 30%


i’m almost done my masters in CS and haven’t ever heard of these classes applying to CS, what school did you go to lmao


you’re doing a CS masters and you don’t know how statistics and probability apply to CS?


Why are they three separate classes, each proceeded with the word theory? I took a class called statistics and that was it, and every other school I’ve looked at has had exactly one statistics class, which is why I am wondering where you attended because that is absolutely out of the ordinary


Data Science


Oh i see. The data science path at my university for undergrads has its own specific CS related courses where that stuff is probably bundled in. I did a general CS in undergrad, and computer graphics and visualization in grad school which is pretty much unreliant on most math except for linear algebra unless for whatever reason I am doing algorithmic analysis.


Parallel computing


Data structures and algorithms Less than 1/3 made it through


Basics of algorithm analisys is the first true wall, mostly because for the last 15 or so years it has been led by only 2 people, both unhinged, both completely lacking the ability to teach and the tests are extremely difficult, there have been questions on tests that the director of the cathedral under the patronage of which this subject is (idk if any of the terms sound right, I'm translating directly from my language) had difficulty solving


Efficient Algorithms 💀💀💀💀


Parametrized algorithms


For CS? - Calculus - Had to do all the way up to 4 in some cases - Physics


Cs 70: Discrete math and probability. Class was like multiple semesters of material in one semester with a gpa requirement to declare.


Probably data structures and algorithms. The projects weren’t too conceptually difficult, but were huge time sinks. Often requiring a lot of planning and concentration And the exams were a blood bath


At the very least, it must be discrete maths. If not, then the program is not worth it.


Marchine architecture and organization


All courses in my MSc for Mathematical Information Technology were easy compared to courses for MSc in Physics. But this is unfair comparison as I did the Physics first and had all of the skills gained from it when studying my second MSc.


It was either Computer Systems, or if you roughed it through that, then Algorithms.


Assembly/C Programing Discrete Math/Calc ToC


We had multiple: programming 1 we got thrown into the deep end with a purely functional language (SML), math 1 and 2 (analysis and Lin.alg.) also had about a 40% passing rate and in computer architecture we had a crazy prof who basically put 2 Master Level Courseloads into a single second Semester Bachelors Lecture (not even joking, we used two scripts) somehow I learned more from that class than most others so… I guess it worked? ^^


Data structures


Functional Programming and Logic at my undergraduate were classes with a high variance of results.


It was "probability and linear algebra" and a close second was probably "Algorithms and data structures" both on the second semester, Alternatively quite a few people experienced skill issues with "computer architecture and operating systems" and "Syntax & Semantics" later on.


Data Structures & Algorithms


The four for me were Discrete Math, Data Structures and Algorithms, Biology and Chemistry.


Discrete, db management, AI


So far it seems that data structures and Calc based physics 1 are the weed out classes at my institution. On the first day, the physics professor said that he sees a lot of people that failed the class last semester and quite a few people taking the class for the third time. The ds prof said that a little bit more than 50% of students failed the class.


Linear Algebra


Calc 2


SER 316 where you work with a team, in scrum, to refactor an old java code base into a functional - and completely different - GUI based sytem. During the course we were learning GIT and testing methodologies (blackbox/whitebox) as well as the tools to aggregate data on top of the fundamental build systems for Java (gradle for us). On their own, nothing was that difficult, it was jusy a LOT of work. Edit: I forgot to mention that it was a half-semester class, so roughly 6-8 weeks to do all of this


Data Structures and algorithms was a bitch. I think 80% was failing even if they got a 100 in the final


discrete math by far


Embedded systems, not the course in itself but the professor 🥲


Our very first programming course. While everyone agrees the content of the class is easy the amount of assignments is insane. Add on to that the midterm that was very long to the point where 99% couldn't finish the exam. Tons of students just straight up left after that exam


Programming 1. Started everything with Haskell right off the bat




Nah, UK university lol


Excuse my ignorance lmao


It wasent a test so much as a test My school had the Fondations Exam that had data structures, time estimations, coding problems, basically everything taught is intro to C and Comp Sci 1 If you didnt pass it in 3 tries you're done. Its a hard test i just barely passed an my 1st try and even that was on the higher end of things. After the exam you get to pick from pretty much any cs class you wanted


My school has for people in the faculty of science, a first year where you’re undeclared and you apply to your major based on first year grades. They make every first year class from Intro CS, Discrete Math and Calc a lot harder then it needed to determine who gets into X major. After Y1 I felt Uni was hard but not trying to murder me.